The day bustled with the sight of various people walking and conversing with each other. Some constantly screaming at one point by the impatient ones who wanted the road cleared for them to pass through.
Villagers of Bonville walked under the hot sun that had already made its presence known across the sky and over the people, all ready to make ends meet for the day.
More than the heat and bustle, they were unbothered by the dust that rose in the air as they rubbed their morning sweating bodies against each other greeting and whispering about the old but fresh tale of the shadow that lurked in the kingdom.
Among the many noises was the conversation between two elderly women with their young children standing beside them.
The first woman whose face had an appealing charm whispered to her fellow village woman, "Can you believe I was haunted by the shadow the night before?"
"Oh no, Mrs. Smith! How did that happen?" The second woman exclaimed albeit in a hushed tone, her gaze turning to check if anyone was listening to their conversation.
"It was quite a horrible experience, Mrs. Blake," Mrs. Smith replied still talking in a hushed tone. "I heard a noise coming from the living room which I went to check, and there I found the shadow in the corner. Its eyes were red!"
"But Mama, that was only our coats hanging on the stand that frightened you," The daughter of Mrs. Smith interjected staring at her mother with a confused expression. That was not what happened, she thought to herself.
"Keep your mouth shut, Freda. Are you calling me a liar? I know what I saw!" The mother quickly pulled the little girl behind her to stop her from spouting more than she had already.
"Hahaha," Mrs. Blake laughed to ease the tension, "Children can be expressive of what they think."
Right at the same time, Ophelia who happened to be on her way to work overheard the conversation between the two women lightly chuckled to herself at the interruption of the little girl.
Tales about the shadow had brought so many stories that one could not decipher which one was true or false anymore. Everyone now wanted to feel among those who witnessed the presence of the shadow. If only there was a way to switch roles with them, they would then experience the real visit from the shadow. But why her? Ophelia asked herself recalling the terror she passed through each night shaking her head as she continued to her workplace.
Ophelia like every other young girl her age worked and assisted in taking care of her family.
Her family like every other family in the village struggled to get their daily meal each day while having just little to tend to other needs of the family.
Carmen Blair, Ophelia's father worked as a wood cutter where he sold them only to earn very little even though his woods were better than most. Elizabetha on the other hand, cultivated vegetables at the back of the house which she sold and the rest were used for family consumption. Now twenty, Ophelia took it upon herself to earn more coins to help out in the family.
On getting to Madam Rosie's shop, she was first greeted by a loud voice which undoubtedly belonged to Rosie shouting at one of the workers.
"Don't even think of going in else you'll receive an earful from her for coming late." Mark, one of the male workers spoke immediately after Ophelia stepped into the shop. "Here, deliver this to the house of Madame Constance. Do not be ten minutes late or you'll finally get it from Madame Rosie."
"Thank you, Mark!" Ophelia grateful to escape the angry Madame Rosie said, quickly taking the box from the young man. "I'll surely return the favour."
"For your ride back and forth," Mark handed her a silver coin he took from his pants pocket. He warned, "Make sure to return the change to Madame."
Ophelia nodded and slipped the coin into her dress pocket as she grabbed the box from Mark not knowing what was inside. Not like she was privileged to know.
Her work just like the others was to deliver whatever it was to people with no questions asked. Oftentimes, she felt there was an illegal business going on but then, what was her business when she got paid 10 silver coins and 2 nickels as a bonus? No other job paid such an amount.
Ophelia turned on her heels carrying the box securely in her arms when the loud voice coming from Madam Rosie boomed from inside the shop,
"Ophelia!" Madame Rosie shouted as she emerged with heavy steps carrying her weight, alerting the girl who quickened her steps ready to run.
However, just as Ophelia made to dash from there, two large hands caught her by her shoulders, halting her movements.
"Oh, Madame Rosie, I am—" Ophelia shrieked and immediately stopped when she caught sight of the moustache belonging to a man whose red eyes peered down at her.
"You think you can escape?!" The man barked making Ophelia flinch with a confused expression. He continued to bellow to the men who quickly joined him, "Go inside and get all of them, now!"
Ophelia's eyes widened, the beating of her heart accelerating as she accessed what was happening. Before her eyes, the men marched into Madame Rosie's shop and hurled the other workers out.
"What is going on?!" One of the workers brave enough shouted at the men.
"You dare ask what is going on?" The man who held Ophelia barked. His grip on her shoulder tightened as he marched towards the one who spoke, roughly dragging Ophelia with him. "You run an illegal business here, and you have the nerve to ask such a question?! Do not worry, your question will be answered when you meet yourselves in the council."
Council?! Ophelia gasped, the look on her face mirroring the horror in her eyes.
"Mister, could we talk this through like gentlemen and women?" Ophelia proposed, racking her brain with possible ways to free herself. She couldn't get locked up by the council nor could her poor parents afford the bail money. Where is Madame Rosie?!
The sharp eyes of the vampire landed on Ophelia, and she was sure she saw smoke puff out of the man's big nose. "You shall explain better in the council!" Was the last thing Ophelia heard before she was hurled inside the carriage the men had come with.