It’s Going To Be A Beautiful Day, Today

The expression on Shantel's face did not change as she casually said, "I take it that we both know what is expected of us. You will never ask about me. Who I am or question the people I choose to work with in the course of this collaboration. The moment you cross that line, the deal is off."

It got him curious how she kept insistent on keeping things about her mysterious, but he refrained from bringing his thoughts into words.

"I can agree to that," he said slowly, but the way he watched her told her if he had his way, he wouldn't be so obedient.

That was fine. Let him continue to wonder and wallow in frustration.

By the time he uncovered the truth, it would be too late to stop what was coming.

"Now that we understand ourselves perfectly, we can move on. However, time is not on our side. I'll be leaving first thing tomorrow morning, which is why this meeting couldn't wait."

Richard's eyes narrowed. "You're… leaving?"

She nodded. "Yes. But that doesn't mean our business is over. I'm leaving behind my aide to work with you in my absence. She will handle all necessary affairs on my behalf."

Richard studied her while his expression remained unreadable. "Your aide?" Then all of a sudden his eyes narrowed inexplicably. Her? He added to himself. 

Who could that possibly be? The bad feeling gnawing at the pit of his stomach continued to increase as he ruminated on several unpleasant possibilities, but he quickly dismissed them. It was no use jumping to conclusions.

I must be overthinking things, he concluded, but just to be on the safer side, he needed to clear the air.

"Who is this person? Can I have a name at least?" he asked.

"Patience, Mr Domango," Shantel said mysteriously. "You will get to meet her tomorrow. She'll be coming around to your office tomorrow to do some things. But one thing I will guarantee is that she's highly competent, and understands my methods. I trust you'll find her more than capable."

A muscle ticked in Richard's jaw and he couldn't help but blurt out,

"So, after all this build-up, I'm to work with a middleman?"

Shantel chuckled. "Disappointed, Mr. Domango?"

His lips pressed into a firm line. It's good you know, he grumbled to himself.

Quirking a brow, Shantel asked, trying hard to hide the sneer from showing in her face. 

She knew he must be highly disappointed because she could tell he was falling for Elsa and was probably looking forward to seeing more of Elsa in the course of working together, but that was going to be totally in her control. So much for him finding favor with her. Tsk! What he has found in her sight is revenge, retribution, and pain. She'll ensure he gets what he deserves.

"Did you say something?" She asked.

"I prefer direct dealings with the person in charge."

"Trust me, this person is an extension of me. You won't even notice the difference… it will be the same as me being present, physically working with you."

Convincing, as that may sound, it didn't go down well with Richard. It can never be the same as working with Elsa, he mused regrettably, suddenly feeling a sense of loss. 

He exhaled sharply, forcing himself to control the simmering irritation that threatened to show on his carefully controlled exterior. 

He couldn't help mourning his loss, against his better judgment. This woman was one elusive ghost of a strategist—she finally stepped into the light, only to disappear again before he could even grasp what she truly was.

But he didn't have a choice, did he? Just as he reconciled himself to the idea of working with someone else, he realized that he would probably be having little or no further interaction with this woman who had succeeded in stirring his heart like no other woman had done.

"If there is nothing more, I think this meeting is over, Mr Domango."

"Thank you for your time, Miss Elsa," Richard smiled, taking the opportunity to extend his hand. A handshake would be in perfect order, he mused. He'd use the opportunity to have a feel of those long slender hands that appeared to have never touched a fly. Even if it was just this once, he was sure they were going to provide succor to his aching soul.

However, his wish was to never come through as Shantel pretended to be distracted by her phone screen that just lit up and picked it up immediately.

Richard gnashed his teeth and with a mocking chuckle moved the hand to stroke his chin. 

"Goodbye, Ms Elsa." Richard had no choice but to see himself out.

Shantel nodded in reply just as the number she'd been trying to call connected. 

Richard had no reason to linger any longer. So he left to preserve the last bit of respect left in him. 

The next morning Shantel woke up refreshed and extremely happy with the world. She had slept soundly, and why wouldn't she? Everything was going according to plan.

"It's going to be a beautiful day today," she said and whistled excitedly as she took her bath.

About an hour later, she stood before the full-length mirror with a slow, self-satisfied smile curving her lips. This was the beginning.

She selected a fitted, pearl-white dress with elegant lace details that hugged her curves in a way that was both sophisticated and provocative. It was a stark contrast to the image she'd presented to Richard last night. 

After applying a final coat of bright red gloss to her lips, she slipped into a pair of silver stilettos and draped a sleek ivory trench coat over her shoulders. Her auburn waves cascaded down her back, and her diamond-studded earrings shimmered as she moved.


As soon as she stepped through the glass doors, the sharp clatter of her heels against the marble floor drew attention. 

Heads turned in her direction and soon enough, the whispers started, but that was no biggie. That was part of the game plan.

She made her way to the front desk as if she owned the place.

But the moment she stood by the front desk, she was met with an entirely different reaction.

She knew the secretary, a prim, sharp-featured blonde in her early forties, had instantly recognized her from the way she looked her up and down with barely concealed disdain.

Shantel almost laughed. How predictable? She couldn't even act professionally even if it was just for the image of the company. 

What benefit can such a judgemental secretary bring to the company? But then again, she reminded herself, the lady was dealing with 'Shantel Hale' and not someone deserving of an ounce of respect.

She watched and waited patiently as the secretary folded her arms and raised a perfectly arched brow. "Ms. Hale," she said flatly as if the very name left a sour taste in her mouth. "To what do we owe this… pleasure?"

Shantel's lips curved slightly. She could sense the judgment radiating from the woman. But she had come prepared.

She leaned forward just a fraction, just enough to make the secretary slightly uncomfortable. "I'm here for business, of course. I believe Mr. Domango is expecting me."