The beginning of everything

In the beginning there was nothing…

Darkness ruled the world filling the empty voids and silence…. This was until the all knowing god created the universe and earth. It was the beginning of a new era an era of prosperity and light.

The humans were the first creatures that God created in his image they were not perfect but it Gods eyes they were good. The humans grew as civilizations, they developed technology further enhancing their knowledge of this world their creator made for them, and so the darkness was quenched from this world. But alas the humans were not perfect they were sinful and they wanted more they were greedy for power wanting to overcome their creator taking the forbidden knowledge given by darkness.

The gift of darkness were the seven sins. The ones who were quenched by the light that had once prospered in the creation of the universe. They entered the human mind corrupting the vulnerable and gentle mind that the humans had and so the humans turned on their creator they attacked the omnipotent god they loved and worshipped. They were transformed into demonic beings corrupted by the ideologies of the darkness. God despite the love for his creations had no choice but to fight back against his beloved creations.

The war was short but bloody god crushed his creations killing those who were corrupted. They cried for mercy and for their creator to forgive them but being the God who is just and sovereign they were punished and killed. Then God cast the seven sins away from the world he created sending them to the outer universe and casting those who were corrupted into the realm he created for those who had betrayed him. The ones who were loyal remained on earth and lived their life in peace. Time passed then the world began moving forward the era of discovery and prosperity now at its peak.

The ones who were on Gods side of the conflict were given powers of virtues and took their place next to Gods throne in heaven. The humans who were in the neutral side of the war continued their life on earth resorting to the resources that were given to them by their creators harvesting the earth and creating a civilization in the eyes of their creator.

The seven sins who were cast aside into the outer universe began their plot to finally kill God and take over the universe and they would achieve this by killing the seven virtues and using the weak vulnerable humans still living on earth. They would be back one day in order to take back the world they existed in a world full of darkness and silence without the gift of light.

Centuries of humans history passed as the world begun to forget the era of war that had passed becoming a myth. The lost history of creation and the bloody time period forgotten in time as civilization continued to move forward. The world began forgetting the existence of the God relying on science to revolutionalize their species and began expanding creating technology that surpasses the limits of their kind modifying their body with cybernetics and the creation of the Dyson sphere. The human kind evolved to a type two civilization in the eyes of the God he only saw vulnerability and weakness to the dark corruption that had taken over their ancestors.

The darkness saw this as an opportunity the most vulnerable points they had seen humans in and they send their apostles to earth corrupting the ones who didn't no any better the lost history of the previous bloody era of war lost. The humans began accepting the darkness into their civilization allowing them to help them further making their society great but underneath the kind and warm creatures these apostles seemed to be their only goal was to transform these humans into the God hating creatures their masters could control.

The seven deadly sins then settled themselves into the earth taking over the earth and splitting the earth into seven lands where ther influence would be the strongest. Then as the sins took place in their thrones made of lies, deciet, and corruption the darkness took its chance and declared war upon God and the next era of bloodshed and wars erupted.