Adi was sleeping in his room, and the only sound was of the fan rotating at its top speed. It was rare for Adi to sleep at night because he was a YouTuber, his channel was about crime mystery, and thriller storytelling in an animated way. He was quite famous in India with a million subscribers, as he made videos about those stories in both English and Hindi. At just the age of 19 years, he had achieved something that people couldn't reach even after half of their life span.
The silence of the room of broken by the ringing of Adi's phone, he slowly started to feel uncomfortable due to the ringtone of the phone. He groggily shifted in his bed, his fingers fumbling across the sheets before grabbing his phone – Peter – Peter, and Dan were his online friends from Atlanta, they both were neighbors in Atlanta.
The bright light of the phone was glowing on his face in the dark room, he squinted at the time 3:07 am.
'Hello? Peter?...Hello?' His voice was hoarse with sleep
'Yes, I am here' said Peter in his soft voice
'Bro, it's 3 am in India...let me sleep' his eyes closed and voice filled with tiredness
''s–Dan...he...' his heavy breathing and controlling of emotion were noticeable on the call. After Hearing his friend in this condition, his eyes were fully open, his brain started to kick in and a glimpse of tension and stress was visible on his face in the dark
'Peter?...what happened?'
'He JUMPED - crust into tears - HE KILLED HIMSELF...adi...HE-JUMPED' There was so much disturbance in his voice because of crying
'Peter...clam down, wh-happened? Who Jumped' asked Adi, confused as well as tense
'Dan committed suicide...adi...he jumped from a tall building' Peter was calm now but still his voice was cracking with emotions
'What?...' Adi had no control over the words coming out of his mouth. Peter's heavy breathing continued, followed by muffled sobs 'he was acting strange, he told me that...he was not getting a hold of his thoughts. I tried to calm him down but I never thought he would–OH GOD'
Dan...gone?. Just like this? His oldest friend...more of a brother
'How you know?' Adi trying to press his emotion
'His dad just called me, just going check on them'
'Yes should go'
'MAN...FUCK, dude, I'll call you later'
Adi's heart pumping the blood in his body at a crazy speed, and his mind lacked the power to process it all at once. The heat of the moment was making him unable to think properly...he was in control of his heart now.
'Peter...I am coming to Atlanta' said Adi
'I need to be there heart wants to be there. I promised him that I would come to Atlanta to meet him' answered Adi
'You don't have–' said Peter
'I do' ordered Adi 'Man, he called me yesterday, he was off, he was saying that something was wrong with his mind...and I ignored him, man, I fucking ignored him' Adi was about to burst into his guilty emotion.
'It's not your fault, Aditya' said Peter in a firm voice
'Maybe it is, maybe it is not...but I have to come there...he was my fucking best friend you are' Adi trying to hold tears not to come out of his eyes 'See ya soon, mate' He put the phone away, covered his mouth, and whole face with his face, and screamed quietly.
Aditya Sharma—one of India's most famous crime and mystery storyteller YouTubers—was now about to uncover the biggest mystery of his life.
What happened to Dan?