"DO YOU NOT REALIZE THE SEVERITY OF YOUR ACTIONS!!!" A man with an exorbitant amount of fat spits at the man, or rather the student, that stands in the center of the elaborate courtroom, "YOU SHALL BE PUNISHED TO THE HIGHEST DEGREE!"
Receding at the sound of the fat judge, the student's head twitches before falling still, and then his dormant eyes gain a new light. As if birthed anew, the student looks down at the back of his hand, at his nails, and at the wrinkles before turning his hand over and examining his palm with scrutiny.
Casting his hand off to the side, the student begins to play a phantom melody and begins to look around, searching for… something. Unable to find whatever it was, the student seemed genuinely taken aback.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LOOKING FOR?!" The fat on the man's body bounces as he leans over the railing that stands several feet above the student, "THERE'S NOTHING TO BE FOUND IN HERE! THIS PLACE IS PROTECTED FROM THOSE DAMNED GODS AND DEMONS!"
Now the student's jaw lay agape. It stayed like that for a few moments before the student shook his head and spoke. Massaging his neck and clearing his throat, almost as if he were preparing to speak for the very first time, a low, melodic voice escaped the student.
"Do you not hear it…" the student asked slowly, his voice careful and rhythmic, "The tune that's playing."
"He's lost his mind…" The judge pulls at his face fat, causing his radiant brown eyes to shine for but a moment.
"But where does such a tune exist?" The student asks while stroking his chin, "Is it the result of… no, it couldn't be… but, what if… no, that wouldn't work either…"
As the student continued to mutter to himself, the judge slammed his gavel on the hard oak wood desk.
"Considering you've finally found the will to talk," the fat judge sneers, his voice infused with venom, "Why don't we proceed with this ridiculous case?"
Sitting back up in his chair and 'straightening' his tie, the judge felt an exorbitant amount of unease wash over him. Looking back at the student, he was still playing his phantom melody, but his eyes, well, they reflect pure murderous intent.
Taking a big gulp and shying away from the student, the judge opens his mouth, "…Have you made contact with the demons and gods?"
Raising an eyebrow at his question, the student answers, "N--"
Yet he's quickly cut off by the judge who regained a bit of confidence when the dangerous gaze disappeared.
"Don't bother to lie to me." The judge shakes his head violently, causing his fat to flail wildly, "There's a reason I'm the judge of this academy. It's because my power is to be able to see through lies. So, if you dare to lie to me, then--"
"No." Paying back the judge in kind, the student interrupts, growing disinterested in what the judge had to say.
As the judge readied himself to dish out the harshest ruling, he stopped when he noticed his power did not activate.
"Repeat that."
"What?" The student tiredly stroked his eyes, "You want me to repeat that I've made no contact with these Demons or Gods you're referencing?"
Once again, the judge's power didn't activate, leaving him befuddled.
"Uh… um…" The judge wasn't entirely sure what to do in this situation, but his savior came in the form of the person who entered the judgment chamber.
"So, how's the trial going?" A weathered old man, with a long, fraying robe and white beard, asked.
"Headmaster!" The judge wept, "He says he's had no connection with the Demons and Gods!"
"Oh, and it's not a lie?" The headmaster stroked his beard.
The judge shook his head (and fat) violently, which caused the headmaster to chuckle.
The headmaster suddenly appeared beside the student, "Have you not come in contact with those from the other side?"
Even though his face was soft, his gaze was piercing, forcing the student to experience overbearing pressure.
"Considering I haven't a clue what you're talking about… no, I haven't."
Smiling in surprise, the headmaster mutters, "Seems as though they've created a new trick."
"Then should we get rid of him, sir?" The judge shrivels into his seat while asking.
"Such would be a waste, my dear Patrik," the headmaster's eyes start to twinkle, "We should instead keep him under the watch of the academy."
"Wouldn't that endanger the students though?" Patrik, the now-named fat judge, asks concernedly.
"Only if we keep him near." The headmaster nods slowly, "But, if we were to move him to the gargoyle's tower… then, our risks would be drastically reduced."
"Is that what you wish?" Patrik breathes.
"It is."
The headmaster pats the student on the shoulder, his smile anything but friendly. And so, with that, the student has his new fate imparted to him and he still has absolutely no idea what's going on.