A/N: Firstly I want to say that this is my first longer fight and i will suck at this in the start so don't have much hope for flashy scenes in first chapters.
Second I want to know if you would like to have status like his attributes in the chapters after it is written like credits or i should stick to updating only the auxiliary every 10 chapters.
ok so now lets go to the
Chapter 9
We looked at Yoruichi and Michel after talking about few things. They were stretching before the sparring. As we were looking at that I was looking at the slender figure of Yoruichi even as a child.
'Damn she had to really train hard to achieve this.'
In that moment when i was thinking that Michel looked at Yoruichi and whe was looking at him.
„So do we want to have all what we can do in this fight or only physical techniques?" Yoruichi asked.
„Lets go physical techniques cause about magic Merlin would take that part of training of Rei."
„Ok so let's start it"
„That's right let's go with it" Michel answered her with smile and they lounged at themself in that moment.
Before they started they were standing apart about 30 meters. That distance was covered in less than a second by both of them but we could see that Yoruichi moved about 2/3 of the distance in the same time as Michel 1/3.
„She is at least twice as fast as Michel" Merlin said with astonishment in voice.
'Clang, clang' there was sound of the metal colliding in the air.
„So she used her sword against him" Rei said „I thought she will use only Hakudo to fight but well she will need to show some form of swordsmanship if she want to train me in it"
„You really thought that she can fight him without a sword?" Shin asked.
„She can if she would be serious" I replied.
In the meantime Yoruichi started to circle Michel using Shunpo and creating afterimages of herself around him. Because she was 'nerfed' she couldn't make much of them so there were only 3 of them but it was enough to make Merlin drop his jaw.
„Grandpa do you want to eat an egg?" I asked with Innocent look on my face.
„You little devil did you know that she is so skilled to fight Michel on equal grounds?" Merlin asked me while he messed my hair.
„Hehe i just knew a little hehe" I responded with smile.
„So sister Yoruichi is that amazing" said Shin with stars in his eyes.
Yoruichi in that moment started to attack Michel from diffrent angles and he deffended himself with his sword but still every 5-6 attack was effective and drew some blood.
„Hahahaha, kid you're really good in speed and using it in the fight with your sword" said Michel to Yoruichi with laugher when he powerfully attacked her before she could hit him and sent her flying into the woods.
„Let's end it here or we will do something which can do some real damage to either of us." He said to the girl which stoo dup hurriedly with prepered sword to defend herself. When he saw that there was a bit of sadness in hiss eyes because only if you have been in hard situations where your life was threatened you would have such reaction.
'Poor girl, what has she been through' he thought.
„Ok, but what will we do with training of Rei?" she asked.
„With what you showed im certain that you can train him very well" he answered with smile and went towards her. She looked at him with curiosity what he wanted from her. Michel stopped before her and patted her head with gentle smile.
„If you ever would need to talk with someone like a parent come to me child, I will do whatever i can" he said towards her. When I, Shin and especially Merlin heard it we were doubtfonded in what we saw. Michel could be so gentle to someone? World was ending.
„So if this is end of the sparring what will we do now?" I asked them.
„I will just change your training into hell" Yoruichi said to me and when Shin heard it he was glad that Michel will be his instructor in physical training.
„I will train Shin in swordplay now what will you do?" asked Michel.
„We will start with building his muscles" said the cat girl „Grandpa could you tell me when Grandma Melinda will be back? I need to aske her for some equipment to train Rei"
„She said she will be home in an hour or two at most" Merlin answered.
„Well I will just take you Rei now for little jog in this case for warm up" she said and took my hand „Now start to run around the field 50 times"
„50?!" Shin screamed „You want for him to just drop from exhaustion?"
„Yes, and when he will rest enough he would do it again and again. Until i will said stop cause he needs stamina to run as fast and as long as I do" she said.
„Shin, Rei asked for it and if you didn't noticed he started already running his laps" Michel said to the boy with a little smile. „I know that you don't want to let your brother suffer but it is his decision and you know how stubborn he can be"
Shin looked at the ground with sad smile and then looked at Rei running around with serious expression.
„Uncle lets start training" he said determined to work hard to at least help his brother in the future.
„Good lad" said Michel and picked up two wooden swords and gave one to Shin. „Let's see if you improved in anyway from last sesion"
After 2 hours Melinda came back to home and saw Rei on the ground in sweat, Shin wasn't better with a sword in his hand and kneeling beside Michel, as for Yoruichi, she was on the branch of the tree and when she saw her she jumped down and run towards her with smile and holding her hands up.
„GRANDMA!!!" she screamed and threw herself on the older woman. „Grandma i have a little favor to ask" she said looking u pat her face.
„What is it sweetie that you need and that old man can't give to you?" asked Melinda with satisfaction on her face.
„I need two sets of artifacts which would be divided in 5 pieces. Two bracers, two shin guards and one vest which will all be enchanted to increase weight."
„Oh that is nice idea, it will be for Shin and Rei?" she asked Yoruichi.
„No Shin don't want to be trained by me so he will not have any need for it. Of course I will not forbid him from using one but he will have to ask for it himself. It will be for me and Rei Grandma" Yoruichi said with little smile.
„I understand, do you have any specific design in your little head or not?"
„No just that we would need them in training."
„I will make them for you in two days, is that fast enough? Cause i would need some time to make the items."
„Yes that will be perfect, Rei would in that time be accustomed to the routine so it will be good to change pace" She said with evil smile.
„I will go make meal for everybody and start to work on it, do you want any specific color for your suit?"
„Mmm orange would be good."
„Ok noted sweetie" Melinda said it and kissed Yoruichi on the forehead which stunned hear. When Melinda was going towards home she smiled when looking at her back and she whispered
„Thank you Grandma from the bottom of my heart"