Ino's eyes widened as she caught sight of the horse, stopping in her tracks. She whimpered, thinking that Naruto was about to take her for a `ride'.
"Prep her for cleaning, Sakura-chan." He ordered, his pink haired slave bowing to him, her breasts swaying slightly. "I'll get the water going."
"As you wish Master." She replied, as Naruto transferred Ino's leash from his hands to Sakura's waiting hands. He then walked away from them, beginning to rummage through a cabinet that had been recessed into the `dungeon' wall, while Sakura led the crawling girl to one of the unique chairs in the room.
It was metal, with pads along the arms and legs, as well as thick leather straps to hold a person down. Where the seat should be, was a large hole, ringed with leather padding. It sat upon a rotating base, and Ino saw a large black tub behind it, filled with water and ice. She whimpered again.
"Oh, don't worry about the tub, Ino-chan." Her friend answered, surprising the girl. "Master won't be that rough with you…yet." She shivered as the pinkette chuckled. "Besides, he prefers to use the wheel when doing the dunking game."
She pointed over to what looked like a small mill wheel that had cuffs at different spots. "I imagine he'll introduce you to that tomorrow…ooh, he might even put us both on it. We'd be dunking sisters!" Ino gaped at her as she rubbed her own slit, pondering the image.
"Still, that's for later." Sakura continued, "Now, hop up. We need to clean you up for tonight." Ino whimpered but didn't voice any complaint, standing up. Sakura ordered her to strip, and Ino did as she was commanded, small tears gathering in her eyes. Soon (far too soon for her liking) she was nude save for the thong and her collar. Sakura pushed Ino into the chair, securing her arms and legs with the leather straps. A pair of straps went above and below her tits, and she struggled to repress a moan as the girl gave her a good grope as her hands passed over the mounds.
Ino was truly regretting her obsession with Sasuke. It was because of her obsession and lack of maturity that she was now little more than a blow up doll…and that her `owner` happened to like S & M. Sakura noticed the silence. "Are you alright?"
"How did this happen?" The blonde girl asked, trying to suppress the sobs she felt rising in her throat. Sakura sighed.
"Bad luck I guess. In my case, it was because Naruto loves me and he wanted me. Kyuubi just took advantage of those feelings, and the imprint wouldn`t have changed that. You however…well I guess you could blame Sasuke. You followed me that night thinking I was going to him, but instead you found your way into Naruto-sama's service."
The pink haired girl sat in the bound blonde's lap, shocking Ino at just how wet she was. "Believe it or not, Ino-chan…I'm glad that this happened to me. Naruto-sama showed me that what I felt for Sasuke was only a crush that went out of control. I love Naruto-sama now, with all my heart, soul, and body. Eventually you will too. You have a long way to go however, and I know just how stubborn you can be. You better start praying that he doesn't get too frustrated with any resistance you put up. He might decide to use the electric generator on you." Ino looked at Sakura with an unbelieving expression.
"Did he...?" Ino trailed off, not wanting to finish asking the question. Sakura sighed, shifting her weight so more of Ino's bound knee pressed against her own womanhood.
"Some bad memories came up during one of our early sessions." She explained. "I did something that reminded him of how I kept on hurting him every time he asked me out, or professed his love for me, or for even just looking in my direction. It wasn't his fault really...the Kyuubi has a tendency to fuel Master's emotions increasing their strength. Master wanted payback for the pain he felt every time I rejected him…and he paid me back. With interest."
Ino saw a tear go down Sakura's face. "What…what was…?"
"It hurt so much." Sakura whispered, trembling slightly. "You've no idea just how sensitive your clit can be, Ino. I can still remember the shocks. It's like being stuck with needles all over, yet focused on that one spot…I thought I was going to die after the first one, but Naruto-sama proved me wrong."
"It went on for three days, Ino." She continued, ignoring the trembling girl as she recounted the tale. "After the third day I broke. I was Naruto-sama's true slave from that point on. The only reason I survived was because of being marked and receiving the gift of rapid healing, just like you are going to get tonight. Please, I beg of you..." Sakura's voice took on a desperate tone. "Don't provoke Master into shocking you."
"I won't have to if she cooperates." Sakura jumped as Naruto spoke behind her. She turned to face her master, tears leaking down her cheeks. Naruto put down the bowl of water in his hand and gathered Sakura in his arms, kissing away her tears and running his hands up and down her naked back, over the swell of her buttocks and back up to her neck. After a few minutes the girl calmed down, and Naruto smiled. "It's alright Sakura-chan. I promised that I wouldn't do that to you anymore unless you really deserve it, and you know I always keep my promises." Sakura sobbed into his shoulder.
"Thank you Naruto-sama."
"Sakura-chan, I told you that you don't have to call me Naruto-sama anymore. You can call me Naruto-kun." Sakura surprised the other two by pulling the blond boy's head forward, and claiming his lips as her own.
"And I told you that you deserve to be called Naruto-sama." She replied, kneeling down to fondle his ball sack. "I just don't want Ino-chan to have to go through that…please don't shock her, she doesn't need it." Naruto sighed, looking into the tearfully bright green eyes of his lover and slave.
"Look Sakura-chan." He said, enjoying the feeling of the girl's hands around his manhood. "As long as she doesn't anger me, she'll be fine." Naruto lifted the girl to her feet, embracing her as she sighed in relief. After a while (with him teasing her asshole with his fingers) she finally calmed down.
"I'm sorry, Master."
"It's alright. I have something that might cheer you up." Sakura stared as Naruto pulled a key out of nowhere and dangled it in front of her face. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree, and she started bouncing on the balls of her feet.
"Is that...?" Naruto grinned.
"The key to the tentacle room? Why yes it is. You have 30 minutes." Sakura squealed and glomped Naruto, then taking the key and running out the room, squealing in delight. Naruto watched and chuckled before turning his attention to Ino. Grabbing a chair, he set it down in front of the exposed Ino, pressing a button next to the chair. This caused her legs to be lifted up and out, leaving her spread in the air, and allowing Naruto full access to all of her holes. "What's up?" Naruto started to stroke her thighs and Ino let out a moan. Naruto chuckled, bringing his hand to the only piece of cloth left on her body, and running his fingers along the sides covering her pussy. "I bet you been waiting for this to come off right?" Ino nodded her head. "Well, you're in luck because I'm taking it off." Ino sighed in relief and watched as Naruto slowly took it off to reveal her dripping entrance. "You're all wet down here…you naughty girl. You've been enjoying this!"
Ino shook her head from side to side, trying to deny his words. "Still, it's a good thing you're already wet." He continued. "It`ll make it easier to get the dildo out."
Naruto pushed his fingers inside Ino's pussy, rubbing her inner walls as he twisted his fingers around the dildo, slowly sliding it out. Every movement sent a shock of pleasure throughout Ino, causing her to moan.
"That's better." Naruto set the dildo down and retrieved a can. Ino looked at the name and saw it was shaving cream. A surge of panic shot through Ino and her body reflected it. Naruto's eyes went up to Ino's. "Be still. You don't want me to cut you while I'm working, do you?" Naruto chuckled as she settled down. "Didn't think so."
Naruto sprayed the cream on to his hands, and then began to work the soapy substance onto her mound. Ino stayed perfectly still, despite the pleasant sensations Naruto was evoking down there. After Naruto finished applying the cream, he grabbed a blade and started shaving her. Ino felt like a whore at this point. She couldn't do anything except stay still while Naruto stripped her pussy of its last remaining protection.
Tears started to well up in her eyes as she realized the process of him marking her had started. There would be no escape after this.
After what seemed like an eternity to Ino, Naruto finished. He picked up a small rag and wiped the remaining cream and hairs away from the newly denuded mound. After that was done, Naruto looked at his work, smiling as placed a hand on her pussy and started to rub it.
"Very smooth. Now..." Naruto reached to the side and picked up a large syringe, dipping it into a bucket full of hot soapy water, filling it with one long, slow pull on the plunger. Ino's eyes widened in fear as Naruto moved it to her ass, sliding the tip past her rosebud and into her rectum.
Naruto smirked as he caught sight of Ino's fearful eyes. "Don't worry pet, I'm just cleaning you up." Ino gasped as he pushed down the syringe and the water filled her up. "Don't let it out just yet slave. There's more." He proceeded to refill the syringe.
Ino teared up at the sensation. It felt as if her stomach would explode, and her ass felt like it was cramping up from holding it in. She couldn't stand it. She really, really wanted to let it out but Naruto would no doubt punish her if she did.
Naruto pumped more of the hot liquid into her, repeating the process two times. Ino groaned in pain. It hurt, it really did. "Just hold on for a few minutes, and you'll earn a nice surprise." Ino watched as Naruto took his sweet time in putting down the syringe and watched her. Her eyes teared as the horribly long seconds ticked by, before he finally picked up a bucket, and moving it under her. "Alright, you can let it out now."
When it was over, Ino practically sobbed in humiliation and relief, barely noticing as Naruto stroked her now hairless mound with a gentle, almost loving caress. "There now, sweetness." The domineering blond grinned, licking a tear off her cheek.
Ino could have sworn her heart stopped when he spoke his next words. "We only need to do this two more times now, and then I'll give you something really nice." She whimpered at his sadistic grin.
Finally, the water flowed clear out of Ino. The weeping blonde couldn't take it and could do nothing except just lay there and catch her breath. Ino faintly felt the binds loosen and felt herself being picked up and carried somewhere. The blonde felt herself being put down on a soft surface and heard what sounded like chains and a `click'. She opened her eyes to see Naruto looking at her and a chain attached to the D-ring on her collar. "You did a good job my pet. I promised you a surprise and here it is." Naruto held out his middle finger and a floating ball of red chakra gathered at the tip. Ino moved away from the evil looking ball of doom as best as she could until there wasn't anymore slack on the chain.
Ino whimpered as the ball made of chakra came closer. "Don't be scared. This will be a very pleasurable surprise." Ino locked her legs together as his finger came closer. He stopped and he frowned. "Open your legs pet." Ino shook her head vigorously. Naruto stared at her with narrowed eyes before realization set in. "You think I'm going to hurt you again don't you slave?" Naruto knew he was right as his new pet curled up into a ball.
Naruto chuckled as his free hand went to the chain connected to Ino. The trembling girl looked with horror in her eyes as Naruto grasped the chain in his hand. "If you don't spread your legs, you will be hurt." The grinning blonde tugged on the chain a little to emphasize his point. "So what's it going to be?" Ino looked at the chain, her mind unwillingly imagining what would happen if he started to pull at it, somehow knowing it would choke off her air supply.
Ino whimpered, not wanting to feel the chain pulled, so she slowly spread her legs to allow Naruto access to her core. A sadistic grin graced his face, causing Ino to gulp, instinctively closing her legs again. A yank on the chain made her do otherwise.
Seeing Ino gasp for breath, nearly hyperventilating at what she thought was to come, Naruto couldn't help but smirk. Letting go of the chain, the blonde walked to the other side of the bed where Ino was and bent down to her level. The red orb of chakra spun at his finger tip, and Ino's eyes were drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
"Close your eyes, my pet," Naruto purred, running his other hand along her thigh, dancing his finger tips along the folds of her womanhood.
"P-please…please don't..." The girl moaned, her eyes closing like her master ordered.
"Now…just feel." Naruto grinned, bringing the orb of energy in contact with her trembling clit.
Ino's entire body seized up for a brief moment, before a loud, keening wail was torn from her throat. Her legs thrashed up and down, nearly striking Naruto in their savagery. Naruto grabbed her left leg, keeping it still as he maintained contact with her clit.
It was maddening. Ino was certain she couldn't stand it. It felt like a thousand tongues were all licking at her clit, while a thousand fingers rubbed every inch of her pussy, inside and out. Naruto smiled at her shaking. "Feel it, Ino-chan." He shouted over her cries. "This is part of what I can give you and only a small part at that. Just give in to the pleasure, and it'll get even better than this."
Ino continued to wail, even as her voice grew hoarse from the continued assault on her pleasure center. Her struggles began to subside after a short while, and Naruto was able to let her leg go.
He smiled as he brought up his other hand, a new red orb forming above his index finger, and he moved it over the quivering girl's left tit. He held it for a few seconds, before he spoke up.
"You'll love this Ino-chan." He muttered, before pressing the orb into the girl's nipple.
Ino let out a loud, piercing keen, her body arching so high Naruto was worried her back would break…before she slumped down, unconscious.
Naruto lifted his hands from her body, looking down at her with fondness. He bent down, taking a quick lick from her still twitching pussy. The act drew a moan from his unconscious prize, and he smiled at her taste.
"Rest up, my pet." He chuckled, pinching her left nipple lightly, causing her to toss her head lightly. "The main event is still to come."
Sakura emerged from her session in the tentacle room a little bow-legged, but with a satisfied grin on her sweaty face.
She was surprised to see that her master was nowhere about, but when she spied the blonde girl chained to the bed, she knew what had happened.
`Ino-chan must have done pretty good with the enemas to get the orb treat.' The green eyed girl giggled to herself. `Master will probably give it to her good tonight.'
She walked forward, sitting on the bed and admiring her blonde friend's shapely body. A small shift in Ino's breathing pattern alerted her to the bound girl's state.
"I know you're awake Ino-chan." When Ino didn't respond at Sakura's voice the girl just laid down next to her and sighed. "Look Ino-chan, I know what you're feeling right now. You are thinking that your life is over and you want to kill yourself is that right?" She didn't respond but she knew she was right. "Ino-chan, it will get better. I know this for a fact. Things were hard for me for a while but I got through it. You just need to accept that Naruto-sama will take care of you."
"How do I know that? How do I know that he won't just keep me down here chained to the wall to be used as a sex toy over and over again?" The blonde growled, her body still tingling from Naruto's `gift'.
"Ah, she speaks." Ino groaned and turn away from her. She felt two arms wrap around her torso. "Because that's not who he is. He meant it when he said he would bring you out of your blindness."
"What blindness?" Ino heard her friend giggle a little.
"I call it `Uchiha Blindness'." Sakura replied. "You see nothing but Sasuke and you ignore everything else around you. You don't study enough, do any training, or do anything that would prepare you for the real world. Even if you somehow manage to pass the exam, you would spend your free time stalking him. Naruto-sama will make sure you train enough to last in this world. He will prepare you like he did me."
"I see." Ino didn't say anything else, just laid there thinking. It was terrifying. That red orb…she'd never felt such sensations before. If he could do that to her…what else could he do? What pleasures or pains could he make her go through?
The thought of being trained not only as his slave, but as a proper kuniochi, was both terrible…and tempting.
Ino turned her head to her naked friend, her body twitching as Sakura ran her hands along her skin. "Where…is he now?" she asked. If she had to describe her feelings, it would almost be…fearfully eager.
"I don't know…he's probably at Ichiraku's getting some last minute ramen before he starts in on you." Ino gulped.
"What is he going to do to me?" Ino asked with a fearful tone. Sakura heard it and reassured her.
"He's going to fuck you tonight." Ino tensed up and her breath caught in her throat as Sakura's tongue licked at her ear. "Calm down, Ino-chan, if its pregnancy you`re worried about, then don`t. Before he penetrates you, he'll mark you as his…a small bite on the neck in exchange for unimaginable pleasure. Once you're marked…that's when the fun really starts."
Ino felt Sakura's fingers play over her still sensitive pussy, drawing shudders and small gasps from the exhausted girl. Her breath hitched in her throat as Sakura blew a breath across her trembling lips.
"He'll kiss you." The pink haired girl breathed. "He'll touch you…he'll lick you. Then he'll pound you and pound you. It'll feel so wonderful, and you'll think you're going to be driven through the mattress, but most of all..." Sakura brought her mouth closer to Ino's ear, dipping her tongue in for a playful lick, before breathing. "You'll be begging for more."
Ino started to shake, though even she couldn`t tell whether it was from fear…or desire.
Sakura chuckled as she felt the shaking of the girl in her arms. "Get some rest Ino-chan. If I know my Master, he'll savor his time with the ramen and won't be back for a while." Sakura chuckled again as she finished that sentence. "Sometimes I think he enjoys ramen more then my body. I can't help but feel jealous. Good night Ino-chan." Sakura's voice lulled her into a light sleep.
Ino slowly awakened as a soft caress moved across her cheek. A feather-like series of kisses started at her eyebrows, working their way down her face, even going so far as to make contact with each of her eyelids.
A hand began gliding up and down her neck and shoulders. The touch was light, but it was still there, and the hand, while slightly calloused, was gentle…almost loving. Ino let out a small moan as the hand moved to her breasts and started to play with them.
She slowly opened her eyes, becoming more awake as she felt the pleasure that the hands and kisses were giving her.
"Good evening, my beautiful pet."
The blonde girl's eyes snapped open as she registered the voice. Her body locked up as she felt Naruto's hands roam her body. The boy himself was lying next to her, his torso half over her own. A distant part of her mind noted the slim, wiry quality to his muscles as the wrapped around his frame.
That part of her admitted that she had always found the athletic type bodies more attractive and Naruto's was like a dream.
"Ah, you're awake." Her new master spoke, running his left hand around the underside of her left breast and causing her breath to hitch in her throat. "That's good. That means we can get started now." Ino whimpered as Naruto leaned forward, breathing into her ear. Ino couldn't help but shiver…it still shocked her how sensitive she was there.
"Master, do we really have to do this?" She asked. "I…I'm scared. Please!" Her master only chuckled.
"You should know the answer to that by now." Ino gasped as the traveling hands went south, traveling over her newly hairless mound. She moaned as he started to tease her.
"W-where S-Sakura?" Ino let out a loud gasp as Naruto hit a particularly sensitive spot.
"See for yourself." Naruto motioned over his shoulder and Ino turned her head to look.
The sight that met her eyes caused them to widen.
Sakura was hogtied, gagged, and hanging from the ceiling and she could hear a faint moaning sound coming from her, as well as a low buzzing. The girl's green eyes were wide open and fixed on the bed, even though they carried an almost glassy tone.
"My pet wanted to join us but I told her it was just to be the two of us." Naruto explained. "She kept on arguing and I had to tie her up and gag her to stop the noise." He turned to the hogtied girl. "You'll be getting the crop for that later, Sakura-chan."
Ino's eyes bugged at that image, as Sakura squirmed in her bondage, signifying her own displeasure at the thought.
Naruto turned back to his newest lover. "It's not too bad though." He said. "She just got a little impatient. She gets to fuck you next; just has to wait her turn after all."
Ino whimpered, turning her head away from the sight of the hogtied Sakura. She took a few deep breaths, trying to steady her nerves even as Naruto's hands caressed her skin.
"Turn around my cute slave, and face me." Ino complied and soon was facing a smiling Naruto. She closed her eyes as Naruto started to stroke her cheek. "You are so beautiful Ino-chan. Never let anyone tell you otherwise." As his hands continued to slide over her smooth skin, Ino instinctively began to lean into his touch. She actually began to `purr' when Naruto started running his hands through her own golden locks. "Tell me something, why do you have your hair this long?"
Ino didn't respond but Naruto already knew the answer. "It's because you heard a rumor that the teme liked long hair isn't it?"
"Please…don't remind me of him." The girl whispered, her voice cracking a little. "I'm in this because of my obsession with him...I…" A tear traveled down Ino's cheek, and Naruto felt a pang of guilt hit him.
Despite his methods, he never wants to see a girl in emotional pain. He loved the sounds Sakura made when he took the paddles or the whips to her, but he never wanted to see her cry because he hurt her feelings.
It was the same case with Ino. He knew he was going to enjoy her moans and screams when her time with the horse came…but seeing her cry because she was scared and confused like this wasn't something he enjoyed.
"If you want to forget him, I'll be glad to help you." He said. "Let me show you how."
Ino smiled a genuine smile for the first time ever since this started.
"Please…show me…Master." Ino whispered. Then, in a sudden movement, she closed the distance between them, and claimed Naruto's lips for her own.
Naruto was definitely surprised that she made the first move, and so was Sakura from her muted outburst. Naruto responded to the kiss and moved his hand behind Ino's head and tugged at the hair band until it was free. Naruto broke the kiss to have his first look at Ino with her hair down.
"Wow." She looked even more beautiful with her hair down. Ino giggled at his expression.
"Like what you see?" Naruto gave her lips a quick kiss.
"Very much." He replied, running a hand as far down the length as he could. "I love the scent too. Peach…now I can call you as pretty as one."
Ino giggled, and tried to once again capture the blonde's lips with her own. Naruto leaned back a bit, causing her to miss, so he could once again assume control. He licked the bottom of her lips, asking for entrance. She opened her mouth and Naruto's tongue assaulted her own. While their tongues battled for dominance, Naruto's hands ran across her skin. He loved the silky texture of his new slave's body, but something was missing.
Ino's hands were still in the same spot, lying against the bed. "Ino-chan..." Naruto broke the kiss, giving her a neutral look. Ino was afraid she had done something wrong. She looked at Naruto, trying to read his eyes. "Don't be afraid to use your hands. Use them to feel, to pleasure your partner."
Ino nodded, relieved that she had another chance. Their lips connected again and this time, Ino started to use her hands.
Ino moved her hands over Naruto's body, liking what she felt. Her hands glided over his back, and she was puzzled to find rough lines along parts of it, almost like scars. She continued on, however, sliding her hands over his ass, marveling at how smooth and firm it was.
The blonde girl moaned as his tongue won their battle and his tongue invaded her mouth. He massaged every part that he had access to. Meanwhile, Naruto's hands moved across her skin, feeling what is there to be felt. His hands went behind Ino and groped Ino's ass, and Ino let out a squeal in his mouth. Naruto broke the kiss, giving her a smirk. Ino gulped at the look on his face.
"So sensitive there." He chuckled, sliding a finger up the crevice between her cheeks. She moaned as his finger light grazed over her anus. "We'll be having some real fun with that later…you're going to love it, Ino-chan."
She gasped as Naruto lowered his head to one of her breast and started to lick the hardened nipple. The other hand grabbed the twin and the fingers started to pinch it which earned another loud moan came out of her mouth.
Naruto circled his tongue around her areola, stabbing at the tip of her nipple playfully, as well as lightly nipping at it with his teeth. The other nipple he rolled and twisted between his fingers. His hand would occasionally slide down, tickling the underside of her breast and causing her to shiver at the sensation. After a few minutes of this pleasurable torture, he began to slide his mouth sideways, down between the valley of her tits, and up the other side.
He lightly licked her other nipple, before taking it between his teeth and nipping at it lightly.
The pleasure had been building up in Ino since he had first started on her left tit, and with this new sensation on her right tit, it finally crested. She let out a small keen as her body seemed to clench up, before slumping down and panting.
Naruto lifted his head up, gazing at her in wonder. "Did…did you just come from me playing with your tits!?!" He asked, both shocked and aroused.
Ino blushed as she panted, her hands lying limp upon his back. She shuddered as he pinched her nipple again, as he grinned widely.
"You did!" He whispered, throwing a look back at Sakura, whose eyes were wide with mischief. "That's…delicious, my sweet!" He turned back to Ino. "So sensitive with your ass, and now this? Oh my pet, we're going to have such fun together!"
Ino could only moan as he started the caresses again. She was surprised, however, as he started kissing his way down her stomach. "M-master?" she asked, her body trembling slightly.
"Shhhhhh, pet." He muttered. "I'll play more with your tits later. Now I want to…taste my new property."
"T-taste…y-you mean…" She whispered, her eyes widening in surprise.
"I had a small lick earlier." He continued, kissing around her inner thighs, marveling at the firm, soft skin. "Now...I intend to feast."
He looked at Ino's womanhood. Her lower lips were flushed with blood, and they twitched as his breath played over them. Her inner lips were slightly puckered, and her own juices dripped slowly out from her opening.
Her clit stood proud and upright, the hood pulled back slightly. He grinned wickedly, and blew a sharp breath on it, causing her to gasp and shake.
"Now, feel free to cry out, my little cosmos." He grinned, seeing her eyes widen at the nickname. "Let me know how much you like it."
With that he dived in, licking and nibbling and breathing all over her sensitive mound. Ino bucked up and down, trying to find some rhythm to his ministrations, but found herself unable to do so.
She cried out as he sucked on her clit, tonguing it and teething it at the same time, another orgasm washing through her body. She panted and groaned, even as he continued his assault on her, bringing her to her third peak since this `marathon' had begun.
From her vantage point hanging from the rafters, Sakura watched the events with a mixture of jealousy and desire. She shuddered as the vibrator in her ass started a particularly intense round of stimulation. She knew her master had been displeased with her greed, but for him to tie her like this with only a vibrator in her ass? She knew far worse was to come. When he'd mentioned the riding crop she'd nearly lost control of herself.
She wouldn't be talking back to her master again for a long time.
She moaned in sympathy as Ino let out a loud yelp. Naruto had inserted a pair of fingers, sawing them in and out of the shivering girl as he renewed his attack on her clit.
Ino couldn't tell if she was in heaven or hell. She could barely tell that she was even on a bed. All that was there was pleasure, the likes of which she'd had glimpses of with her own explorations, but never actually seen.
Finally, after half an hour of being eaten out, she found herself allowed to relax. She panted and shuddered, laughing and crying as her body struggled to come to terms with the overload of pleasure. Her womanhood felt like it was on fire, and her nipples were so hard they ached.
Her eyes opened, and she panted as Naruto came back up to her level. The boy dipped down, capturing her lips in a kiss, his tongue sliding easily over hers and into her mouth. She tasted herself on his lips and tongue, and it brought out a heady, wonderful feeling through her hyper-stimulated body.
After a short time, Naruto lifted his face from hers, smiling down at her. "You taste wonderful, my sweet." He said. "Like candy and miso, with a tang that's indescribable…I could get lost between these thighs of yours."
Ino couldn't help but giggle a bit at that. "T-thank…you…Master." She whispered.
Naruto's hands came to her face, his thumbs stroking her cheeks with tenderness. "Look down, Ino-chan." He ordered.
Ino obeyed, her eyes widening at the sight of his cock. It was hard, and it rested against her thigh. She hadn't noticed before, but now she was aware of its heat.
It was like a brand, resting against her flesh. It didn't burn, yet Ino could swear it was searing her through and through.
"It's time, my pet." The blond boy muttered, resting his mouth at the hollow of her neck, right at the spot where her shoulder and neck joined. "Everything you are and everything you will be…your heart, your soul, and this wonderful body of yours? From now on, they belong to me."
There was a brief, sharp pain as his teeth sank into her skin, and Ino let out a cry. It was gone almost as soon as it came, and a strange warmth spread through her body.
Ino panted as the warmth reached her pussy, and pleasure began to build again. *It's…wonderful.* It was all she could think, before Naruto lined up his cock with her opening.
"Yamanaka Ino." He growled, his blue eyes turning into silts. "Now…I claim you."
With that, he slid in.
The physical lifestyle that Ino and Sakura lived had long since torn their hymens, leaving only their natural tightness as a barrier to Naruto's entry. His thoughtful preparations had seen to it that he could slip into her with some ease.
Ino moaned as he glided into her. She had never known such…fullness. She felt stretched, filled, and more complete than she had ever known. Her eyes opened, and she stared into her new master's eyes with wonder.
"S-so…good." She moaned.
"Tight…you're wonderfully…tight, Ino." Naruto grunted, as he pulled out before pushing back in. Ino gasped and groaned as he set up a steady rhythm. He rotated his hips, spinning his cock inside her as he moved, earning a series of appreciative gasps and groans from his new pet.
Ino's sensitive pussy didn't take long to achieve another climax, and she cried out her pleasure as it crested. She panted, her eyes shut as she came down from the peak.
Her eyes snapped open as she felt it building again, watching as Naruto continued his thrusts and rotations. "M-mmmasstoooohhh….master!?!" She gasped.
"I'm…n-not…done…w-with you…yet." Naruto grunted, beginning to speed up his pace. Ino could only grip the sheets beneath her as he began to pound into her, bringing her to another orgasm quickly.
She vaguely recalled that Sakura had told her this would happen…that small part of her was practically hysterical as it said the pink haired girl was right.
She lost count of how many orgasms Naruto brought her too. She was laughing, crying, groaning, and crying out to Naruto, Kami-sama, and her ancestors as her master tried to drive her through the mattress.
It seemed like an eternity before she felt him stiffen, and a warm feeling splashed up her insides. She panted, her eyes half closed as she gazed up into the flushed face of her new owner.
He was cute.
She giggled, shaking as he slipped out of her and lay by her side. "So…Ino-chan." He panted, grinning as he reached a hand up to palm a breast. She shuddered, moaning as he began to knead the fleshy mound. "How was your first time?"
"Ohhhhhhh." Was all she could groan out.
Naruto laughed, turning to his other slave, noting the glazed look in her eyes. "She's so responsive, Sakura-chan." he chuckled. "A real keeper."
His first slave nodded weakly, as a small orgasm traveled through her body via the anal vibrator and seeing the erotic display before her.
"Well..." Naruto said, stretching, before turning to the still panting Ino. "That was good…for round one."
Ino's eyes snapped open, gazing at him in arousal and fear. "R-r-r-r-round…ONE!?!" She gasped, shaking as he pinched her nipple.
"Oh, our night has just begun, my sweet." Naruto grinned, bringing his hand down to her pussy, and starting to rub it. "I still have lots more to show you tonight."
Ino whimpered.
It was almost two hours before Naruto finally let Ino collapse into unconsciousness, her body shuddering from an overload of orgasms. He grinned down at his pet, placing a gentle kiss on her brow.
"Sweet dreams, my pet." He chuckled. "And an even sweeter morning to come…I'm so going to enjoy your cries."
He stood, stretching and popping his back, before he made his way over to Sakura. A few deft tugs on some ropes, and she was free. She collapsed on the ground at his feet, panting before she moved forward and kissing his toes.
"T-thank…you...for…punishing me…Naruto-sama." She whispered.
"Remember your place, Sakura-chan." Naruto replied, lifting the girl to her feet and crushing her lips with his own. "You'll get your turn with your new sister…but my wishes come first."
"Yes master." She replied, bowing her head.
"Wow gaki, now that was impressive!" A new voice echoed through the chamber. Naruto turned to see his two teachers, Morino Ibiki and Mitarashi Anko standing there. Ibiki's face was neutral as usual, but Anko had a flush to her, even as she played with one of her own impressive tits.
"If it weren't for the fact that I'd make a lousy slave, I'd gladly let you take me for a ride. Chakra on your hands as you fingered her? Damn kid, you are good."
"Thank you, Anko-sempai." He replied, ignoring his undressed state. Anko had been the one to train him in breaking women to his will (he still recalled that one Kumo kunoichi with red hair…she had an awesome mouth), and they'd seen each other nude plenty of times.
Sakura had no qualms about the two jonin seeing her nude as well. Anko had taught her shibari (both on herself and others), and Ibiki had been the one to inform her of her new life as Naruto's pet.
"So, what brings you here?" Naruto asked, walking over to a small fridge, and pulling out a few bottles of water. He tossed them to the jounins, while popping open one for himself and Sakura.
"Eh, Anko heard you had a new plaything, and she wanted to see." Ibiki replied, opening his own bottle and taking a sip. "Since a girl needs an escort when coming to see you…"
"Ah." Naruto replied. "Too bad. I know you'd like some of the games Sakura and I play, Anko-sempai."
"I'm sure I would." The purple haired kuniochi grinned. "Problem is that I'm no sub…I'm pure domme. You'd just get too frustrated trying to break me."
"Eh, maybe." Naruto replied. "Though if you want a good project? Try that Hyuuga girl, Hinata…poor thing's fixated on me, but her family broke her long ago. She'd be no fun for me…but she might make a good domme with the right training."
Anko's eyes narrowed for a few moments, before a large grin graced her face. "Could be fun." She muttered.
"Great, more paperwork." Ibiki groaned while grabbing the back of Anko's coat. "Come on, Anko. Let's let the gaki enjoy the rest of his evening. You can go play with the Hyuuga girl later."
"Awwwww." The crazy girl groaned as he led them out.
Naruto smirked as they left. "I love those two." He chuckled, before turning to his pink haired lover who was currently sucking on his length. Naruto grunted as he came in her mouth. "Now, Sakura-chan, we're going to let Ino rest for the evening…any more and she'll go insane. You can fuck her tomorrow. I'll even let you choose the first game."
Sakura's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. "Really master?" She asked. "Oh, I know just the game too!"
Naruto grinned. "Now, there is a price to this." He replied, earning a small pout from his girl.
"Mou..." She groaned. "The horse, master?" Naruto's grin turned sadistic.
"The horse."
A few minutes later and Sakura was riding the wooden horse again, a pair of vibrators taped to her nipples and the anal vibrator back in place. A ball gag rested between her lips, keeping her moans down.
"Sweet dreams, Sakura-chan." Naruto chuckled as he walked to the door. "Enjoy the ride."
A loud moan was his only response.