"Okay, system, assimilate it!" - and again, my whole body began to break, from indescribable pain, it was almost the same as Arturia's, but this time I was able to hold back a scream, after a few seconds the pain subsided.
[Attention... Virus detected in blood... Absorption process is starting... The virus has been successfully absorbed!]
What the...
I felt strange sensations throughout my body, and I can say I became even... lighter.
Alpha's knowledge is quite heavy, her skills were honed in many battles, and I felt how angry she was at the world, and was ready to destroy it for her sister.
"System, absorb the katana "Sakura"!"
I immediately summoned my weapon and changed it to "Sakura", it was a beautiful blade, and its sheath was behind my back, and was connected to my back, but I did not feel it.
Moving to the training ground, I took a position, grabbing the handle, and at that moment, I began to deliver energy strikes from different directions, when I finished, I put the katana back into the sheath.
It was Alpha's signature strike "Abyssal Slash".
"System, what is the test?"
[During the test, you will be transported to the world of Punishing Gray Raven, and the time in this world will be frozen! Your skills will also be frozen, except for Alpha Lucia's skills! You will need to defeat Alpha Lucia!]
"Defeat, does that mean I don't need to kill her?"
[Yes, you only need to defeat her!]
"Okay, begin the test!" I said, and the world around me changed.
I was standing on the outskirts of a large city, but this city was completely destroyed, it was a depressing sight.
As soon as I appeared, I noticed "robots" or something like them heading towards me, I unsheathed my katana, and prepared to fight.
I immediately slashed the first "robot", tangentially cutting it, jumping over it, I stuck the katana into the head of another.
I used "Abyssal Slash" again, thereby cutting down many of these robots, but they still did not end.
Then I used "Iaido Will", and began to strike with different styles, each of which increased the damage.
"Damn, there are too many of them!" - when I said this, a girl appeared on the battlefield, also with a katana, and began to chop the "infected", I did not get distracted by her and also continued to chop, at some point, a blond guy appeared on the battlefield and began to shoot at the enemy, and behind him a white-haired girl who was healing these two, and also what is most interesting is me, yes, I was scratched a couple of times, but these scratches did not remain.
As soon as we finished killing the "infected", I put the katana in its sheath, and saw a guy in military gear who came up to me.
"You fight well! Are you a construct?" - he asked me.
I shook my head and answered.
"Excuse me, I am the Commander, and this is Lucia, Liv. Lee! We are known as the gray crow!" - so that is really his name?
"I'm Fran Pendragon!"
"Fran, to be honest I feel bad asking, but how old are you?" Liv asked
"12!" I answered shortly, causing shocked faces.
I saw him put a finger to his ear.
"You can tell your superiors that I will not work with or for them! And tell them that they are fucking assholes!" I said smiling, causing Lucia to laugh.
"You know, they ordered me to capture you!"
"And what are you going to do?" I asked
"Nothing!" he simply answered. Yes, just like in the game, he was very kind!
"So what are you doing here, little one?" Lucia asked me.
"Looking for Alpha!" I answered her
I saw all four of them visibly tense up.
"Why do you need her?" Lee asked me.
"Calm down, I'm not one of the gray assistants!"
"You know who she is..."- the Commander started to say
"No need, I know everything! I need to fight her!"
"Even though you're good with a sword, she's on another level!" Lucia told me! She and Alpha often crossed their blades. And I already knew how strong Alpha was, and if I was really in danger, I'd return to my dimension.
Yeah, I also have a feeling that our fight will escalate into something more
"Hey, won't you get in trouble if you ignore an order?"- I asked the guy
He shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe! But that order is too much... capturing a child is not what I joined the army for!"
"Well then, I suggest we split up! And never trust those who order you around!"
He nodded to me, and Liv came up to me and hugged me, which shocked me a little, but I accepted the hug.
"Take care of yourself!" Lucia told me
I nodded at her words and ran away.
This meeting was quite... interesting!
Making my way through the ruined city, I met the "infected" more and more often, and I was already getting tired of endless battles with them.
I decided that I needed to wait out the night somewhere, since fighting at night was not the best idea, and I needed to rest!
I climbed to the top floor of a skyscraper, which was more or less intact.
"It took you a long time to get here!" I heard a voice behind me
Turning around, I saw her face, and something inside me clicked.
In front of me stood a girl with long white hair, one eye was red, the other gray! Her hands were mechanical because of the virus... and she also showed off in only panties, which, although hidden by a shirt, but still
[Couple:???-Couple: Alpha Lucia]
Why did my eyes widen, do I need to fight my bride?
"Um, hi!" I said to her, and she raised an eyebrow.
"You want to fight me, but still, you're talking instead of taking out your katana!" she said, and what could I say, that I don't want to fight her anymore because of this whole couple thing.
[You were given a test to defeat her, but no one told you to fight her…] I heard the system's voice.
I sighed and looked into her eyes.
"Were you eavesdropping?" I asked her.
"No! You just appeared out of nowhere, so I became interested, well, until the gray raven came!" she said with noticeable contempt.
"You can't come to terms with your double's dreams?" I saw surprise appear on her stoic face.
"Lucia, no Alpha, would you like to be with your sister in the world she wants to live with you?" I asked her, as I knew I couldn't take her with me without her sister, who could say she wanted to build a paradise where she and her sister could live peacefully.
It's not achievable in this world, but in my dimension…
"I'm listening!" she said.
I sighed, knowing she had a lot to tell