Earth Year 2210 A.D.
Kryptonopolis City
Planet Krypton
"I implore you! All of you! You must see reason on this. The entirety of Krypton is at stake! We may only have a matter of months! Perhaps not even a full year".
"We hear your words, Son of El, yet in truth, they have no meaning".
"What?! No meaning! You cannot be serious", despite how often he had come across the arrogance of the Science Council, it almost never failed to surprise and frustrate him in the timespan of a single breath, "I have warned you that harvesting our planets core would be suicide. Now? Now I bring you proof of Krypton's impending destruction, and you would do nothing".
"You have brought us proof of nothing", one of the ministers, Dev-Em explained, looking altogether bored with their meeting, "save for some half-mad scribbles and unfinished projections that you have conjured out of the recesses of your mind", he turned to face his colleagues, "tabling the idea of a potential vote to have the Son of El assessed by the Council for Health, I motion that we move past this madness and adjourn the session. There are real problems that we could and should be focusing our time on".
"Seconded", Wyla-Var added.
"Then it is decided", War-Ul, the First Minister and oldest member of the Science Council, declared, "Jor-El, you are hereby ordered to desist with these ridiculous theoretical experiments. For the good of peace, you are also ordered to not reveal what we have discussed here to anyone. I will not have you causing mass panic over naught but poorly thought-out theories. In the interim, an absence from your work is also recommended. As I understand, you and your wife are expected to design a child soon".
Jor-El could feel his eye twitching, as he ground his teeth together, "Lara and I have already begun the process".
"Then might I suggest that you take a work reprieve, to create and spend time with their heir to the House of El. As the Council for Health would say, rest for the body can conjure wonders for the mind".
Feeling as if he'd been forced to swallow a pill of bitterest taste, Jor-El bowed his head, "Of course, Minister".
"Excellent", he stood up, and as he rose, so too did the rest of the council, and in that moment, Jor-El knew that his pleas would go unheard, no matter which words he chose, or which method he tried, "meeting adjourned".
=== === === === ===
Krypton was dying.
Jor-El knew of this for a fact. He knew that he was, in part, responsible for the coming death and destruction, as were many of their planet's inhabitants. He also knew that the damage was irreversible.
With the Science Council, they could've looked to the stars, as their ancient ancestors once had, and sought out a new, habitable world for them to occupy. They could've rebuilt, forged Krypton anew, forged a purer, cleaner version of what was once intended, but no. Krypton had long since abandoned the rest of the universe for a policy of isolation. The Council would not break that policy now, not after all of these years.
Not if it meant admitting that they had been wrong.
But there was still time.
Not for him, no. His time was passing, had passed, in fact, and his body's greatest years were already behind him. Lara, his chosen wife of many years would not leave his side, he knew, having already offered to save her, but together, the two of them had already chosen to break one of the cardinal rules of Krypton. Ignoring the use of the birthing codex, ignoring the standard gene mapping sequences used by the rest of their society, they had chosen to do the taboo, and instead, have a natural birth. Together, they had created a child unbound from the expectations of society, or the trappings of a position and rank that they had been both, designed and created for.
It had been difficult to hide the changes that Lara had undergone, most especially her physical changes from carrying the child within her own womb. Luckily, Jor-El's position had allowed for him to 'request' her presence in their home, as an assistant to one of his projects. Perhaps it was a response to his outburst to the council, attempting to find a way to make him pause and relent, or simply to provide him with what they hoped would be a distraction, but his request had been granted, and swiftly at that. Lara had been given leave to remain home, and they had dealt with her changes privately. It hadn't been easy, Lara's body had undergone a radical shift in hormone levels, which had caused behavioural changes, mood swings at odd times, and constantly shifting opinions on matters that ranged from the minor to the massive, and that was not touching on the multitude of physical difficulties her condition had caused, but in the end, the result had been worth it.
Kal-El, their son.
The moment he had placed Kal in Lara's arms and sat beside them, their son, who had the bright green eyes of his mother and the constantly curious expression of his father, Jor knew that it had all been worth it.
He'd felt the weight of his son in his arms, seen the brightness of his first smile, and watched in marvel, as Kal found the strength to crawl around their floor, curious and curiouser to discover every nook and cranny of their home. The home of his father, that should one day be his, should one day be the home of him and his wife and their son after them, but even know, Jor-El knew that it could never be.
Krypton's time was running out.
Krypton's time was running out… but there was enough time, just perhaps, for him to make sure that Kal would survive.
=== === === === ===
Krypton was burning.
Jor-El was too.
He ran.
He ran faster than he ever had in his life.
Jor-El had a body that had been designed for the sciences. For an inactive body, and a mind that could not be contained by one train of thought. He hadn't been designed as a member of their military. His body had been designed for health, for the standard life of a Kryptonian, but there had been no need to give him adaptions for anything other than general fitness, and as he ran, his lungs struggled to pull in the air they needed, as the muscles of his legs and stomach burned.
But he was so close.
His lifelong friend since childhood, Dru-Zod, now a High General in the Krypton Security Force and the Commander of the Kryptonopolis City Guard, had discovered the information that the Science Council had ordered Jor-El to bury. Krypton was dying around them, and they had decided to do nothing to prevent it. For their supposed crimes, Zod had declared them guilty of cowardice and genocide by inaction, and without lawful issue, sentenced them to death.
It was already too late.
Even if half the Guard hadn't sided with the Council, the damage was far too entrenched to be undone. They hadn't the time to evacuate Krypton, nor to even try and repair the damage done to the planet's core.
He'd been in session with the Council when Zod had walked into the chamber, or more accurately, his forces had blown the door wide open. Jor-El had rolled to the floor, flinging himself to safety. With a ringing in his ears, he'd fled as Zod killed the Council and their sympathisers, knowing that his time was at an end.
War-Ul had risen to his feet in indignation, his cheeks swelling red in his anger, as Zod levelled his charges at them, "And just on whose authority do you dare to question us?"
He'd cocked his head to the side, amused, as he brought up his handheld staser.
"My own", had been his response, before he'd opened fire.
Jor-El hadn't waited to have his fate decided for him, instead, he'd risen to his feet, fleeing once he'd realised what was happening.
Zod's forces were battling against those dedicated to the Council, determined to see them eliminated, but Jor-El didn't think that there'd be much in the way of resistance. Zod was not only one of the most skilled military leaders in the history of Krypton, imbued with the skills, knowledge and attributes needed for his position, he was dedicated to self-improvement, believing in his heart that his strength was reflective of Krypton's, but Zod was almost universally respected by those in his chain of command, which included every member of the Kryptonopolis Security Force.
Those among the KSF, who weren't already with him would be given the choice: they could fight, (and most likely die in the attempt), or they could kneel, be spared and submit to Zod's authority.
But it wouldn't do them any good.
If his calculations were correct, and he was arrogant enough to know that his calculations were almost always correct, then the deterioration of the planet's core had accelerated. Despite his warnings, the Science Council had continued abusing the core as an energy resource. Their prospective many months of preparation had already dwindled down to a handful, then a smattering of weeks, and now, they were down to just a few days. If Zod had called upon the core to power his weapons and vessels, and Jor-El was certain that he would have, then he would have pushed it further to the edge.
The day of Zod's revolution could be Krypton's last.
Krypton could have only hours left.
He had no time to waste.
So, he did the only thing he could.
He ran.
=== === === === ===
Lara-El was worried.
Her husband had marched off earlier that morning with a desperate fervour; with a need to make the Science Council see some form of reason, to try and do something, anything, before it was too late.
She already knew that he would fail.
In her arms, Kal, as if sensing her unease, began to murmur distressingly, so she rocked him, rolling back and forth on the balls of her feet, as she murmured the same songs her mother had once done for her.
She didn't have the same natural abilities that her husband had when it came to the sciences.
She had been born Lara Lor-Van, of House Van from the Island of Twenx, a daughter of two relatively low positioned members of the Historian's Guild. She'd met her future husband during a conference in Argo. Neither of them had had their lives decided for anyone as yet, and they had both infatuated with each other from the early days of their meeting. It had taken beseeching the Council for the two of them to be given permission to marry, and that brought its own stigma with it, but that hadn't mattered to them. Her marriage to Jor-El had also permitted her children to be elevated into the ranks of the Science Guild. One day, they could be afforded the same ranks and privileges as Jor-El. More, even, should his work continue to impress, and their child's work did too.
She may have been given none of those things when she was designed, but what she did have was the intuition of a mother.
Her intuition told her that Kal was in the danger, that he wasn't safe.
She didn't need the explosions to tell her that something was wrong.
She began activating their home's security features. As one of the most intelligent men on Krypton, Jor-El had been offered the highest of security features for his home, and he had taken all of them. He'd then added additional defences of his own design atop them, knowing that one day, he may very well need them.
Today, it seemed, was going to be that day.
Once their home was prepared, Lara chose to prepare herself, setting Kal down for a moment, while she retrieved the staser pistols and cannon that they had tucked away. She had made sure that the pistols were charged and was in the process of making sure that the cannon was still usable when Jor-El returned home, almost flinging himself through the doors and getting shot for his efforts.
"My Love", sweeping Kal up into her arms, she made her way over to him, "what-"
"Zod", he gasped out, as he forced himself upright, "he has killed the Council, taken control. Lara, Lara, I think that he has accelerated the implosion. The explosions you see, they were not caused by his men, they are Krypton itself", he shook his head, "our planet may not even have hours left".
"No", the breath left her, "the ship is not ready", she shook her head, "we are not ready".
"We will not have long before Zod makes his way to us. Whether he decides he wants me executed or working to fix the damage, it matters not. There is not enough time left".
"No Lara", he shook his head again, "we can afford to delay no longer. I can run no more tests. There is no time to plan for more than I already have".
Together, they headed up their stairs, to the second most secure room in the building: Jor-El's laboratory.
Usually kept meticulously tidy, with every surface clean and polished to perfection, Lara felt her eyes widen, as she took in the sight of the mess and chaos.
Tables that were usually covered in a variety of gadgets and gizmos that Lara couldn't not help to understand, were instead filled with similar parts, each one forming part of a larger project. The only project Jor-El had spent his time on as of late.
The ship.
Their house pet, Krypto, a white canine, perked up as they entered the room, having been silently sat beside on of the workstations, dutifully guarding his master's work from interlopers.
The plan had always been to send Krypto ahead of Kal, to check that the technology worked, but Jor-El knew that he no longer had the weeks he would need. Instead, Kal would have to be their first and only voyage.
"Kelex! Kelor!"
His home's robotic aides floated down from the ceiling, slowly blinking to life.
"Good morning, Master".
"How may we serve the House of El?"
"The ship", he began, "if we were to change test flight for immediate interstellar, how close to completion are we?"
"Your test ship would be approximately ninety-four point one-seven-three percent complete".
"All remaining works required, involve the connection of repurposed phantom drive technology".
He sighed, knowing they wouldn't have, but desperately hoping that his aides would've already started that work without his presence, "Connect the drive now, with all of the adjustments I made. I want it ready at the earliest possible moment, and I want to know the very instant it is ready".
"Of course, Master".
"We will commence at once".
Satisfied, knowing that they would work quicker than he could himself, he turned to face Lara, "We still need to prepare the Stones of Knowledge, if we wish to preserve his heritage. We also need to choose a final destination".
"The stones are ready", she whispered, clutching Kal tighter to her, "I prepared them all myself".
"My historian extraordinaire", Jor-El murmured, feeling something loosen within his chest, "come then, I have some notes on habitable worlds".
=== === === === ===
Lara could not bring herself to put her son down for even a moment, knowing that every second spent with him in her arms was more precious than the last. She allowed Jor-El to bring up his projections, surrounding themselves with orbs glowing in a soft blue light.
"We have options-"
"I already chose one", she said softly, her eyes searching out the world in question, where she found it hovering beside Jor-El's left knee.
He turned to her, no doubt surprised that she would have even considered her choices, "You did?"
"Orbiting a main sequence yellow star", she closed her eyes, "just like you said it should do. A young star", she added, "roughly half of the way through its main life cycle".
"Designation?" Jor-El asked, finding his voice had gone hoarse.
"Sol-Three", she told him, still refusing to look at him, "local designation is the Planet 'Earth'. Indigenous lifeform: Earthlings, who also refer to themselves as the human race".
Though she could not see it, she could see the flashes of blue light that meant the projector had shifted, and she knew that it would be showing the planet to him.
"Atmosphere is breathable", he began to murmur to himself, "especially if he starts young. Oxygen and nitrogen rich. Very nourishing. Gravity is weaker than what we have here. Seven mainland continents. Water coverage of seventy percent. Lifeforms fall within accepted visual parameters. Weather patterns are reminiscent of Krypton's prior to automation, with a single natural satellite", he shook his head, "and on top of that, orbiting a main sequence yellow star", he couldn't believe what he was seeing, "it is perfect".
"Master, the ship is ready. Your adjusted phantom drive thrusters have been installed".
"We have commenced a full charging, using full strength core empowerment", both Jor and Lara winced, knowing that they were hastening Krypton's destruction with every dram of power they took from the core, leaving themselves, and their friends and family, even less time to prepare for the looming apocalypse, yet they gave no order to stop, "would you like me to prepare a destination".
"Yes", he murmured in response, his voice despondent, even to his own ears, "Sol-Three. Plot Kal a course for Planet Earth".
Lara rose back to her feet, reaching out, drawing her husband towards her and Kal, until the three of them were stood together, "Maybe this is not the right path".
"I thought that I could do this, but now that he is here", she pulled Kal in closer, her son seemingly content to be closer to them, "I do not know if I can".
"Lara", Jor reached over, brushing a hand across his son's forehead, moving minutely closer to his wife, "Krypton is doomed. There is no saving it, but with this, Krypton has a chance to survive. Kal has a chance to survive".
"Wherever he goes, he will be an outcast", she fought back the urge to let tears fall, "they will think him a freak".
"No", Jor-El shook his head, "look here", he brought up an outline of a formless Kryptonian body, highlighting key aspects of the body: the brain, the eyes, the heart, "they have the same outwards structure we do, but Earth's lesser gravity will make him far stronger there than any man here could ever hope to be. Under the light of a yellow sun, his cells will drink in its radiation, making him far more powerful than any Kryptonian that has come before him. He will be as a god to them".
"If he makes it there".
"He will", Jor-El was certain of it, "he will more than survive, Lara, our son will thrive".
"But he will be alone", she wanted to cry, he knew, and knew that he did too, "he should be with us".
"Will we not be with him for all of his days? Together, bound forever in love and spirit?"
"But not physically".
It wasn't a question, but Jor-El shook his head anyway, "No".
"I cannot fathom the idea of him to be without us".
"With your stones, he will never have to be. Our knowledge, our legacy, our love, will be there to guide him, every step of the way. He will carry the knowledge of our sacrifice with him for all the days of his life, and with that, know that he will never be alone".
He didn't know when he had started crying.
With eyes that were likely just as wet as his own were, Lara reached out, cupping his cheek in the palm of her hand. He didn't know how long they stood there, together, until Kal reached up, reaching for them both. They chuckled, as they each gave him a finger to pull on, content to be close to him, and Lara leant forward, pressing kisses to both of them.
And she gave them her consent.
=== === === === ===
Jor-El oversaw the co-ordinate programming, while she sent Kelor to retrieve the three Stones of Knowledge she had prepared for him. Each one had been marked to hold an aspect of Krypton's vast store of knowledge, marked in one of the colours and elemental symbols of ancient Krypton: the red fire stone held everything they had on their sciences, on every aspect of mathematics and technology; the yellow air stone held their accumulated knowledge of art and culture, collected from the other races of the universe; and the blue water stone, her preferred piece, which contained the combined knowledge of Krypton's histories and tradition, or their earliest religions and the growth of the Children of Rao, not to mention those of other worlds.
Yet the true masterpiece was of Jor-El's design. Based on what information that she had brought from some of Krypton's earliest archives, when they were first using crystal-based storage. When the three stones were brought together and combined, they were programmed to form a Kryptonian Fortress of Knowledge, designed in the same image as their ancient crystal temples.
With it, Kal would have a physical reminder of his people, wherever he went.
She tucked the stones in a pouch, setting them down behind the seat of Kal's pod, before setting Kal down in it himself. It wouldn't be long before it was time for him to depart, and for the first time, he began to react to their unease with his cries.
"Oh, my son, my little star", she brushed her fingers through the few soft curls atop his head, "I only had the joy for knowing you a few weeks. I wish I could be with you always to guide you and protect you".
"I am sorry Lara", Jor-El murmured, "but we do not have much time".
"Kal-El, my dearest, know that our love will always be with you, and we may not be with you, but do not be afraid. You will need to be brave. You will need to be brave for what is to come, but you must know that you will never be alone. I can see already that you carry within your father's independent spirit".
"Ah, but more importantly, you carry your mother's never-ending bravery and her compassionate heart".
Lara smiled through her tears, "Rao's light will guide you for all of your days to come. The world we have chosen is one full of complicated beings, each one capable of great love, and great kindness. I wish for you to live a full and wonderful life, even without us, but you must know that you were born of great love between your parents. I see the same brilliant mind behind your eyes that your father has used to save you. To devise a way for that love to carry on".
"The ship that I have designed to carry you can only hold a single Kryptonian, one who has so much potential, so unlike your father".
"Ignore him, little one, your father is a brilliant man, and one day, so too shall you be".
"Neither your mother or I can come with you, but know that within you, is the best of both of us, and we are send you with all of your world's knowledge and none of its pride or ego. They will disappear with Krypton. You will be tested, but know that whatever trials you face, your mother and I will never lose faith in you".
Lara shook her head, "Not for one moment".
"And you must never doubt, not for a single second, that just as you are a part of us, we will always be a part of you".
"And remember, my love, above all things, to be true to yourself. Find a dream, make one, if you need to, and then chase it. Have the confidence you need to make your dreams come true… and… and… and there is so much more I need to say to you. There is a lifetime's worth of knowledge that I wish to pass on to you. I want to be there, to hear you speak for the first time, to know the sound of your voice. I want to see you take your first steps, to see you choose your first destination and reach it under your own power. I want to see the path you choose for your life, and how you reach it, and see how you make us proud, no matter what you choose to do. I wish… I wish I could stay with you longer".
"We both do", he pressed a kiss to his son's forehead, "we love you, my son-"
"My little star", she finished for him, as Jor-El's computer told them everything was ready.
"Prepare for launch", he whispered, unable to tear his eyes away from his son's, "we may not have been able to save our planet…"
Lara's voice was resolute, her tone filled with steel, "But we will save our son".
=== === === === ===
"Master, we have detected a Security Transport Unit inbound. The identification broadcast indicates that General Dru-Zod is aboard".
Jor-El let slip a muffled curse that still had Lara clearing her throat, as he began throwing switches, moving with as much urgency as he felt he could.
"Kelor, prepare the ship for immediate take-off", he ordered.
There could be no more delays.
Zod would not be one to show any of them mercy, regardless of age, or age-old friendships.
Zod's only true allegiance was to his vision of Krypton. In his mind, Krypton was to be considered a utopia, and it was his job to see his vision made reality. Zod would allow nothing and no one to stand in the way of his mission, not even someone who could quite literally call himself Zod's oldest friend.
"At once, Master".
"Kelex", he said, more softly this time, "take Kal, and prepare for departure".
"Yes, Master".
As Kelor returned to the ship, Kelex floated over to them, reaching to take their son from Lara's arms, who almost immediately took a step back, cradling him closer to her chest.
"Lara", he whispered, settling his hand on the small of her back, "we are out of time".
She pressed another kiss to his head, her lips brushing aside soft curls that Jor-El hoped would never become the same mess his own did, when he left it untamed, before she raised him up, allowing him to do the same. They held him, yet another moment longer, before Lara finally relented, allowing Kelex to take him.
With their eyes watching everything as it happened, Kal was gently lowered into the pod they had designed to keep him safe, as the General landed outside, his armoured transport carrier parked alongside Jor-El's transport and safety vehicle.
Jor-El was almost surprised to see his old friend actually use the guest warning buttons that signalled the occupants, and for a moment, he contemplated attempting to deny him entry, before he shook his head. Even if he denied him, Zod would simply give the order for his home's walls to be torn down.
He opened the gates, allowing him and his men to step inside.
They were dressed for battle, each one wearing full set of Kryptonian Security Armour over a black skinsuit, each one decorated with their family's crest on their chest piece, and their rank insignia along their collar.
"Jor-El, by the authority of General Zod, you are-"
"That's enough Faora", the General cut off his most devoted lieutenant, "I did not come here for violence".
Jor-El scoffed, using his head to gesture to the explosions in the distance, "Are you quite certain?"
"I am", the man straightened himself up, "I have arrested the Science Guild".
"Yes, I am aware. Might I ask, on whose authority?"
"My own", he reached out his hand, and for a moment, Jor-El could remember the days of their youth, his father Seg-El, and Zod's mother, Lyta, had been the best of friends, determined to see their sons become the same, and they had. The two of them had been inseparable, "And I am here to ask that you join me".
The two of them had been inseparable… once.
"You know what the Science Council has covered up. You, of all Krypton, must have ideas on how to save us, so I am here to ask you to help me save our race. We will start anew. Find a new world, rebuild and repopulate. Imagine it", and Jor-El could, he could easily imagine it, Krypton with a fresh start, the image of it was bittersweet in his mind, a fruit that could never be sampled, "We will sever the degenerative bloodlines that led us to this state and leave only the best of us behind".
And there it was.
Zod said, "arrested", and held out his hand in friendship, but Jor-El could see the blood dripping from it, coated crimson with the lifeforce of his friends and colleagues.
"And tell me, old friend, who will decide which bloodlines are survive? You?"
Zod's jaw clenched, in the way Jor-El had known since he was a teenager, and saw his friend trying to contain his impressive temper, "Do not do this, El. The last thing I want is for us to become enemies. Not now".
"Dru, look at yourself. You have abandoned all of the principles that bound us together. Honesty, integrity, peace. You have taken up your sword against your own people. The very people you swore to defend", Jor-El shook his head once again, "I will honour the man you once were, Zod. My friend, my brother, but I will not stand by this monster that you have allowed yourself to become".
"If you do not stand with me-"
"Master, your orders have been fulfilled. Kal-El is secured and the hyperdrive is fully charged".
Zod's eyes flew to Kelor, as it descended from the ceiling, "Hyperdrive", he murmured, "Jor-El, what have you-"
"Lara now! Ignition!"
So focused on Jor-El and the General, no one had been bothered by the matriarch of the House of El, as she moved to rest beside one of the homes many processing consoles. They had no way of knowing what it controlled, certainly not in the home of one of Krypton's leading scientists, and so, they had ignored it, and ignored her, not bothering with the lowly research historian, while they focused on the scientist.
Their mistake.
Sub-Commander Faora lunged to stop her, faster than anyone else present could have, but she was simply too far away. Her son's life was at stake, and nothing and no one, was going to prevent Lara Lor-Van from doing everything in her power to save her child.
She slammed her hand down on the final button.
Their house vibrated with force, as above them, Kal's ship took off.
The rooftop laboratory had been more than just a building area, Jor-El had designed it to serve as a launchpad in case of emergency, and this? This was an emergency. The thrusters activating shook the whole house, sending most of them, Jor-El and Lara included, stumbling to the floor, as the temperature skyrocketed and the walls cracked at the force, but that didn't matter.
Kal was safe.
Jor-El gasped as he felt hands around his neck, dragging him from the floor, and pinning him to the wall. Zod pinned him there with ease, a single hand holding him up by the throat, as his eyes flashed with danger.
"What have you done?! Tell me! TELL ME!"
He grinned, blood coating his front teeth, "We have birthed a child, Zod. A boy. Our son. The first natural birth seen on Krypton in over five centuries, with no programming to his name. He will be free. Free to forge his own destiny. Free to choose".
"Heresy", Zod spat at him, before turning to Faora, who had also remained standing, "bring that ship down", he tightened his grip, as Jor-El tried to pry him off, but it was to no avail, Zod had been designed from birth as a warrior. His mind and body designed for combat and warfare. The small beard on his chin wobbled, which Jor-El knew from experience meant that he was clenching and unclenching his jaw in anger.
"And Sub-Commander", he added, his voice dangerously low, "do whatever it takes. Destroy it, if you must".
"At once, General".
Lara moaned and attempted to rise, despite the plasma cannons that were being aimed at her, but found that her body was still too dazed, as she gripped the legs of the nearest table for support.
"You knew this was coming. You could have saved Krypton. Yet you chose to save a single life. Why?!"
Jor-El laughed, despite the pain, "Because… because Krypton would not listen… because he will be a new start", he paused to spit out a mouthful of blood, "Kal can be the one to rebuild Krypton, away from the mistakes of its past. He will be the future of us all".
"Where have you sent him?!"
"Tell me!"
"RARGH", as Zod reared back, burying the blade of his armour deep within Jor-El stomach, it was hard to tell which one of them was more surprised, but just as soon as the expression appeared on his face, Zod schooled his features into a mask of serene calmness.
"I'm sorry it came to this, old friend".
"No", Jor-El gasped out, as he slid down to the floor, "you're not".
"No", he agreed, stepping over his former friend's corpse, "I'm not".
Those that remained raised their weapons, but Zod waved them off.
He wanted this next one for himself.
The rush of stomping boots alerted him to the return of his second-in command, and he knew from her expression that he would not like to hear what she had to say.
"Report", he spoke calmly.
She swallowed, momentarily nervous, "The transport was dispatched and opened fire. There was an explosion, one similar to that of contact…"
Lara's sobbing voice hitched behind him, but he paid it no mind. Something wasn't right, and he prompted her further, "But…?"
"But no debris, General. No signs of the craft".
"It got away", he surmised for himself, nodding, as he crouched down beside his friend's body, "Lara…", he asked gently, "where have you sent him?"
She cradled her dead husband in her arms, as she stared up at him with a venom few could manage. He would have been impressed, had he not been so busy, "Make it easy. Tell me".
"May Rao spit on your rotting corpse".
Straightening up, he nodded to himself, before blasting a hole in her midsection, where her heretical womb should reside. She screamed in pain, blood flowing freely, but summoned the strength to stare him down one final time.
"You will never have him".
"I will find him, Lara, I swear it, and I will take the brat's life too".
"His name is Kal", she said, her voice failing her, "son of El…"
She said no more.
He stood still for a moment, allowing his useless grief to pass, before another explosion rocked the ground they were standing on.
Lieutenant Non rushed in, struggling for breath, "General", he snapped off a quick salute, "there are reports all over Krypton. The planet seems to be destroying itself. What do we do?"
The time had come.
"Restore order", he said, dismissing his men, "Faora, Nam-Ek, you're both coming with me. Non, you have command until we return".
There was but a single option Zod could think of.
It might not even work, but with everyone about to die, Zod knew that Krypton's greatest chance, would one day come at his hands, and so, a tactical retreat was his only viable option.
With his most trusted commanders at his side, the General fled.
And around him, his world was torn apart.
=== === === === ===
Across the universe, people and species innumerable mourned the loss of their brethren, as they looked towards the desiccated space that had once held the Planet Krypton.
Though they had long since isolated themselves from their peers, choosing not to interfere in the natural affairs of other worlds, they remained known through the universe as an extraordinary planet; one made up of unparalleled beauty, advanced technologies, and a civilization that had achieved many remarkable feats, ahead of many of their galactic neighbours. Its warm red star, radiant skies, crystalline landscapes, and intellectual prowess made it a beacon of hope for all who had ever gazed upon it.
The inhabitants of Krypton were a people of extraordinary intellect, dedicating their lives to the pursuit of knowledge, science, and the betterment of their society. Their wisdom, innovation, and commitment to the greater good served as an inspiration for countless generations.
Yet, despite their incredible achievements, their relentless pursuit of progress pushed their world to the brink of destruction, and now, they would forever serve as a warning to all those, whose hubris would lead them down the same, perilous path.
Many eyes were cast on what was now, a clump and cluster of debris, however, with the explosion to mask its trail, there was a single signal missing to all.
Mere minutes before the moment that shocked the universe, a single craft was able to be seen entering the planet's upper atmosphere, before it vanished completely.
Where it went?
Nobody knows.
=== === === === ===
Author's Notes
Welcome to the universe of Earth-2238, home to this version of the being formerly known as Kal-El of Krypton.
Keeping with the series convention of naming things and places after Star Wars, the Earth Designation comes from the combination of the three most prominent droids in the Star Wars universe, with the sequence coming from the order in which they appear: R2-D2, C-3PO and BB-8.
With Krypton's sole survivor out in the universe and now on his way to Earth, I wonder where exactly he'll end up. (Here's a hint for you: It won't be Kansas).