Things couldn't be better for Ino as she fully accepted her role as Naruto's slave. Any hesitation she once had was completely gone now and it paid off for her. At the end of the month, Naruto had told her about the security system on the house and the secret to getting out if they needed to.
Now that she was fully immersed in their world, Ino had started to learn strange things about Naruto. For one, she found out that Naruto liked to sleep...a lot. He slept so much that he would sometimes he'd be out for an entire day.
She learned that Naruto like to ride horses when Naruto took them to a horse ranch. Of course, this provided her master and sister to shed all of their clothes and ride like the wind and streak like there's no tomorrow in the village but Ino didn't join as she couldn't get on the stupid horse.
Seeing Ino not with them, Sakura went back to the ranch to see Ino failing to even get on the horse. After much teasing, Sakura finally helped Ino onto the horse and taught her how to ride and steer the horse.
Speaking of animals...snakes are no longer a problem for the blonde. Sure it took a few months but she didn't want to cut off her arms or legs whenever the snake wrapped itself around her limbs. The reason why is because she understands snakes now thanks to her lessons from Anko about snakes.
In fact, she even gathered up her courage and allowed her pet (which she named Kira after one of Naruto's female forms) to explore her pussy and ass.
The diabolical smirk on Naruto's face when he walked in on her was one of the most humiliating experiences she had ever experienced since the beginning of her service.
In addition to her training in the ninja and sexual arts, Ino also asked her father to continue her training in the Yamanaka family jutsus. Inoichi was reluctant at first but after Ino proved she could handle it, he agreed. Eventually, Ino was taught the partial control which allowed Ino to take control of body parts of a living being.
Of course, once the excitement of learning such an advanced jutsu passed, the naughty side of her came out and plotted to get revenge on her sister for taking advantage of her so many times. was payback time.
The pride she saw on Naruto's face when he witnessed her new jutsu was worth it.
As she trained, Naruto asked her a question. A question that made her think a lot.
He asked what she wanted to specialize in.
From then on, that question kept bugging her. She asked her master for advice. He wasn't any help. She asked Sakura. She replied that she will find out on her own like she did. The last person she asked was her torturer when she nearly made a near lethal mistake and blew the secret wide open when she was with her friends.
Ibiki Morino.
Of course the mere thought of speaking to the man who tortured her when Naruto literally dragged her kicking and screaming made her disgusted with the thought but she soon gathered up her wits and went and spoke to him.
But he didn't say anything to her, only guided her to one of the interrogation rooms currently being in use and let her watch.
Afterwards, after cleaning up the blood off of his hands, told Ino that he hoped that she found an answer and escorted her out.
He didn't even flinch when Naruto found out he let his pet watch an interrogation session and told him off.
But that seemed to do the trick. A week after watching them torture the shinobi, she found her answer and gave her answer to her master. She was worried that Naruto wouldn't like her decision to specialize in physiological torture but Naruto merely smiled and told her that he wasn't disappointed...that he was happy that she found something to specialize in like her sister specializes in physical torture and that he'll help in anyway he can.
But the kicker was when she failed to find any hint of deceit on his face and made her happy that he was happy with her decision.
Unfortunely, when Naruto talked to Ibiki, he was insistent on keeping his blonde pet out of his organization until she is at least a ninja.
In terms of a relationship outside of the house, the three have agreed to continue to slowly bring a relationship out in the open. In the eyes of the public, Sakura and Ino restrained themselves when Naruto confronted them. They actually listened to him as he tried to act with manners in front of them. At first the attempts were laughable and they actually laughed at his attempts but he was determined to win their affections.
As time passed, Naruto got better and they started to seriously think about it, making sure to voice their thoughts in prime spots where they knew gossipers frequented. Soon enough, almost the entire village knew of Naruto's attempts to woo the girls.
For Ino, she began to think of Naruto in a different way. It wasn't bad...but it was different. Whenever she heard him, he made her laugh. Whenever she saw him, she wanted to hold him and never let go. Whenever he touched her, whether he was just holding her hand like a friend or tormenting her with pleasure and pain...she'd feel something like butterflies in her stomach.
It was a month later when she finally figured out what she felt and when she did...she felt relieved but something held her back in confessing. What if this wasn't real? What if this was just an illusion but something told her that it wasn't, that it was real, as real as the pleasure she felt when they were together down in the dungeon but she couldn't find the right time to tell him until that one day...
Naruto walked downstairs, intent on finding his blonde pet. She has been behaving so well these past few weeks and it's time, he thinks, for her to receive a reward.
Only if he could find her.
"Sakura...where's your sister?" Naruto asked Sakura when he reached the living room.
She looked up from her book. "She should be out front," his first slave replied, "She wanted to clean the door. Some asshole tagged it last night." The statement from Sakura made him pause.
"Well, she'll get an extra special session tonight for such diligence," he muttered, before walking to the front door, opening it and getting a face full of water.
"Ahh, master! I'm sorry." He felt a cloth on his face, wiping away the water. After his face was dry, he opened his eyes to glare at his pet but it quickly vanished, sighing as he stopped Ino from fussing over him.
"I'm alright Ino." Ino, despite Naruto trying to stop her, kept on trying to dry off Naruto before he finally grabbed her arm. "I said...I'm alright."
"But I got you all wet."
Naruto shook his head. "My fault. I should've knocked first but right now...I want to talk to you."
Ino let out a surprised yelp as Naruto spun her around and moved his hand around her waist.
"But what about..."
"Sakura can finish it up." Sakura perked up when Naruto mentioned her name and she turned around to see Naruto leading Ino across the room to the kitchen. Shutting her book, she set about to finishing Ino's job.
"So what do you want to talk to me about Naruto-sama?" Ino asked as Naruto led her across the living room.
Naruto chuckled and started talking. "I've been thinking my little have been doing really well these past few weeks and I believe you deserve something for your loyalty."
Ino looked at him as they entered the kitchen and walked toward the back door. "What are you talking about master?"
Naruto chuckled and opened the door and they stepped out. "Now...if I remember correctly, you are obsessed with landscaping and gardening am I right?"
"I wouldn't call it obsessed master." Ino said as they looked out into the backyard.
Naruto let out a loud laugh that caused Ino to blush a little. "You're obsessed Ino-chan. I've seen how you act. Now...when you look out in this backyard, what do you see?"
Ino looked out at her master's backyard, judging it. "I see a nice lawn, little to no weeds, thick and full grass, no roots sticking out."
"Do you have any suggestions on how to improve it?"
Ino thought for a moment as she surveyed the lawn. "I would suggest putting gravel around your trees. It'll look nicer and you won't have grass growing near your tree." Naruto nodded.
"I'll take it in consideration. Now for your gift...I want to give you your very own spot back here."
Ino gasped and looked at her smiling master. "Are you serious?" She asked, amazed.
Naruto nodded and she gasped. "It'll be your responsibility. Planting, digging, etc. is all up to you. You can ask us to help you if you want but we can refuse, although I doubt Sakura will."
Ino nodded energetically, very happy at what Naruto was giving her. Naruto moved her so that she was standing in front of him, reaching into his pocket; he withdrew a stuffed large wallet and placed it in her trembling hands.
"I will not set a limit on how many items you can buy, only how much you can buy with this money."
Ino dumbly nodded but something came into mind. "Do you have any gardening tools?"
Naruto shrugged and shook his head. "I only have a lawn mower. That's why I gave you extra, to get the tools that you need."
Ino couldn't contain herself any longer as she let out a loud squeal and give Naruto a bone-crushing hug. "Oh kami...thank you so much master. I love you so much."
Right when she finished that sentence, the two froze. Ino gulped and looked at her surprised master.
"Y-you love me?" Ino started to stammer before she shut herself up and took several deep breaths to calm down.
"Yes...the things you have done to me, shown to me showed me that you really love me as a human being. You're so sweet, gentle, caring that I couldn't help but fall in love with you. You proved yourself worthy of my love, just like you did with Saku-chan."
Naruto let out a big smile that reached his ears and Ino couldn't help but do the same. They embraced each other again with big smiles on their faces. Ino was relieved that Naruto accepted her love. She felt lighter now, even more lighter than when she confessed to Naruto being the cause of his time in the care of the ANBU I/T guys.
"Now..." Naruto said while breaking apart. "I believe you have some shopping to do." Ino nodded and let go of him reluctantly.
"You're right. I'll be back later."
Ino pocketed the wallet in her pants and ran back into the house, only to come out the other side just as Sakura was coming back in. She stared at Ino's retreating form with a questioning look on her face. She looked behind her when the supplies were taken out of her hands.
"Where is she going master?"
Naruto chuckled and looked at Ino before she disappeared around the corner. "Why don't you go to the flower shop and find out?" Sakura nodded and took one step forward before she was turned around the opposite way. "Take a shower and get dressed first." Sakura groaned as he told her to get dressed but started walking upstairs to the shower.
The sound of the door opening and slamming shut and the sound of the lock being turned startled Inoichi out of his daydream. He looked at his daughter as she stared at him, a happy smile plastered on her face.
"Something wrong?" He asked, thinking something had to be wrong for her to be this happy.
Ino shook her head and reached up and turned to the sign to `closed'. "You wouldn't believe what master just gave me!"
Ino's smile became even bigger. "He gave me my very own spot for a garden and he's letting me buy what I want!" Ino let out a squeal as she rushed first to the tools, picking out shovels, rakes, hoes, etc, and depositing them onto the counter.
Inoichi could only watch as tools were being put on his counter. He tried calling her to get her attention but she was focused on her shopping she didn't hear. Finally, he shouted and Ino paused, looking at her father.
"How are you going to pay for all of this? Even though you get a discount because you work here, you don't get the stuff for free even if you're my daughter."
"Master gave me a wallet and gave me permission to buy what I want as long as I can afford it." Inoichi's eyes bulged when Ino took out the wallet from her pocket and showed it to him.
"Oook...does he have a place to put the stuff?" Ino stopped just as she was about to resume shopping and turned to her father with a questioning look on her face.
"I said does he have a place to put all the tools and stuff?"
"I...he..." Ino was stumped. She thought back to her times outside of the house and tried to remember if he had a shed of sorts. "I don't know." She said. "But I'll ask him." A clone poofed into existence and the clone ran out of the house, nearly missing Sakura as she walked inside.
"Hey Ino-pig...what the hell is going on?" Ino turned around at the sound and her face lit up.
Sakura yelped as Ino closed the distance and slammed her against the window, crashing her lips against the pinkette's own. The girls moaned as they shared a rough and passionate kiss with each other.
Inoichi sighed and shook his head as he started to ring up the items.
Ino broke the kiss, leaving Sakura dazed. Ino giggled at the sight and knew of a way to snap her out. Making sure the illusion is in place, she dropped to her knees and unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them down some so she could see her silt. Spreading her legs a little, she dove in and started licking her.
She smirked as she heard Sakura let out a loud gasp and than a moan. She continued to lick her before Sakura grab her shirt and lift her to her feet, and then pulling up her jeans.
"Mind telling me why you're so happy Ino-chan?" Sakura said, with a flustered face. Ino grinned and told her why.
"Master gave me a spot in his backyard to have a garden in and he's letting me do whatever I want to it."
Sakura's eyes widened and she couldn't help but smile. She too knew of Ino's obsessiveness when it came to gardening and landscaping. For him to give her that opportunity, it meant that he is pleased with her and he's happy with her.
"That's great Ino-chan. I'm glad for you." Ino nodded before going back to her shopping, going through the seeds and plants in the store and picking out the right ones.
Sakura turned toward the counter to see Inoichi and his wife looking at them. She smiled as she saw the flushed look on her face.
"You two can't keep your hands off of each other can you?" Iris asked, chuckling a little.
Sakura chuckled as well and shrugged. "What can I say? She likes me."
The door opened and the Ino clone rushed in, one thing on her mind.
Finding her master.
Catching the smell of ramen, she went into the kitchen to find Naruto snacking on a bowl of ramen. Calling out to him, he looked up while noodles were still in his mouth. Giggling at the cute face he was making, he slurped up the hanging noodles as Ino sat down in front of him.
"Back already?"
Ino shook her head. "I'm just a clone. Ino sent me here to ask you something."
"Then ask."
"Do you have any kind of tool shed?"
"What do you mean?"
Ino thought for a moment. "Where do you usually put the mower?"
Naruto shrugged. "I usually put it on the side of the house."
"Oh...let me ask you something." Naruto could see Ino enter into what could be called `business mode'. "Will you be willing to buy a tool shed?"
"Excuse me?" Naruto narrowed his eyes at the clone.
"Let me finish. You won't actually be buying the shed itself, it will have to be built by my family. We offer these services in addition to our landscaping services. Here's how it works..." Ino said, not giving Naruto a chance to talk. "We have a variety of sheds of different sizes, models, but we do provide custom jobs as long as the customer is very specific."
"And where would this shed be?" Naruto asked, a little interested in what she's selling.
"I would suggest the right side of the house. There's nothing there and would be out of the way."
"Why would I buy one?"
"You said yourself that you don't have any tools and I'm getting a lot, including a wheelbarrow and I need a place to put them."
"And you expect me to buy it with money out of my own pocket?"
Ino quickly shook her head. "No! I mean, I'm willing to pay for it out of my own pocket. Because I work at the flower shop, I get a discount and me and my parents will build it here."
Naruto sighed as he leaned back. Did he really need a tool shed? Granted Ino's reasoning was sound but was it worth it? From the sounds of it, the real Ino is buying a lot. "Do you have a model in mind?" Seeing Ino nod, he went back to his thoughts. He sighed one last time before he spoke.
"Alright, I'll let you buy it and I'll pay for it."
Ino's face lit up and she nodded. "I'll pay you back. I promise." Naruto leaned forward and Ino followed, feeling his finger on the bottom of her chin.
"You will pay me back, with 15% interest along with a severe game, understand?" Ino gulped, but nodded.
"How severe?"
Naruto smirked. "Lots of pain, little pleasure."
Ino gulped again but nodded. "I agree."
Naruto smiled and reached forward and kissed her. "You may tell the real Ino that she may buy one." The Ino clone poofed out of existence and her memories sent back to her creator.
Ino paused as the memories of the dispelled clone came back to her. When it finished, she grinned and shouted in victory, startling Sakura into dropping the fertilizer onto the floor. She `mmped' as Ino kissed her before breaking apart, grinning like a madman before kissing her father on the cheek.
"He agreed!" She announced. "He's going to let me buy the tool shed and let us install it." Ino kissed her father's cheek once again before rushing behind the counter and digging through the drawers. "Dad, where's the order forms?"
"Same place where you left them sweetie." He said, going back to putting the items in boxes so they could carry it easier. Inoichi looked down as he felt Ino move his legs so she could crawl under him, muttering to herself. A couple of minutes passed before he heard her shout out, standing up with the forms in hand.
Finding a chair, Ino sat down and proceeded to fill it out, filling out the name, address, tool shed model, etc. Sakura shook her head as she put the last bag of mulch in the wheelbarrow. "She really likes landscaping, doesn't she?"
Inoichi shrugged. "She loves it." Before he could say anything else, a stack of papers were slammed down in front of him compliments of his daughter, who started gathering up the remaining items.
"Master will pay the rest tomorrow. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow."
"You're not coming back tonight?"
Ino shook her head. "I got too many things to do. I'll be back in the morning to help you with the supplies." After that, she picked up the last box and told Sakura it's time to go. Making their way out the door, Ino said one last goodbye to her father before the door shut.
"Do you think we got enough?" Sakura asked as she carefully balanced the wheelbarrow loaded with supplies. Ino nodded from behind the boxes she was carrying.
"I may have to get more later, but we'll see."
They continued walking down the street, fixing to take a path that would end up at Naruto's home. However, they were too busy talking to each other that they didn't notice a girl about their age walking toward them, distracted as well and so the only thing that can happen happened.
They crashed.
Supplies were sent flying as the girls themselves were sent flying to the ground. Ino landed on her butt with an `oof' as Sakura landed on her back. The girl also landed on her butt, sending the book she was reading flying.
Sakura was the first to recover as she moved the wheelbarrow off of her. Checking on Ino first, she was alright as she moved the boxes off of her. Next was the cause of their crash.
She bent down and tried to help the girl up. She turned herself around as Sakura helped her up but when Sakura saw her face, she gasped and accidentally dropped the girl, resulting in a yelp from her.
Ino saw the surprised look on her friends face. She quirked an eyebrow as she sat up. Why was she surprised to see her?
Sakura quickly recovered herself and helped the poor girl up and they started apologizing to each other.
"I'm fine. I wasn't watching where I was going." The girl said.
Sakura shook her head as she picked up her book. "No, it's our fault. We weren't watching." The girl chuckled and held out her hand. Sakura took it and shook it. "My name is Haruno Sakura."
"Tenkawa TenTen."
"Yamanaka Ino." Ino introduced herself when she walked up to them.
"Sorry about the mess." Tenten apologized. "Where you going?"
"We're dropping this stuff off to a client of her father's." Sakura said while gathering up the supplies along with Ino.
"Why don't I help? I got some time before I have to meet with my team." The girls looked at each other before shrugging.
"I don't see why not."
The girls transferred almost half of their load into Tenten's arms. The girls were thankful, now they could see above the supplies now. The blonde and the pinkette started walking and Tenten followed.
Soon enough, the trio arrived at the house and Ino told them that they would be taking a different route to get behind the house. Following the blonde, they entered an alley soon enough ended up near the side of the house.
"Go ahead and put the stuff down on the side of the house."
The girls complied and put down their loads on the side of the house. After Tenten put down her share, he looked at the house and wondered whose house it was at which Ino shrugged.
"I don't know. My dad just told me to drop off the stuff here. The owner would do the rest."
"Oh...well I have to go now. I'm going to be late." Tenten waved goodbye while the girls waved goodbye as well. After Tenten was out of earshot and eyesight, Ino grabbed Sakura and threw her against the wall.
"Alright forehead, spit it out...who is she?"
Sakura gulped at Ino's hard face. "W-what are you talking about?"
Ino snarled. "I saw how you reacted when you saw her face. You know her somehow."
"I-I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't you lie to me."
"She's lying under my orders."
Ino let go of Sakura when Naruto stepped around the corner. Ino wanted answers and she wanted them now. "Who is she master?"
"Her name is Tenkawa Tenten. She's a genin under the care of Matio Gai. Her teammates are Rock Lee and Hyuuga Neji. She's an orphan, she lives by herself. Her favorite color is black as it is the color of metal and..." Here a feral grin appeared on Naruto's face. "A subject of interest."
Ino gulped after she heard him. A subject of interest? Does he want her?
"Master first became interested in her when Gai-sensei told him about her." Sakura started speaking and Ino looked at her as she spoke. "She sounded like an interesting girl and after he watched her for a while, that interest became a desire."
"Why does he want her? Isn't the two of us enough?" Ino asked as Naruto dug through her pockets and fished out the receipt.
"He told me that he will be gaining new slaves at some point and I didn't have any problem with that. He than told me that he will stop after he obtains two more. He doesn't want to stretch himself and run the risk of completely ignoring the others."
"Oh...I see." It made sense really. Having too many is sometimes a bad thing depending on what the thing is. "I'm sorry."
Sakura just waved her off. "I understand. Master didn't want you to know about Tenten yet and he told me to not to tell you."
"And plus, I didn't want to risk Tenten getting suspicious." Naruto said, walking in front of her and handing her the receipt. Ino nodded as she took the receipt back and pocketing it.
"I understand master. I'll be careful if I run into her again."
Naruto nodded. "That's good. Now what about the shed?"
At that moment, Ino's face lit up like a child in a candy store. "I placed the order and my parents will be here early in the morning. I told them you'll pay the rest tomorrow. There is some stuff I have to do before they get here tomorrow so that's why I'll be staying here overnight."
Naruto nodded. "Do what you need to do. How long should it take?"
"A little more than half a day. We're very efficient and quick."
"Alright...I'll leave you to it." Naruto turned and walked away and Ino turned but stopped at the sound of Naruto's voice. "One more may use Sakura however you need her for."
Ino nodded and proceeded to work, barking orders at her friend to do this and that. The rest of the day was spent of Ino doing measurements, ordering Sakura to dig trenches, and other nessacities that needed doing.
When suppertime came, Naruto had to drag the blonde into the house and force her to take a break and eat. However, when the last piece of food was eaten, Ino was right back outside continuing her work and dragging the poor pinkette into it.
Naruto peered his eyes over his book from his position on the bed as the door opened and an exhausted and dirty Sakura stepped in. She started to strip her clothes off and walk toward the shower.
"That girl of yours is a fucking slave driver." She commented.
Naruto chuckled. "I'm sure she is."
Sakura opened the door to the bathroom but left it open when she went in because she knows that Naruto likes to watch her bathe.
Naruto licked his lips when Sakura started to wash herself. Whenever he watched, she always made a show for him. Hearing a sound, he turned to see his blonde pet enter the room, go to the bed and set the alarm and then crawled onto his bed and settle herself at Naruto's side.
"Have a good time Ino-chan?"
Ino smiled as she buried herself under the covers. "You know it master." Naruto chuckled and turned back to the shower. He stroked Ino's hair as he watched Sakura. He could feel himself get hard as she ran the washcloth over her skin.
Beside Naruto, Ino looked down at his arousal and looked up at the source of his arousal. She chuckled as she saw Sakura put on a show for Naruto. She reached down and her hand disappeared under the covers, going down and taking Naruto's member in her hands and gently stroked it, earning moans from her blonde master. Naruto chuckled and put his hand on top of Ino's head.
"You ready for tomorrow?"
She nodded. "The ground is ready for the cement. By now my parents built each wall and all we have to do is just put them together and add the shelves and wiring for the lights." She said, keeping up her stroking.
Naruto felt the bed shift and looked to the side and saw Sakura climb onto the bed and bury herself in the covers.
"Don't forget Sakura...we're getting up at seven." Ino reminded her friend.
"No we're not." Came the muffled response.
Naruto chuckled. "You're still under her command you know, at least until the shed is finished." Sakura groaned and buried herself more under the sheets. Naruto chuckled as he shut his book and set it aside and moved under the covers, telling Ino to shut off the lights and she did and he turned to face the bundled form of his pet.
"You know Sakura-chan...depending on what Ino tells me about your behavior while under her command, I might just consider letting you have some fun time in the tentacle room."
He didn't need to see her face to see the shock turn into glee.
The next morning, the alarm went off and Ino shot her hand out and tried to find snooze button. Finding it, she shut it off and sat up, her blonde hair all around her face. She moved her hair so she could see and moved to the edge of the bed and sat up.
"Time to get up Sakura."
There was a groan on the other side of Naruto and the bundled figure sat up and the sheets fell around her to reveal the tired face of Sakura.
"Is it time to get up already?" Seeing Ino nod, she groaned again and rubbed her head. "I'll get breakfast ready." Sakura stood up from the bed and went downstairs to fix them breakfast.
Ino yawned as she stretched, putting her hair behind her ear and shutting off the alarm. She looked down and saw Naruto still asleep. She chuckled when she heard him snore. When Sakura told her about hers and Naruto's sleeping habits, she was actually amazed by the fact that they could sleep for an entire day and then some.
But she was even more shocked by a trait that made her believe that she could tease even her master.
In the bedroom of one Uzumaki Ino, a blonde slept beneath the covers, her blonde hair scattered all over her pillow.
At the door, the knob slowly turned and the door opened, a head of pink peeking in and slowly and quietly entered the room, leaving the door open as she crept up to the bed. Her hand covered the blonde's mouth, startling her awake but she calmed down when she saw Sakura telling her to be quiet.
"Follow me." She said after taking her hand off of her mouth. Ino nodded and got up, following after her sister. "Do you remember I told you that I would show you a trait that master has that would provide you with endless teasing material?" Ino nodded as they walked to their master's room. "I'm going to show you."
Sakura opened the door to Naruto's room and the both of them walked in, quietly shutting the door behind them. Ino asked Sakura if she was afraid Naruto was going to wake up but she shook her head, saying that Naruto's a sound sleeper and that he'll stay asleep.
They reached his bed and Sakura climbed onto it, taking position above Naruto's snoring head and gently placing her hands on either side of it while Ino sat at the end of the bed.
"Besides master's dick..." Sakura started saying, drawing Ino's attention to him. "There is one other part of his body that is extremely sensitive to even the lightest touch."
"Really?" Ino asked and Sakura nodded. "What is it?" Sakura smiled.
"Master's whiskers." She answered, gently placing her fingers above the whisker marks on Naruto's cheeks. Naruto's face started twitching at Sakura's touch and Ino had to stifle a giggle at the sight at which Sakura smiled. "Even the slightest touch causes master to twitch like this but when you start moving your fingers..." Sakura trailed off and did what she said, moving her fingers up and down the lines and produced a startling result.
Naruto started purring.
Ino would've burst out laughing if it wasn't for her putting her hands above her mouth. She could clearly see the throat moving and hear the sounds come out of his mouth. He really was purring.
Sakura chuckled seeing Ino try and muffle her laughing mouth. When she discovered this trait, it was entirely by accident. A result of being curious and lying beside him, wondering what they were.
She woke Naruto up in her resulting fits of laughter and she held back her discovery, thinking that was going to be great teasing material.
The horror on his face when he found out was priceless.
Chuckling at the memories, she decided to show Ino something else. Pushing a little harder in her stroking, she smirked when Ino fell off the bed, tears leaking out of her eyes, and trying to hold back her laughs at the reaction.
Like an animal would when somebody hit the right spot, Naruto's leg started to twitch.
Ino started crawling toward the door while holding in her laughs. She crawled out of the room and sat beside the door, her laughs coming out freely. He didn't see Sakura come out of the room and close the door and sit down in front of her.
"Surprised?" Sakura asked, smirking. Ino nodded, seeing how she couldn't talk as she was still laughing. "I discovered that trait by accident but it paid off countless times. In fact...I have the same trait."
"Re...(gasp)" Sakura nodded and motioned Ino to come closer with her finger. The blonde crawled forward and Sakura took the giggling Ino's hand and placed it on the left side of her neck, near the bite marks.
Ino reached forward and buried her face in the crook of her friends neck, licking and sucking at the spot. Sure enough, she heard her friend start to purr in pleasure. After a while, she stared at her grinning friend in shock. "Wow...looks like that fox is good for something huh?"
Sakura chuckled and moved Ino so she was straddling her. "We haven't learned everything about our marking and things are bound to pop out at us but we will be ready." Sakura took Ino's head in her hands and took it in a firm grip and put it back where it was.
Ino chuckled at the memories. Sakura kept her there for the rest of the night, using her to pleasure her body and before they knew it, it was morning and Naruto was standing above them, arms crossed and a smirk on his face.
He had then...expressed his disappointment that they didn't get any sleep but they could tell he was joking with them because of that chuckle at the end. After that, he led them downstairs and put them both in a cage saying that the punishment for not sleeping was to spend the entire day in the cage and he expects them to sleep for a while.
They did sleep but not after several hours of play time.
Ino reached up and tucked the covers around Naruto and gave him a kiss on the lips before standing up and walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen to the smell of breakfast.
Seeing Sakura put the last of the food on the table, she thanked her friend and the both of them started to eat. During their meal, a knock was heard at the back door and Ino stood up to answer it but Sakura sat her down again, saying that she'll answer it.
She stood up, clothes shimmering onto her body as she walked to the back door. She moved aside the curtains to see who was there and Sakura said it was her parents.
That made her blink. They were here already?
She opened the door and Ino saw it was indeed her parents but to her confusion, she didn't let them in right away, just asked them a series of questions, stuff only they would know like what was in the box Naruto gave Ino that day and other questions.
Finally, after Sakura was satisfied, she let them in and they joined their clothed daughter at the table.
"Dad…what are you doing here so early? I was going to go back home and help you with the supplies."
"Shikaku and his son came by yesterday and they helped us. Shikamaru was looking for you."
"Shikamaru? Why…?" Ino asked, confused as to why that lazy bum was looking for her.
Inoichi shrugged. "Apparently he believed you when you talked to him about wanting to be friends with him and Chouji. He wanted to invite you to watch clouds with him." Ino raised an eyebrow.
"Cloud watching? Seriously?"
"Now now Ino…" Sakura said, getting the bowls. "You should feel good that he took the effort in trying to ask you."
"But cloud watching is boring." Ino whined, earning a chuckle from her father.
"I think you'll find that it can give you a certain amount of peace. So are you ready to work?"
Ino nodded and stood up, walking beside Sakura as she followed her father and mother as they went outside to begin construction.
It wasn't the hammering that woke Naruto up, or the crashes, or the roar of the katon jutsu used to dry the cement. was the sudden silence.
The eyelids of one Naruto Uzumaki fluttered open and he groaned as his blue eyes were assaulted by the unforgiving rays of the sun. Naruto tried to turn around but considering there was a mirror on the opposite side, he didn't have much luck.
Naruto finally gave up and sat up, his arms stretching above him as he yawned and then he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Taking a look at the clock, he saw it was about 11:15. Yawning once more, he got up from the bed and put some clothes on. Walking downstairs, he arrived at the kitchen and made himself some breakfast, which for him is a big bowl of ramen and a cup of coffee.
After finishing his breakfast, he made a couple of clones and set them about on making lunch for the workers outside. Grabbing his coffee, he went outside to see how things were going on.
Now that...was impressive.
Standing in front of him was a completed shed. How long has it been since he heard the alarm clock go off? Spying his tired pink haired pet sitting in front of a tree, he joined her.
"Why aren't you working?" He asked.
"We're done with constructing the shed and all that's left is the wiring and insulation and they're doing that right now." Sakura grabbed the water bottle that was beside her and took a gulp from it.
"I didn't think you would be done this early."
Sakura shrugged. "I didn't either."
Just then, the door to the shed opened and the Yamanaka trio stepped out. The only male and his wife set out to attach the shed to the electricity wiring so it can have light. The daughter of the two immediately noticed her master and went to him.
"So master..." She asked, reaching him. "What do you think?"
"I haven't seen the inside yet but I love it so far."
A bright smile appeared on Ino's face as she heard him. "We're done with the inside so you can take a look if you want." Naruto nodded and stood up, following Ino as she led him inside the new shed.
When Naruto stepped in the large shed, he was impressed with how clean and organized it was.
"I'm impressed Ino. To do this in only a few hours."
Ino chuckled. "I chose this model for a reason. I knew that sooner or later you would begin to have thoughts of using this shed for fun. There are plenty of places to have somebody tied up and I even built chains into the wall and secret compartments to hide them.
"That's nice of you to think ahead."
Ino laughed. "I do have a fantasy of being ravaged in a tool shed. I even masturbated in our shed a few times."
"I'm surprised that you haven't asked to have sex on bare dirt." Naruto mentioned while his eyebrow rose when Ino chuckled.
"What makes you think I haven't thought of asking?"
"Then why didn't you?"
She shrugged. "Never found a good time. Maybe we can fuck in our families dirt pile."
"Dirty girl." He muttered causing Ino to laugh and wrap her arm around his shoulder and poked him in the cheek.
"You want dirty? Imagine me and Sakura mud wrestling."
Naruto groaned as his mind immediately imagined both of his pets, naked and wrestling in a mud pool and he could feel himself get hard.
" you got me all hot and bothered."
Ino chuckled. "I'll take care of that during lunch." Ino said, leading him out of the shed and to the house. Naruto chuckled when he felt Ino's hand reach down and cup his butt, making him even harder.
It's been a couple months since then and the two have gotten closer since Ino confessed her love to Naruto. When Sakura found out, she squealed and grabbed Ino in the biggest hug she could muster.
Naruto had to literally pry them apart with a crowbar.
Afterwards...Ino spent the better part of a week researching the sun's position during the day before she picked a spot for her garden. After she picked her spot, she began to dig up the ground but to Sakura's dismay, Ino didn't ask for help. It took nearly a month for Ino to finish but the blonde savored every moment.
In the meantime, Ino had started to spend more time with Shikamaru and Chouji and she actually enjoyed being with them. Chouji was actually a sweet boy and nothing like the boy she thought he was. She saw through the fat and saw a kind heart and caring soul.
Shikamaru was exactly like she thought. Lazy, depressing and good for nothing.
But once she got him up off his lazy ass, he actually was a nice person to hang out with. He was intelligent and very smart...especially on the topic of shogi, which she found out the hard way.
When she realized how much fun they actually were, she spent a week berating herself for ignoring such friends but Naruto assured her that it wasn't her fault. The popularity got to her head that it manipulated her.
She didn't understand what he was talking about until a couple of weeks later when she finally realized what he meant.
It was getting closer to graduation and everybody knows of the budding relationship between Naruto, Sakura, and Ino and surprisingly, there weren't a whole lot of resistance to it, at least nobody protested it out loud.
An announcement was made to the entire village that the Kusabana festival was on in a couple of months. This provided academy students one last thrill before going into ninjahood but anybody can attend.
And give one person the opportunity he needed.
By now, the three have gotten into a serious relationship. In the eyes of the public, Naruto has accomplished the impossible.
He had swooned two of the most devout Sasuke followers to his side.
Of course, not without being on the end of balled up fists and knees to the stomach but they lessened until it stopped altogether. When Naruto was on a date with them, he had told them that he had a surprise for them when the Kusabana rolls around.
The reaction he wanted was perfect as they were genuinely surprised when he mentioned it and despite them pegging him with questions when they got home, he kept it secret so the reaction would be genuine when it was time.
"You ready for this Saku-chan?" Ino asked, helping her friend with her hair.
Said girl sighed. "As ready as I'll ever be. Something's going to happen tonight and it's going to be big."
Ino nodded. "We've been through a lot these past months and he's probably going to do something to finalize our relationship."
"I just hope we don't screw it up." Ino finished her hair and sat down besides her on the bed.
"I don't think we can screw it up. Not if we go about it carefully." There was a knock at the door and a voice rang out.
"Ino honey...are you ready?"
"Give us a couple of minutes!" She responded. She turned back to her sister and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Things will be alright Sakura. Things will work out."
The two girls left with the Yamanaka's to attend the festival. They met Naruto at Ichiraku before heading out to meet up with Inoichi's former teammates along with their sons and wives.
After they got together, Naruto and his girlfriends spilt up with the group, wanting to enjoy the festivities before it was time for supper. They visited numerous stalls and played many games, some won and some lost.
Naruto won a big panda bear for Sakura and a cuddly cat for Ino.
During their fun, they came across Tenten and her teammates. When Tenten saw the girls on either side of Naruto, called out to them and they caught up with each other. It was then they introduced Naruto to her and Lee.
Tenten offered her hand and Naruto shook it, unaware of the thoughts running through his mind at this point.
Lee, however, was more intensive with the greeting. Not only did he give the look of hearts to Sakura, Naruto was certain Lee broke his hand somehow when he shook it.
While the girls were catching up, Lee and Naruto talked with each other and it was at that point, Lee said something that made him regret asking the moment after.
He asked if the lovely cherry blossom was available.
The twitching eye and the snarling face made his take back his question.
When the girls came back, Naruto immediately encircled his arms around them in a show of possiveness and a warning to Lee who gulped at the stare he was getting from the blonde.
When they left, Tenten smacked Lee upside the head, knowing he asked Naruto if one of his girls were available.
What they didn't know, a certain pale-eyed girl was watching the event. During the past months when Naruto was trying to get the attention of those two girls, she kept on trying herself but she could never gather the courage to even talk to him.
And she hated herself for that.
"Hinata-sama..." Hinata looked at her escort. "Is it Naruto again?" Hinata looked away from the branch member. "It's not too late you know. You still have a chance." He said. Hinata sighed and looked away when the three disappeared around the corner.
"I don't think I will ever have a chance with him Neji. All I ever do is stutter around him. He's not interested in weak girls." The pale eye girl turned around and walked away, tears filling her eyes as she walked. Her escort looked at her before turning back to the last place they saw Naruto and turned on his bloodline, telling himself that he'll keep an eye on him.
"This is such a drag." Shikamaru commented as they came out of the restaurant. Even though they had a good meal, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Naruto and his girlfriends.
There was something strange about those three but he couldn't put his finger on it.
"Still can't figure out the Uzumaki enigma?" Yoshino asked.
"I don't get it!" Shikamaru exclaimed, making his father and mother blink at the sudden exclamation. "How can someone like Naruto, a dead last and a loser to almost everybody, including those two, managed to get the most loyal of Sasuke's followers to his side? It's impossible. There's something else going on with those girls."
"Which girls?" Inoichi asked as him and his wife joined the Nara's.
"Your daughter." He responded, causing them to chuckle.
"Still trying to see things that aren't there?" Iris said, causing Shikamaru to scowl before turning to his regular mood, which is lazy.
" that them?" Inoichi pointed out, motioning behind them.
"I'm back father."
Hiashi looked behind him when he heard his daughter's voice and sighed when he saw the sad look on her face. He knew of her crush on the Uzumaki boy and he thought he stay out of this part of her daughter's life, hoping that she would gain some confidence in herself but apparently it failed this time.
"How was your time out?"
"Can I go home now father?" Hinata asked, just wanting to go in her room.
"You sure about that Hinata? I'm told this year fireworks is the best yet."
"I just want to go home father."
"Hey...what's going on over there?" Neji suddenly said. Everybody looked to where Neji pointed to see a strange sight.
"Naruto-kun where are we going?" Sakura asked, being led, along with Ino, by Naruto to a spot where Naruto said he was going to give them a surprise. Naruto smiled and hugged her closer to him.
"You'll find out."
Naruto led them to a place that was in full view of a lot of people. A lot as in almost the entire village. Granted everybody wouldn't see it but after, the news would spread like wildfire.
Naruto stopped, the location a prime spot for what was planning. He moved the girls so they were in front of him and he was in front of a bush.
"Sakura-chan...Ino-chan." He started speaking, taking a hand of each girl and closing his hand around it. "We have only been boyfriend and girlfriend for only a few months but in those months, we have grown really close to each other. I have felt a bond with the two of you, a bond that I have never ever felt before and I love what this bond makes me feel."
"I have been alone all my life, with no one to call family. When I hold your hands, I feel the warmth radiate from it and it makes the hole in my heart bearable. When we hug or spoon or cuddle against each other, I forget the pain of having nobody to call me son."
The two girls, at the point, was deeply moved by what he said. Tears fell out of their eyes as they realized exactly how much they mean to him. Their eyes suddenly widened and they gasped when Naruto let go of them and got on his knee.
Naruto reached behind him with both hands and suddenly a head full of white hair peeked out and put two boxes in his outstretched hands and then saying good luck before disappearing back into the bush.
"Sakura Haruno...Ino Yamanaka, would the two of you do me the honor of becoming my wives?"
Right after he said that, he brought his occupied hands back in front of him and, after making sure the right box is in the right hands, gave the boxes to the girls and waited with baited breath.
With shaking hands, the girls opened the boxes to see what kind of ring he gave them but when they opened the boxes, they froze, their widened eyes staring at the contents of the box.
Their hands still shaking, they reached in and pulled out the contents, causing Naruto to smile in hopes they like it, and causing almost everybody to think one single thought.
`He's a dead boy.'
In each of the females hands, were two beautifully crafted collars, each with its own design and an engraving that had the female's name on it but with the alteration of Uzumaki.
And in between the two words, was a ring for leashes.
Naruto stared at the shocked girls as they looked at his present, really hoping that they understood his proposal and made it believable.
Little did he know, they were going to do just that.
The two girls looked at each other and they nodded, before whipping their heads toward Naruto, faces in a snarl and causing Naruto to jump back in fright.
As Sakura shouted and ranted, she bared down on him, causing him to back up as she walked threatenly up to him. Naruto was genuinely scared at this point, backing out in true fear as the love of his life cracked her knuckles at him. Naruto's retreat was suddenly stopped. He whimpered and looked up, only to scamper away, whimpering, as Ino started following him.
The girls herded him to the base of a tree, his entire body shaking in fear at what those two were going to do to him.
"Pay up, he's going to die." Kotetsu said to his companion who was watching the increasingly amusing scene. When they saw the collars, Kotetsu made the bet that the boy was going to die by the hands of his soon-to-be ex girlfriends. Izumo, his companion, made the bet that he would survive, but end up without any balls or an organ.
He groaned and dug into his pocket, fishing out money and slapping it into the outstretched hand.
"But you got to admit, the boy has guts trying it."
When Hana Inuzuka heard the blonde boy reply yes, she choked on her sake, the liquid going down the wrong hole. The woman beside her, Tsume Inuzuka, patted her daughter's back until the coughing cleared.
"That boy is dead." She commented.
"I don't know. There's still a chance." Kiba said, holding back his snickers. Hana smacked her little brother upside the head.
"From what you told me, they aren't going to be submissive housewives. They're going to kill him."
"Oh, I don't know about that Hana." Her mother said, making her the object of her offsprings stares. "Love can make you do crazy things." Hana snorted.
"Not this crazy. What makes you think they won't kill him?" Tsume chuckled.
"Look at their hands." Hana snorted but looked anyway. She stared at their hands for a few seconds before realization crawled into her mind.
"Oh my god." She whispered. Kiba blinked.
"The collars." Kiba blinked again and looked at their hands. What was Hana talking about? All they were doing were holding the collars gently and...
"Holy crap. That bastard actually did it."
The girls froze when he replied yes. They stared at the whimpering boy in shock before looking at each other and turning back to the boy below them.
"Do you really want an answer to your question Uzumaki?" Sakura asked and Naruto gulped but nodded, his body still shaking in fear. The girls looked at each other and nodded. "We do."
Naruto froze and looked up at the smiling girls.
"Wha...what did you say?" Ino chuckled.
"She said yes you big lovable idiot. We would love to marry you."
"And..." Naruto trailed off, not exactly sure. Sakura smirked.
"And yes, we would love to be your submissive wives. We love you so much that we are willing to do what makes you happy and, of all people, deserve all the happiness you can get." Sakura reached forward with the collar in her hand. "Will you do the honors?"
Naruto smiled and nodded. He stood up and after dusting himself off, took the collar out of her hands and Sakura turned around, taking off her choker in the process. Naruto unhooked the collar and gently encircled it around her neck, moving her hair out of her way and locking the collar in the back.
Naruto smiled as she turned around, letting Naruto get the first look. He gently stroked her chin, burning the sight of the girl in her mind. He reached forward and kissed her, moving his tongue inside her mouth, rubbing his against her tongue and savoring her taste. He broke the kiss after a few minutes, looking into her eyes.
"So beautiful." He whispered.
"Thank you Naruto-sama." Naruto nodded and let go of her, turning to his blonde wife. He took the black collar from her hands and Ino turned around to let Naruto put the collar around her neck. Ino moved her hair herself so Naruto could lock the collar around her neck.
After he was done, Naruto turned her around, wanting to see what she looked like. Naruto smiled at the sight. Black seemed to go perfectly with her blonde hair and her blue eyes.
"So smooth and so lovely." Ino smiled took his hand in hers, letting herself be pulled in and onto his lips. She opened her mouth when Naruto licked her lips, asking for entrance. Her tongue danced with his in an ancient dance known only to lovers.
After a while, they broke apart, needing air in their lungs. Naruto gathered both her and Sakura and brought them into the tightest hug he could muster while muttering `thank you' over and over again.
Kotetsu and Izumo jaws dropped, clearly shocked at their answer. They were too shocked to notice the Hokage come up behind him and they snapped out of their stare when the money was taken out of their hands. They turned around to see the Hokage counting the money he picked up.
"Hokage-sama, did you see..."
"Naruto proposing to his girlfriends? Yep."
"Did you know about it?" Izumo asked, seeing no surprise on his face. The old man chuckled and pocketed the money.
"Who did you think Naruto asked for a reference for the leatherwork?"
There was silence among the Yamanaka and Nara families but the most noticeable reaction was from the Nara offspring who had disbelief on his face, his mouth was hanging open, and the shattered glass near his feet.
"That...was unexpected." Yoshino Nara commented after she recovered from her shock. She turned to one of her best friends, Iris Yamanaka. "Did you know?" She nodded.
"She was worried about being married this early but she and he got our blessings after she became confident."
"Are you sure she wasn't pressured?" Shikamaru suddenly asked.
"Shikamaru!" His mother chastised but Shikamaru didn't relent. Ino's father looked at the Nara.
"What makes you think she's pressured?"
"My daughter's reasons for choosing to marry is her own." Shikamaru looked back at the spot where Naruto was letting go of his pets. Wanting to get some answers, he started walking toward the trio.
Tears filled the young Hyuuga's eyes as she witnessed the event that would forever kill her self-confidence. When the trio broke apart, the smiles as big as ever, she turned around and started to walk away, her heart shattering into a million pieces as she took each step.
"Hinata-sama, are you alright?" Her escort asked even as her father looked at her. The pale eyed girl stopped but didn't turn around.
"I'm going home Neji." The two Hyuuga's could clearly hear Hinata's voice breaking and the sobs that were starting to break through. She didn't wait for a response as she kept on walking, back to her home and to the privacy of her bedroom where nobody could see her cry her eyes out.
Sasuke Uchiha didn't know what to think.
He usually stayed inside during the festivals, usually to avoid the countless number of females (and some males to his horror) who try to get him. He just spent the time training or doing something or other.
But unfortunely, the food he tried to cook ended up getting burnt for some reason so after a while, he just gave up and decided he would risk going out to eat.
Upon his hunt for food, he saw Naruto and his girlfriends talking to each other but he didn't pay that any mind but when Naruto got on one knee, he couldn't pry his eyes away.
When the girls started shouting, he started to walk away but when there was silence, he stopped and turned around, his eyes widening at the sight as Naruto put the collars around the girls necks.
The bags dropped from his hands as he saw them. He stood there, staring at the three as they hugged, his mind trying to process what the eyes just saw.
After a while, his body shifted into auto, his feet taking him back home while his face maintained that same look of shock and horror.
What the hell just happened?
Tenten's jaw dropped as she witnessed the unbelievable sight before her eyes. Her compainion, Lee, also stood there with an open mouth.
Lee immediately snapped out of his shock at the sound of his teacher and smiled when his lookalike joined them. He rushed up to the jounin and proceeded to tell him what he missed.
When he finished, disbelief was on his face and he turned to look at the three, thoughts racing in his mind. After a couple of minutes, he removed the look of shock from his face and smiled.
"Now those three know how to enjoy life." Tenten snorted.
"Sounds like slavery to me."
"Now Tenten-chan…I bet you would look good with something like that." Gai tried to cut his student off before he finished the sentence but he was too late as Tenten clenched her fists and tried to pummel the spandex-clad boy but failed when Gai pulled him away from the irate female.
"On my life, I will NEVER EVER have a collar around my throat."
"Dad, did I see what I think I just saw?" The chubby child known as Chouji Akimichi asked his father in disbelief. Said father was also shocked.
He already knew about Naruto but this...he actually took the risk?
"If you're thinking that those girls just made themselves into submissives, then you're right."
"But how...why? Ino-chan is the strongest girl I know and the most free spirited. Why is she doing this?" Chouji asked his father but he didn't have an answer.
"That's love kid." A voice sounded out on the other side of him. He looked to his side and saw a purple haired woman with a dango stick in her mouth.
"Love?" He repeated. She nodded.
"Love can make you do crazy things. It can make you want to give up your life to save her."
"It can make you do that?" He asked and she nodded and she bent down to his level and started poking him.
"There's someone for everyone. You just need to be brave and find her. Don't be worried about your size, just be yourself."
"Oh...I see." He said, his eyes sneaking toward the female blonde who he had gotten to know over the months. He didn't notice the woman stand up.
"'ll do fine kid." She said, ruffling his hair and standing next to Chouza. "Surprised?" She asked to which he nodded and she chuckled and patted his shoulder. "They'll be fine."
"Shikmaru's coming." Sakura announced, seeing the two walk toward them. Naruto and Ino turned around to look. Naruto chuckled.
"At least it's not an angry mob." Ino chuckled as well.
"You go on ahead. I'll take care of him."
"You sure about that Ino-chan?" Naruto asked and Ino nodded.
"I'll be fine. I got the feeling he'll want to talk to me anyway. I'll meet you at the spot." The two nodded and started walking away, leaving Ino there to deal with her friend. She waited to turn around until he was close to her. "So what can I do for you?"
"You can start by explaining why you're doing this." Ino turned around to see the scowl on the Nara's face.
"My reasons for getting married are my own." Shikamaru frowned.
"I wasn't talking about that." Ino reached up and touched her collar, thinking about what she would say.
"I have my reasons for wearing this. I don't need to explain myself to you. What I do is my own business. Look Shikamaru, you are my friend and we will still be friends but don't try to pry into my personal life, no matter how curious you might be or else you'll find things that will scar you for life."
Naruto chuckled as they sat down in a prime spot to watch the fireworks. His soon-to-be wife settled besides him and wrapped her left arm around him. "Do you think there's an angry mob forming?"
Beside him, Sakura chuckled. "I don't think anyone would risk mobbing with all the ANBU patrolling and besides, after that show we put on, no one will believe that you forced us to wear these."
"Speaking of which, that was a great performance back there."
Sakura giggled. "I kept on thinking I was going to screw it up somehow but I didn't. Now I don't know about Ino but I was scared to death there." Naruto chuckled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"You did fine."
The two looked to the side when they heard Ino coming. She walked up to them and sat down on the other side of Naruto. When she sat down, Naruto wrapped his arm around her and she sighed and laid her head on his shoulder.
"So how did it go?"
She sighed once more. "He definitely suspects something. I haven't seen him this determined in a long time."
"It'll be fine. As long as we're careful, he won't know."
Everybody looked up when light filled the sky as the fireworks lit up the sky. They smiled as they exploded in the sky, filling it with explosive works of art.