
The world was no longer the same.

Just five days ago, there was still a balance of power.

But now, that balance had been completely shattered.

In the east and west, in the north and south, in every sea across the world…

A new banner tore through the sky, carrying with it a clear message:

"True justice has been reborn!"

A white flag, with a sword piercing the neck of a dragon at its center.

And everyone understood its meaning…

It was a declaration of war against the Celestial Dragons!


Smoker was not alone.

For years, there were men and women in the Marines who rejected corruption but could never stand against it.

They were waiting for the right leader…

And now, after witnessing their leader tear apart an entire continent and become the God of Smoke and the Sky, they realized that their time had come!

In different parts of the world, his loyal followers moved at the same moment.

In the East Blue…

Commander Basil, one of the most loyal Vice Admirals, launched his attack on the Marine base in Loguetown.

The city had long been under the control of corrupt Marines, where officers lived in luxury while the people suffered from poverty and hunger.

But on that day, smoke erupted into the sky, and the assault began.

"In the name of true justice, all who serve tyranny will die!"

In just two hours, the Marine base fell, and Basil's soldiers raised the banner of the sword and dragon above the main building.

For the first time in decades… Loguetown was free.


In the West Blue…

Commander Selena, a fierce and ruthless woman, once served in the secret intelligence division of the Marines.

But now… she was waging open war!

Her goal: to destroy the Marine base in the city of Oris, where some of the most corrupt Marine officers resided.

When she arrived… there was no negotiation.

"Kill anyone who rejects true justice!"

The battle lasted ten hours, but it ended in a devastating victory.

Now, the city stood under Smoker's flag.


In the North Blue…

Former Admiral Ziegard, who had defected from the Marines after witnessing the cruelty of the Celestial Dragons, was leading one of the largest military campaigns in modern history.

His target was the North Blue's primary Marine stronghold, one of the largest bases in the world.

The battle lasted for two full days, with the world watching in silence.

But in the end…

Ziegard raised the banner of true justice over the base, declaring the North Blue liberated from the World Government's control.


But the most brutal battle took place in the South Blue.

There, where the second-largest Marine headquarters after the main base stood, the fiercest resistance was met.

Admiral Alexander, one of Smoker's most loyal followers, led an army of Marine defectors and decided to attack the base head-on.

The war was intense.

But Smoker watched from afar…

And when he saw that his forces were struggling…

He raised his hand to the sky.

In an instant…

The oxygen vanished from the entire Marine base!

The soldiers who were fighting began to choke, collapsing one by one.

And after just two minutes…

Not a single Marine soldier was left alive.

And so, the South Blue fell under Smoker's rule.


While everyone was focused on the war… something completely unexpected happened.

In the heart of the ocean…

A massive rift appeared, as if the earth itself had split in two.

This Great Rift stretched for thousands of kilometers, swallowing islands and cities in its path.

Scientists around the world tried to understand what was happening, but there was no logical explanation.

"This is unnatural… The earth hasn't moved like this in thousands of years!"

But one person knew the real reason.


He had felt it the moment he absorbed the oxygen from the Marine base in the South Blue.

His power had grown far beyond his imagination, to the point where nature itself was collapsing because of him!


Did he care?

Or had his power blinded him to the real danger?


In Mary Geoise, where the world's most powerful men gathered…

The Gorosei were in shock.

One of them slammed the table in anger:

"This is not just a rebellion… This is a complete shift in the world order!"

But another, a man with deep black eyes and a voice as cold as death, said:

"We've lost control… But that doesn't mean we've lost the war."

Then he turned to the soldiers in the hall and gave the order:

"Send the Sacred Armies. We want no prisoners. Kill every last follower of Smoker!"

And that very night…

A force that hadn't been seen in over 800 years was unleashed.

The "Knights of Mary Geoise".

And their mission was clear:

Eradicate every one of Smoker's followers and wipe out this revolution before it spirals out of control.


The next day, the news spread like wildfire.

Loguetown… burned to the ground!

Everyone inside… slaughtered!

Oris City… crushed overnight!

Every military leader inside… vanished!

And in the South Blue, where Admiral Alexander stood above the ruins of the Marine base he had conquered…

Death came from the sky.

The Sacred Knights appeared, slaughtering everyone in their path.

And in one instant…

Alexander's life ended.

The world fell into a terrifying silence.


Smoker's Reaction – Absolute Fury

When Smoker heard what had happened…

He didn't speak.

He showed no emotion on his face.

But he raised his head to the sky, staring at the clouds that moved under his will.

Then, in a calm voice… yet stronger than any explosion, he said:

"You were the ones who started this war…"

"But I will be the one to end it."


The End… or Just the Beginning?

Now, the world waits…

What will the God of Smoke do afte

r his followers were slaughtered?

Will he eradicate the Celestial Dragons once and for all?

Or will the Great Rift in the ocean bring forth an even greater danger than Smoker himself?

What happens next?

— End of Chapter —