A/N: This chapter might feel a little bit rushed. And no mei is not the love interest.
Bakugou was rushing towards the agency he was running as using quirk was not allowed.
' what the fuck, what could have happened. '
On his way he met one of his schoolmates.
" What's the problem katsuki." Katsuki tched
" The explosion. " But the student chuckled
"well you were not paying attention to sakamoto sensei. The explosion must be because of the support gear showcase happening on the third floor. It's being conducted by the hatsume industries, they are known for creating crazy yet innovative gears."
Bakugou nodded but he had a bad feeling it was instinctual. ' i have to go check it. If something actually happens then ryuku is not here to deal with it.' he though as he continued on his pace.
Bakugou rushed past the gates as he noticed the lack of guards. The civillians were rushing out of the agency with terrified expressions.
He stopped a women trying to gain the gist of the situation. " What happened? "
She looked terrified " V - villians " his gaze grew serious as he ran towards the third floor. He used the stairs as it would be more convenient and the villians could use the lift for surprise attacks.
He reached the third floor expecting to see a hoard of villians only to see 2 people. One of whom was storing something that seemed to be a support gear while the other was approaching the pink haired girl.
And with the large suitcase and the tape/ropes in his hand he was probably going to kidnap her. There was also another pink haired man who seemed to be in his 30's unconscious probable the girl father.
The soo called PA was already knocked unconscious. The one who was stuffing the gear noticed him and smiled at him.
The man looked to be in his 20's and has a unusual shade of grey hair and was wearing a black leather jacket and had multiple tattoos on his body.
The second person noticed mei's gaze and looked at katsuki. And gave a frustrated expression. He had moss head and was quite muscular. He was wearing a brown hoodie, he spoke " Brat I'll let you leave so consider yourself lucky. "
The one with grey hair replied " let me deal with the brat it would be a waste to let him go. " He moss head just tched at this and said "just finish it fast. "
Finally I replied " it's against law to use quirks but, if its self protection." His face grew a excited expression and a terrifying smirk.
" How annoying. " A voice came behind him as katsuki was too stunned and lacked the experience to react immediately.
Suddenly katsuki coughed up some blood as he felt a shudder inside his body. It felt as if his entire body was being shaken from inside out.
Then a man with light orange hair came in front of him as he kicked him sending him flying to the near corner of the corridor.
He then turned towards the other men "you idiots, why are you wasting time here. Ryuku is already on her way." He said with urgency.
All katsuki was seeing was red. He felt dissappointed and anger towards himself for being taken out soo easily by enemy.
He said such bold things yet here he was not even able to move. ' that man seems to have a quirk related to vibration, it should have a physical touch requirement. The other two are unknown but considering where we are I would assume that one of them had a warping quirk.' thought bakugou
' but I don't want it to end like this...' he started thinking of a way to take care of this situation and remembered a crucial thing.
' I'm don't have to be a hand to hand combactant for now. ' he though as he used his Sudohesis to create sweat.
Unknown to the villians katsuki who now was filled with not only blood but also red nitroglycerin stood up with difficulty.
He then smiled. " Hey bastard. " This attracted the attention of the three. ' i cannot use the explosions here ' thought bakugou looking at the civillians, mei, Mr hatsume and the PA.
But while he was distracted, the orange haired men rushed at him from a blind spot. His body was being propelled by white energy that seemed to be vibrations. The grey haired guy who already had put the support gear inside his bag rushed towards katsuki with a crazed smile.
" Hah he's mine. " The man yelled. Katsuki smirked. He wanted to create some distance between the villians and the civillians. And bring them in a position that his explosions would only damage him.
He dodged the punch the orange haired guy sent his way. As the grey haired man lifted up his hands and sent a beam of electricity towards him. At the critical point he used explosions to thrust him forward as he rushed to the moss head who looked at him with shocked eyes. 'he's the warp guy. '
"Checkmate." Said bakugou.
He thrusted his hand as he sent a small scale explosion towards the moss head's torso directly making him unconscious. He then turned around only to see both the other man looking at him with hatred in their eyes.
Before they could rush at him he pointed behind them. They turned around only to see windows.
" Now that there is no one behind you i can let loose. " Said bakugou with a gruff voice. He extended his arm forward as a lot of sweat started to generate all over his body.
Then the red sweat started to move on its own as it all started to gather at katsuki's palm and formed into small ball of red sweat. It grew larger and larger by second.
Katsuki slightly closed his hand as the sweat started to get compressed as its size reduced to half of its original and then he flashed a smiled to stunned duo.
' There's something wrong with that red ball, is it blood?. Are those explosions created by his blood ' thought the orange haired as he yelled at the electric quirk guy. " Dodge. "
But it was too late as katsuki yelled
" incinerate " and then concentrated explosion was let out of bakugou's hand.
The explosion was soo strong that it took on the properties of plasma as it formed a beam of yellow orange energy consuming the duo in it's path.
Bakugou's conciousness started to dwindle as he fell down and was consumed by sleep.
To be continued...