New Encounters and Unfortunate Accidents

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After practising for a while, I started to get ready to go to Daniel's house. I called him beforehand to find out what to bring with me. Having agreed to bring some fruit, I headed to the shop. Once I had everything I needed, I rushed to Dan's house. It was a shame my mum was busy and couldn't take me, but I wasn't a little kid, so I'd make it on my own.

In my old world it would have been dangerous to walk around a big city at twelve, but here it was taboo to touch children. Naturally, it was dangerous for all genders and ages to be in neighbourhoods where there were a lot of stoners and the most fucked-up criminals, but I wasn't going to go there. I had already learnt the routes to all the necessary places where the probability of running into trouble was extremely low. But in case of force majeure I had a powerful and compact enough shocker. The machine created by the technologies of the City would put an elephant on its heel if necessary. And it would be enough for a man.

This time everything went smoothly, and I made my way to Blue's house. They also had their own house, a rather nice one. It had brick walls and a grey roof. In addition to the house itself, there was a garage and some other building on the property. There were a few bushes of various flowers planted in front of the building. All in all, it was pleasant enough.The house itself was quite large, as there were seven people living in it. Four adults and three children. Dan's father was married to three women who had one child each. And now as I knew it, one of the boy's mums was pregnant with the next child. The Blue family didn't have a dog, so I walked unimpeded to the front door. I knocked on the door and waited for the door to open. Luckily I didn't have to wait long, and half a minute later the door opened sharply.

- Well, well, well! So you're the Kyle Smith that Daniel's been telling us all about?! - A girl of about sixteen exclaimed, looking at me with genuine curiosity. 

She looked like the blue one, with similar features. Her eyes were the same light brown colour, as was her nose and chin. Except her hair was black. 

- A-ha-ha," I replied to her slightly dumbfounded from such an onslaught.

- Oh, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself! My name is Elizabeth! Just Lisa to my friends, and to my brother's friend too!

- I'm Kyle, as you already know.

- Yeah, nice to meet you! Let's hurry up, the mums are about to set up! - The girl mumbled and dragged me by the hand to somewhere inside.

As it turned out, she led me into the hall, where the table was already set up, with several dishes on it. Alexander Blue, the father of the family, was also present, arranging plates of food on the table. At first glance, it was obvious that both Lisa and Dan had inherited most of their looks from him. The light brown eyes certainly did. Though it was also evident in the rest of their appearance. Except that the girl's hair was more like her mother's, since Alexander had dark blond hair.

- Daddy-daddy, look who's here! It's Kyle! - The daughter turned to the man.

- I can see that," he said with a smile as he looked back at me. - Hi, Kyle.

- Hello, Mr Blue," the man replied. - Truthfully, I'm a little surprised at the reaction to me.

- Ha ha, it's just that Daniel has been telling everyone a lot about you, so we're excited to get to know you fully.

- Okay, Dad, Kyle, I'm gonna go get the little guy! - Elizabeth announced to us and ran upstairs.

- Okay, Liz, I'll take care of our guest," Alexander told her, focusing on me again and gesturing for me to sit down. - You see, my son gets along easily with his peers, but he doesn't often tell us about them. And with you, it's a completely different situation. Daniel's always talking about how you're beating him academically. And he's a real prodigy. And he's just saying things about you that not every adult would understand.

- Well, he's breathing down my neck when it comes to his studies," I told the man when he stopped. - And as for thoughts, well, I can tell you that everybody thinks differently. That's just the way I am.

I spread my hands apart and shrugged my shoulders. Alexander smiled and was about to say something else when Dan and his sister came into the room.

- Kyle, I thought you weren't coming! - The kid told me right away.

- Why wouldn't I? I promised, and a real man keeps his word," I said, puffing up proudly, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Dan's father nodding approvingly.

- That's right, son, your friend says everything right, - said Alexander.

- I've brought fruit by the way. Where should I put them? - Asked the father of the family, pointing at the bag.

- Let me take them to the kitchen to the ladies, - answered the elder Blue. - And you, son, entertain our guest.

- I will.

- What did you tell your family about me? - I waited for the man to come out, and then I got close to Dan and asked him a question.

- The truth," he said, smiling disarmingly. - What's the big deal?

- Just some kind of overreaction to me," I answered him, scratching the back of my head.

- It's probably because I've told you a lot of things about you. Besides, meeting the creator of Skynet is pretty cool! My sisters love to hang out there. Especially on Instagram, if you know what I mean, hee hee hee! 

- I guess!!! - Answered him by cheering him up.

- They almost drool over some of the pics! - Once again giggling the boy shared with me valuable information. 

Just then we let our guard down and two girl silhouettes appeared behind Dan's back, as if out of nowhere. The first was Lisa, and the second was a girl about 14 years old and a little taller than me. She had shoulder-length blonde hair, an oval, graceful face with a button nose and big blue eyes. She also shared features with Dan and Elizabeth, but distantly. Apparently she took after her mother.

- They're behind my back, aren't they? - Dan asked in a shaky tone, probably realising everything on my face. I just nodded.

- Well, little man, what were you saying about us? - The blonde asked in a sneaky tone, spreading the creepiness around me. Was it that lust for murder?

I was over thirty years old, and I had a taser in my pocket, but I was still scared. But I didn't let it show. I hope so.

- Y-yes, I was just telling you how much my dear sisters like Kyle's social media! - Dan started babbling in a frightened tone, hiding behind my back.

- Are you sure?! - Lisa hovered over us.

- You're sure! - Daniel nodded.

- Watch me! - The girl threatened. But when she looked at me, she immediately transformed and spoke in a completely different way. - By the way, Kyle, I want you to meet our sister Ingrid.

- Hi Kyle! - Whispered the embarrassed blonde. 

- Hi Ingrid," he replied, smiling at her.

- Is it true what the little guy said about you creating Skynet?! - The girl almost jumped on me, apparently a little calmed by my calm reaction.

- And Instagram and Tinder.

- Wow!!! This is awesome! I'm gonna make all my friends at school jealous! - Ingrid was dreaming.

- Yeah, that's for sure," agreed her older sister. - All my friends are registered there. By the way, we should make sure to take a photo together and post it!

- Without me," he immediately denied the suggestion.

- But why?! - In one voice exclaimed the girls.

- I don't lead a public life, I prefer to live in the shadows," he said in a pathetic tone, putting his palm to his face.

- Ha-ha, Kyle is in his own repertoire! - Dan, who was watching us, was amused.

- How could you do that?! Why don't you change your mind?! - Ingrid stared at me with pleading eyes.

- Oh, only if I don't have to sign any signatures about who I am," I told her. - And without telling me you know the creator of Skynet.

- Will you change your mind?! Please?! - The girls started talking to me in two voices.

- "No," I told them adamantly. 

No sooner had the girls started a new round of begging than the adults began to enter the hall. The first was the father of the family, followed by the women. Right behind Alexander was a woman with black, curly hair, green eyes, a slightly snub nose and a beautiful face. It was definitely Lisa's mother, as they shared similarities, even if less than the daughter and father. Her name was Bethany. Also, Danielle had told me that she was pregnant, which I could see now.

Next was Ingrid's mum, whose name was Sigrun. Outwardly, mum and daughter were very similar. Except that the woman had a mole under her eye, lacked freckles, and had a pronounced beauty of maturity. In my past life I had often heard the expression that if you want to see what a girl will grow up to be, look at her mother. Several times I had to confirm these words. And looking at Ingrid's mum, I can say that the girl will grow up to be a Scandinavian beauty.

The third was Dan's mum. A woman I already knew because she often came to school with or for her son. Her name was Hannah. The woman had chestnut-coloured hair, shoulder-length. On her thin, aristocratic face, she had large green eyes, a straight nose and elegant lips.

The ladies immediately took notice of me and began to get acquainted. After that we sat down at the table and began to eat. Having satisfied their bodily appetite, the women surrounded me to satisfy their hunger for information. My brothers in law also sat closer to me.

- Kyle, how did you come up with an idea like Skynet? - Sigrun asked me.

- Well, I've been thinking for a long time about how to make money for one project without having a large industrial capacity. I finally settled on creating a social network. Then I remembered the problem of creating relationships and started working on Tinder. And I added Instagram, so that, as Russians say, you could look at others and show yourself. Eventually, my idea took off and became very popular.

- Yes, popular is not the right word! - Dan's mum exclaimed. - Especially Instagram and Tinder! Sometimes you get such boys on there! Oh, if only I were free!

- Honey, should I start being jealous? - Alexander turned to his wife with a smile.

- Oh, no, darling! Naturally not! Come to think of it, I just occasionally hang out on the pages of some boys. This is not a crime! - Hannah said in a pussy-girl tone.

- Well, if that's the case, then I'm fine," said the man, holding back a laugh.

- All of your ideas, Kyle, are great! You're a real genius! - Elizabeth said with admiration.

- Have you found girlfriends yet? - Ingrid asked. All the other women were listening with triple attention.

- No. I want to live for myself until I'm at least sixteen," she said, with her nose to the ceiling.

- Oh, boys are so irresponsible now," Bethany said sadly, putting her palm to her cheek. - Not only do they delay marriage, but they take one wife at a time.

- Wouldn't you like to have a husband to yourself? - I asked the woman in the tone of a tempting serpent. All the ladies present instantly thought about it and judging by the dreamy expressions on their faces, they at least liked the idea.

- If Alexander and I had been alone, I might not have met and fallen in love with Hannah and Sigrun," Bethany said, and the other women hugged her from both sides. - But I am well aware of every man's duty to society. For example, in our state, we have an average of five women for every man. And the average family is more often than not a threesome. And the result is that three women have to make do with artificial insemination or other women. And the children have to be raised in a full family.

Yeah. Sometimes even a very full family with lots of mums. But I thought I'd ask another question.

- If your husband took two more wives, how would you react? - At this point, everyone in the room was closely following our conversation.

- Generally positive. And I'm sure Alex would have enough for all of us," the woman replied with a smile, and her sisters (as several women married to a man were sometimes called) burst out laughing.

- Yeah, so much so that sometimes you disturb your sleep," Ingrid remarked grumpily.

- Ha-ha-ha! Nothing daughter, as soon as you have a boyfriend, you'll understand us! - Laughingly replied her daughter Valkyrie Sigrun.

- Yeah, try to find him, - said the blonde sadly, squinting her eyes at me. I pretended I didn't understand.

- By the way, Kyle, you said something about a project at the beginning. Can you tell me what it is, if it's not a secret? - It was Sigrun who approached me this time.

- I want to get into making prosthetic limbs," I told her, shrugging my shoulders. 

- Wow! - Exclaimed the father of the family. - Unexpected. And why, if it's no secret?

- I just saw a neighbour who was missing an arm and a leg. After that, and decided to engage in various prosthetics. I just wanted to help people like that. - I'm not going to tell you about the augmentations.

- That's a very worthy endeavour," said Alexander, who looked at his wives. - I hope you succeed. 

- Thank you. It's already a matter of time. As I grow up and accumulate more knowledge on this topic, and then I will create a new company. But I'll probably produce more than just prosthetics. I'll also produce some innovative technology. But that's a future endeavour. It's hard to say how it'll turn out.

- Yes, you're a really interesting boy, Daniel was right," Hannah said thoughtfully. - It will be interesting to see how you progress.

The other adults agreed with the woman's words in one way or another. Their children weren't as interested in the future, so they started asking me for social media secrets. Could I read other people's correspondence, get access to users' devices, or scroll likes/dislikes and ratings. Naturally I replied that such things are unacceptable and impossible. I had to lie that I wasn't particularly fond of it, but there was no other option. 

With the City's superior technology, I had at my disposal such gizmos that could hack into and take control of anything to which the Internet was connected. I, on the other hand, could not be hacked for several reasons. The technology I created worked on a few different principles and programs, which made it extremely difficult to gain unauthorised access to them, even if you had comparable hardware or iron. Only a few geniuses of the Earth could do such a thing, like Stark, Richards and other clever people. And even then, not with the best chance of success. Genius genius, but in the singularity was invested in the labour of hundreds of such geniuses for what seems like thousands of years. Only space civilisations or various monstrously powerful beings are capable of beating such a card.

In general, having convinced of the impossibility of such things, I began to tell various stories. For example, how my social networks tried to hack and how I responded.

In general, the pastime was interesting. I had a chance to see the life of another family, almost in natural conditions. Noticing their behaviour, I think they treat each other the same way without strangers. I didn't regret coming to visit the Blue family today. I was able to break up the boredom.

The whole family saw me off. I went outside and started to say goodbye to my hosts when Sigrun approached me:

- Kyle, if you need a girlfriend, don't forget Ingrid," the woman said with a smile.

- Mum!" the girl exclaimed indignantly and embarrassed.

- What about mum?! If her daughter hadn't found a young man, then her mother would have to take care of it! - With her arms at her sides, the woman said.

- Well, let's see if Ingrid will have a boyfriend by then. - I was amused by the scene. Although it's nothing out of the ordinary for this world. - After all, I'm too young to be in a relationship.

The women shook their heads disapprovingly, and Daniel gave me a thumbs-up so that the others wouldn't notice. After that I said goodbye to everyone and headed home. 

The journey was uneventful. When I got home, I went to bed after all the necessary hygiene procedures, because I was exhausted. It was good that tomorrow was a day off and I could sleep longer.

The next month was unremarkable. I also went to school, also worked on social networking and also made prosthetics with augmentations to try out. All of the above seemed to be coming out pretty well. But then a month later, a terrible thing happened at my school.

And it went like this. As usual, I went to school in the morning and faithfully sat through the lessons for the prescribed time, occasionally answering questions. The school day was coming to an end, and I was already planning what I would do next, as suddenly from the corridor sounded sounds like gunshots and screams of children. Panic immediately set in and the students rushed out of the hallway, shouting at the teacher. 

I grabbed Daniel's arm and dragged him behind me, not letting him fall in the crowd of frightened children. At the same time I started to stick first on the boy and then on myself the good luck charms I had taken out of my pocket with my other hand. I didn't know how everything would turn out, but it wouldn't be unnecessary.

And I did it just in time, because as soon as we were in the corridor, I saw students of all ages running and a vaguely familiar 17-year-old girl with a crazy look on her face and a machine gun in her hands, who started aiming straight at us. And as it happened, some of the students, along with the teacher, froze like mice in front of a snake. For me, the moment was about five times longer. 

I slid Dan behind me and stood between them and the car, wishing with all my might that the fucking machine would just jam. At that moment, the feeling of luck that was so familiar to me began to fade.

- What the fuck?! - Screamed the bitch, pulling the trigger. But her gun really jammed, not wanting to fire.

At that moment I noticed the discolouring ink from the talisman falling off my hand. Well, I've done it! But it's not the time to stand around, I might not have enough luck for the next time!

- What are you standing there for?! Let's get out of here! - I bellowed at the frozen students and the teacher.

My words, as if tore off the shroud of hypnosis from them and all at a good speed, under the shouts of the machine-girl behind began to get away. When we got to the exit, we ran into the guards, who wanted to start a firefight with the attacker. We were quickly let outside so that we wouldn't get in the way.

Then an emergency psychologist spoke to us, trying to understand who needed help. The parents of all the students were also called. My mother, as soon as she saw me, immediately grabbed me in her arms, cried and did not let go for a long time. A little later, Daniel's parents arrived, and they also began to squeeze the poor boy, alternately asking how he was. And this little brat just blurted out.

- Kyle saved me! He grabbed me and dragged me out of the office before the crowd could trample me, and then he put me behind his back, shielding me from the assassin! And he also stood between our classmates* and the attacker! - Danielle said excitedly. A few of the children sitting nearby supported his words with an unsteady chorus.

- Kyle did what!!!? - Mum shrieked. Dan, who asked you to do that?!

- It was fine. I was just putting on my good luck charm," he whispered in her ear, nuzzling her.

- And, nevertheless, we'll talk more about it at home! - Oh, I can feel it in my gut that this conversation isn't going to end well for her.

- Kyle, thank you for protecting my son! - As soon as my mum calmed down a bit and let me go, Dan's dad came over to us. - If it wasn't for you, who knows how things would have turned out!

- I don't even know what words to use to express how grateful I am to you Kyle! - It was already Hannah who came up to us and hugged me with such force that I was even scared for my life.

- It would be enough if you'd stop squeezing me like this," I hissed from around her chest. Not that it was unpleasant at all, but I wanted to experience it in a less extreme format.

- Oh, I'm sorry! - Immediately the woman unclenched her bogatyrsky arms. She doesn't look like she's that strong.

- Helping your baby could have killed Kyle," my mother said without much warmth. Naturally, I was worth more to her than someone else's child.

- I'm sorry," Hannah mumbled in embarrassment. - But still, that doesn't change our gratitude. Thank you so much, Kyle.

After a little more poking and prodding, they let us go home. And on my way out of school, just as I was relaxing, it hit me. I saw that machine-gunner again, aiming her weapon straight at my chest. I was dying already, but the fear that I had pushed somewhere to the back of my mind, came with all its force. At least I didn't cry, and I was able to keep some of my pride. But my mother had to drag me home, because I could hardly walk. At home she gave me tea and hugged me tightly. That's probably what brought me to my senses. It's not for nothing they say that love is a terrible force. Although there was one positive moment in this, my mum calmed down a bit, and I did not get to know the strap too closely. Admittedly, it didn't save me from talking to her. But somehow I managed to convince her that what had happened wasn't that dangerous for me. 

Yeah, I wonder what my luck was. The fact that I always bring my talismans with me lately, or that they worked the way I wanted them to? I mean, it's a terrible situation. And it turns out it's really scary to have a machine gun pointed at you. At that moment, luckily I didn't panic, I did the right thing. Hmm, could it also be a stroke of luck that my brain reacted the way it did? Even though I'm mentally an adult, I was a purely civilian person, both now and in my first life.

In principle, due to the talisman, for some time, I was not threatened by anything, so it was necessary to help the children. I've already seen life, and they haven't yet. Well, I speak as an old man who has seen the infinite eternal. Actually, I did, when I was reborn. All that remains is to spit on all these worldly problems, go to the river and recite a monologue for the next generations. With these thoughts I fell asleep, with my mother at my side, who decided, despite all my protests, to sleep next to me.


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