After the bell

The first four hours of the sunny school day had passed, and the end of the breakfast period in the spacious school cafeteria was approaching. Most students were ready to return to their classes at the earliest opportunity, before the sound of the bell was heard.

"Who is this old man exactly? And is he really a homeless person?" Chris wondered curiously, as he finished his breakfast plate, with only a carton of milk left. He pushed it towards Joey casually, and the latter received it without any objection.

Alex quickly replied as he set his phone aside, after reviewing the picture he had kept since the morning, waiting for the right moment to show it. Now seemed like the right time.

"Yes, he is not a real homeless person. I don't know the whole story, but he is called the stiff sidewalk poet. He recites his verses everywhere, from West Brooklyn to the Manhattan Bridge and even in downtown New York. His name is Gary, but he is known among people as the great poet. It is said that he was caught trying to sneak into one of the Perry Company's properties."

"Great, this old man doesn't really seem to be afraid judging by his behavior."

Joey expressed his astonishment slowly after finishing the carton of milk.

"And what did they do to him when they caught him? It's impossible that they would let a man as gray as him go without at least detaining and torturing him, right?" Chris wondered anxiously as he fidgeted on the edge of his thick seat, which was no different from the other seats in the bright cafeteria.

"They left him alone in the end. He didn't steal or vandalize any private property. They just found him. However, he said that the men of that agency have no hearts beneath the fine fabrics of the suits they wear, just emptiness." Alex paused for a moment before continuing in a contemplative tone, "I found myself pondering that phrase last night while I was searching for him."

Joey finished his breakfast and asked, "Why are we even talking about this old man? Really."

Alex interrupted, saying, "First of all, this old man seems to know a lot about the conspiracies happening in this city, especially those related to the Perry Agency. Secondly, before he became a wandering poet, he had some connection with gangs and the world of crime. Have you heard of the Crimson Dragons? He has a complicated connection with them since his youth. At least, that's what I've heard. And last but not least, we don't have any other lead but him."

Joey thought deeply for a moment, trying to discern the truth. Gary seems to be the means that might help them understand some of the happenings around Perry. He said, "Well, guys, we have only this old man or this thread, as Mr. Lex said. And to achieve our goal, we need to meet this old man by any means possible, but without rushing or excessive haste."

He slammed his hands on the cafeteria table, announcing the end of their meeting. He felt numbness and pain from that act, and regretted it a little.

Chris agreed spontaneously, and Alex did too after fixing his glasses.

He slammed his hands on the cafeteria table, announcing the end of their meeting. He felt numbness and pain from that act, and regretted it a little.

Chris agreed spontaneously, and Alex did too, after adjusting his glasses.

Most of the seats in the cafeteria had become empty, and the sound of the air filter began to rise, echoing softly between the seats here and there, where some students were sitting.

Suddenly, a strange boy joined them, who at first glance seemed suspicious. He said with a smile, "Can we join your crazy activity too?"

His smile was different from Chris's smile; it seemed more provocative.

Chris responded cautiously, knowing that this person had always been sharp-tongued and provocative towards him throughout the four years they spent together in school.

"What do you want, for heaven's sake, Jeremiah? Or are you here again to hear more of your nonsense, man? I swear!"

Jeremiah interrupted Chris's conversation, smiling confidently:

"It's just that we would like to join you in this activity, since we have some common matters that deserve verification."

Jeremiah smiled again, and his smile seemed to carry more meaning.

"You and who are with you, Diller or Dennis?" Joey asked without moving from his spot.

You could say that after we had a lengthy conversation together earlier and convinced the last individual, Sulaiman and I immediately decided to ask you directly about joining, he and I and Rodri. And honestly, Sulaiman was the one who convinced me of this.

He believes he saw strange people two weeks ago when I was dropping him off after a long trip that day. Since then, he hasn't been able to sleep well. That's why he wants to check with you about this matter." Jeremiah explained in detail what he knows.

"What kind of strange people is he talking about? A robot that somewhat resembles a human, where its left hand turns into a gun?" Joey wondered.

"Just a moment." Jeremiah said, then called out to Salim.

When he arrived, he barely seemed close to Jeremiah's height, but he was shorter than Rodri, who stood silently behind him. Rodri was dark-skinned like Joey and Alex, tall, sharp-featured, and his face bore Latin traits typical of the "Big B" country.

Suleiman clarified upon his arrival:

How do I say this? I haven't talked much about it except that I told my family, Miss Manzi, the lady from Mimi Manz restaurant, Jennifer and Dennis, and a few others after that... Well, they looked like reptiles or human lizards with skin covered in scales.

I found them at the intersection we always pass when we finish our day at Mimi Manz restaurant. They were gathered in one of the alleys there. At first glance, I thought they were just ordinary men until those scales and the big mouth started to appear, especially the huge, full tails. For a moment, they looked human, but then they turned into human reptiles. Imagine the scene, man!

Alex commented:

"That's why my grandmother always forbids me from entering the old alleys since I left elementary school."

Chris wondered skeptically, as the expectations seemed different from the course of his conversation with the group.

He thought there were some unclear points in Saleem's speech. For heaven's sake, what did he just hear?

"Are you sure, Salim, that you weren't hallucinating or something? Man, look at what you're saying: human reptiles? That's not even logical! I think you need to reconsider your words."

It seemed strange and puzzling in a way. We all heard and talked about the reptilian theory when we were kids. Don't you think that on that day you were just imagining things?

Salim felt annoyed by Chris's angry and neutral words towards him. He responded with a clearly irritated tone, his eyes shining sharply:

"And you too! Take a look at what you're saying! You're talking about aliens and conspiracies... Do you really understand what you're saying? Then you come to question my words?"

Jeremiah tried to calm his friend Salim. Even though he was supposed to support him, he decided to intervene to ease the atmosphere and reduce the tension. But before he could do that, Rodri suddenly interrupted them with a loud bang on the table.

The entire cafeteria shook from the sound of his hand hitting the table, and he shouted in a loud voice:

First of all, I'm not here to believe any of you or your delusions. No shady company men or stupid lizards! I have two friends who believe in superstitions, and that's the only reason I'm here.

So, everyone calm down now! Talking and arguing about these trivial matters is pointless, and complaining is unnecessary!

Rodri looked at them all with a sharp gaze, as if warning them against losing control.

A whisper rose from a group of students in the distance, some calling them fools, wondering what was happening amidst this fabricated commotion.

Aerial intervention, with a balanced voice trying to calm the tense atmosphere, but in a quieter and more contributive manner than Rodri:

Rodri is right. We are not here to fight or to argue excessively. We need to agree together.

No matter the differing opinions, everything will get its chance and role soon.

After a brief reflection with himself, Joey made the decision. With Chris and Alex's reluctant agreement, they decided that Rodri, Jeremiah, and Slim would accompany them.

"We will meet on 52nd Street at 5 PM, near the burned-down store," Joey said, sketching the meeting plan in his simple mind.

Jeremiah agreed with Salim on the scheduled time. It wasn't urgent, as everything would happen after school hours. Therefore, this timing was almost perfect for them, especially since Rodri had shown interest in following his friends.

As soon as Jeremiah and his group moved a sufficient distance away from the old cafeteria where they used to sit, the agreed-upon time was finalized among them, and they exchanged silent confirmations before leaving.