/The morning after entering, the gold-ranks on 'Iron-Spirit', Uhtred and Ves sat at the dining-room. Breaking their morning's fast, with some bacon and sausage, and butter-milk biscuits. Whilst the both of them, enjoyed a cold-glass full of milk, with their vittles, prepared by Uhtred./
"Well what say you? To us going to Freslin, we can find a gaming-parlor, where we can advertise your virtual-mechs." I asked my brother, as we finished our breakfast for the day.
"Yea, that sounds good, I gotta do something. I really wish to complete my mission, to sell a hundred virtual-mechs on 'Iron-Spirit', before we leave for the 'YTE, on Planet-Bentheim." Ves told, informing me of his wish, to have his mission completed, before our departure for Bentheim.
"Don't worry, when people see, me sweeping the competition, using one of your 1-star mechs. There will be many more claims, of me hacking, by the time I hit platinum-ranks." I told Ves, to relax, everything will go as needed.
"Yea you're right, I imagine there has never been a 1-star mech, sweeping the gold-ranks before." Ves said, as us and Lucky, made our way out of the house, to go about our mission to advertise, the virtual-mechs, Ves has published on 'Iron-Spirit'.
/After arriving at the Gaming-District, Uhtred and Ves found a popular gaming-parlor, for them to advertise for the day at./
/Whilst Ves held a holographic-tablet, showing the people nearby his works, Uhtred made his way to a gaming-cabin. Once Uhtred logged-into 'Iron-Spirit', he got started his climb-through the gold-ranks, piloting his new 'Fantasia 2R-Phantasm'./
/After spending the hour, achieving two-consecutive victories, at the gaming-parlor, Uhtred decided decided that would be good enough, then he logged-off 'Iron-Spirit', to go find Lucky and Ves./
/Location: City of Freslin, Rank's Gaming-Center/
I walked amongst, the students and other younger-adults, visiting Rank's Gaming-Center'. Making my way, to the front-entrance of the building, to find my sibling and his metal-cat.
"Uhtred, how was the 'Phantasm? Are you still undefeated?" Ves asked as I approached and Lucky, the gem-cat had attracted a couple females, who were gathered around the robot-cat adoring it.
"Ofcourse, I am still un-killed, in-battle. I am the Lord Uhtred of 'BebbanBurg', after all. The 'Phantasm' is an excellent-mech, she performed more than beautifully." I told Ves, whilechecking-out the females, that were busy petting and speaking to Lucky.
"Good, I have a feeling I can, complete my mission within a week's time, at this pace." Ves told me.
"If Lucky keeps attracting, all these beautiful-females like this, I am just going to have to find me, a gem-cat as well." I said, causing some of the females, who were close enough to hear what I said, to blush and giggle.
"Haha, yea, I really struck-gold, when I got Lucky. You ready to go? We can hit up a couple more gaming-parlors, maximize my exposure. Then we can go to other cities, tomorrow and the days after that." Ves asked, if I was ready to go, So I just 'nodded my head, to answer him.
/After three-days, of advertising the virtual-mechs, Ves designed on 'Iron-Spirit', over five different cities on the Planet. Experiencing traveling by mag-lev, or magnetizational-levitating, large-buses visiting the different cities on 'Cloudy-Curtain./
/Location: Larkinson-Residence/
"Haha, Lucky! Look, your snacks, the exotic-metal nuggets, are here. All my cold-weaponry is here as well, Sleipnir should be delivered today as well." I told the gem-cat who was hanging-out in the kitchen, watching me cook, when I heard the delivery-vehicle, hovering up to the residence and mech-workshop.
"Meow!" Lucky meow'd, translating into human-speech as roughly something like, "'Bout fuckin' time, peasant. Now, make'eth haste and fetch my snacks, my Squire!".
Or something close to that, I think to myself, as I open the door, to sign-for and accept the goods, I ordered-off the galactic-net, some four or so days ago.
/After Uhtred, unloaded and opened all the packages, containing all his cold-weaponry, such as a metal-alloy long-bow, and his sky-piercer', or Feng-Tian' metal-alloy halberd. Uhtred greeted Ves, whom just exited his mech-workshop, side of the residence./
"Ves, just the man, I wanted to see. I have some ideas, for a personal-design, I want you to create for me. On 'Iron-Spirit', ofcourse." I told my brother, as he sat down at the island, in the kitchen and dining-area, of the home. To enjoy, a fresh meal, I just finished preparing, for the both of us.
"Really? I just got an actual-physical production-license, for a ten-year contract, for the 'Caesar Augustus CA-1, manufactured by 'National-Aeromotives. It is a heavier-mech than the 'Fantasia 2R, but I upgraded some of my system-skills. I am confident, in designing a viable-variant, of the older-mech." Ves told me, all about his new production-license, he received from the 'Sons-Of-The-Future, Institute of Technology.
"That is perfect, I know this mech, once you fix the internals, I have some additions I want you to make to mine. Come look at this Sky-Piercer' Halberd, and this metal-alloy long-bow. I want you to design me replicas of these weapons, for my mech. I will draw you a armor-scheme, that I want you to create for the variant of the 'Caesar Augustus, I want the name for my variant, to be the 'Lu-Bu 'LB-01." I listed off, for Ves, whilst showing him the cold-weaponry, I want him to reference for my custom-virtual, Variant-Mech.
"You plan to use a bow? And arrows? As your ranged-weaponry?" Ves asked three questions.
"Yes to all three, I know, don't look at me like that. I can not help, that I am a cold-weaponry Supremacist, this is how I was born, it is not something I can control." I told Ves, who just looked at me, with a strange-confused look, on his face.
"Whatever you want, it is your custom-mech after all, anything else to note?" Ves told me, then asked if that was all, I wanted from him.
"Yea, for now, eventually I would like for you to create some kind of cavalry-based mech. I have a purebred-warhorse that should be delivered, sometime today. I want you to base the steed-part of the mech, after my warhorse Sleipnir, who I picked out from the horse-farm personally." I told Ves, saying to him, yes, that would indeed be all for now.