chapter 24 Part 2

`I'm surprised master is still asleep, although it is a Sunday. He loves to sleep in on a weekend.' Sakura thought as she stepped inside the room. She checked on Ino and she was alright. `So what to wear, what to wear, what to wear?' She asked herself as she stepped into the master closet. She went through the clothes, but nothing popped out of her. `Ugh...what's with me? Nothing's talking to me and...hello, what are you doing here?' Sakura pulled out an orange jacket, the jacket Naruto wears. `What are you doing on the female side? You should be here.' The pinkette placed the jacket back where it was supposed to be and turned back to the clothes but stopped short, an idea coming to her mind as she turned back to the jacket.

She took out the jacket and looked at it, thinking about something. She sometimes wears Naruto's clothes without him looking. She would zip up the zipper and hug herself, smelling the scent of her master but she never considered wearing this in public.

`Should I wear this? I know that he loves this outfit but the reason why I never told him is because I thought he would be mad at me. Although, I think he knew since the beginning.' Sakura thought for a few moments before she smiled. `Why not? Master is almost always lazy during Sunday but I think he has plans for my sister.' Sakura set down the jacket for a moment while she dug into the drawers to find the black shirts he always wears.

Finding one, she sniffed it and smiled as Naruto's smell was on it. She quickly put it on and found that it was a little tight on her, which is perfect as the shirt formed around her breasts. She grabbed the jacket and pulled it around her before looking for the pants. She quickly found them and pulled them on, fitting her waist. She was about the same size as Naruto except a little taller.

Grabbing the regular shoes, she put them on. Grabbing the collar and headband, she placed the collar on first, locking around her neck. Lastly, she placed the headband in its usual place and looked herself in the mirror and studied herself. She grabbed a ribbon and tied her hair into a pony tailed and went back to the mirror. Something seemed off, the jacket didn't seem right. She unzipped it and let it separate and looked again in the mirror.

`Better, but something's still off. Maybe if I put the jacket around my waist, it's warm outside.' Sakura took the jacket off and tied it around her waist. This time, she smiled. `Perfect. I look so good in orange and black and my breasts are like nothing's holding them back. Now there's one more thing I need to do.'

Sakura exited the closet and approached the side of the bed that Naruto was currently on. She bent down, gently reaching forward with her hand and shook Naruto's arm. "Master, it's Sakura-chan." Naruto didn't respond and she gulped, really hoping that she won't end up with a bloody nose as always. She tried again, harder this time and this time Naruto stirred. "Master, it's Sakura-chan." She repeated.

"Mmm...sweetie pie? Is that you?" Naruto asked, his eyes still closed. Naruto wasn't awake yet, just barely conscious enough to register her.

"Yes it's me. I'm up and ready to leave."

"Did you do your chores?"

"I did master."

"Let Ino out?"

"I did and she's making breakfast."

"I see. Good job pet." Naruto reached out and gave Sakura a few pats on the head, causing her to giggle. "I see no reason to detain you any longer. You may go. Do you want to have lunch with your sister?"

Sakura shook her head. "I wouldn't dare impinge on your fun with her. Besides, I'm meeting Tenten for lunch."

Naruto let out a loud yawn. "Alright. I'll see you later pet. I'm going to have Ino-chan go grocery shopping later this evening."

Sakura took the hand on her hand and brought it to her lips and gave it a kiss before placing it back on the bed, under the covers. Naruto shifted and turned around, his back facing the girl as she stepped out of the room, the boy not knowing what she was wearing.

She walked down the stairs and passed by the kitchen where Ino was making breakfast. After a goodbye, she walked into the living room and grabbed her backpack and put it on. She exited the house with a smile on her face, wonder how the people was going to react to her wearing Naruto's clothes.


Sakura groaned as she mulled over her notes as she waited for her food. The photographer and the cameraman they hired canceled and now she has to find new ones but the good news is that the building for the reception is still booked. After lunch, she and Tenten were going to go to the Akamichi's to confirm the job they hired them for.

She looked up when the waiter came with her food and thanked him as he set it down. She grabbed a bite and put it in her mouth as she chew, her mind thinking about the different reactions people had seeing her choice of clothes. A smile came on her face as she remembered the shocked reactions of everybody she came across.

"Starting lunch without me?" A female voice said as the owner sat down in front of her, placing her backpack beside her.

Sakura smiled. "I got hungry waiting. So how are you Tenten?"

"Better now." The brunette said. "How is Ino-chan doing?"

"She's fine. She's going to be busy with Naruto-sama today."

"I see. So how's the wedding stuff coming along?" At this, Sakura snorted and tossed her the binder. Tenten caught it and looked over it and raised her eyebrow. "Both the photographer and cameraman canceled?"

"Yeah." She said, with an edge to her voice. "Now I have to find someone else competent enough to do this. I have a couple of ideas but I don't know if they'll accept the job."

Tenten chuckled. "I'll help with that." She said, pushing the binder back to her. She dug into her own backpack and withdrew the folder. "I've been looking over the church layout and I have a question." She opened the folder and pushed it to her. "I know what Naruto's favorite colors are but why have you chosen colors that he doesn't like?"

Sakura smiled and took another bite of her food. She motioned to the waiter and turned back to her. "The flowers he gave us control over as well as the layout but we know what he wants. Now order some food. It is lunchtime is it not?"

Tenten smiled and nodded and gave the waiter her order. After she finished, she left and snuck a look at the girl in front of her and the plate full of food. She waited until Sakura looked away before her hand shot out and took a couple of items and deposited them in her mouth. Almost a second later, Sakura's head went back to the plate quickly and saw it missing a couple of items. She looked up at the girl in front of her and saw her smirking. "I barely saw that. Impressive." Sakura paused for a moment. "I got to go. Nature's calling."

Sakura stood up and walked away, and Tenten took a sip from her drink but she soon choked on it when she saw Sakura's clothes as she walked away. `Oh my lord. Are she wearing Naruto's clothes? Damn it looks good on her.'

While Sakura was away, Tenten's food came and she began to eat, looking over the notes, but her mind going back to Sakura and her choice of clothes for today. She was impressed, she never thought Sakura had the guts to wear his clothes in public.

After Sakura came back, Tenten stared at the girl with her eyes as Sakura looked over her notes. Sakura seemed to know her thoughts as she spoke. "You noticed the clothes didn't you?" She asked, sneaking a glance at her.

"I did." Tenten took another sip from her drink. "And I have a single question for you. Why?"

Sakura smirked. "To be honest, I never got the idea until this morning. In the past, I wore his clothes in private, afraid of what he would do if he caught me but today, I am not afraid. I don't care if he burns me, I don't care if he puts me in the Iron Maiden. I'm feeling rebellious and I'm damn proud of it."

"Should you really shout that out loud? What if he's near?"

Sakura shook her head. "I don't really care at this point. If I'm going to be punished, then so be it. It's our way of making sure things don't get boring in our life."

"Jeeze Sakura, you are one crazy girl, but I like it. So we're still going to the Akimichi after this?"

Sakura nodded. "Yeah, although I should warn you, Chouji's father doesn't exactly like Naruto-sama's idea of fun but he tolerates him. Don't be surprised if he asks you questions."

Tenten nodded. "I'll be ready."


Sakura and Tenten spent the next few hours at the Akimichi compound, with Akimichi Chouza, going over the plans for the menu. For Tenten, she could see the looks he gives Sakura and she could see that he's tolerates her presence but tries to hide it. They spent the time going over the menu for the party. There were going to be some vegans there so the Akimichi's had to prepare some food for them.

As the darkness flowed into the day, they said their goodbyes to the chubby man and Sakura invited Tenten over for supper. Tenten...politely declined, saying that she was going to take a break from all the subbing and domming that's going on in that house.

Sakura smiled, but accepted it, leaving forward before placing a kiss on her cheek, saying goodbye before turning around and walking away. Tenten put her hand on the cheek where Sakura just kissed her and smiled, her face red from the kiss. `You're a good person Saku-chan. If only you weren't taken...'


"Master! I'm home!" Sakura called out as she entered the master's home. She paused for the reply but she didn't hear any. She `humped' in surprise as she walked to the stairs, the orange clothes still on her, as she walked up the stairs. She opened Naruto's bedroom door and threw her backpack to the side and looked at the bed and smiled.

Her sister was passed out on the bed.

Walking up to the bed, she climbed onto it and laid down, facing the unconscious blonde. She reached out and gently shook her, but she stayed asleep. She tried again but no response. Curious, she placed her fingers on Ino's neck, just for the heck of it and found she was still alive.

`Hump, she must be completely exhausted if she's passed out like this. I wonder just how much torment she faced today. I wonder where master is?' Sakura sighed and settled herself, not bothering to take off her clothes. Eventually he would find out that she wore his clothes and he would want to speak to her about that.

Better now then later.

She closed her eyes and relaxed herself. She was tired and she knew she needed her strength for when Naruto comes back and decides to punish her because if there's one thing she learned, it's that Naruto is relentless when he's angry.

However, several minutes passed by and Sakura was close to falling asleep, she failed to notice a new weight being added to the bed. A hand was placed on her head and it started to pet her hair, causing the owner of the hair to softly moan at the sensation.

"Welcome back my little pinkette." Naruto said.

Sakura shifted in Naruto's hands, turning around and trying to move the hand to her cheek. She succeeded in this mission as the hand moved to her cheek. "Mmm...Naruto-sama?" She said, half awake and half asleep.

"Can you wake up for me sweetie? I want to talk to you." With Naruto's order and him gently slapping her cheek, she managed to get her tired eyes opened and was pleased to see he was nude and smiling but before she asked anything, she asked one question.

" sister broken?"

Naruto chuckled as he looked at the blonde. "She had a grueling session today. Even when she went food shopping, she was being tortured. Speaking of today, something interesting happened. Shikamaru came by today for a visit and told me something very interesting." Sakura gulped. Here it comes. "He told me that he saw you, wearing my clothes. Well, my jacket was tied around your waist and my shirt was tight against your body, showing off your breasts to everybody."

"Now when he told me that, I refused to believe that. You never wore my clothes and you never even asked in the past. Shino, who was with him, offered proof and handed me a Polaroid photo. To my utmost surprise, there you were, wearing my clothes. They took their leave, leaving me to wonder why exactly you decided to wear my clothes. I decided to leave it alone for now and wait until you got home. So to tell me why?"

Sakura whimpered and averted her eyes. "I...I must confess master. In the past, I have worn your clothes before but always in private, where there were no camera's. I know how much you love the clothes but I wanted to wear what you wore, to feel the cloth on my skin."

"Why didn't you ask me? I would've gladly let you wear them."

"I was afraid you would be mad. I was afraid that you would think that I soiled it and use the generator on me."

"So what made you decide today?"

Sakura gulped. She was really hoping that she didn't have to tell him why and she couldn't lie. "I...I was rebellious today."

Naruto smiled and chuckled. "I see. Well, it seems like you behaved yourself today so I'll let you go without any punishment. Next time can wear my clothes whenever you want. Just ask me first `kay?" Sakura smiled and nodded, very happy that she was not going to be punished. Naruto patted her hair and stood up. "You can go ahead and go back to sleep. I'll be joining you in a couple of hours."

"Do you want me to strip?"

Naruto paused and turned back to his pet, his eyes moving over the slave's form She looked good, really good and he wanted to remember that form. "You know what..." He said, smiling. "I want to remember this. Follow me."

Sakura quickly stood up and followed Naruto. She knew, from that smile and his words, that he wanted to take pictures, several in fact, to put in their album and she had no doubt that soon enough, he would want to see Ino in his clothes.


As the months passed by, life for Naruto became increasingly hectic. The girls seemed like the devil possessed sometimes as they rushed to get the details just right. Because of this, they had a hard time focusing during their missions and during personal time.

Naruto, almost ten times a day, questions if it is worth getting married due to a lack of sexual attention. As the months dwindled down, Naruto put into action a standing order that caused the girls to literally, break down crying.

They must wear a chastity belt for twenty-three hours a day. The sole hour is spent playing with themselves to take the edge off of the burn.

The reason being is that when it is time for the consummation in front of their friends, he wants the girls practically begging for him to fuck them when he takes off the belts.

As time ran down to only a month left, plans were being finalized. As per tradition, the soon to be wedded trio was to be separated but Naruto decided to extend that time to a week instead of a day. Ino stayed with her family while Sakura stayed with Ibiki.


Sakura oofed as she landed on the floor once again from the small cot her host had kindly set up for her. She wasn't used to sleeping on small beds, more used to the bigger bed of Naruto's and the fact that she moves a lot.

Almost every single day she spent here, she woke up by falling on the floor when she rolled off it.

`Kami, I can't wait to get back into my regular bed. This cot sucks.' Sakura groaned as she stood up, feeling the cramps her body was feeling sleeping in that bad cot. `Ibiki means well but he doesn't know a good bed when he sees one. Ow...'

After Sakura stretched, she grabbed the nearby robe and put it on before her head snapped up, her nose catching the smell of delicious food on the stove. She walked out of the spare room and into the kitchen. She found Anko there, in front of the stove, making breakfast. She took a seat and buried her head in her arms.

"Morning Sakura...sleep well?" Anko asked, a smirk on her lips. She slept on Ibiki's cot on more then one occasion and knew how it felt the morning after.

"You know exactly how I slept bitch. Why didn't master let me sleep with Ino? At least they have good beds." Anko didn't respond, just kept making breakfast. When she was finished, she put the food on a plate and set it down in front of Sakura before making a plate for herself and sitting down in front of her. The purple haired woman didn't try and make conversation, knowing, by the look on her face, she was in deep thought. "It finally come hasn't it?" Sakura said, a smile coming on her face. "I'll be fully dedicating myself to Naruto-sama with this wedding."

"See, that's where you are wrong." Anko stated, causing Sakura to look at her weird. "Being a slave is as dedicated as you get. The wedding is just a formality."

Sakura chuckled. "I know but still, being married is our dream and he's putting up with our craziness because he wants us to experience our first fantasy."

There was a sudden groan and both females looked at the bedroom door of the small house and found Ibiki walking out of his bedroom, stumbling toward the kitchen and its coffee maker.


Knock knock knock knock

Sakura knocked furiously on the door, becoming irritated as the soreness from sleeping for a week on the cot came back. Ibiki, her companion, didn't apologize for it and she didn't expect an apology. She pounded on the door again and almost ended up hitting Ino in the face.

"Calm down Saku, I was busy." Ino said, crossing her arms. When she didn't respond, she looked at her and her face lit up with a grin. "You slept on his cot didn't you?" Her only response was a deeper scowl and she smiled. "I see. Come on in. I've been practicing my massage technique on my parents just in case he made you sleep on his cot."

Sakura was dragged in by Ino and Ibiki walked in, closing the door behind him. While Sakura was led upstairs, Ibiki went to the living room where the Yamanaka wife was holding a picture frame and tears in her eyes. He took a seat beside her. "Are you alright?"

That seemed to snap her out of it as she sniffed and wiped her eyes. "I'm fine. It's just...the reality is finally hitting me. My little girl is all grown up and making decisions on her own. I barely see her anymore. I was hoping to have a few more years with her before she moved out but she..." Iris started crying again and Ibiki put his arms around her, to comfort her while she cried.

After a few minutes, Iris calmed down and shrugged herself out of Ibiki's comfort hold. She dried her eyes and replaced the picture frame in its place. She stayed there, looking at the other pictures of her family. Ibiki joined her, the scarred jounin feeling that she wanted to talk, say anything. He was right because as soon as he stood beside her, she started speaking and Ibiki stood there, being an ear to someone who needed it.


"So how are you feeling now sister?" Ino asked as she sat down beside the nude girl, just finished giving her a massage. She could feel the knots in Sakura's body as she worked her over.

On the table, Sakura moaned in content, glad to feel relief. "Better. Even though I'm better then you at giving massages, you do fine work. Man, I hate sleeping on Ibiki's cot. He needs to get a bigger place. (Sigh) So how's the burning?"

She opened her eyes when she heard her friend and sister sigh in frustration. "God I'm nearly to the point of insanity here. If I wasn't allowed the single hour of pleasure...I don't know what I would do but I get comfort in the fact that after the wedding, we'll be fucking him in front of everybody."

Sakura sighed but made no attempt at moving as she was fine where she was. "How's the family doing? I caught a glimpse of your mother and she wasn't looking too good."

At that, Ino's mood seemed to sadden and she sighed. "My parents. You know, I never told you this but out of the two of us, you are the better slave, because of the fact that you don't have to deal with your parents. My dad and mom...the reality is catching up with them. They finally realized that I'm out on my own now. I'm not dependant on them anymore. My bank account is full, I'm living on my own (sortof), and I'm making decisions for myself."

Ino sighed again, her hand going to her forehead. "But the thing that's upsetting us the most is we rarely see each other. At master's say, I've given up my job at the flower shop. I was sad but master assured me, that once we are finished with this ninja business, he'll allow me to apply for the job again. My mom is the most affected out of this."

"Makes sense." Sakura said, crossing her arms so she could lay her head on it. "Since that first fuck, the two of you had gotten really close to each other."

Ino nodded. "Right. Since them, we fuck regularly, although I avoid my dad, but I wouldn't mind..."

"'re getting off track." Sakura interrupted.

"Right, sorry. My mother is hit hard by this because she loves me a lot. She wants to squeeze a few more years out of me before she lets me go but thanks to Naruto-sama, I was ripped from her life. I love my mother but...(sigh)...even though she wants me to have a life, I can tell she doesn't want me to leave. For example, last night, I slept with my dad and mom." Instantly she clamped Sakura's mouth shut before she could speak, knowing she was going to make a joke out of that. "I slept in the same bed, I didn't do them, you understand me?" Sakura nodded. "Good." She removed her hand. "Anyway, my parents latched onto me. I was squeezed in between them, both of them holding me like they didn't want to let me go."

Ino stood up, the chastity belt shining in the sunlight, as she walked to the window, looking outside. "It's not just them. I miss my parents, I really do. I barely see them anymore. If I could, I would go live with them again. I even told master this and you know what he said? He said that he understood but they are not a part of my life anymore, not like before."

Sakura stood up, seeing the face her lover was making, and placed an arm around her. Ino whimpered at the touch. "Look Ino...even though you don't see your parents anymore, this is freedom. You're on your own now. You're out in the world now and nobody is telling you what to do...ehh besides master and me. You've grown up, a little fast sure, but that's for the best. This way, you can think about your choices and whether or not, it is worth it without anybody influencing your decisions. That's what master trained us for. To have a mind of our own."

"Yeah, I know..."

Sakura sighed and shook her head, hearing the not-so-convinced pet speak. Straightening herself up, she turned Ino and spoke with authority. "Listen to me head slave, I order you to throw away your nostalgia and cheer up. You about to be married today and the master will not like your current mood, do you understand me you little bitch?"

That seemed to do the trick as Ino forced her nostalgia away and concentrate on her wedding. She smiled as she imagined being led down the carpet, her hands shackled together, to her waiting master.

Her focus came back into the real world and looked at the smiling Sakura. She smiled and gently took Sakura's head in her hands, bringing her head closer and softly touching her lips with hers. Sakura let out a moan as she moved her arms around Ino's body, closing their bodies together while their kisses became deeper in meaning. Ino took a step forward and the both of them ended up on the bed, with Sakura on the bottom.

This kiss became more then just a simple make out session. It became a promise. A promise that no matter what happens, they will always have each other.

Someone started pounding on the door and the girls broke apart, their chests heaving to try and get some air back into their lungs while feeling the heat on their faces. "Sakura, we need to go to the church."

"We'll be right out!" Sakura responded. She looked back at her friend who seemed better now. "You alright?"

Ino smiled and nodded, getting up. "Thank you're the best friend anyone could ever have."


When Tenten agreed to be the maid of honor, she had an idea of what they would expect from her, both the girls and Naruto. Almost everyday, she saw each member of the Uzumaki family, Naruto more then all with Sakura being second and Ino a very close third.

She really liked Naruto. Ever since they talked on that day, they began hanging out together and he even helped her conquer her fear of being alone in the same house as him by basically forcing her to sleep over. When she woke up the next morning and she found out she was fine, she convinced herself that he wouldn't do anything with her. Her feelings toward the boy had been growing since that day to the point where she considered him to be boyfriend material.

As for Sakura, her feelings for the pinkette were a mixed bag. For a long time now, she was sure about her bisexuality and when she first crashed into Sakura, she let her eyes wonder over Sakura for just a second longer. When she got to know Sakura, that lingering curiosity became a desire to be friends. When she first walked in on Sakura naked and got an eyeful of the complete Sakura package, her simple desired friendship became a desire to lust after her.

But a problem soon arose when she realized that Sakura was never going to leave Naruto. She was his forever and Tenten spent the night despairing over that, however, the next morning, she realized that she didn't have to settle for one. She could have all three if she played her cards right but then the question became would Naruto accept her? In order to become part of the harem, you must be liked and loved by every member and know your place.

Ino, however, was slightly different. While there is that lust for her, she sees a sister in her for some reason. Days of thinking came to the conclusion that because they keep referring to each other as sister, she was slowly following their line of thinking.

She was sure they all liked her but the problem is Naruto's preferences. Would she be willing to be his slave in order to be with him? Would she be willing to set aside all she is for him?

That question is what caused her to not make any further advances with them then she already had.

So when Naruto came up to her on the day of the wedding, handed her a key ring that had two keys on it, and told her that when she meets up with the girls, to use these keys to unlock their chastity belts...she didn't refuse and didn't stop him when he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Before he left, he told her to make sure the girls know that the standing order still stands until it's time. Knowing what he was talking about, she nodded and he left and she continued her way to the church where she was going to met up with the soon-to-be wives.

She found them at the church, in one of the few rooms that is dedicated to the bride(s) of a marriage. Within these rooms, males are forbidden unless invited. You can sleep, eat, drink, and shower here.

She knocked on the door where she can hear their voices. She heard Sakura give her permission and she opened the door and went in, the girl's faces brightening up when they saw her. "Hey, are you excited for your big day?"

Sakura grinned and placed her arms around Ino. "You bet. Ino here had a moment of nostalgia earlier this morning but it passed. So how about you? You ready?"

Tenten smiled and nodded before her face lit up. "Before I forget, I got something for you." Much to Sakura's and Ino's surprise, Tenten knelt down and suddenly pulled down Sakura's pants, exposing her chastity belt, causing the girl to jump back in sudden surprise but Tenten quickly went back up to her.

"Umm...not that I'm complaining but..." Sakura abruptly stopped speaking when she saw Tenten reach into her pockets and withdraw a set of keys. Choosing one, she put it in the lock and turned it, the key being the right one as the belt unlocked. Tenten grabbed it and pulled it off of her, handing it to her and chuckling at the surprised look she had on her face. Tenten repeated the process with Ino and gave the belt to her. "I ran into Naruto-kun on the way here. He gave me the keys to your belts and told me to unlock them. And he also said..." She said, interrupting the girls who was about to speak. "That the standing order still stands. You have a few hours until the fuck. You can hold on until then can't you?"

Tenten smirked as annoyed expressions came onto their faces. She always loved making them pout. They looked so cute. "So...let's get you in the shower and we can start putting on your makeup."


`Wow...I look good. Whoever made these outfit did justice on them. Even the collar looks good on me.' Tenten thought as she looked herself over the mirror, dressed in her leather bridesmaid outfit. The thigh high boots fit her perfectly and the outfit hugged her body nicely and showed off all of her curves. Her arms were covered by shoulder length black leather gloves.

She had to admit...she felt so slutty wearing this that she had an almost uncontrollable urge to masturbate right there.

A pair of arms suddenly wrapped themselves around Tenten, the arms coming from behind her and above her shoulders. Tenten tensed up for a second before she relaxed, seeing the grinning purple haired woman in the mirror, all dressed up. "Well well, look who's grinning. How's my bondage student doing?"

In another part of the room, Sakura choked on her drink.

"I'm not your student anymore Anko." She quickly said, grabbing one of Anko's arms. "I'm not going back there. No matter what you do to me."

"You're only hurting yourself you know? What's going to happen if you get captured?"

"I'll kill myself before THAT happens." She declared, before sighing and turning her attention back to the mirror. "Who would've thought I would end up best friends with a couple of subs and a master? I never really liked the master/sub relationship but they changed my mind."

"There's more isn't there?" Anko stated, her hand reaching up to cup her former student's chin. "I've seen the way you look at Naruto. You want to be with him. You want to be under his control."

Near the talking females, Sakura and Ino covered their mouths to cover the gasps.

"I'm not a sub Anko." She responded.

"No, you're a switch and a damn good one." Anko countered. "You see something in that boy and you see something good. You see how good he takes care of them and you want the same thing."

"I...uh...god damn it. I hate you so much Anko." Anko smirked and patted Tenten's cheek. "So what am I supposed to do? Just walk up to him and say `Hi, I want to be your slave.'"

"Why not?" Anko questioned.

"Are you kidding? If I do that and he rejects me, how do you think I would feel? Doing something like that...that's a life altering decision and if it goes the wrong way, I'll be broken."

"What makes you think he'll reject you? From what I've seen, he would be more then happy to take you in."

"I know the laws of the harem Anko. If I make one mistake, one itty bitty mistake, it would haunt me for years to come. Plus, what am I supposed to do if he wants total control over me? What if I just wanted to do a trail run of sorts and he demands more?"

"Look Tenten...I know Naruto. Hell, I helped train him in the arts of the master. He knows how to use a slave who is just starting. He knows the right way and the wrong way."

"(Sigh) Anko it's not that easy. I can't just...I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of a relationship. Plus, he's getting married. What if he doesn't want someone else? What if he's just fine with those two? If I go up to him and he rejects me..."

"Tenten..." Anko turned the girl around so she could face the girl eye to eye. "Trust me when I say that Naruto could always use another girl. If there is one thing I learned training him, he is a complete stamina freak. He pushes them to the brink of exhaustion and sometimes he is still not satisfied. With you there, Naruto will be able to satisfy all of his urges and satisfy yours as well. I promise you that."

"Anko I...I just...I need to think about this some more." Tenten shrugged herself out of Anko's grip and went to the bathroom, wanting some alone time. When Tenten shut the door, Anko smiled and turned around and saw the quick turn around by the girls.

She knew they heard her.


Fortunately, it didn't take very long for Tenten to come back. When she did come back, she joined the rest of the bridesmaids and brides as they got dressed. It was a little hard to look Tsume in the face as the memories of Naruto's birthday party came back to her a while ago and she remembered who and how she danced with.

After all the women were dressed, the last ones to be dressed were the soon-to-be brides.

While this was happening, on the male side, the groom and the groomsman were getting dressed in their own leather outfits. Kiba was having the time of his life as he never felt this sexy in his life. Ibiki had no problem with it but Iruka was another story.

Even though he agreed to wear the outfit, he began to have second thoughts but with the help of his friends, managed to get it on.


The hours passed until the time for the wedding neared. Guests started coming in and taking their places. Security was provided by the I/T division ANBU in plain clothes. They were there to make sure nobody was going to crash the wedding. Finally, everybody arrived. When the time came, Naruto, Kiba, and the Hokage came out of a side door and took their respective place at the altar.

A couple of minutes later, the door opened and everybody looked behind them to see Tsume and Iruka coming down the aisle, both dressed in leather and hand in hand, followed by Anko and Ibiki. They all took their places beside the altar and everybody involved was feeling good.

Next Tenten, the maid of honor, came in, holding two red satin pillows that had two beautifully crafted collars on it, even more beautiful then the collars the brides had on before.

What they didn't know is that Naruto had several seals blended into the collar, seals that Naruto been wanting to have put on the girls but was unable to due to the fact that some of the seals were not able to be put on skin. This will allow Naruto to control his pets better and summon them whenever he wanted.

Tenten stopped in front of Naruto and he smiled. He took one of the pillows and he handed it to Kiba while the girl took her place beside the altar, still holding onto the last pillow.

Suddenly, music started playing and everyone stood up, turning around to witness the brides being led down. Two figures emerged from the doorway and the sight of the smaller figure caused some people to whistle in amazement.

Haruno Sakura was dressed in a skimpy leather outfit that did nothing to hide her body from the onlookers while her hands and feet were shackled together, the both of which connected by a chain held by her escort, Morino Ibiki.

Now Sakura wasn't ashamed of herself, no just the opposite. She had a confident look and her stride reflected that. She had a smile on her face while her booted feet took her down the aisle toward her husband.

Behind her, another pair made its way down the aisle. This time, a group of blonde's jaws dropped at the sight. Yamanaka Ino, similarly dressed as Sakura and led by her father Yamanaka Inoichi, had the same smile and confidence on her face as her father led her down. When Ino passed the blonde group, she turned to them with a smirk. "Didn't I say you would be surprised dear family?"

She left her family utterly shocked.

Naruto smiled as he watched his girls walk down the aisle. He couldn't be more proud of them then this moment. Doing this for him only solidifies to him that they are willing to do anything for him, especially Ino, facing her family with a smirk and almost nothing on.

Sakura and Ibiki were the first to reach Naruto. When they neared, Naruto stepped forward and the man handed him the chain connected to Sakura. "Take care of her." Naruto took the chain and took his place on the groom side.

Sakura smiled and took a bow. "My lord and master." She stood back up and took her place on his right side.

The next up was Ino and her father. The blonde jounin stood in front of Naruto, staring down at the boy who had taken his daughter's heart and soul. The blonde boy gulped, feeling like he was getting ready to maul him for some reason. Ino looked at her father and thought the same as Naruto.

Finally, he smiled and gathered Naruto up in a tight bear hug. "Even though we had a bad start, I'm glad Ino ended up with you. You love each other and take care of each other. That's all I want."

Inoichi let go of Naruto, earning him some much needed air, and he handed him the chain. Naruto took it and bowed with respect at the father of his pet. Inoichi bowed in return and took his place in the groomsman place.

Now that everybody was where they were supposed to be, it was time for the wedding. All three turned around to face the wise old man who was their priest for tonight. He wasn't going to use the traditional speech but rather one that he made himself. He cleared his throat and spoke.

"We are here today to celebrate the union of these blessed children. The life of a ninja is a harsh one and usually ends in a violent death before he can experience life to the fullest. It is often encouraged that they do what they can to have the most fun they can have before they die and that is exactly what these children has done."

"The life of a submissive is not an easy one. When you made the decision to become a submissive, you gave up your rights and gave them to your master. You follow his orders and you enjoy doing it. However, there is a deeper meaning when you become a submissive. When you learn to be this vulnerable, this open, it changes you. You become something else, someone stronger."

"When you are a master, you learn something about yourself and you grow. When a master gains a slave, he grows and learns. He learns how to properly take care of someone and he learns the truth about himself in the process."

"Naruto...for the past few years, you have been alone. You barely had contact with anybody and you spent your dinner times eating alone and no one deserves that. Then Sakura came wandering in your house and before you knew it, she became yours and a short time later, Ino became your submissive."

"In this time that you have gotten slaves, you have more ways then one. You became more mature, you learned truths about yourself, but most of all, you each have gotten a lover. You weren't the only one that changed, however; each of your pets have grown stronger everyday that they weren't focusing on Sasuke and because of their decision, they have grown stronger then they ever could have and it is that decision now that you are here, ready to completely dedicate yourself to him."

As the Hokage spoke, Naruto couldn't help but smile. Every word he said was true and they have grown. He snuck a glance to the side and saw Sakura smiling as well. Out of all of them, Sakura was the one who has grown the most. She was the weakest out of all of the academy students and now she can hold her own against jounin ninja.

He looked at Ino and was proud of her as well. He knew from the beginning the capabilities of a Yamanaka and with his urging, she started to train seriously and now has a number of mental jutsu's in her arsenal. He turned his attention back to the old man in front of him when he started speaking again.

"Now then...Uzumaki Naruto, will you take these girls to be your lawfully wedded wives? In sickness and in health? In dominance and control? Do you promise to always take care of your servants, to always ensure their health? Till death do you part?"

Naruto chuckled and smiled. "I do."

"And you you promise to love, honor, and obey your husband and master, with emphasis on obey? Do you promise to never touch another man and to have your bodies solely for Naruto's touch?"

"We obey and serve." Spoke the two girls.

The priest/Hokage nodded and motioned to the side and Tenten stepped forward, still holding onto the satin pillow. She reached forward with her hands and Naruto took ahold of the collar on the pillow. Sakura took off her collar and placed it on the pillow when Naruto took the new one off.

Naruto turned toward Sakura, new collar in hand, but he didn't put it on just yet, just gently lifted her head so he could speak to her. "Sakura-chan...when you first decided to be my pet, I made you a promise. A promise that as long as you are mine, I will take care of you and you gave me a promise that you'll protect me. Now over a year later, we are happy with our life and have no desire to leave. For that, I thank you." Naruto slipped the new collar around her neck and locked it.

Sakura smiled and gave a short bow to him. He nodded and turned toward Ino who already took her collar off. Kiba stepped forward and put forth the collar and Naruto took it, the old one being placed on the pillow.

"Ino-chan...when you were first presented with the idea of slavery, you hated it but as time passed and with the urging of Sakura, you began to like it and now look, both you and Sakura are one of the strongest girls I know and the both of you has helped me become stronger as well and for that, I thank you." With that, Naruto placed the collar around Ino's neck and locked it around her.

"Now then...I now pronounce you as husband and wife."

Naruto smiled and took his pets in his arms as there was cheers as they were finally married like they wanted to for the longest time. Naruto motioned for everybody to settle down and he waited to speak again until they were silent. "I want to thank you for coming. It means a lot to us. Now for those of you that are staying behind and you know who you are, please head for the room while everybody else can go to the reception. We'll be there shortly."

As everybody got up and the few people that was invited to the last part of the wedding, Naruto gathered up the chains and led the girls to a room that had a bed in the middle of the room but they took their time so by the time they got there, everybody was there, awaiting their arrival.

When they got there, a couple of people parted to let them through. They reached the bed and Naruto turned to his pets while fishing in his pockets for the keys to the locks on the girls.

He finally fished them out and unlocked Sakura's first and then Ino's. As the locks clattered to the floor, he ordered the girls to strip and they complied, quickly stripping off their clothes and getting on the bed. After both girls were naked and on the bed, he smirked and started stripping himself.

He climbed onto the bed when he was finished, the circle that formed around the bed closed itself as the onlookers prepared to watched the consummation of their relationship.


After the consummation ceremony was over, the guests were ushered out while the trio rested from their intercourse. They were driven to the building where the reception was being held and they found the guests that left earlier having fun and the other quickly joined in.

But not Tenten.

She went straight for the sake and a table in the corner, hoping to drown her frustrations in the sake. `Why did I have to be a bisexual? Why couldn't I be straight? Why did I have to fall for all three of them?' Tenten took another gulp straight from the bottle. `It's bad enough that all of them tempt me every single day. They had to ask to watch them go at it like horny rabbits. Mmm...I wonder what their children will be like?'

Tenten growled and smacked the back of her head. `Stop thinking like this. I'm never going to have a chance with Naruto-kun. He would never let me in his little slave group. Even if I snuck into the house and put myself in that cage, he'll throw me out.' Tenten groaned again and buried her head in her arms.

`What makes you think that darling?' A new voice sounded in her head but with Tenten in despair, she registered the sentence but didn't realize it wasn't hers.

`He probably doesn't want anybody else. I mean, I know Anko said that he could use another wife but I can't take the risk that he'll reject me. That'll break me into more pieces then somebody with several hundred pounds of explosives in them.'

` truly are an explosive freak aren't you?'

`(sigh) Yeah...wait...Ino?' Tenten snapped her head up when she finally recognized her friends voice. She looked to the side to find a smiling blonde beside her and she groaned. "Please don't tell me you heard all that."

Ino only chuckled. "Passive telepathy is a gift and a curse. Sometimes, you learn things you really don't want to know. For example, did you know that our esteemed Hokage still has sex? He really gets his freak on in his words." Tenten's head made contact with the table as she was cursed with the sudden mental image. She felt Ino pat her back in comfort. "It's alright sweetie. Sometimes I have nightmares because of that. really want to be with us? From what I heard, you are having quite a battle trying to decide whether it is worth it or not."

"You know what?" Tenten suddenly said. "Sometimes I wish he would kidnap me. Force me to be with him. At least then I don't have to choose."

Ino raised her eyebrow in confusion but inside, she was bursting with happiness. "Kidnap you? Really?"

Tenten nodded, a light blush tinting her cheeks, whether it was from the alcohol or the words she just said, she wasn't sure. "Yeah. I want him to kidnap me, tie me up, and throw me into his cage, and then I would be forced to wait in apprehension until he decides to do whatever to me." Tenten let out a long sigh. "But I can't ask him to do that. I can't ask him for anything."

Tenten's head met the table again, but this time she was asleep. Ino smiled and took the bottle, taking a swig herself, before sighing and putting the bottle down. "Don't worry about making a choice darling. Naruto-sama will get you when he is ready, and not before."

Ino reached down and gently picked her up, carrying her to the seat where she would sit beside Sakura at the married table. The dinner wouldn't happen for an hour and give her some time for her body to process the alcohol.


After a couple of hours passed, Tenten was awoken by the unique smell of the smelling salts. She sneezed through her nose a couple of times and looked at the person who woke her. "Sa-Sakura?" She said with a groggy voice but she winced as she felt a small headache. "Oww..."

A hand placed itself upon her head and almost immediately, Tenten felt relief. After a couple seconds passed, the hand removed itself and Tenten looked at Sakura's smiling face. "You alright Tenten?"

"Ugh...that'll teach me to drink from the bottle." Tenten lifted herself and found herself at the long table that was set up for the wedded couple and groomsman and bridesmaids and found herself smelling the sweet food in front of her. She sighed. "I embarrassed myself didn't I?" She asked Sakura.

"Oh I wouldn't say that."

Tenten snorted. "Oh please...I acted like a jealous lover." She sighed and buried her face in her hands.

"Look Tenten..." Sakura moved closer to her, so that only her can hear. "I know that you really want to be with us but you'll just have to wait."

Tenten groaned. "Why am I not surprised she told you? Does he know?"

Sakura chuckled. "Believe it or not, he doesn't know. The both of us feel that it won't take long for you to decide."

That, of course, was a lie. When they had gotten there, Ino detached herself from the group upon seeing Tenten drink herself into a stupor. When she had gotten back, she dragged them to a private place and told them what she learned. Naruto was surprised but kept his cool, saying that they should keep doing what they always do.

"I hope you're right Sakura. I really hope so."


As the reception dinner progressed, everybody had fun with the entertainment that was provided. The food was great as it was provided by the Akimichi clan. Jokes were told and laughs were made.

For Tenten, she tried her best to keep her mind occupied and away from the images of the sweaty and hot and passionate sex she witnessed but for the life of her, every couple of seconds, the images would return and her body would heat up. She tried to go for the alcohol again but Sakura swiped it from her, saying that she's forbidden from alcohol for two hours.

Tenten pouted but didn't argue and settled for some soda.

As she eat, her eyes snuck to Sakura's hand. She was getting desperate now. The images wouldn't stop and her body was burning. Slowly, she moved her hand toward the unsuspecting hand. If she could just touch her skin, it might help. She averted her gaze, as to not arouse suspension and to hopefully give her an excuse for when Sakura catches her.

She was almost there...almost...almost...there.

Kami this was embarrassing. A strong girl like her going as low as trying to grope to relieve her frustrations? She was better then this but she didn't care at this point. All that mattered was the feeling of Sakura's skin in her hands.

Tenten sighed in relief. Sakura hadn't noticed yet and she was savoring every moment. "Tenten?" Kami Sakura's hand feels good. It was so smooth in her hands. "Tenten?"

Tenten snapped out of it when Sakura called out to her. She looked at the girl looking at her and Tenten was sure she had a blush on her face. "Ye-yeah?"

"Is there something wrong?"

Tenten jerked her hand away, cursing herself for getting distracted. "I...I just...who's dancing first?"

Sakura raised her eyebrow at that. "Master is with me, then Junko, and Ino. You know this already."

"Ehh...I forgot?" Tenten offered but mentally slapped herself.

"Riiiight." Sakura stared at her with a look that said `I'm not stupid'. Tenten gulped at her stare. It was like she knew. "I'll be right back."

Tenten gulped again as Sakura stood up, excusing herself and went to a corner. Tenten blinked. Why was she going there? There was nothing there. No rooms, no nothing. Just a corner.

A few minutes later, Sakura emerged from the corner. She motioned to the girl to come and Tenten complied, really hoping that she wasn't mad. When she approached her, Sakura maneuvered her so they were both hidden from everybody else.

"You're horny."

Tenten gulped and took a step back in fear. "Wha..."

"You're horny and you're frustrated and you absolutely suck at hiding it. Here."

Tenten blinked when Sakura handed her a purple scroll. It was about the same size as one of her weapon scrolls. "What's this?"

"This is one of my masturbation kits." Tenten snapped her head up when she said masturbation. "I got several toys and aids in here and here is a key." Sakura handed her a key and she was confused as to what it went to. "Go to door 5 down the hall. It's a room that goes with the reception package and you'll have complete privacy."

Tenten was absolutely flabbergasted at what Sakura just handed her. "Sakura...I...why are you doing this?" She looked up when Sakura placed a hand on her shoulder.

"This is what friends do right? Help each other? I know what it is like being frustrated. It can be maddening, especially to someone not as accustomed to pleasure. I'm letting you keep this for a week but under a couple of conditions. One...everything must be clean when you give it back." Tenten nodded, her excitement growing. "Two...if you break it, you buy it and I expect everything in working condition. There are extra batteries in there in case some run out."

Tenten energetically nodded, her face nearly bursting with glee. "I promise everything will be nice and clean when I give it back, but..." Tenten calmed down some. "Where did you get this? I didn't see any scrolls in your pockets."

"Storage seal on my back."

Tenten nearly choked. "On your back? You can do that?"

Sakura nodded. "I was the one who figured out the problem when he tried to use them. He's quite proficient at seals you know. You didn't know you can do that?"

The brunette shook her head. "Yeah...I mean I can make storage seals on just about anything but Gai-sensei told me that I wasn't ready for flesh seals."

Sakura nodded. "It's actually simple if you know what you're doing and with your background, you'll pick it up in no time. Tell you to master or call him and set up a teaching schedule with me and I'll teach you how to use flesh seals."

Tenten nodded, her glee extremely obvious. "Thank you so much!" She reached out and gave Sakura a big hug and she chuckled, patting the girl on the head.

"Yeah yeah. Don't you have some masturbation to do?"

Tenten snapped up and nodded. She nearly ran across the building to get to the room. She reached it and locked the door behind her. Sakura chuckled as she watched Tenten bolt to the room. She walked back to her chair and sat down, the boy beside her smiling.

"How is she?" He asked.

The pinkette chuckled. "Her training is coming along nicely."


As dinner winded down, it was time for the first dance. As tradition goes, the first dance goes to the husband and the wife, but since there were two wives, Naruto decided that he dance with Sakura first and then Ino.

As Naruto led Sakura to the dance floor, a slow song began to play. Fortunately for the both of them, their heights didn't pose a problem as they joined hands and their bodies started to sway to the music.

As they danced, Sakura wished that she could lay her head on Naruto's chest but as she knew from the beginning, she is too tall for him despite Naruto's short size.

"Sakura, why the frown?"

Sakura sighed. "It's nothing Naruto-sama."

"Sakura...tell me what's wrong."

"It''s just that I want to lay my head on your chest when we're like this. I hate that you're too short.

Naruto smiled and laid his head on her chest. "I'm fine with this arrangement. Lets me sleep on you easier."

The slave smiled and chuckled, wrapping her arms around the boy and laying her head on his head. "You always love sleeping on females don't you? Especially me."

Naruto sighed in content. "I love the female body. So soft of plushy."

Sakura smiled and placed a kiss upon his head. Naruto was truly the best thing that ever happened to her. Because of him, she learned so much about herself that she didn't thought was possible. Catching movement in the corner of her eye, she looked up and smiled. "Speaking of the female body, someone wants to speak with you."

Before Naruto could blinked, his hands were grabbed and he was spun around, only to be stopped against someone else. He looked up and blinked in confusion. "Junko?"

The kinky Junko smiled and took his hands in hers and they continued dancing. Naruto tried to speak but was hushed by the girl, saying that the time to speak will come. Naruto looked at her weird for a second before he smiled and continued on dancing.

Finally, after several minutes of dancing, Junko spoke. "I owe you my life Naruto-sama. If it wasn't for you, I would still be locked in her mind, doomed to a ghost of a feeling."

"Junko I'm sure Sakura would've eventually found her family scrolls." Naruto said while they danced. "As she grew, I'm sure she would become more mature."

"If she wasn't killed first and besides, look how long it took you to find the scrolls. She would be an adult before she found them."

"I guess we'll never know how she might have turned out if she wasn't taken but I agree with you on the killed part."

Junko chuckled. "You really are a kind boy Naruto. Taking care of us when we didn't deserved it." She lifted Naruto's head up some and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "I'll see you later master." Junko turned around and walked away, leaving the boy behind looking at her.

He wasn't left alone, however, as Ino came up and stood beside him. When she stood beside him, he took her hand. "Do you think she'll ever be truly free?"

Ino sighed. "I doubt it. We all took a look at the scrolls. It is impossible for two to separate permanently. Besides, I don't think that Sakura can live without her."

Naruto chuckled as they assumed the position for slow dancing. "She'll be fine. Sakura is a strong girl." As a new song started playing, they placed their hands against each other and they started moving to the music. As they danced, Naruto's mind went to the first time they danced. "Hey you remember the first time we danced like this?"

Ino chuckled and nodded. "I do. When we first started, I was so scared that I was going to mess up, that I was going to step on you."

"But you didn't did you? You were fine. Who taught you to dance? I forgot."

Ino smiled. "My father did. The first thing he did for my training was teach me how to dance. Striptease and slow dancing is two different styles. Sakura taught me one and daddy taught me the other. Paid off didn't it?"

Naruto let out a chuckle. "Saved me some money. I would've sent you off to an instructor."

"Well I'm glad you didn't. So what did you and Junko talk about?"

"Nothing you need to know right now. Now just shut up and dance. I want to enjoy this."

Ino smiled and shut up, closing her eyes as they got closer to each other, enjoying each other presence. In the sidelines, Sakura took Junko's hands in hers and led her out to the dance floor, this being the cue for the other couples to join in. A few minutes later, the music changed to something with a beat. Naruto smirked and Ino smiled, knowing what that smirk meant.

It was time to rock.