
 Mr Arthur sighed, his gaze glued on his wife.

 "Ellyn, I have to resign" his voice was filled with guilt and a bit of regret.

 "I warned you, Arthur. God is my witness, I warned you against Mr Leo. I told you to be careful, not to put all of your trust in that man but you turned deaf ears to all of my complaints. Are you satisfied with the results now?" 

 Mrs Arthur looked away. Her voice was down, sad and inaudible.


 "You don't know how much I regretted my actions, Ellyn. I regret it so much, who knew that bastard was a fraud?" Mr Arthur paced the living room as he ran his hand through his graying hair.

 June, sitting quietly beside her mother, said nothing. She did not need to, she also understood everything too well…

…..her family is at the edge of falling apart. Her father's career is in ruins. And hers? totally destroyed.

 Her mother? She's a full time housewife, depending on her husband and daughter to survive.

 "Did you think resigning will save you from getting arrested and questioned? You have to…"

 " Ellyn stop! Stop it please." His voice rang with frustration. "Stop acting immature at your age. Did you want me to be jailed? Do you want me to be sentenced to 15 years in prison?" Mr Arthur yelled. 

 His usual composed self is nowhere to be found. 

 June looked at her father and her shoulder fell. She watched as her father panicked for the first time in her life. He's the type to joke and laugh, even in serious situations but now? He looked like a totally different person.

 "Mama…" June held her mother's hand.

Mrs Arthur looked at June as she forced a weak smile on her face, " Don't worry, we'll survive this. Bad days are normal" Mrs Arthur assured.

 But June wasn't so sure.


 That night, no one could sleep. Mr Arthur kept making and receiving phone calls. Mrs Arthur was so restless that June feared she might develop hypertension.

 Their once-happy family crumbled in a single day.



The next day came faster than expected, the sun rose from its usual corner. Everything seems perfect and normal but not for the Arthur's family.

 ~ Inside June's room

 "9th of March, 2024

This might be the last time I talk to you.

Dear diary,

 It's been a while, how are you? Funny how I only come to you when I'm in trouble. When I feel tired, lost and unsure of where my future is headed.

 Last night, my dad lost his job. I broke up with my boyfriend and lost my writing career just yesterday alone.

 What's the next step? I don't know. I wish I did. But after thinking all night, I came to a conclusion.


I used to wonder_what goes through someone's mind before they decide to end it all? How bad can life get before they decide to take that final step? But…

 ….I think I understand now, life must have really treated them badly. Take me as an example, life gave me everything from the beginning and suddenly took it away like it was never there. 

 I don't know how to continue,I don't want to be a burden to my parents also.

 Until the next time, dear diary. 

Live on. Keep my memories in history."

 The pen dropped from June's hand, she smiled and closed her diary. 

 She sniffled in and hesitated before she stood up from her bed and walked to the side of her broken window.

 She stood sculpted for a while, taking deep breaths. She stretched her head and looked at the high ground below.

 'Will I die if I jump from here? Nah! It's not high enough. I'll have to go to the attic then' she thought.

 June was lost in her own world of thoughts when a knock suddenly sounded on her door. "June, are you in there?" came her mother's voice.

 " Come in, Mama" She forced a smile.

The door was pushed open and Mrs Arthur entered her daughter's room. She paused in her steps before taking a deep breath. 

 "Have your father told you?" She looked at June.

 "Told me what?" June walked closer to her.

" We might have a second chance," Mrs Arthur smiled.

 "A second chance at what?" June was still confused.

 "He told your uncle about the scandal and how he resigned this morning. So…your uncle said that if we are not too busy, we can relocate to London and your father will start working for him" Mrs Arthur held June's shoulder.

 " But Mama, we've been living here for more than five years" June was unsure how she felt about that idea.

 "As long as there's a chance for us to start again, afresh, I don't think there's a reason why we can't relocate." Mrs Arthur sighed.


 " Moreover, after all that has happened to you; your nudes on the internet, the break up with your boyfriend and the plagiarism of your book– I don't think you will also be okay with staying in this country" 

 " We can start again, June. Suicide isn't the next option. you don't have to consider suicide, you are not a burden to us because…I actually thought I was the burden to you guys, I was the only one without a job"

 Mrs Arthur kept talking but June's frown deepened. 

 She looked at her mother, a look anticipating explanation hung on her face.

 " Stop! Stop right there! How did you know? How…did…did.. you know that I was considering suicide?" June was confused and shocked.

 "Mama, answer me! How did you…. know? Did you read my diary?"

 " No, that's not it. I haven't even left my room, my dairy right there on my bed! This make no fucking sense!" June screamed.

 Mrs Arthur reached out her hand but June shifted away like her mother's touch was a bane to her.

 "Can you just answer me? How the fuck did you know? Are you psychic?"