Perion and the Devil

Grind where are we going?

Don't you know today the crystals will start appearing and everyone will come from all over the world to participate in the city of Bernio

Hello I'm Kaisen

And I'm Raven nice to meet you

Raven this person is my friend he will take us to the city and my friend has a cart

Let's go Grind

So why didn't you tell me Raven how you fought the monster from the yellow category even I can't kill it

My father died fighting I couldn't kill him

I thought you were the one who killed him

Grind what was your position you and your family dying in front of you?

I was six years old at the time and a monster appeared and killed My father and mother and I wished I died with them and then a beautiful hunter came with long yellow hair and blue eyes and beautiful clothes and the sword in her hand was like an angel fallen from the sky and she killed him and he disappeared and she is beautiful and her hair flies but after that she took me to the hunter corps in this village of my grandfather and I wished to become like her one day a strong hunter

Grind How long will it take to get to the city

3 hours

I am going to sleep Grind farewell



Raven wake up we have arrived

It is the city of Berneo and this is the statue of the god Berneo the first founder of the family there are many horses and people and beautiful old houses and also there are people buying armor and swords and there are hunters protecting the place the currency is the Sera I only have 10 Sera

Raven let's go to that shop it has things from monster places

Let's go

What is this look at this sword made of teeth Blue Dragon

Do you like the sword young man? This sword is not something anyone can carry except the hunter Carvin. If you carry it, I will give it to you for free.

I did not hear you. I will buy it.

What? How did I carry it? Look, people. He carried the Blue Dragon Sword.


Look, the hunter Songhai, the tenth hunter of the swordsmen, has come.

Are you going to participate today? Swordsman

Yes sir

I will wait for you at the competition young man


Look who caught the eye for a moment

I will buy the armor for how much it costs

In one sera

Let's go Grind

I have a lot of fans, Raven

So what time does the competition start?

It will start at one in the afternoon

Grind I will go look for something I need I will see you at the competition Bye

Hello is there a book about the god Perion

Yes this is a book about the life of the god Perion

100 thousand years ago Perion was the deputy of the unjust king Aldivron

And they started holding a competition every year by killing 100 humans for fun and they ruled the world and made humans their slaves

One day, Pernio could not stand what was happening to humans and the legend says that he fought alone against a thousand soldiers without supernatural power only with his sword and ruled the world. After that, he founded his family, but after that, they say that the devil appeared to kill him Because there was no evil in this world, he wanted to enjoy the existence of good and evil. Perion died, and after that, a demon disappeared, and after him, monsters appeared and spread all over the world. Perion's family could not defeat the monsters, but then the second son, Decron, Perion, recruited hunters all over the world. When the first group of hunters left, Decron killed the monster and his army, and a crystal appeared from the monster's body and merged with his soul. He became the first hunter and the strongest hunter of the ancients. All of this happened 100,000 years ago. I have to go. The competition will start.

The competition place is very spacious.

Hello, Grind. Let's enter.

What are your names, young men?

Raven Nakasumi

Grind Fland


Welcome, contestants. The competition will begin at my hands, I am Glavin Henry. There will be groups, and each group includes 3 people.

Also, you have been brought armor that can never be destroyed and regenerated. Now prepare yourselves.

Hello, I am Olivia Cline. I want to join. To you can I

I am Raven and this is my friend Grind

I am pleased to meet you

We also needed someone, so as the legend says, the Klein family has yellow hair that distinguishes them from others

Now the black stone will be prepared to summon random monsters, the monster according to your strength for each person

It has been prepared, my master

Now start

What will come out for me

Look guys, a legendary monster has come out 100 years ago that has not come out to any ordinary person, its specifications are fast, it has a sword, it has red horns, and it has a group of monsters that reach 100 monsters. Can it kill them alone?

Someone summoned a monster with this strength, don't you want him to defeat this monster

Audience, let's welcome the hunters who came with us today

The strongest among the hunters present

Kifay Ofraen, a first-level magician

The second who does not use any magic or sword, but uses crystal energy, and he is the second of the owners of the crystal power

Alain Coras

The third Swordsman

Level 7 among swordsmen

Sindra Kanai

Fourth Magician

Level 5 of magicians

Konry Scenary


Level 8 of swordsmen

Jin Kou Veglai

Sixth who does not use any magic or sword only the power of crystal

Level 6 of people who use the power of crystal

Zerf Fron

Seventh Swordsman

Level 10 of swordsmen

Songai Geoffrey

So who is this person? Isn't he the person who carried the sword of the blue dragon's teeth?

Come on, kill him

Grind has become strong

Songai do you know this person?

Yes, I saw him in the city market carrying the sword of the blue dragon's teeth. Sindra, what do you think of him?

A strong man summoning a monster like this is evidence that his strength is comparable to the great hunters. , I don't think he will accept to join your team

Yes, I agree with you

It's my turn now. Will I be able to summon a legendary monster like grind
