Chapter 2 | Ambrose

Tik tok, tik tok

Ambrose stands talking to a few important people after just completing a big deal for his company. As the CEO it was important he was there, but he wasn't technically the one making the deal, he just needed to be there to witness the joining of two businesses- much like a mantle piece, saying much to nothing staring into nothing and the noise of salary men turning from a calming melody into radio static that made his grown ears bleed.

"Mr. Cross, I've got a call for you!" A woman on the shorter side called, waving a phone in the air between the doors frame.

"Sorry Mr. Harrison I have to take this, have a lovely day- We'll be in contact about our next steps" With a charming smile directed towards Ambrose Mr. Cross walked away toward his assistant, placing his hand by her waist and walking out, smiling at each other.

Looking at the two Ambrose couldn't help but feel far away from everything, work had always been his focus and from what he could understand before he saw this- they were just colleagues, but relationships can get quite complex at times and he knew that first hand. Previous experiences had taught him that and he won't ever forget it, although something about them reminding him about that sent an abnormal twinge to his brain, Ambrose suddenly furrowed his brow- annoyed at his very sudden circumstances.

A rough touch to his bicep shook Ambrose out of his trance and back to earth, feeling the soles within his shoes and the air going through his nose and into his lungs, Ambrose came back from the depths of his thoughts. Turning, his eyes caught the view of a black bob cut, with two spheres looking back at him- it's as if the thoughts before had subsided "Paige." Ambrose almost whispered, diverting his eyes away.


"Dont." He barked "I've told you not to call me that." Standing up and pushing his chair back, Ambrose started a stride toward the door, Paige- not surprised and willing to try her luck, started after him. Missing Rhea entirely, Ambrose and Paige almost run out of the room, one slightly twitching with a dark anticipation and the other gaining with a plan to make things even worse for themselves.

"Ambrose, wait!" With Paige's shout it was already too late, in one swift motion Ambrose had her pinned to the wall, one hand holding her two wrists, while his knee settled uncomfortably between her legs.

"I've told you, I've warned you. Why the hell do you keep pushing this?- " He growls lowly, inching closer to her face.

Looking him up and down her lips started to part slightly "Cus' unlike other people I can make you like this." Paige scans his face, the corner of her lip rising "Watching you get all bent out of shape is so hot-"

"PAIGE! -" Ambrose starts being interrupted by the younger woman once again.

"And look at your eyes, isn't that such a disgusting blood red-"


An alluring feeling came to him abruptly, noise from beyond his peripheral becoming music and the soft breeze of air causing his burning anger to morph into something still and quaint, a bubbling calm settled in his stomach and reached all the way to the tips of his fingers. Letting go of Paige, the colour of Ambrose's eyes flickered- an obscure innocence clouding his brain until suddenly his head whipped to the right, the sight of a woman's petite ankles and small black flats punching his eyes as if to never forget them.

Ambrose wasn't entranced a moment longer, critical thinking taking its grasp on him like a bucket of cold water dropping on his head- so tilting his head up and covering his eyes, Ambrose used his right hand to cover his face and with a lighter heart let out a refreshed breath- looking around Ambrose reached an equilibrium coming down from his rage.

"Leave me alone. You know what your purpose is, I don't pay you to fuck around." Putting both hands in his pockets and calmly walking away from her, with a clip in his step Ambrose went toward the lift that same women had made her escape in. Now all he could think about were those black flats. This mysterious woman had, without even touching him, left a mark on his pristine tailored suit that couldn't be washed off.

With a ding of the lift Ambrose walked out, his past light clip turning into a clop, heavier steps nearing the CEO's office lead to a rough push of the door. With Ambrose nearing his own desk his left hand reach up towards his neck and tugged at his tie to loosen it, sitting down at the same time a restless sigh left his round lips as his right hand reached for his desk phone, quickly dialing a number another sigh left his mouth yet this time it was frustrated. With his teeth gritting and the air rubbing against it as it left from the inside his vocal cords to the atmosphere- the sound that was meant to be a sigh came out as more of a grunt, a feeling more of irritation coming to the forefront- now showing on his face.

"Hello?" A mellow voice answered, sounding younger and higher than his own.

"Pick me up. Now." Ambrose said simply, not wanting to divulge into specifics.

Matching his attitude, the person on the either side of the call sighed "Ambrose when will you do as I've said? - I understand we may not be the same age, but you know better than to keep letting a human control you like she is." Hanging his head Ambrose knew what the person was talking about, but this wasn't the reason he was being so forceful today.

"Argh, it- it isn't that. . . it's just. . ." Ambrose trailed off.

Then the feeling replayed in his mind, that feeling of an unknown comfort that had totally eased all the rage he had felt looking at the human: without a touch, without a sound, without so much as a warning- they had comforted him. A picture of the meeting this morning flashed in his mind, Mr.Cross and his 'assistant' walking hand in hand and smiling at each other bloomed within it, but Ambrose couldn't understand why. He had never felt the need for companionship and no matter how he thought about it this feeling wasn't a love or a fondness- it was more of an instinct. It was magnetic- enigmatic and frustrating. This unfamiliar feeling first settling so conveniently was becoming more and more inconvenient as Ambrose thought about it, why did they have such an effect on him? What IS this feeling? Why was HE feeling it? Why was this torturing him?

To him, this was all so- frustrating.

Tuning back into the phone call Ambrose could hear the younger voice yapping at the other end of the call "She's so rude to us, like I understand you're keeping her to keep your secret, but why give her the satisfaction of being yo-"

"Just take me home." Ambrose's voice shivered, the younger halted in their speech before a loud 'tsk' could be heard from the phone.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes, don't leave your Office till I get there." With that the phone line cut, the clicking sound of a phone being put back perfectly in place signaling the end of its call, Ambrose loosened his tie way more, his shirt slowly opening with the tie moving further down and getting more and more loose.

"Who the fuck are you, to be making me feel this way?" Ambrose questioned the ceiling, talking softly as if not to scare it away "When I find you. . ." Ambrose pondered, biting his lower lip before licking it, disgruntled with his prying thoughts.

With that his office door swung open, a man not as tall as him but built quite well stepped through with his wrist resting on the door frame with his head leaning through scanning the room expectant "Come on, Warrens here to help your dumbass, now let's go."