男人冷冷道:"你怎么跟着我?你是江大学的学生吗?他注意到那个女孩在他身后散步.每次他停下来,她都假装有事要做,也停了下来,一路跟着他到电梯.苏习的脸微微泛红,但她很快就恢复了镇定,平静地说道:"这是你回家的路吗?这是一条公共路径,为什么你说我在跟踪你?男人漆黑的眼睛里闪过一丝冰冷的光芒.他后退一步,示意她进电梯.苏习冷笑道:"算了,我不想给你错主意.说完,她转身走向楼梯.电梯门在她身后缓缓关上,挡住了男人眯起的目光.担心再次遇到凌九舟,苏习决定走楼梯上九楼.在会议室里,顾问和商学院的院长正在讨论.看到她后,辅导员给了她一个等待的信号.那里还有其他几个学生提交奖学金申请材料,其中一人向苏习投来了恶意的目光.苏习假装没注意到,掏出手机玩起了数独游戏.在不到五分钟的时间里,当脚步声接近时,她完成了一轮."你回来已经有一段时间了.在国外留学这么久,你现在应该已经回来了!随着院长的声音,两个人走进了房间——方院长和另外一个人...苏习忍不住皱起了眉头.多么巧合?凌九舟注意到了苏习.他漆黑的眼睛扫过她,但他并没有停下来.院长迅速地向他打招呼,将他介绍给其他人."这位是凌氏集团的CEO凌九洲,我们大学的前学生.顺便说一句,我们的几个奖学金都是由凌九洲赞助的.院长的举止立刻变得更加恭敬.与凌九舟握手后,他笑道:"今天,有一些学生来提交奖学金申请材料.凌九舟,请看一看.这些学生都是你们奖学金的获得者.凌九舟看了一眼,在苏习身上停顿了一下.他淡淡一笑,"江大学一直人才济济!苏习看着男人帅气的侧影.她的思绪飘忽不定.人们常说凌九洲是个花花公子,果然,昨晚他一直霸道咄咄逼人.但现在,他散发着一种精致高贵的气场,几乎就像电视屏幕上的人一样.这些角色中的哪一个是他的真实自我?突然,院长引起了一名学生的注意.几个学生直起身来,或尊敬或害羞地看着凌九舟.之前一直瞪着苏习的女孩突然向前迈了一步,声音明亮而清晰,"既然奖学金的赞助人凌先生来了,我有件事想问.顾问皱起眉头,不确定周婷在做什么.方院长礼貌地笑了笑,"请你去吧,你想说什么?周婷快速看了苏习一眼,双手背在身后,开口道:"凌先生的奖学金是用来奖励江大学的优秀学生的.我相信一个人的卓越不仅与学术有关,还与他们的品格有关,对吧?"当然!"方院长点点头.周婷掏出手机,在论坛上开了个帖子给大家看."前几天,有人看到苏习放学后上了一辆豪车.苏习出身普通家庭,我怀疑她买不起这样的车.她在做什么?我想每个人都能弄清楚这一点.这样的学生真的可以算是优秀吗?除了凌九舟,所有人的表情都变了.参赞低声说道:"周婷,你怎么当着凌先生的面说这话?周婷挑了挑眉."我只是想让凌先生知道他的奖学金给了谁.是不是浪费钱?院长看了一眼电话,脸色变黑了.帖子是几天前发布的,只有几张模糊的照片显示苏习和一名看不清脸的中年男子上了梅赛德斯 S600."苏习,你怎么解释这个?"周婷嘲讽道,看着苏习.苏习的脸上依旧无动于衷,平时平静的眼神就像一个静止冰冷的湖水."你是谁?我为什么要向你解释什么呢?周婷正要说话,凌九周突然插嘴,语气一如既往的冷酷和讽刺,"我们处于什么时代?名校的学生,还会用这种毫无根据的谣言来诋毁别人的名誉?周婷为自己辩解道:"有照片,凌先生怎么能说毫无根据呢?凌九舟冷笑道:"你在照片里看到了什么?如果我代表她说话,你是要说我们之间有什么不可言说的事情吗?苏习的眼皮抽搐了一下.她突然感到一阵解脱.凌九舟还没认出她来,所以他可以这么有把握地这么说!Ling Jiuzhou added, "Is this what the students of a prestigious school do? This is the kind of 'excellence'?"He emphasized the word "excellence," clearly mocking Zhou Ting's earlier comments.Zhou Ting was immediately silenced, her head down, unable to say a word.Everyone's faces shifted. Zhou Ting looked embarrassed, and the others were similarly uncomfortable. Only Su Xi raised an eyebrow in surprise. She hadn't expected Ling Jiuzhou to speak up for her.Dean Fang frowned and spoke in a deep voice, "Mr. Ling is right. Using a few blurry photos as evidence is baseless. Such posts shouldn't be on Jiang University's forum."The counselor quickly said, "I'll have the post deleted immediately."Zhou Ting was unwilling to let it go, but the counselor gave her a stern look, silencing her.Dean Fang turned to Ling Jiuzhou, smiling gracefully. "I think Dean Zhang here has some matters to discuss in the conference room. Would you like to come to my office instead?"Ling Jiuzhou nodded, "Sure!""Please this way!""After you, Dean Fang."Dean Fang and Ling Jiuzhou left. The counselor turned to Zhou Ting, anger evident in his voice. "Zhou Ting, you really don't know how to behave!"Zhou Ting bit her teeth but didn't say anything. She shot a glare at Su Xi and left the room.The counselor comforted Su Xi for a moment. She didn't respond much, submitting her materials and leaving.Around the corner in the hallway, Zhou Ting stood there, coldly glaring at Su Xi.Su Xi didn't look at her, walking past her without a glance. As they brushed shoulders, she stopped for a moment and said coolly, "If you like Qiao Yu, go chase him. Using these cheap tricks makes you look—"She glanced sideways, her innocent face carrying a chilling air, "Very low."Zhou Ting's body tensed for a second, and she seethed, "What did you say?"Su Xi glanced at her, then calmly walked away.Zhou Ting was enraged, about to chase after her, but one of the girls with her stopped her, "Tingting, calm down, this is the office building!"Zhou Ting froze, her eyes burning with fury as she glared at Su Xi's retreating back. "I'll make her pay sooner or later!"...In the afternoon, with no classes, Su Xi took the bus back to the mountainside villa. As she sat in the bus, her mind couldn't help but wander back to Ling Jiuzhou.Their first meeting had ended in bed without any proper introduction. The second time, she was mistaken for a stalker, then publicly accused of being a mistress...Su Xi leaned her forehead against the window, raising an eyebrow. He must be her nemesis!An hour later, Ling Jiuzhou politely declined Dean Fang's invitation to a banquet and left Jiang University.The driver turned around and asked, "Mr. Ling, the meeting about the development of the Jinshui Bay villa area is set for three in the afternoon. There's some free time before that. Where would you like to go?"Ling Jiuzhou flipped through the documents in his hands. Upon hearing the mention of "villa," he suddenly thought of something and spoke淡淡, "Take me to Qingyuan Villa.""Yes, Sir!" The driver turned the car at the next junction.Suddenly, Ling Jiuzhou's phone rang. He answered it, and Ming Zuo's voice came through, "Mr. Ling, we found the woman from last night!"