For two girls, the previous night was hell on earth. Anko had given Naruto gifts. Two custom made dildo's with spikes on them...pointy, painful spikes but these spikes are special. Send chakra into the dildo and the spikes soften, allowing it to be inserted into the female genital but stop sending chakra into them...they straighten and harden.
What's worse is that it can function separately or as part of the sybian.
Naruto only smirked as he decided to try them out. After he prepped the girls, Anko softened the spikes while Naruto lowered the girls onto the sybian. After they were down, Anko stopped her flow of chakra and the spikes instantly hardened, causing the girl to let out muffled screams of pain.
He left them there afterwards, his arm around Anko's as he walked out of the room, the smirk still on his face as he heard their screams.
Speaking of the slaves, they are currently resting on a cot, their wrists chained to the wall. Almost six torturous hours passed before Ibiki let them off, the girls sobbing uncontrollably but their pussies wet as they ever been.
They enjoyed the torture and being forgotten.
The eye of one pink haired girl fluttered opened as she moaned, the pain evident in her moan. She groaned as she sat up, her restrained hand going to the cavern in between her legs, her eyes closing as she rubbed it.
"Now that...was an interesting experience. Ow..." Finally, Sakura lifted up her hand and noticed the leather cuff on her wrist, and then she looked to her left and saw Ino beside her in a similar predicament.
Sakura sighed as she took off the cuff on her wrist, tossing it to the side as she moved the girl beside her on her back and straddling the blonde, moving her head down and captured Ino's lips on her own, hoping to wake the girl this way.
Sure enough, it worked as Ino began to respond to the kiss, her tongue touching hers as her hand gripped Sakura's head.
"That's a nice way to wake up." Ino sighed as Sakura broke it off, causing her to giggle.
"Best way to wake up." Ino looked to the side when she felt something removed from her wrist. "Get in the shower. We need to get dressed and wake up master and get home."
"What makes you think he isn't awake yet?" Ino asked as Sakura sat up.
Sakura shot her a look. "Do you really think he'd leave us sleeping if he's awake? We're to meet with Asuma today now get in the shower. We don't have a lot of time." Sakura finished, motioning to the clock.
"If Kakashi is a open pervert, then what does that make Tenzo?" Ino asked as they stepped in front of the lockers.
Confused, Sakura turned to her sister. "Wood boy? Why?"
"I saw him staring at my butt in the showers. I was under the impression that he had no interest in porn." Ino explained, opening her locker.
Sakura chuckled. "Think about who's his senpai. Kakashi has no problem bringing others to the way of the porn. You would think that something rubbed off of him. He can look but not touch."
Ino chuckled as she slipped her clothes on. The showers in the building were unisex. Had been since the building was constructed with the idea that the ANBU had no shame when it came to their bodies.
"I always enjoy taking a shower here. I just know that people are always staring."
Sakura smiled as she slipped the collar on her neck. "I remember the first time I showered here. I had gotten blood on me when Anko-sensei nicked a kuniochi in the sweet spot." Sakura tapped Ino in the neck, right where the major blood vessel was. "The blood got everywhere and it seemed to aim for me. Naruto-sama ordered me to go to the showers and clean myself off. I obeyed, thinking I would have privacy but when I went into the showers and saw males AND females, I tried to run but master only pushed me in and shut the door."
"I remember reading that." Ino spoke, locking her collar around her, referring to their history book Jiraiya made. "You were scared out of your mind when everybody started staring at you."
Sakura chuckled as she slammed her locker shut, turning around and walking out of the room, followed by Ino. "If it weren't for master edging me on, I don't think I would've made it through the day."
After that, they made their way back to the room where Naruto should be, passing several ANBU just waking up and making their way to the shower. Reaching the room, Sakura opened the door and looked it, the sight meeting their eyes causing them to `aww' at the sight.
On top of a sleeping Hinata was their blonde master, curled up while Anko and him were chest to chest and face to face.
" got your camera?" Ino asked Sakura. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime sight." Ino grinned when Sakura reached into her pocket and pulled out her camera.
"I never leave home without it." Sakura said, grinning as well, before moving closer to get the shot. Once she felt she had the right shot, she pushed the button and the flash erupted. When Sakura checked the photo, she smiled and decided if she could get another shot.
Moving herself, she found a position that worked and took aim with the camera and pushed the button. After checking the photo, she chuckled and pocketed the camera.
"I wonder what happened in here?" Ino asked as Sakura moved toward the bed.
Sakura shot her friend a look. "Don't tell me that you can't smell the sex in here. You know what happened in here."
"I know. I know." Ino quickly said. "But I wonder who was doing the fucking? We all know Anko is one of the few that can keep master away from her."
Sakura smiled and chuckled as she reached the bed. "Who knows…master might have gotten lucky last night."
After Sakura finished speaking, she turned back toward the bed and reached a hand out to shake her master awake, knowing that a broken nose might follow. Unfortunately, when she shook him, he only mumbled and scooted closer to Anko. She tried again, this time using her voice to try and wake him up.
That failed so Sakura got a little hard with her attempts, bracing herself for a punch but it never came.
"Ahh great…" Sakura spoke, causing Ino to walk toward her. "Master's on one of his deep sleeps. I can't wake him up."
"Does he know we have to meet Asuma-sensei today?" She asked and her sister nodded.
"He knows but it's impossible to wake him when he's like this."
Both girls faces fell and a deep sigh came from them. This is a drawback to have Kyuubi's influence on them. Sleep seemed to have a mind of its own. Some nights it was impossible for them to go to sleep while other nights it's hard to wake up.
Worst part of it all was it affected Naruto most of all.
"I suppose I'll have to carry him home." Sakura said, standing up. "Situation isn't exactly different then when he fell asleep in class."
"Except this time, you aren't wailing on him."
Sakura frowned. "Don't remind me. That was one order I would be glad to disobey." Sakura sighed and proceeded to pick up the boy. She let out a low growl as that was proving to be difficult as his hands refused to let go of Anko. Before Sakura could order Ino, she went to the other side of the bed and pried his fingers off of her head, allowing Sakura to lift him up and maneuver him around to lay on her back with Ino's help.
But this time proved to be a little difficult as Naruto started sliding off. Sakura quickly ordered Ino to retrieve some rope and to tie him off. Ino was off and came back in no time, grabbing Naruto and putting him back before securing him to Sakura, still naked.
"Shouldn't we put clothes on him?" Ino asked as Sakura checked herself over.
Sakura shook her head. "Nah…the cool morning air might help him wake up. If he's not up by the time we get home, we'll just have to find a way to gently wake him up. I would rather avoid the harsher ways unless we have too."
Ino smirked as she followed Sakura out of the room. "What? You afraid of getting another broken nose?"
The pink haired girl chuckled. "No. It's the jaw I'm worried about."
The girls laughed as they exited the room, memories of the last time Naruto broke Sakura's jaw. Despite the damage, it actually turned into a funny day.
As the door closed, they failed to notice the eye of one Anko Mitarashi looking at them, letting out a chuckle before adjusting her position.
When they stepped out of the immense building, they were greeted to the sight of the approaching dawn. They didn't waste any time as they set out to their home as they would have a very limited time before their first official team meeting was to begin.
While they walked, Naruto was resting comfortably on Sakura's back, her hands under his knees while she walked, Ino following on her side. When they approached a corner, they turned it and Sakura was nearly ran over by a green blur.
"Hey! Watch it you jackass!" Sakura shouted, nearly avoiding a trip to the ground. She turned around to berate the person when she saw a familiar face.
`Oh kami...not him.' Sakura despaired. She met Gai on more then one occasion for workout tips and he couldn't help talking about his favorite student. When she first saw him, Sakura felt that somehow, he was a clone of the adult...and just as creepy.
Lee skidded to a stop in front of the group, soon joined by two other people. A brunette with her hair tied into two buns and a paled eye boy.
`Neji if I remember correctly.' Sakura thought as Ino joined her.
"Lee you idiot!" Tenten reprimanded the bowl cut boy, smacking him in the back of the head, while trying to recover her breath. "You need to watch where you're going."
"Forgive me my teammate!" Lee said, standing straight up at attention. "I shall move 100 boulders as punishment." With that, he bolted from the spot, running toward the nearest quarry. The girl let out a groan and looked at the Hyuuga who sighed.
"I'll make sure he doesn't hurt himself." What that, the Hyuuga was gone as well, leaving Tenten with the two girls and the sleeping boy.
"Looks like you have your hands full with them."
The girl groaned and rubbed her forehead. "You have no idea." She muttered before sighing and looking at the trio. "So Sakura..." She started. "Last time I saw you, you were being proposed to and I have to admit...I've seen my fair share of proposes but this one takes the cake."
Said girl chuckled. "I'll admit, when I saw the collars, I was shocked. We both were." Sakura motioned to Ino. "But at the same time, I was glad."
"Glad that he was asking you to wear something that tells people you belong to someone?" Tenten asked, skepticism in her voice.
"Yeah." Ino answered. "We realized what he was asking of us but that didn't matter."
"Didn't matter?" Tenten blurted out, causing the girls to blink in surprise. "He's asking you to be a slave to him! Sakura...the few times we spoke, you came off as a dominant girl, full of fire and passion and a determination to let no one walk over you. Ino, I find you to be a manipulator, someone who knows how to get what she wants. Why would you give that up for him?" Tenten finished, pointing to the boy sleeping on Sakura, her voice full of spite but the girls never faltered.
Sakura sighed. "We gave it up because this boy has shown proved to us that he deserves to have what he wants. If he wants us to be submissive to him, then we will be that way."
"And that act when he proposed to you?"
"That was for everybody's benefit." Seeing Tenten's confused look, she explained further. "Let's just say that he isn't exactly liked in this village. The show we put on made it seem like we accepted the idea on our own. At least…that's what we're hoping for."
"Tenten…" Said girl was cut off when Sakura spoke. "Look, we're fine with this. Even before he proposed to us, the both of us made the decision a long time ago and now Naruto-sama is the happiest boy alive. Not only does he have two girls that love him and respect him, he has a family."
"You make it sound like he's an orphan." Tenten said, still not convinced.
"That's because he is."
Tenten gasped, regret immediately filling her mind. She had thought that only someone with a sexist parent would mold the boy like that but she never took in account the possibility that he was an orphan, that he would savor any chance for a family.
No matter what it took.
"How long?" She asked, not really wanting to know.
"All his life. He never knew his parents. He doesn't even know who they are or what they look like."
Now that was the ultimate blow to the heart. She too is an orphan, had been all her life. The only thing she really knows is that her mother died giving birth to her and her father died a while before that.
She visits their gravesites at least four times a month.
"I'm sorry." Ino blinked when she heard her apologize. She's been watching her face, trying to find out what was going on in her mind and she saw something change into shame. Shame on her. "I…I didn't realize he was an orphan. I'm an orphan as well and I know what it feels like wanting a family and would be willing to do what it took to get one."
Sakura just smiled. "It's alright Tenten. We all make mistakes. I'm just glad you realized yours. Once you get to know him, he's a sweet boy who's willing to do what it takes to make sure that his friends stay happy."
Tenten just chuckled. "He sounds like quite a catch." The girl looked up at the brightening sky. "I should get going. Gai-sensei's going to have my ass if I slack off any longer." She waved goodbye as she took off, the girls waving back as she disappeared around the corner.
"You know…" Sakura said after she vanished. "If master ever gets his hands on her like he wants, she'll turn out to be a fine slave."
As Sakura and Ino continued walking, neither they nor Tenten noticed Naruto open his eyes and close them again.
After their encounter with Tenten, the girls continued their trek toward their home, going onto the food district as the light got brighter. As they walked, they noticed the venders setting up shop so they can get business from the early risers who were walking the streets.
Soon enough, they managed to get home without any problems. As they reached the door, Sakura shifted her weight so she could try and get the keys from her pockets while Ino waited as she left her keys in the house.
"Damn it, where did I put them?" The pinkette muttered, failing to find her keys. She could've sworn that she put them in her left pocket but they weren't there.
Suddenly a jingle was heard on her right side and she looked to her side to see Naruto's hand, holding her set of keys.
"You really should be careful Saku-chan." Naruto spoke to her, causing both girl's jaw to drop. "A good pickpocket can snatch something like this and you wouldn't even feel it." Naruto smiled at the shocked face of his pet.
"How long have you been awake?" Ino asked from the opposite side.
"Since we ran into Tenten." He said, handing the keys to his pet. "I got to say she sounds like someone who hates the idea of slavery."
Sakura chuckled as she unlocked the door. "But that never stopped you has it?"
Naruto chuckled as they stepped in the house, Ino following, shutting the door behind her.
"Do you want to get off master?" Sakura asked.
Naruto thought for a moment and smiled. "Nah…why don't you carry me up to the shower and you can clean me?"
Sakura chuckled. "Your wish is my command."
For the next hour, Sakura was tasked with the job of cleaning Naruto by herself. That includes keeping Naruto standing as he made it difficult for Sakura but the girl was able to keep him stable due to many months of practice and training.
This was partly due to the fact that Naruto's small enough to be handled easily.
But Sakura didn't dare state that fact in front of him. Her body still remembered the last thing she insulted, unintentionally of course, his height. He took it very personally and, after torturing her for the longest time, chained her to a field of poison ivy for two weeks.
The embarrassment she felt facing everybody with her entire body affected and the insane laughter from her so called `friend' made her swear to lock her mouth whenever that topic came up.
The only good thing that came from that was that she was able to stress, really stress, to Ino how...sensitive Naruto is about his height. It may have been a joke the first time but Sakura beat the lesson in her head that unless she wants to be tortured in a way that completely bypasses her masochism, she'll shut up.
Sakura chuckled as she dried off Naruto. She would like nothing more then to tease the boy but were it not for the threat of the electric generators, she would have fun with him.
"Come on master, lets get you dressed."
Fortunately Naruto walked so Sakura didn't have to carry him. Stepping into the bedroom, Sakura led the boy to the closet and shifted through the clothes. "Alright let's we want your regular clothes or do we want to spice it up a little?" She looked at the boy after she said that, waiting to see if Naruto would answer her but he stayed silent. "Regular clothes then."
Sakura fished a black shirt from the drawer, unfolding it and putting it on Naruto. Next was simple black boxers. After putting it on him, she paused when she stood up, her face staring into Naruto's, her eyes staring into his for a couple of seconds. "Oh yeah...I forgot, your back-ups. Come on."
Sakura led Naruto out of the room and downstairs passing the kitchen where Ino was making breakfast and to the hallway and stopped in front of a space of the wall. Sakura put her hand on a spot on the wall and sent chakra to her hand. A second later, an outline of a door appeared and Sakura pushed on it, the door giving way to a large room filled with weapons and knives and explosives of all kinds.
The both of them walking in the armory, Sakura started picking out knives, ranging from the small, easily disguised to the kunai and the combat knives. Sakura knew what Naruto wanted so she was able to quickly gather the necessary equipment for both her and Naruto.
Quickly scribbling on the sign-out sheet, they went back upstairs and Sakura started to finish what she started. Carefully, she placed the weapons where he wanted them, in spots where he could get to them easily and won't hinder his movements.
After all the weapons were placed, including one carefully placed in his butt crack, she want back into the closet and looked through the clothes once again. "You know really should dress into something more...stealthy then this jacket." Sakura motioning to the jacket in her hands and she looked back to her master. "I, with your abilities, can sneak up on anyone and stab them in the back of the head but still you can't keep up the illusion for so long and if it fails you, you'll have to rely on your skills. How about this?"
Sakura put the jacket back and pulled out a vest/tight long sleeve combo out for Naruto to see. "What do you think?" Naruto's only answer was the slight lift of his eyebrow, which, to Sakura, meant `are you crazy?'. "No?" Sakura replaced the combo and pulled out something else.
A red haori.
Sakura made a disappointing noise when Naruto raised his eyebrow even more. "What's wrong with it? I mean, I know you only wear this during the General role-play but this can still be badass. Even if we're never setting foot outside the village, you need to make a statement to these people. If you continue to act like this, people will keep on thinking you're an idiot."
Sakura paused, thinking about what she just said. "Actually, I think that the mere fact that we're your soon-to-be wives, your whole idiot image is being replaced. Anyway, would you at least try it out?"
His only answer was crossing his arms.
Sakura sighed. "Fine. Your usual attire." Sakura put the haori back and pulled out the jacket once again, unzipping it and pulling it over him, zipping it up before getting the matching pants and putting it on him. After that, she got his pouch and wrapped it around his leg, securing it and doing the same thing with the kunai holster. Grabbing the shoes, she put them on him and finally grabbed his headband, securing it on his forehead. "You never looked better master. Ahh...hold on a minute."
Sakura turned around and started digging in through the closet, pulling out a dark jacket. "How about..." Sakura trailed off when she saw the lack of a blond master in the doorway. She walked up to the door, jacket still in hand, and looked out. "Master...are you here?"
She looked but failed to find him. She sighed and leaned against the door, bringing the jacket up at eye level. "A year of service to that boy and every attempt at getting him to wear something else beside that ugly thing has failed miserably. I don't know why he's so obsessed with that thing and when I ask, he only says that it reminds him of something happy but even he doesn't know." She sighed again, not caring that nobody is listening to her. Sometimes it helps to say things out loud. "Not even Ino had any success, the so called `fashion queen of Konoha'. Now while people think Naruto is changing, he should help that process along."
Sakura sighed. "YES MASTER!" She replied and put the jacket back. Her eyes went to the dresser and she despaired. One of the new rules that Naruto just mentioned was that the girls couldn't have any toys on (or in) their person when they are out on ninja business. There is an exception to that rule as if they were good, Naruto will allow one toy each.
The pinkette sighed once again and tore her eyes away from the dresser, only for her eyes to settle on her clothes and she made a whimpering sound.
Another new rule was that both her and Ino must wear clothes whenever they are out from now on. That had to be the worst rule ever. She could handle the no toys rule as her fingers can do the job but she hates clothes, even her new ones. She always hated clothes.
Clothes made her itch, clothes made her feel restricted, and worse of all the amount of time it took to strip would subtract from her pleasure time.
And she knew she would have very little during the day from now on.
Sakura sighed once again as she retrieved her dress and unzipped it. At least he didn't say anything about underwear. `I'm glad I managed to get these outfits modified.' She thought as she pulled the zipper up. `Master has expressed his pleasure at the easy access of my body while clothes are on me." Sakura chuckled as she pulled on her usual shorts, followed by her shoes. She grabbed both her weapons pouches and put them on herself.
Retrieving her headband, she tied it off. The last thing she did was grab her collar and lock it around her throat. She went to a mirror and looked at herself in it. `Sakura Uzumaki, you are one sexy slave.'
When Asuma Sarutobi was woken up by his father's grandson, his first thought that it was going to be a bad day. Considering who his new students were, that was a fairly accurate assumption.
Speaking of Konohamaru, both he and Naruto have developed a friendship since that day when his father brought the blonde boy home. It wasn't exactly a bad thing except Naruto had taught him the Oroike no jutsu.
The amount of blood lost by the three males, Asuma, the Hokage, and Ebisu, his personal trainer, made the grandfather try and bribe him into not using that jutsu ever again.
But it had its perks. The child had become more determined in his training.
After getting up, he made his way to the shower and cleaned himself off. When he was done with that, he dried himself off and got dressed, all the while wondering what he could teach to the trio that they haven't already learned.
Of course he had several months to think about that and he had some ideas on where to start.
After Ebisu arrived to pick up Konohamaru, he made his way to the place he decided where they were going to meet from now on, lighting his cigarette.
A semi-private clearing with a stream running through it.
Soon enough, he arrived at said clearing and found his students already there. The boy was sitting on top of the blonde girl, his head resting comfortably on her breasts while the pink haired girl was resting in between Naruto's legs, her head on his stomach.
`I know Naruto refuses to takes any mission above a D-rank but that doesn't mean they should let down their guard.' An idea coming to mind, he reached into his pouch and pulled out a kunai, letting it fly toward the trio, its target a couple of inches above the blonde's head.
However, when it neared, Sakura's hand shot up and grabbed the kunai by the handle. A smirk appeared on her face as she brought it to her nose. "You know Asuma-sensei...if you want to sneak up on us, who has heightened senses by the way, you really shouldn't smoke but that's really a moot point since the smell gets everywhere...even on your knives."
Asuma chuckled as he stepped forward. "I was just making sure that you haven't forgotten your lessons."
Sakura smirked and opened her eyes. "You know us Asuma-sensei...we're too paranoid to let down our guard. If you had slaves and didn't want anybody to take them away, wouldn't you be paranoid as well?"
"Probably. So..." He started, seeing the children adjust themselves she they were side by side. "We already know each other so introductions are pointless. I know the three of you can work intimately together." He said with a frown while the three snickered.
He still remembered the trap he was led into during hunting exercises.
"You guys...really suck at this." Asuma commented as he avoided another blow from the pink haired girl. It's been over twenty minutes since they were tasked with the job of capturing the teacher but every attempt, Asuma was one step ahead of them.
"Shut up! You think your better than us?" Sakura snarled as she tried once again, her clones easily dispatched by the jounin's trench knives.
"Oh I know I'm better than you. Your sister has both of her leg tendons cut and your master is face down in the dirt."
Sakura snarled and tried to retaliate but this time Asuma caught her hand and sent the other hand into her stomach with such force that sent her flying for some distance until her back made contact with a tree. She cried out as she slid to the ground, opening her eyes to see the bearded jounin walk toward her.
"You three place way too much faith in your illusions." He said. "Your abilities are not permanent. What if someone manages to counter them?"
Sakura coughed up a little blood. "That's what traps are for." She whispered, seeing a confused look appear on his face before a muffled explosion was heard and the ground beneath buckled.
In the split second that happened, Sakura launched herself and attached herself to Asuma, keeping his arms pinned while the both of them fell down a considerably deep hole. Asuma cried out as he landed on his back, the girl still latched onto him.
"Did you really think we would be that stupid?" Sakura whispered in his ear as he felt something happen on his body. "Do you really think that Ino-chan would be brought down by something so trivial as cut tendons or that master would be brought down by a blow to the head?"
Asuma looked down when he felt something harden on his skin and saw her arms changing into rock, followed by her legs and going up to her body. "We've been leading you into a trap since the start and now you can't escape." That was the last thing she said before the rest of the girl solidified into rock.
`An earth clone? Kakashi taught her this I just know it. He's the only person I know that knows how to solidify it. I'm surprised she didn't use the water clone. She can drown me with it if she wanted.'
Asuma struggled to get out of the Sakura-rock but failing to do so, partly because the rock that was holding him is pretty strong and her hands made his hands unable to move. He looked up when he saw Naruto and his girls appear in view, Ino and Naruto very dirty.
"WHO'S A BAD HOSTAGE TAKER NOW BITCH?" Naruto shouted down to him, turning Asuma's previous insult back at him.
"Yeah you three outsmarted me so stop snickering." He said, finding the snickers/laughter annoying. He waited until it died down before speaking again. "Now why don't we start off with some warm-up exercises?"
For the next couple of hours, Asuma got their blood pumping with rigorous training exercises. After a short break, the real training begun.
About six hours later, when the sun was nearing the horizon, Asuma finally dismissed the three really sore children but when he turned and started walking away, Ino's unconscious form jerked and she struggled to get up, calling out to her teacher and drawing her family's attention to her.
Sakura immediately stood up to help the blonde but was yanked back down by the other blonde, letting out a yelp when her back hit the bark. She looked at her master in confusion.
"Let her do what she wants. In the meantime..." Naruto grunted as he tried to get up. "Help me get home."
Sakura was quick to grab Naruto and help him walk as he had a noticeable limp.
Meanwhile, Ino struggled to even walk as she neared the waiting jounin. When she neared him, her arm latched on him to steady herself as she was about to fall down.
"You alright Ino?" Asuma asked, helping the girl steady herself when she tumbled into him.
"I'm...fine. I just...wanted to ask you something."
Asuma's eyes widened when he saw Ino's hands...or rather his trench knives in her hands. `Damn, that girl's a good pickpocket.'
"I wanted to ask you about these knives of yours or more specially the metal."
"What do you want to know?"
"I know about the metal's properties and its tendencies to be almost indestructible when in use."
"That particular quality is only because of the amount of chakra fed into the metal and how it's created." Asuma added.
"I know I know." Ino said. "But what I want to know is can that metal and all its properties be made into very strong leather?"
Asuma quirked an eyebrow when she asked that. "Why are you asking this?"
"Just answer my question." Ino demanded.
Asuma was tempted to decline but he was curious as to where she was going with this. "The process of creating this kind of metal is long and hard but it is possible. As for's nearly impossible."
"But it is possible right?" Seeing Asuma nod, she thought. What she was planning depended a lot on the reliability of the leather. "Have you ever used the enhanced leather?"
"I actually created one once upon a time." Seeing Ino's eyes widened, he wondered what was going on in that head of hers. "It was reliable to my surprise. It took a whole lot to break it and we were trying very hard."
"How would it hold up in battle?"
"I would defiantly rely on it if I needed to."
Asuma looked at the girl as she thought some more about whatever she was thinking about and he may have an idea on what she was thinking about.
"What..." Ino spoke slowly. "Would it take to have a set of bullwhips made with the same abilities as these knives?"
"Who are they for?"
"There you are!" Ino oofed when she was slammed into the door she just closed by a irate naked Sakura. "Where the fuck have you been?" Ino opened her mouth to speak but was silenced before she could talk. "Shut up. You have been gone too long. You can explain yourself to master later and you better hope that he's in a good mood." Sakura pushed a towel in her hands. "Get in the shower and cleanse yourself. "
"What shower is he in?"
"Upstairs." Ino nodded and walked toward the stairs. "But you have orders to use another shower." Ino stopped and turned around to face her sister. "Yeah, you heard me right."
Sakura shrugged. "He only said that he wanted to be alone for a while and that to make sure that you're in bed when he gets out."
Ino gulped. "How long has he been in there?"
"Twenty five minutes. He's taking his time but I estimate about ten more minutes before he gets out."
Ino was gone in a flash with the words, `I'll tell you why I was late later!'
Ino made new records in the female shower category. As soon as she turned on the water, she made a clone and the two quickly cleaned the real Ino's body, despite how tired she was feeling.
After she was finished, she quickly dried herself off and ran upstairs to their room and jumped on the bed. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the shower still running. She turned around and settled on her stomach, laying her head on the pillow.
`I just hope master likes his birthday presents. The bullwhips won't be used in bondage play but used in combat. I wonder who else is coming to the party. I know Tsume is coming as well as Kiba, not sure about his sister, Shikamaru, Chouji, Shino, Jiraiya (haven't seen that pervert in a while actually), as well as others.' Ino let out a groan. `I hope Kiba doesn't `accidentally' screw things up. If anyone is going to reveal our secret, it's going to be him.'
Ino was too immersed in her thinking to notice a hand moving up her back and a new weight being added to the bed. She jerked out of her thoughts when she felt a body over her own and a hand on her neck.
"You're back my little cosmos."
Naruto smiled as he laid down on top of her, his body covering hers. "I'm glad you're back. I would've been VERY disappointed seeing an empty bed. You remember what I do to you when I'm disappointed?"
Ino gulped. " put me in the freezer...for an hour and forbid pain and pleasure for the rest of the day."
Naruto chuckled and Ino could hear evil in that chuckle. "Then it's a good thing you haven't disappointed me have you?"
"No master."
"That's good. Now..." Naruto laid his head on Ino's head. "Why did you stay behind?"
"I wanted to ask Asuma-sensei something."
"You going to tell me what?"
Ino smiled and patted Naruto's head. "Now what would be the purpose of a birthday present if you knew what it was?"
Naruto opened his eyes to look at the girl under him, confusion in his eyes before he smiled and chuckled, putting his head back on the girl. "I see. Go ahead and take a nap pet. I want us to be rested for Tsume tonight."
Ino's eyes widened when he said that. She had completely forgotten about the Inuzuka and that she was going to be fucking her tonight. She sighed and adjusted herself a little before closing her eyes and going to sleep.
When Sakura Uzumaki was bored, things tend to be weird for her.
For one, her inner person had always managed to get out every cage the real one puts her in and starts up a conversation. She would end up staring at a spot for hours, mentally speaking to the voice in her head.
For such an ultra pervert, Junko is surprisingly intelligent to talk to.
`You damn right I'm intelligent!'
Sakura rolled her eyes. `I thought I left you in a cage.'
The mental Sakura snorted. `You know as well as I do no cage you create can hold me for long. The only reason I stay in those cages is when master orders me to stay in there. Last time, you threw me in there.' She sighed and fell down, landing on a bean bag chair. `I want to feel the air again;I want to taste master's cum. I want to torture. Can't you let me out?' Junko asked.
The outer Sakura narrowed her eyes. `Let you out? Are you kidding? Master still remembers the last time I let you out.'
`It wasn't that big of a deal.'
`Ino had to go to the hospital because of what you did!'
Junko merely waved her off and Sakura sighed, settling back into the chair. `Hey Saku...did master say when you can let me out?'
`You really want to get out again don't you?'
`I hate being cooped up like this. I've grown addicted to being free since master found a way to let me out.'
`Tell you what. You've been behaving yourself so I'll ask master if he'll grant me the authority to let you out again.'
`Thank you Sakura.'
A couple of minutes after that, Sakura was jerked out of her comatose state by a knock on the door. She looked at the clock and found she lost about a few hours talking with her inner self.
She got up, stretching her limbs before checking herself in the mirror, making sure the collar around her throat is secured. She walked to the front door and opened it to receive the shock of her life.
Uchiha Sasuke was standing in front of her.
Her eyes were wide open in shock as she stared at the dark haired boy before rage filled her. "What are you doing here Uchiha?" She said, her voice filled with hate.
Sasuke was also surprised. Never before had anybody used that tone with him before and coming from a girl who used to chase him around added to the confusion.
"Sakura...can I come in?"
"Why Uchiha? So you can bring harm to this family?"
Sasuke quickly shook his head. "No, I just wanted to talk to you."
Sakura narrowed her eyes. "What makes you think I want to talk to you?"
"Sakura, I come here to try and make amends to you." Seeing the girl in front of him remain unfazed, he continued. "I recently had a talk with Naruto and that gave me things to think about and I wanted to talk to you."
Sakura stared at his face while he talked, to try and find some indication of deceit but she couldn't find any. She really didn't want him in the house but Naruto always said to give people a chance.
`Even emo's can change.' Naruto once said.
"(sigh) Alright but stay in the living room." Sasuke nodded and stepped in the house, taking a seat in a chair while Sakura closed the door and took a seat opposite of him. "Alright wanted to talk to me, here I am."
Sasuke sighed. "I don't really know where to begin."
"What don't you start with your conversation with Naruto-sama?"
The emo-boy sighed once again. "I had asked him what it is about him that you and Ino saw in Naruto. What did he do that made the most devoted of my fans to go to him?"
"What did he say?"
"He said that he puts you before him, that he puts your safety above all else, even if it meant he would die in the process."
`That sounds like the day my parents died.' "That's true Sasuke. He does put us first. No matter what happens, he takes care of us."
Sasuke nodded, really interested in what she was saying which came to a surprise to the girl. "I have a good memory. I remember three years ago and how you treated him. There's something I noticed a couple of years later."
Sakura raised her eyebrow. "Oh...and what would that be?"
"I don't remember when exactly but you started treating Naruto differently. It wasn't much but it was different. What happened between you two?"
Sakura stayed silent even after he asked. When she asked Naruto about his conversation with Sasuke, he didn't say anything other then Sasuke seemed to be in need of some serious thinking. Maybe Sasuke was thinking about changing and maybe this story would help.
"Let me tell you a story."
The sky flashed as lighting ran across the clouds, the rain falling down as the tears of an orphaned girl ran down her face as she stood over the grave of her deceased parents, the father killed by bandits on his way home and the mother previously killed by a illness.
Haruno Sakura was all alone.
The funeral just finished and friends of the family attended, paying their respects but soon, the number of people dwindled until she was the only one left in the rain. Even Ino, who was just a mere acquaintance anyway, and her family didn't stay and that hurt the girl...a lot.
Because she realized just how alone she was.
She stayed there in front of her parents graves as the rain fell, holding back her tears as not to show weakness in front of her parents. She had no idea how long she was standing there nor did she have any idea that someone was standing beside her until he spoke.
"You really shouldn't hold back your tears Sakura-chan."
Sakura sniffed and rubbed her eyes as she desperately tried to hold back her tears. "What do y-you w-want?"
The blonde boy looked at her and back at the grave. "I'm here to help you Sakura. I've known my fair share of grief."
"How c-can you p-possibly k-know what I'm g-going through?"
Naruto sighed. "Two years ago, a nice man that lived next to me died of a heart attack. I had gotten to know him and we were close. When I was at his funeral, I held back my tears and bottled up my grief. I had thought that if I don't experience the emotions that don't come with death, it would be easier to handle and it worked for a while." Sakura looked at the boy as he told his tale, not sure what to make of it. "But after a while, I soon realized what a mistake that was. I was getting angrier, I tend to snap easy, and being basically a jerk."
"T-that was b-because he d-died?" Sakura said, her voice cracking as some tears escaped, remembering that particular point in history.
Naruto nodded. "Eventually the Hokage realized what I was going through, he helped me. Do you know what I learned Sakura?"
Naruto looked at the girl of his dreams. "You should never try and hold your feelings in. It will start to eat you from the inside out until you have nothing left. You shouldn't try and hold your tears in Sakura."
Sakura just humped and looked away, not wanting to accept his advice. "J-just be-because you w-went through some g-grief doesn't m-mean you know w-what's like to l-lose your p-pa-parents."
"That's true. I have never known my parents so I can't begin to imagine what's like for you. I'm an orphan so I'll probably never know what it's like."
When Sakura heard the boy say he was an orphan, she turned toward him, only for him to embrace her in a hug. Sakura stared at the boy in shock at what he was doing, completely and utterly baffled, at this boy's stupidity. She said stupidity because he left her arms free. She started to struggle, trying to push the boy off as he tightened his grip on her, keeping her close.
"Sakura-chan please cry. I don't want you to go through what I did. I don't want you to throw your life away in your grief." Naruto pleaded to the girl, even as she started hitting him to try and dislodge him but to no effect but as Sakura kept on hitting him, her actions soon became lackluster as her will to hold back her tears vanished.
Then, like the dam on a heavy storm, the barrier broke and Sakura broke down crying in Naruto's embrace.
Naruto smiled when he felt Sakura finally break down and cry. Even though he would like to take away her pain, this is a critical part in grieving and all he can do is hold the girl, comforting her while she cried.
For the longest time, Sakura cried in Naruto's hair, letting out her grief at the realization that her parents were dead and that she was alone from now on. Naruto let the girl cry on him, offering comforting words to her to, hopefully, help her with the grief.
But Naruto was too high, for lack of a better word, being so close to the girl of his dreams and inhaling her scent to notice the crying die down and the fistful of the jacket in her hands relax. He did notice the arm falling down and brushing against his nose on the way down.
He tried to look up but realized Sakura's head was on it. He gently reached up and lifted her head up some so he could look up and when he realized she was asleep, he only had one thought in his mind.
On the way home from the funeral, Inoichi knew something was worrying his daughter. She looked like she was deep in thought so he didn't ask. When they got home, she was still thinking and decided to leave her alone for the minute while they got out of their wet clothes and Ino did the same.
A while later, when they were all in front of the fire, did Ino finally speak. "I don't think we should've left her alone." The blonde said with a soft voice but it was enough for the adults to hear her.
"Sweetie?" Inoichi asked.
"We shouldn't have left her there." Ino said, louder this time. "Sakura has no one. She's completely and utterly alone. I'm worried."
"So what do you propose to do about it?" The father asked, a little confused as to why she's acting like this since she wasn't exactly friends with the girl.
The ten year old thought some more, mumbling a little until she decided. "We should go back, and make sure she's alright."
Ino got up front the chair, went to the coat rack and pulled off a umbrella for her and her father before throwing one to said blonde, dragging him, barely, from the couch and to the door. Inoichi let Ino do what she wanted as he too wanted to check on the girl.
They quickly made their way back to the graveyard and on the way there, it stopped raining so they were able to sped up some. When they did get there, however, is when things got weird for Ino. Sakura was still there but it looked like she was holding onto somebody. Upon further inspection, Ino soon discovered who it was and announced it to her father.
"If you ask me..." Inoichi said, pouring a little healing chakra in his ears. "It looks like Sakura is crying into his arms and Naruto is comforting her." Inoichi was surprised by his own words.
"WHAT?" Inoichi winced at his daughter's volume.
`Crap crap crap crap what am I going to do?' Naruto thought in a panic. `She wasn't suppose to fall asleep. What the hell am I supposed to do?' Quickly Naruto tried to figure out what to do. He couldn't leave her here. She would get sick and die. It would be very hard to wake her up as she was exhausted The only option that makes sense is to take her home but which home was the question but a rumble in the sky made him decide to go now decide later as he didn't want to get caught in the rain again.
Being very gentle, he adjusted her so he was carrying her bridal style. Fortunately she wasn't too heavy so he was able to carry her until he can get to his home. After he made sure she was secured, he began the trek to his home as it was the closest safe residence.
As he walked, he couldn't help but feel he was being followed. He looked back but no one was there but the feeling was still there.
Soon enough, he arrived at his small little abode. Adjusting her position, he dug the keys out of his wet pants but as he fished for them, doubt entered his mind. Should he do this? Should he leave her at his unfamiliar home? What would happen when she wakes up and finds herself in an unfamiliar place?
`Maybe I should take her to her place. It'll be a longer walk but maybe it would be better in the long run. After all, Sakura might kill me when she wakes up.'
Naruto sighed and put the keys back in his pocket. He knew where her keys were because it was currently digging into his lower right of his stomach. After securing her once again, he started the trek to her house.
The same feeling of being followed was still in his mind.
About thirty minutes later, Naruto found himself at the Haruno residence, dread on his face because along the way, he realized what he had to do once he got her home. All of her clothes were wet and if he left them on, she would defiantly get sick so he had to make sure she doesn't get sick.
That meant taking off all of her clothes and drying her off before putting to bed.
Naruto gulped in fear. He had also realized what would happen after Sakura woke up and she realizes what he done. He was going to die, plain and simple but he realized that her health was far more important then his so he was going to do it, even if the girl didn't kill him, she was going to hate him for all time.
Quickly digging through her pocket, he withdrew her keys and, with some difficulty, opened the door to her home and stepped in, shutting the door behind him and set the girl on the couch for right now while he tried to get some towels and find where her bedroom is so he can put her in it.
He quickly found her bedroom upstairs and the towels shortly after. He went back downstairs and went to the couch. He sat down and stared at the pink haired girl, feeling of death washing over him but he dismissed that thought, her safety on the front of her mind.
His hands reached out, shaking I might add, to the zipper of her dress but ended up on her head as he lost his nerves at the last second. He took the ribbing in his hand and untied it, setting it on the ground and decided to take off her shoes to try and work up the nerve again.
After he set them on the ground, he took another look at her funeral dress. He growled and slapped himself on the back on the head hard to motivate himself. That seemed to do the trick as his hands went to the zipper and he pulled it down all the way. He didn't stop as he knew it would probably wreck his nerve again so it was best to just keep going.
He quickly took it off, trying very hard not to stare at her body. He closed his eyes as he picked Sakura up a little, undoing the clasp on her bra, taking it off and putting it with the rest of her wet clothes. He repeated the process with her panties and soon found himself starting at her wet naked body.
`Oh kami...she is so beautiful. I never imagined that..." Naruto suddenly yelled, smacking himself in the back of the head. `Focus Uzumaki! You have a job to do."
The soon-to-be dead blonde grabbed a towel and proceeded to dry his crush off, lifting her to get behind her. `Kami this girl is a sound sleeper. If she wakes up, I am dead.'
Being as quick as he can, he dried off Sakura. The next step being the bedroom, he moved his arms under her and picked her up, making his way toward her bedroom. He arrived and deposited her in her bed. After that, he quickly found a night shirt and shorts and put them on her, no hesitation in his movements.
Naruto then tucked Sakura in and gave her a kiss on the forehead, giving a good night before going downstairs to clean up his mess. However, while he cleaned up his mess, the idea of taking Sakura of Ino's place finally came to him, causing the boy to smack his head in frustration.
"I can't believe I didn't think of this before! If Sakura-chan doesn't kill me, Ino will." A sigh escaped his lips. "Ahh...I could at least ask her to watch over Sakura until she wakes up."
Soon enough, Naruto finished his chores and left the house, locking the door behind him and setting his course to the Yamanaka Flower shop, in hopes that the Ino could watch over her and not be killed by the family.
"That...that BASTARD! WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING?" Ino screamed, really really mad at that pervert undressing Sakura. She couldn't take it anymore and moved to jump off the tree and storm the house but her father held her back for some reason.
"Now now honey...remember what I said before?"
Ino growled in her father's arms. When they realized that Sakura had fallen asleep, she wanted to go up and take her off his hands but Inoichi held her back to her utmost surprise, saying that Naruto says daily that he's mature enough and that this would be a good test to him to see if he really is mature enough because saying and doing is two different things.
To the immense surprise of the two Yamanaka's, Naruto did his best to take care of the girl. Even Ino knew that if Sakura stayed in those wet clothes, she would get deathly sick and maybe die. Ino was confused when Naruto had suddenly stopped and smacked his head, his mouth moving. Her father translated that he just had the idea of taking Sakura to Ino and that he'll go to them after he cleans up his mess.
That was the cue for the two blondes to leave, quickly making their way back to their house as Naruto left Sakura's. In no time at all, they were back home and Ino sat down on the stairs, facing the door, waiting for Naruto to arrive while her father explained the situation to his wife.
Finally, a knocking sound was heard.
Knock knock knock knock
Naruto squirmed in front of the door to the house/flower shop. He got lucky in Sakura's house as the girl wasn't awake but now he has to deal with her acquaintances and the daughter of said acquaintance had a nasty temper.
The door clicked and Naruto straightened himself up and gulped when the door opened to reveal the father of Ino Yamanaka and said girl was behind him, fuming on the stairs.
"Ya-yamanaka-sama..." The boy squeaked out.
"Naruto, what can I do for you?"
There was an audible gulp from the boy. "I...I have a favor to ask."
Inoichi crossed his arms. "Tell me."
The boy gulped again. "Sa-sakura-chan is home right now and I'm concerned for her. She was out in the rain for a long time and I'm worried that she might be sick. Could...could you and Ino stay over there...just until she wakes up?"
The blonde jounin didn't respond at first but just stared at the boy causing him to tremble a little. "So you took her home after the funeral? Why did she need to be helped home?"
Naruto gulped. "She...she fell asleep when she was crying. I took her home and helped her into bed."
"From the sound of it, you did more then help her into bed. Is that right?"
Naruto despaired. He didn't want to tell him what he did but then again, there's no telling how good of a lie detector he was. "Yes sir. I...I kinda took her clothes off and dried her." Naruto gulped when he saw Ino's face. "I dressed her again after that!" He said quickly.
"I see. Of course one might wonder if you took a few...liberties with her while in such a opportune situation."
"I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" Naruto shouted. "Sakura-chan's...she means the world to me. Her safety and health takes place before all others."
Inoichi chuckled. He knew that Naruto wouldn't dare doing that. He was too stupid for that. "Where are her keys?" Inoichi asked, holding out his hand which keys were quickly placed in it. "We'll keep an eye on her."
Naruto thanked the man and turned around to leave but stopped before he did, turning back around to look at the girl. "Ino..." Said girl looked at him. "Could...could you give a message to Sakura-chan for me when she wakes up?"
The blonde Yamanaka sighed. "Sure."
Naruto smiled. "Could you tell her that even though she may hate me for all eternity for what I did, I did what I thought was right and that your safety is always on my mind. You will always have a place in my heart, even though I may never have one in yours."
Ino blinked. That was weird coming out of his mouth. "I'll tell her."
Sakura groaned as her eyes flickered open, confusion running through her mind as she struggled to process what was going on. The last thing she remembered was being at the graveyard, crying her eyes out in Naruto's arms and...
What did he do to her? She was in her room so he must have taken her home. She was in her bed and she felt dry.
That thought made her pause.
Slowly she lifted up the covers and looked. Then she screamed the loudest scream she has ever produced.
A few seconds later, the door slammed open and Ino stormed in, going to the bed and trying to calm down the hysterical girl as she realized she was wearing a completely different set of clothes then what she remembered wearing.
Ino had to first calm the girl down before she could speak to her but that was proving to be difficult but once she did calm down, did the blonde be able to speak to her.
"Sakura, are you alright?"
Said girl was still hysterical. "Ino, he saw me naked."
"I know forehead."
"He undressed me, took off everything, touched me."
Ino grabbed the pinkette's face as she spoke, trying to calm the girl down even more. "Look at me Sakura. Look at me!" Said girl looked at Ino. "What Naruto did was the right thing. If he left you in those clothes, you would be really sick right now. Do you really want that?"
"No." Sakura said after a moment's thought, calming down even more. "But he..."
"I know he saw you naked but listen to me...I never thought that I would be defending him but he knew that you would mostly likely hate him for all eternity but that didn't matter to him. All that mattered was your health."
As rational thought entered her mind, she began to realize that Ino was right. She knew someone that had gotten sick because of wet clothes and she went through some rough times trying to recover. She had gotten lucky she fell asleep on someone that was mature enough to do what was needed for her sake.
"He did what was right, even though I probably going to kill him."
"Yes forehead. He surprised even me."
It was then Sakura seemed to realize who she was talking to. "Ino? What are you doing here?"
Ino chuckled. "That baka realized that he could've taken you to us after he dried you off and decided to ask us to watch over you as he was worried you would be sick...are you sick Sakura?"
Sakura shook her head. "No, I feel fine."
"I see. Anyway even though my idiot father..." Ino motioned to the adult in the doorway. "Stopped me from helping you while you were with Naruto. I..."
"Wait wait wait..." Sakura interrupted. "Helping me? What are you talking about?"
Ino sighed. "I was worried about you so me and dad went back to the graveyard. We watched everything that happened between you and Naruto so if something went wrong, we could help."
"Why didn't you do anything?" She asked, feeling a little betrayed.
"I wanted to but that stupid dad of mine wanted to see if Naruto was as mature as he claims to be. He was proven right but I still wanted to help you."
"Ino..." Sakura trailed off, feeling oddly happy.
"Even though we're only acquaintances..." Ino interrupted. "I was really worried about you. The mere fact of that made me realize I want more."
"Ino, what are you saying?"
Ino smiled. "What I'm saying is that I want to be friends with you. I want to hang out with you, giggle over boys, obsess over make-up, and all those things. I want to be your friend...if you'll have me."
The biggest smile appeared on Sakura's face as she and Ino hugged each other as Sakura finally made her first friend. "Thank you Ino-chan." She said, excitement clearly in her voice.
"No problem Sakura." The girls broke apart, the smile still on Sakura's face. "Oh, I forgot. Naruto gave me a message that he wanted me to give you when you woke up."
"What did he say?"
"He said that even though you may hate me for what I did, I did what I thought was right for you. Your safety is always the number one concern to me and I'm willing to do what it takes. You will always have a place in my heart but I realize that I may never have a place in yours and I accept that. As long as you are safe, I'm happy."
"Wow..." Sakura was really moved by that. "Did he really say that?"
"Yes he did." Lie...well half lie. `You better thank me the next time we meet Uzumaki. I just made you look good.' "So what are you going to do about him?"
Sakura sighed. "I don't know. I really don't know."
For the next few days, Sakura spent the time in her house, packing some of her parents stuff as she thinks she wouldn't be able to stay in her home. Every day, Ino came by and visited and they had fun with each other.
Soon Sakura started to pack some of her parents stuff, with that thought that she wouldn't be able to stay in her home for much longer. On the fifth day, she had a visitor, one she wasn't surprised to see.
The Hokage.
She knew that he was here to tell her that she couldn't stay here and was going to kick her out but to her utmost surprise, he told her that if she wanted, she could stay in her house.
When she asked why, he told that that Naruto basically `asked' him to keep her in the house and Inoichi's offer of paying the bills for a while, he decided to let her keep the house.
She was so happy, she tackled the old man in a bear hug and cried happy tears.
When she told Ino that same day, she was also happy and they cried together. Well...Sakura did most of the crying. These past few days Sakura thought about Naruto and what he did for her. Eventually she decided that she needed to thank him, to let him know that she wasn't mad at him so after a week passed, she waited by the big tree she knows Naruto goes to after school to talk to him.
"Hey Naruto?"
Said boy jumped when he heard a girl's voice from behind him and he stood up, kunai at the ready but he faltered when he saw Sakura, her face in a solemn expression. "Sakura-chan?"
"Can I speak to you?" Naruto gulped but nodded, thinking this was going to be the day he died. He stood up and stood in front of Sakura as she leaned against the tree. "I know you think that I'm going to hate you for what you did after I fell asleep and to be honest, if you didn't ask Ino and her father to stay at my place until I woke up, I would probably be trying to kill you at this point."
"Saku..." Naruto tried to speak but Sakura shut him up with a finger on her lips.
"I was vulnerable that day Naruto and you took care of me. You did what was best for me, knowing that when you stripped me and dried me off, you were signing your death warrant and I just want to say..." Sakura paused, settling herself while Naruto prepared himself for his untimely demise.
"Thank you."
Naruto's eyes widened when she thanked him. He had seriously thought that she would inflict serious bodily harm on his person and leave him for the animals to devour. "Sakura..."
"You were mature enough..." Sakura interrupted. "That you set aside any dirty or perverted thoughts that you might have had and did what you thought was best. You cared about me enough to risk bodily harm to make sure that I was safe and for that...I thank you."
Naruto was then pulled into a tight hug, the girl of his dreams had her arms tight around his body and he could feel himself being lifted up some. Hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around her.
"I was so alone..." Sakura started crying. "Nobody was beside me and I couldn't take it. I thought about killing myself because of the grief I was feeling but you helped me grieve. You forced me to cry, forced me to accept that my parents were dead. You were the best thing that could've happened to me at that moment. Thank you Naruto. From the bottom of my heart...thank you so much."
Naruto smiled as Sakura held him, crying her eyes out. He wasn't going to die that's for certain but that wasn't on his mind right now. His mind and thoughts were on the girl in his arms right now at this moment.
"Sakura-chan...I may be a loudmouth idiot but even I know when one needs to do what they can to help the girl he loves."
Sakura let out a short sob-filled laugh. "Oh you baka...don't think that this will get you the chance to get in my pants."
This time Naruto laughed. "I wasn't even thinking about that Sakura-chan."
A few minutes passed before Sakura gently let Naruto go, much to his disappointment, but she did keep her hands on his shoulders. "Don't get the wrong idea Naruto, I still love Sasuke-kun but you deserved to be rewarded for your help."
" don't..." Naruto could only trail off as Sakura moved his goggles up and place a soft kiss on his forehead.
"I'm not a heartless bitch Naruto." She whispered after removing her soft lips from his forehead. "Even though I may seem like it sometimes when I hit you, I'm only doing it to try and get you to back off because even though I like being physical, doing it like this is not something I enjoy."
" can hit me whenever you want." Naruto said in a daze causing the girl to giggle.
"I'll see you later Naruto." Sakura moved to turn around but Naruto's hand latched on her arm, causing her to turn back as he dug into his pockets and withdrew a notepad and pencil. He quickly scribbled something down and tore off the paper, handing it to the girl who took it.
"This is my address and phone number." He explained, seeing her confused look. "Any time you want to talk or just want a shoulder to cry on, I'm always available."
Sakura smiled and thanked him, looking at it as she turned around but suddenly she stopped, her eyebrow rising. "Naruto let me ask you something..."
Sakura turned back to him. "This address is between my house and the graveyard. Why didn't you take me to your place to make the journey short?"
"Ehh..." Naruto said, rubbing the back of his head. "I wanted to do that but then I realized that if you woke up in a strange place with strange clothes on you, you would scream rape and proceed to beat the shit out of me. I didn't really want to go through that and I didn't think of Ino until after I got to your place."
Sakura smiled. "I see. Thanks for making the extra effort."
Sakura turned around and paused before she chuckled. The reason being Ino was staring at the two with a finger pointing at the two of them and an open mouth. Sakura walked up to the girl but didn't stop, only place a finger under her chin and close her mouth.
Sasuke whistled as Sakura finished the story. That had to be the best story he ever heard.
"Glad you like it." Sakura said, sarcastically.
"How did you treat him after that day?" He asked, really curious.
Sakura sighed, just wanting Sasuke to leave. "While I still treated him mostly the same, meaning I only hit him when he's being stupid, which was most of the time, Naruto-sama became someone that I could talk to. He was someone that would listen to my problems and just be there for me. Our relationship didn't really bloom until that day when we changed our wardrobe for you."
"I see." Sasuke sighed and stood up, walking toward the fireplace where several pictures were placed, pictures of Sakura and Naruto and Ino. They looked so happy together, so happy being in each others company. Sakura noticed the expression on Sasuke's face and stood up to join him. "You must be glad to have a family again."
"Depends on what you mean by family." Sakura muttered, causing Sasuke to look at her.
"What do you mean?"
"Sasuke, our relationship with Naruto-sama is so much more then you might think."
The black haired boy snorted. "Yeah, like that wasn't obvious."
"What does that mean?"
Sasuke turned to look at his former fan-girl. "We've all seen how the two of you act around him. You follow after him, doing anything and everything he says no matter what it is. He humiliates you, whether he knows it or not. He..."
"He takes care of us Sasuke and that's all that matters." Sakura interrupted. "Why are you so interested in our lives Uchiha?"
"Because you're acting like a slave to him!" Sasuke shouted, the words he so wanted to say to her. "All the time you've been chasing me, you were willing to do whatever it took just to get on a date with me."
"So what? You're just now noticing me when I belong to someone else? You see this collar?" Sakura pointed to the collar around her neck. "When I was given this and when I put it on for the first time, I made the decision to remain Naruto's forever. No other male, including you, can lay a hand on me and only him and my sister Ino can touch this."
"There you go again. You're acting like that dead last, who has no family, no political connections, deserves to be treated like royalty. I don't understand why you are doing this. Why you and Ino, who were among the fiercest of my fans, suddenly switched sides to, almost worship, that baka?"
"Because that baka has proven to us that he deserves what he wants. If he wants use to do something, anything at all, then we do it, no matter how humiliating it is."
"So what, you only known him for a few months and you're throwing your life away for him?"
Now Sasuke didn't mean for his words to be insulting but from Sakura's sudden pause and sudden anger build-up, he should've thought before he spoke. Sakura lunged at him, knocking him to the ground and her hand closing around his throat.
"Seven years..." She snarled at him. "Seven years I have been chasing you, trying my best to get you to notice me. Seven years I have been ignoring everything, my health, friends, but most of all, abusing the love of my life. Every day I laid my hand against my husband, it was for you, in hopes that you would realize that I would make an excellent wife, someone who could take care of herself, but every single day, you reject me and I take my anger out on Naruto-sama."
"I never wanted your, nor anyone else's, affections." Sasuke said, trying to get her arm off of his neck.
"Yeah, you said that but you never did anything else besides talking. All of us just assumed that you were playing hard to get. You never once did anything to tell us otherwise. You were just too busy trying to figure out ways to kill your brother. Don't look so surprised Sasuke. Anyone with half a brain can figure out you want to kill him."
"So what now? You going to get your vengeance on me?"
Sakura seriously thought about it. Sasuke was right here in her hands and she could get her vengeance on her suffering like she dreamed of doing but reluctantly she let go of him and stood up. "No, I'm better then that. If you really want to change Sasuke, then think about what you really want. Think about what you want to accomplish in your future." She said, helping him up. "Now get out of Naruto's house."
Sasuke quickly exited the house, not wanting to stay in the same room as that girl. The door slammed behind him and Sakura locked it, but after she locked it, she fell to her knees, crying her eyes out, the memories of what she did to the boy coming back full force.
"I'm so sorry Naruto-sama." She cried out. "I'm so sorry." Sakura continued crying for a while, her mind tormenting her for her sins against her master. After a while, she stood up, still crying, and stumbled her way downstairs.
At the top of the stairs, Naruto stood up and walked back to his bedroom, sleep the last thing on his mind.
Sakura stumbled into a room, her hands going through a set of seals before a single clone popped into existence but this clone was different.
This clone had the kanji for `inner' stamped on her forehead.
"Junko..." Sakura cried to the clone. "Whip me." She demanded.
"But Sakura..." She said. "I'm not supposed to be out. When master finds out..."
"I don't care!" She shouted, tears forming in her eyes and Junko knew why. "Just punish me. I need to be punished." She finished that last part with a whisper as she turned around, quickly stripping her clothes off and baring her back to her `mind guest'.
Junko sighed. "Alright Saku..." She grabbed a horse whip. "Don't blame me if master sticks you with the red-hot stokers from the forge."
Sakura whimpered as Junko vanished and reappeared in her mind, the welts on her back burning. Kami she needed that. She hated it when she remembered the past. The times when she abused Naruto. Even after her parents funeral, she still wailed on Naruto, but he took it with a smile.
`Master knew you needed someone to take your anger out on. You were just like himback then. You preferred to let your anger out through violence.'
`Kami I hope he didn't pick that up from me but if he did, that's karma.' Sakura let out a groan as she stood up, holding onto the table as she steadied herself. `I should check on master.'
`You better make sure you hide those wounds. If he sees them, he's going to find out you let me out when you weren't supposed too.'
`I doubt master's awake. You know master loves to sleep and when he's with one of us, it's downright impossible for him to wake up for a while.' Sakura grabbed a hold of her dress and put it on, making whimpering sounds as her back moved. After zipping it up, she took off for her master's room, hoping he was still asleep.
Upon reaching his room, she gave the door light knocks and peered in. "Oh sorry master..." She said seeing Naruto wide awake and sitting up. "I was just checking up on you." She was walking away when Naruto said her name. Gulping in fear, she went back to the door. "Yes?"
Naruto patted the spot in between his legs, telling her to sit down. The girl in the doorway came into the room and climbed onto the bed, sitting down facing him but Naruto wouldn't have that. He reached out and grabbed her, turning her around and forcing her onto his chest.
Sakura was barely able to hold back her whimpers.
"Something wrong master?" She asked, taking a peek to her side and seeing Ino remain undisturbed. She became worried when he chuckled and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. `God I hope he can't feel the welts.'
"I should be asking you that pet. You're worried but you're trying to hide it."
"I'm always worried master. You know that." She said, being very careful to choose her words as to not to set off Naruto's lie detector.
Naruto smirked and whispered in her ear. "So why did you let Junko out and tell her to use the horse whip on you?"
`CRAP!' How the hell did he know about that?
"Relax Sakura." Naruto said, the girl in his arms tense. "I know Sasuke came by and the two of you had a little chat."
"You're not mad?" She asked, surprised to hear calm in his voice.
"A talk was long overdue between the two of you and I'm fine with that. What I want to know is why you disobeyed me and let her out when I told you I have to tell you to let her out."
Sakura sighed and looked at the girl beside them. "I needed to be punished." She whispered out. "Bad memories came up after I told Sasuke the story. You know how I react when those memories come up. I desperately needed to punish myself, to make that guilt go away."
"I see." Naruto reached up and cupped Sakura's chin, turning her head to the side so he could look in her eye. "And you were willing to face whatever punishment I dish out of you for letting the bitch out?"
"Yes master."
Naruto chuckled, reaching forward and placing a kiss on her cheek. "I'm not going to punish you Sakura-chan. I'm glad you did this." He placed another kiss on her cheek, seeing her smile. "And Junko, you can come out whenever you want from now on."
"YEEEEEES! THANK YOU MASTER!" The inner self cheered, very happy about Naruto's orders.
Sakura chuckled. "Junko says thank you. She's very happy."
Now Naruto chuckled. "So what's for supper?"
"Ramen." At that Naruto beamed. "I'm making your favorite as well as Ino's. You need to have plenty of energy for Tsume tonight."
"How long?"
"I'll get you up in a couple of hours when it's ready." Sakura giggled when he licked her cheek. "You go back to bed and two hours will fly by." Naruto nodded and Sakura got off the bed and Naruto adjusted himself so his chest was touching Ino's back. She walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Naruto sighed after that burp while the girls giggled as he finished his final bowl of ramen. He thanked Sakura for the food while she gathered up the dishes and put them in the sink. While she did that, Naruto told Ino to go ahead and get ready. When she left, Naruto looked at the girl in front of the sink and smirked.
He stood up and joined the pink haired girl at the sink, his body leaning on it as Sakura rinsed out the dishes. " psyched?"
Sakura smiled and nodded. "You bet! Our sessions with Tsume-chan are always the best and with Ino-chan joining in, it's going to be even better."
Naruto just smiled and nodded, the girl completely unaware of his thoughts. "I see." Naruto reached into his pocket and withdrew a piece of paper. "This is for you."
Sakura looked up as she dried off her hands and took the piece of paper from his hands and unfolded it and read it. As she read, she became confused. "Master, what is this?"
"It's a list of things I want you to do tonight."
"But the list is over a page long. It's going to take me all night."
"I know."
"I'm going to miss the show."
Naruto smirked. "So you are."
Sakura stared in disbelief at the boy. Was he really telling her that she had to miss tonight for a bunch of jobs? "Master, I won't be able to finish these jobs in time."
"That's the idea." Naruto gave Sakura a quick peck on the cheek before going to the stairs but before he disappeared from view, Sakura spoke.
"I thought I wasn't being punished."
Naruto turned around. "You're not." Naruto disappeared, leaving the girl by herself.
"So how come Sakura's not coming?" Ino asked as she and Naruto walked in the night.
Naruto smirked, remembering Sakura's face as they left. "She's occupied right now and will be for the night."
"That must have hurt." Ino said, knowing how much Sakura wanted to come.
Naruto just chuckled. "It did but I told the girl that if she does a good job on her chores, you will share your memories with her."
"My choice?" She asked.
"Your choice."
Ino let out a laugh as she thought of the torture she could put her sister through just for the chance to experience what she felt. They continued to walk and Ino noticed they weren't going toward the Inuzuka compound. When she asked, he merely replied that they were meeting Tsume elsewhere.
Eventually they arrived at a hotel. They made their way past the receptionist desk and went up to the second floor. Stopping at a door, Naruto knocked on it. Not a second passed before the door flung open and a hand shot up, grabbing the front of Naruto's jacket and pulling him in.
Ino chuckled seeing Naruto being squeezed to death by the Inuzuka woman. She stepped in the room and closed the door, watching her master try and get some air in his lungs. It was then Ino noticed the look she had on her face.
She had a look of desperation on her.
`Tsume must really be dependant on master for sex. She looks like she hadn't had any in a long time.'
When Tsume let the boy have some air, she only allowed him a couple of breaths before planting a big one on his lips. When they finally broke apart, Naruto smiled at the woman in his arms.
"It's been a while hasn't it Tsume-chan?"
Tsume grinned. "Too long brat. Kami I missed your dick."
Naruto chuckled. "My dick will come later but now..." Naruto was set down and he turned toward Ino. "I got you some new pussy."
Tsume looked at the blonde girl and smiled an evil smile as she let down Naruto. One of her hands reached down to her pocket and pulled out a thick wallet, handing it to Naruto. "For her services."
Naruto chuckled and took the wallet, started to count the money while walking toward Ino. When he reached her, he pushed her toward the feral woman. "Have fun with her." Ino yelped when she crashed into the woman, taking a look at Naruto but her head was forced back forward
"At first I doubted that you would be able to please me like your sister does but seeing you here now, I think my doubts will be put to rest." Tsume said, her eyes having a hungry look in them.
"My body is yours to do with Tsume." Ino stated, causing the woman to smirk. She reached out with her hand and touched Ino's bare neck, caressing it.
"Take your clothes off girl." The Inuzuka said, taking her hand off of Ino's neck and taking her clothes off while Ino took hers off and made her way toward the bed. When Tsume was fully naked, she climbed onto the bed and waited for Ino to finish stripping.
She took a glance toward Naruto who sat on the chair finishing counting his money.
Tsume felt a weight being added to the bed and saw Ino climbing onto the bed. She motioned for the girl to come closer and she did. When Ino got within range, Tsume reached out and grabbed Ino's head and yanked her toward her, her lips crashing against hers.
Ino was surprised for a moment but soon responded to the kiss, both of their tongues dancing around each other while Ino's hand caressed Tsume's face. When they finally broke apart, Tsume smirked. "So tasty."
The blonde girl chuckled as she sat up, her hair settling behind her as she looked upon the face of her partner. "You really like children don't you?"
Tsume just chuckled. "Ohh...children are so tasty, so bite-size. I could just chew them up."
Ino smiled and cupped Tsume's cheek with both hands reaching forward with her head, bringing her mouth to her ear. "This is going to be a wild night." She whispered.
The smile on Ino's face never left her as she exited the hotel, the feelings Tsume gave her still ringing in her body. She had never thought that Tsume would be this wonderful. Now she knows why Sakura loves the woman. She started to hum a tune as she walked, knowing that the next time Sakura sees her that she would be doing everything possible to get her to transfer the memories of her time to her.
Oh she was going to have fun with her.
In no time, she arrived at her home. She stepped into the house and stripped off her clothes, hearing her father call out to her.
"It's me dad." She responded.
Said father came into the room just as she plopped down onto the couch. "You look happy."
Ino let out a happy sigh. "I am happy." Inoichi sat down on a chair across from Ino and the blonde saw a manila envelope in his hands.
"So have you seen Sakura yet?"
Ino sighed and looked up. "I haven't seen that girl since supper. Why?"
Ino looked down when her father tossed the envelope on her lap. "Sakura came by earlier and dropped this off, saying that you need to sign this and turn it in to the Administration office first thing in the morning."
The blonde slave looked at her father and back at the envelope as she withdrew the contents, her eyes going over it and widening with each word. "This is..."
The sound of a door opening and closing was heard in the Haruno household, the last remaining child of the Haruno family entering the household, sad that she missed her time with Tsume.
`Ah don't fret. Ino's easy to manipulate.Just turn on those magic fingers on her back and she'll be putty in our hands.'
At that Sakura grinned as she stripped, the envelope still in her hands. She was a wonder at giving massages and found that she could turn Ino `off' in a way once she got her fingers on her back. `I betcha she thinks she can try and bribe us with the memory. Let's see how smug she is when she's under my control.'
Sakura chuckled as she stepped into the kitchen, retrieving a pen from a drawer and taking the papers out of the envelope, quickly putting her signature where it needed to be before putting it away. Stepping into the living room, she plopped down onto a chair letting out a deep sigh as her body sunk.
Sakura sighed and opened her eyes, looking at the home she been in her whole life. `My last days at this home. I knew this day was coming for a long time but feels like I'm leaving behind a part of myself.'
`It was here that mama told us to abuse our master. It was her that got us started on the path of becoming master's slave. If it wasn't for her...'
`You don't know that!' Sakura mentally shouted, feeling some need to defend the woman who gave birth to her. `Even if mama or daddy didn't persuade me to do it, those people still would've gone to him that night and Kyuubi would've still made the deal that made me a slave.'
`IT WOULD BE THE SAME!' Junko shouted, causing Sakura to wince at the sudden headache. `Kyuubi is a sadistic son of a bitch. Abusive or not, master would still love BDSM and he would still love torturing us. Don't try and defend your mother, she tortured us from the start.'
Sakura whimpered and sunk more into the chair, her guest completely right. She realized a long time ago that her mother and father tortured her indirectly by encouraging her to try and hitch up with the Uchiha.
`Ehh don't worry about it.' Junko said, feeling the despair her host was feeling. `What's done is done and the only thing we can do is learn from the past.' That seemed to do the trick as Sakura calmed down, her emotions recovering. `So you psyched about finally moving into master's place?' She asked, trying to get her mind off of it.
That seemed to do that trick. `Oh yeah! I'm actually kinda glad that master sent me out because after we turn these in tomorrow, we can bring the rest of our stuff to master's.' Sakura yawned after that, her eyes moving to the clock and deciding to go to bed.
`Hey Saku...' Sakura paused. She knew that tone. `Since master said I can come out when I wanted, would you mind...'
`If I let you out?' When Junko nodded, she sighed. `Alright, I'll make a shad...'
`Earth clone.' Junko interrupted. `Last longer and I don't have to worry about disappearing while in bed.'
`Why do you want to come out Junko?'
`Because I want to feel the pleasure of your company. Is that so wrong?' Junko said in a cutesy voice that caused Sakura to roll her eyes.
`Fine. Just don't cause a mess on the bed.'
Sakura took a step outside the backyard for a couple of minutes to make the earth clone. When Junko fully materialized, she gave Sakura a hug and bolted inside, going to the bed. Sakura chuckled after she vanished, locking the door behind her and going to the stairs, joining herself in bed.