The assembly hall buzzed with excitement as students gathered, everyone walking towards their seats. The loud chatter made it difficult for Dante to hear as he and his friends picked seats near the back. Once they took their seats, Dante let out a soft breath, relaxing in his seat. Today was the day, internships were about to be given out to anyone worth being a hero in training. On the stage in front were a bunch of banners and decorations of various superheroes, most likely ones that the investors that were coming today had on their payroll…
As the time passed, many investors came up on stages and called up different students, ready to offer them internships if they accepted, which they most likely would, unsure if anyone else was willing to offer them something even better.
But then one investor came up, he was tall and slim, his hair in a slicked-back style painted red. He wore a suit, carrying a computer under his arm. He took a bow, "Good morning students, My name is Redyr Ryoji," Murmurs rang through the hall.
Redry Ryoji was known as someone high in the Heroic League ranks, and he had many popular and strong heroes on his payroll. He was probably one of the richest people in the city, if not the richest… He gave a smile and sat his laptop down on the pedestal near his booth on stage. He raised the lid off the laptop and the projector lit up with life, displaying his logo.
"As you all must know, I run one of the Heroic League's biggest branching factions, Ironclad Division. Where we specialize in more larger scale Threats than the smaller gang-related crimes." He turned back to his laptop and switched the slide, which showed some of the biggest heroes he had. "People like Titanstar and Cybernova work for me, and thanks to us, we're able to stop anything that can threaten the lives of the people in this city." He switched the slide once again and turned towards the group of students. "Today, I have three students who have caught my attention. Their potential is off the charts under the right supervision. And these three, Are Dante Ravenwood, Legna Torres, and Victor Hayes. If you three would please step up to the stage."
Legna and Victor looked shocked at the mention of their names, from such a high and powerful figure! They couldn't contain their excitement and stood and quickly rushed to the stage. Dante frowned, as he rose from his seat. He moved at his own pace, thinking about whatever implications could be behind his pick. How could someone like him be useful for higher-end threats when his powers aren't combat-based?
Once he reached the stage, Ryoji gave a smile and looked at the three with praise. "All of your powers have limitless potential if trained correctly. And I want to witness what you three can do firsthand."
He first turned to Legna, "Legna Torres, your ability to control nearby elementals could be powerful with the right resources. I'm sure you have no idea where to start training your powers to gain better control and bring out their capabilities. Join me, and I can help you control them better and help you maximize their potential."
He then turned to Victor, "Victor Hayes, your ability to turn your skin into metal is a power that could be of massive use. With me, I'll be able to turn you into a tank, able to take all kinds of damage with no effort."
And lastly, he turned to Dante, "And Dante Ravenwood, your dual abilities of memory manipulation and sensory abilities can prove to be very useful during battle. With the right training and practice, I can turn your powers into something that can even rival the greats, making you damn near unstoppable." Dante frowned slightly, he had to admit, the thought of becoming something like that did give him chills. He knew his potential was limitless, but becoming something even the greats fear? He doubted that a bit.
"And so, with the three of you at my side, we can make the city safer than ever. And here are the benefits if you're still considering," He turned back towards his laptop and swiped to the next slide.
"I'll provide you with the best training I can provide, shaping you into the warriors I know you can be." Victor and Legna's eyes glowed at the mention of special training, the thought making butterflies flutter around their stomachs.
"Next, I'll have my tech guys create the highest-level super suits, ones that you can customize yourself and that best complement your abilities."
"Super suits?!" They both said in unison, their excitement getting the better of them. They couldn't contain themselves, bouncing on their heels.
"And lastly, with me, I'll provide you all your own luxurious living accommodations, as I want you to feel safe and comfortable working with me." And that was just the icing on the cake from the duo. They already wanted to accept, but with all these added bonuses, there wasn't even a question! They turned towards each other, "This is amazing! Can you imagine it? All three of us are superheroes with super cool super suits, amazing training, and we even get our own houses!" Victor shouted as Legna gave the same enthusiastic look.
"Yeah! It's like a dream come true!!"
But, someone wasn't convinced fully. Dante raised his hand, "If you don't mind, I would like to ask some questions…"
Ryoji gave a nod, "Of course, what's on your mind?"
"You say you only handle high-level threats…but what if we notice a smaller crime happening? Are we able to go and handle it? And, how much free time would we have to ourselves?"
Ryoji nodded as he listened to Dante's concerns. "Well, to answer your last question first, of course, you'll have free time, who can do hero work when constantly working? But, when I call for you, you come, no questions asked."
Dante's mind began to stir at that answer, and that feeling he had came back, but he waited to act on it. "And that first question, the kind of work you handle is all decided by me, I tell you what crime to handle and when to handle a crime. If it doesn't fit what our faction does, then you don't handle that, you let someone else handle it."
Dante opened his hand and turned, "Then no."
Everyone looked shocked at the boy's answer, and Ryoji looked confused, "Excuse me?"
"I said no, your conditions don't work for me, so I'd rather not join at all." Murmurs whipped through the hall, questioning his decision to pass up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Victor reached for Dante's arm, "Dante are you serious right now…? I know your views on the Heroic League aren't the best, but this is something people dream about! In the palm of your hand, you could be one of the greatest heroes there was!"
Legna stepped in as well, "He's right Dante, our very own high-tech super suits, fancy living arrangements, we'd be set for life!"
Dante didn't listen to them, no matter how good the offer and benefits were, working for someone he couldn't respect outweighed the temptation. He turned and was ready to walk off the stage but was stopped by a different voice, "If it's a matter of negotiation, we can discuss terms—"
"It's not up for discussion." And with that, he walked off the stage back towards his seat. As he passed by everyone, he heard the chatter between them, questioning his decision. He sat down and continued watching, only to support his friends.
Ryoji gave an irritated look, but remembered he was in front of hundreds of people and didn't want to make a scene. "Shame, is it the same for you both?"
Victor and Legna looked at him and shook their heads, "No way! We're in!"
Dante watched and knew this would probably be the last time he saw them before they departed for the agency. His decision lingered in his mind, but not in a regretful way, he didn't regret what he chose. If he wanted to be a hero, he didn't want to be owned or told what to do and when to do it. He'd rather move on his own accord and do things his way. He was happy for his friends though, this was their dream and much more, and he would be as supportive as he could.
Sparks flew as a blow torch was pressed against metal. Machines and tech suits lined the walls, marked with design names and purposes. An older man raised his safety glasses onto his forehead, his black hair tied into a ponytail and gray eyes gazing at the invention in front of him. He sat up and let out a stretch.
"Finally done?" A man asked, gaining the other man's attention. He wore worn-out armor, a mask covering his face. "This armor set has outlived its usefulness, I hope you created a better one." He sighed and pointed towards the far corner, "Yeah I did, it's over there. I made sure to use things that are Halcyon proof, made better to fit your flight." He said as the man turned and rushed over, "Awesome! Thanks a bunch!" He nodded and glanced up, letting out a soft sigh having worked all day. He just wanted to go home and take a nap…
But, something had different plans for him, and the doors to his workshop blasted open, and a bunch of armed men rushed in. He turned and gave a look of surprise as they rushed towards him and grabbed hold of his arms. Halcyon turned towards the commotion and rushed over, "Whoa whoa, what's going on?!" He shouted, confusion laced in his voice.
A man walked inside, hands behind his back, his red and white suit glowing in contrast to the gloomy colors of the workshop. His yellow eyes roamed the area and aimed at the older man. "Well well…it's about time we caught up to you."
The man looked at him with a deadpan expression, "What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me, you thought we wouldn't figure it out? Your little stunt was pretty clever I can admit." He reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a small metallic orb between his fingers. The older man reacted to this, but quickly masked it.
"These little orbs, or should I say, security cameras, placed everywhere inside your little inventions. You wanted to spy on our operations huh?" The older man clenched his teeth as Halcyon looked shocked at this information. The older guy lifted his head, venom in his glare, "One day, your plans and actions will be exposed to the world, no matter what…"
The man laughed, "Sure, but that day isn't today." He snapped his fingers, "Throw him out and destroy any and all equipment made by him." He gave a look of shock and worry. He shifted his gaze towards Halcyon, the expression he gave was a silent plea, begging him to step in. But, he stayed silent and frozen. He wanted to step in and protect him, everything about his life could go down the drain with him. The fear of stepping out of line and losing everything kept him in place.
The armed men threw him outside, and his face fell into a pile of mud. He lay there for a moment, recollecting everything that had changed that night. As far as he knew, everything was over. Once word got out, his life would be over. He would no longer be able to work for the Heroic League. But, he wondered if this type of thing that was going on in his current one happened at the others, though it hardly mattered.
He rose from the ground, mud-splattered onto his face. He began walking, wondering where he would be able to go.
But, one thing lingered in his mind, how would he go about bringing this faction down with him…?