/Whilst, Uhtred was busy, 'decorating his killing-zone with the 'corpses of his fallen enemies' mechs. His teammates just received messages, alerting them to Uhtred's 'triple-kill./
/Location: City of Orinark/
"Triple-kill! Where!?" A heavy-mech pilot asked, the teammates near him, who are currently engaged against a larger squad of enemy mechs.
"Is it the guy using the bow!?" One of them asked.
"No fucking way!" Replied, another of the teammates, as his mech received a 'confirmed-kill.
"Think about it… could you move the way he did? When he left alone, at the beginning of the match." The leader of this, squad of classmates, who all attend school, at a mech-pilot academy together and play as a team on 'Iron-Spirit', in their free-time.
"He was using a 'Caesar Augustus, while moving like the way he moved as well, another point to think about." The 'second in command said, pointing out to the others, that the pilot in-question, piloted a fifty-year old 'antique, during the time they speak of.
"More enemies coming on our flank, where the fuck is the rest of the team!? fall-back! We fall-back together, now!" The 'Leader of the mech-squad, a player with the 'UserID, 'The-Rat', told his classmates and his current teammates on the field of battle.
His teammates, all started to 'retreat as one, whilst the 'Rat, laid-down a 'blanket of cover-fire, helping his teammates by covering their 'retreat.
"Move into that park! Go! Go! Fucking move!" 'Rat told his squad, as he sprinted, following behind his teammates, as they started entering into the city-park, he ordered them to enter.
/'Farther-into the city-park, something that should not be possible, is currently happening. Uhtred's 'Lu-Bu, or 'LB-01 is currently standing and crouching, In 'waiting, atop a large-branch, of the oldest and largest 'oak-tree, in the park that he could find. A mech, should not be able to stand atop a branch of any tree, unless it were some sort of 'monster-tree made of metal. The 'LB-01, weighs tons of kilograms, but with Uhtred's control of his mech's weight and balance, he truly 'floats like a butterfly and can 'sting like a bee./
/Location: Uhtred's 'Killing-Zone, for this current battle, in the city of Orinark./
"What the fuck!? Why are there mech-head parts and mech-spines, hanging in these trees?" 'The-Snake', asked his teammates, who had reached the area of the park, containing 'Uhtred's decorations'.
"Here they come! Get ready to return fire!" 'Rat warned his teammates, then ordered them to prepare to fire upon any enemies, as they burst into the park full of trees, and playgrounds that you would find at any other city-park.
The same moment, the enemies entered the opening between the trees, they were all facing and watching whilst they waited for their enemies to reveal themselves. Large-metal arrows, flew three arrows at a time, in two waves following behind the other.
The arrows blanketed the opening, the enemy mechs entered into the are of the park, where 'Rat's squad of mechs were. Stroking weapons, limbs, torsos, and other parts or equipment being carried, by the enemy mechs.
"Free-Fire!" Ordered the 'Rat, as his mech-squad opened-fire, on the mechs whom just received a couple arrows to their mechs, freshly released from the 'Lu-Bu's bow-string.
"'Pig! Get that fucking fat-ass heavy-mech you tell everyone you can pilot, and get in there! Put that firepower to use gods-damnit!" 'Wolf' the 'second in command, told one of the fatter friends of the squad, who uses the 'UserID, 'The-Pig', to get his fat-ass to work.
"Do you not see the fucking arrows!? I'm not getting in front of those, I will fire from here. You go up there, if you want, I will not." 'Pig answered his friend, like his usual cowardly-self, with a coward-like response, to the 'Wolf's orders.
"Hold your fire! Hold!" 'Rat ordered his squad, whilst waiting to see what was left, of this wave of enemies.
"One of the light-mechs, 'Weasel! You are our best scout, I need you to get on the other entrance of the park, see what you can pick up. Do not engage alone, even if there is only a single enemy, I just want you to get me some fucking intel, nothing else!" 'Rat told the best scout-pilot they had, player 'The-Weasel, he needed him to scout out for enemies, who could be entering the other entrance that leads into the park.
"Where's the guy who fired the arrows, did anyone see him?" One of the crew asked.
"Not even a glimpse, I only saw the arrows." 'Wolf told the squad.
"Focus on the enemy! If we ever wish to enter the 'diamond-ranks, we have to take every match seriously!" 'Rat told his friends, to get their minds off the bow-wielding mech-pilot, and focus on getting the victory, for this match.
"I'm up here!" A voice said, coming from above the squad of mechs, making all of their mech's heads, snap up and look for the source, of the sound.
"What the fuck!? How are you standing on the tree!?" 'Snake asked, in the same shocked-state, as the rest of his teammates, who were just informed a mech had been above their heads, for the last couple of minutes or so.
"I climbed… How do you get up into trees?" Uhtred asked back, controlling his mech to run his fingers through his 'non-existent mech-beard, as if he were 'Gandalf-the-Gray from the 'Lord-of-the-Rings'.
"Impossible, with the weight of mech, there is no way possible to stand on a branch. He must have some kind of 'magnetizational-levitation device, built on his mech's legs or something." 'Pig, blurted out to his friends, trying to reason with them, that they must be all seeing an illusion or something.
"Hmm.. nope, I'm just standing here, but your leader is right, you should focus on the enemy in battle. Look! A fresh wave coming-in as I speak…" Uhtred told the group, bringing to their attention, that at this moment they have enemies nearing their position, as they are all busy questioning, how Uhtred's mech could possibly be standing on a branch, of a tree right now…