The dance ended, but the awkward romance fog lingered all the way back to the carriage. Verbena wasn't sure if it was the soft moonlight, the way Theodore held her hand just a little longer than necessary, or the fact that his stupid villain cologne was now clinging to her sleeves—but something felt off.
Is this… what romance feels like? Or am I just hungry?
She shook the thought away and climbed into the carriage. Theodore followed, sitting beside her instead of across from her like usual. That was red flag behavior number one.
They sat in silence for the first few minutes, only the gentle creak of the carriage wheels filling the air. Verbena kept her posture straight, hands folded in her lap like a proper lady (for once).
Focus, Verbena. You have a goal. Divorce, freedom, bakery empire. Remember?
But her traitor brain kept replaying the dance—the warmth of his hand, the way his voice softened when he said her name, that tiny smile he thought she didn't notice.
It was all too much for her overthinking brain to handle.
"This is dangerous," she muttered under her breath.
"What is?" Theodore asked, startling her.
"Ah—uh—this weather! So dangerous. You know, sudden rain and… stuff."
He gave her a long, suspicious look but didn't press further. Instead, he leaned back against the seat, loosening the top button of his collar. It was unfairly attractive for no reason at all.
Verbena tried to look away, but her eyelids were suddenly so heavy. The garden event was long, her dress was suffocating, and the carriage was oddly warm.
Maybe just five minutes of rest, she thought.
She leaned back, head tilting slightly—and then… plop.
Her head landed directly on Theodore's shoulder.
The instant contact jolted her awake, but Theodore didn't move.
"Ah! Sorry! I just—uh—I lost balance!" She shot upright so fast she almost headbutted him.
Theodore's expression was unreadable, but his eyes had that glint again—the one that said 'I'm amused but too dignified to laugh'.
"You can lean if you want," he said casually.
"No, no! I'm strong! Independent! Head can hold itself up!"
The carriage hit a small bump, and her head flopped sideways again, this time right into his lap.
"…I can explain," Verbena mumbled into his coat.
"I'm sure you can."
Why me? Why this? Why now?
She scrambled upright again, face redder than the imperial palace carpets. To make it worse, Theodore was actually smiling. Not his usual evil smirk—a real, human smile.
"Are you always this… dramatic?" he asked, voice gentler than usual.
"No! I'm just… cursed."
"Yeah! In my past life—uh, I mean, before I married you, I was cursed by…a wandering witch. She said, 'This girl shall never know dignity!' And it's working really well!"
Theodore just shook his head, still smiling. "You are the strangest wife in the empire."
"Thank you. I take pride in my work."
They fell into a more comfortable silence after that, Verbena's heart still racing, but not entirely from embarrassment anymore. There was something dangerously nice about his calm presence beside her.
As the carriage slowed to a stop in front of Hellgrave Manor, Theodore leaned closer, just enough for his breath to tickle her ear.
"Next time," he said softly, "you can just hold my hand if you're scared of falling asleep."
Verbena's soul left her body right then and there.
End of Chapter 13