While the moon lay still keeping a watchful eye on life everything seemed to lay still, there was no faint graze of wind as one walked across the street, no blaring of city lights and no glance of nature, just the watchful eye of the full moon. Through this gaze, though mostly everything was falling still, one living being was quite the opposite, in fact- the stillness of the environment only helped to exacerbate the hyper activity of this one small human being.
"Rhea!" A tender voice says lightly to the atmosphere, as small tip-taps approach her location.
"Mama!" A much younger voice exclaims, a small figure jumping onto the much older woman's lap, a strong embrace finding Rhea as she rests in the safe arms of her mother. The hug stays for a while, as if both couldn't bear to let go the feeling of comfort blossoming with the mere touch of her mother and vice versa, but with a kiss on Rhea's forehead and her mother pulling away slightly their embrace comes to an end.
"Story time babes" her mother coo's, swiftly turning Rhea around so her small legs were dangling from her mothers knees. After securing Rhea, her mother slanted to her right- quickly grabbing three books, placing the options in front of the infant bouncing expectantly on her lap." Which one do you wanna read tonight babes-" The mother started to shuffle through each book as she melodically says "The 5 Knights, Princess and the Pea or Cinderella?".
Even before her mum finished talking Rheas eyes could only focus on the first book, something about it had peaked her interest, even as her mother kept talking Rhea had already started an allured reaching toward it- gently gripping the corner of the first book "This one mummy~" and with that Rhea's mother put the other books to the side, reading the title and opening the book gingerly in front of both her and Rhea.
"Once upon a time" The mother started.
Lived a kingdom full of Vampires, in this kingdom there were beautiful people who lived long prosperous lives, communities: Dancing, singing, drinking wine, partying and prospering all together under the watchful eye of their Queen. In this world the Queen rules all, and with the help of her advisors she keeps this flourishing kingdom running, though the Queen is absolute and has the power to protect her kingdom- overwhelmingly so at that, she cannot protect the kingdom and herself- it is simply not possible, so she has a group of five knight's at her side at all times.
These knights hold each pillar of the kingdom at their side, serving to protect the Queen at all costs, all of their blood will be shed before anyone would lay a hand on the Kingdoms diamond- their rock, their precious jewel.
The Queen.
Sadly, and without warning, on the night of a red moon- their sweet Queen had moved on. That night her subjects and even the nobles wept- but no more than her knights, feeling almost helpless they vowed to avenge her, disposing of anyone suspicious these knights carried on to then avenge their Queen and lay her to rest.
Once more their land was at peace, but without a Queen, what were they?