Quantum Super Imposition is nothing more than a fever dream. Scientists have been yearning to impose the superposition property on two actual particles and establish an entanglement, a strong but easy to disconnect link. Thus, creating the phenomenon we all know as teleportation.
Teleportation, the end all be all purpose of scientific advancements. With it, not only will transportation be revolutionised, but it will also open up a new page for humanity, the age of space discovery.
Earth, even for its long existence and several buried civilisations, still has not reached its hand out to the cosmos. Imagine travelling across the vast nothingness of space and discovering the wonders it holds.
Just the thought of it causes all humanity to be excited.
And we come so close to it. On February sixth, 2049, Dalamore Incorporated announced its first ever QSI machine. Its official name, Quantum Super Imposition Assimilator, sent waves of awe and disbelief rippling in every living class of the United Earth.
In the centre of all this is Doctor Curio Avaline. He just turned thirty-six. Ten years older than Sir Isaac Newton when he became the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics.
Well, Dr. Avaline dares not to compare himself with Sir Newton, the father of modern physics. However, with the birth of the Assimilator, he hopes that his name will be remembered in the history books alongside him.
Today is the big day, November ninth, 2049. After several months of conference, collaboration, and planning, scientists and citizens around the world come to the Louvre Museum to witness history.
The exhibition of the Assimilator is set to begin at 12:00 PM. But the place has been crowded since nine.
Long has it been since Earth has had such a grand event. One that can turn the tide of history. Or more accurately, start a new chapter.
With the creation of the Allen engine, space exploration is within reach. With the Assimilator, humanity has the final piece to colonise the space.
Now. Dr. Avaline is sitting in a secluded room at the top of the Louvre. He's on a comfortable bergeré chair with soft-coloured flower patterns on the back.
From here, Dr. Avaline can see the people down the square through the glass window. All types of people from across the social classes. He can see wealthy people with their luxurious oversized fur coats. Gentlemen with canes of gold and silver. Young people with all the hope and dreams in their eyes, those that have not been extinguished by the hardness of life. The average families with their agitated children running all around. Some couples even come, they may be thinking that it is something worthwhile to see for a date.
Young scientists and scientific students walk around in groups, discussing their favourite subjects and theorems. Of course, the main point always comes back to the Assimilator.
Dr. Avaline takes a slow sip from the white mug in his hand, the coffee inside is cold as a blizzard storm with slivers of ice clinging onto the brim. He's never liked hot coffee. He can't imagine a world where he sees hot coffee as a likable beverage.
Iced cold is how he always likes things.
Of course, people have their preference. He can understand the difference in taste.
The door behind him opens wide. A tall young man walks in, his right hand holds a phone, its light illuminates part of his forehead, and reflects its screen onto his dark eyes.
"Tch! These lunatics are still insisting on shutting down the Assimilator." Aaron says in disdain.
"What is it this time?" Dr. Avaline, without turning his back, observes Aaron via his translucent reflection in the glass.
Aaron has fair skin and a rough, stubbly full beard that stretches from side to side. He is thin, too thin for his height. He wears a wrinkling white shirt, half of which is untucked and hangs outside the waist of his black pants.
Simple as ever and sloppy as always.
"They are saying we should cancel the exhibition. Something like it will cause some gods to be upset." Aaron speaks without hiding his spitefulness.
"Oh." Dr. Avaline smiles lightly and turns toward Aaron. "A god. Gods. Or is it the God?"
"I don't know for sure. It doesn't matter anyway. All of them are false. Only science is the truth."
Dr. Avaline shakes his head in disapproval. "Science... is not the truth. Science is merely the search for the truth.
As it is a journey, we can always find new things. Things that can and will completely shatter our previous understanding or knowledge. It has happened so many times.
Tell me, if tomorrow God decides to show up. Then, would all science become false? Or is it only the Big Bang? Or is it only the part that mentions the divine?"
Aaron frowns, his eyes look down to the floor, into nothingness. He is thinking very hard.
Aaron Jones, a physicist with a brilliant mind. However, his firm heart, honed by his fiery youth, prevents him from looking at the world from another perspective. As Dr. Avaline used to call him in his beginning days, a certified brickhead.
The ability to see from another point of view allows a scientist to find new ways to study the world. This can lead to historic discoveries.
Dr. Avaline frets for a talent like Mr. Jones to go to waste. A mind and dedication like his exist to change the world. So he became Dr. Avaline's assistant.
If this is a fantasy world and Curio Avaline is a wizard, then Mr. Jones's official title should be the Wizard's Apprentice.
A few seconds pass, and Aaron says: "You are right, Doctor. I was wrong."
He learns quickly. That is his specialty. He is hard-headed, but he knows true knowledge when he sees it. For that, he truly appreciates Dr. Avaline's guidance.
"If there is a god... I mean, if any supernatural element is proved to be true, what do you think the official name of the subject should be? Theology? Parapsychology?"
"I'm not sure." Dr. Avaline says. "However, I believe it will create a new branch of science that is very separated from our previous physical understanding. It will need its own category. If I have to name this branch of science... how about Mystical Science?"
Aaron nods. "Then we can call the previous branch Physical Science. Mystical and Physical, very fitting."
Dr. Avaline chuckles. "Well, that's it for gossiping. Let's go. They must be waiting for us already."
Dr. Avaline puts on his dark brown overcoat. The weather on Earth becomes worse each day. It's so cold now that even areas around the equator begin to snow. The circumstances just make the Assimilator that much more important. Humanity cannot wait to colonise other planets. At least to find a place where they can sunbathe again.
Dalamore Incorporated is Dr. Avaline's company. He founded it and is its largest shareholder. By his side are a circle of trusted investors and scientists, each is not only an ally but also a friend.
The investors played a crucial role in growing the company and providing the necessary resources for Dr. Avaline to advance the technology. The scientists and researchers were equally vital, their significance is no smaller than Dr. Avaline's in the birth of the Assimilator. He did not do it alone and got a lot of help. This achievement was a combined effort of nearly twelve million people. Dr. Avaline was simply the one who holds the steering wheel and leads the way.
The journey was far from easy. Lies and traps, enemies disguised as allies, reputational threat and physical harm, even a hostile financial coup aimed to take over Dalamore. Yet, through it all, Dr. Avaline persevered and reached where he stands today.
He knows the game. He plays it well. His allies are strong and dependable. And now for his winning prize, a forever stamp onto history and a promising vision into the future.
Dr. Avaline so hopes that he can see it in his lifetime, the view of a super civilisation that walks among stars.
The clock shifts to twelve.
Inside the grand hall, almost two thousand audience members fill the seats. Millions more are watching this live from the comfort of their home.
In the centre of the stage, an enormous machine is covered under a red cloak.
Thump. Thump. The lights go off, and one spotlight illuminates the podium.
Standing there is Doctor Curio Avaline with his dark brown coat and the handsome but menacing outlook. His hair, which is jet black with streaks of grey, was slicked back and gleaming.
He is calm. He smiles at his audience. He stretches out his arm as if he wants to embrace the whole world.
We, as citizens of the United Earth, children of our founding mothers and fathers, are bound to a singular purpose: to conquer our demons and secure our future.
We have achieved the unimaginable. Earth, our cradle and our home, is ours. No predator threatens us. No species endangers our dominance. We have conquered this world.
But with this privilege comes a responsibility as profound as any faced by our founders. It is to ensure a world for the generations to come.
Earth is our motherland. She is the root of our power and the core of our heart. But she is dying. If we continue on this path, we will perish alongside her.
The global population has surged twenty billion. Our resources are stretched thinner than ever before... food is scarce, fuel is dwindling, and land is becoming a luxury. Even with the creation of the Allen engine, these crises persist, chasing us like grim reapers.
Now, with the Assimilator... the Quantum Super Imposition Assimilator, we stand on the dawn of a new era. Life amongst the stars will no longer be a dream. This machine will transcend the limits of our world, offering solutions to the crises that have long plagued us. The Assimilator is not just a tool, it is our gateway to survival, prosperity, and a future where humanity thrives beyond the confines of Earth.
Out there is our new world! Out there is our future! Out there is our destiny!"
The audience stands up and the hall erupts into a thundering applause. Their exhilaration materialises into shrieking whistles and roaring cheers. On the side of the stage, hidden from the eyes of the audience, Aaron smiles and claps along.
The doctor really knows his way with words. Look at all the people down there excited and inspired. If his ambition wasn't science, who knows where he will be right now. Aaron thinks to himself. He wouldn't be surprised if in another world, instead of a scientist, Dr. Avaline became a politician instead, or even a cunning general on the battlefield.
Aaron wishes mercy for those who face Dr. Avaline in those worlds. Because he knows, Dr. Avaline will have none.
Doctor Curio Avaline takes a deep breath and continues. "We wouldn't be able to achieve this without each and every one of you.
To my brilliant colleagues at the research center, whose efforts and dedication have brought us this historic day. Thank you.
To the proud members of our company, who have poured their hearts and souls into this mission. Thank you.
To our friends and families, whose belief in us has been a constant source of strength. Thank you.
And even you, the citizens of the United Earth. Without you, none of this would have been possible. I am deeply grateful for your presence here today, for listening, and for standing with us as we take this monumental step forward.
Now, I will not take more of your time. Instead, I invite you to witness the marvel that you have all been waiting for. The future of our civilisation.
The Quantum Super Imposition Assimilator..."
The red cloak is pulled down, revealing the machine.
"Watch out!" A sharp, deafening crack of a gunshot roars, quickly followed by a shout of terror from Aaron. A streak of blood arcs through the air, and Dr. Avaline falls onto his back.