Chapter 5

第二天,T 带着一盆杜鹃花坐地铁.地铁很旧,有很多玻璃板缺失,但从未修好过.相反,速度降低了.从空窗户冲进来的强风把大家的头发吹得乱七八糟.这种低级运输没有什么可抱怨的.和所有坐地铁的人一样,他没钱抱怨.T 正盯着黑暗的窗户发呆,这时地铁突然刹车了.站在他旁边的矮胖老妇人踉踉跄跄,快要倒在地上.T急忙用左手扶住老妇人.没想到,老太太手中的篮子撞在了手中的杜鹃花上,玻璃壶掉在地上,"哐"的一声碎成了两块.玻璃花盖碎裂,花土散落一地."对不起,对不起."老太太抓住 T 的手,不停地道歉."没关系...啊!当 T 捡起杜鹃花时,发现杜鹃花的根已经折断了.老妇人也看到了他折下来的杜鹃花,但苍老的脸上却浮现出一丝恐惧,"少年,你为什么要拿这朵花?这不是一朵好花...这是一朵不吉利的花."只有运气好的人才能说这句话,"t 笑着说,"这是朋友托付给我的.你知道有没有能拯救它的花农呢?"我住在泥巷里,巷子门口有个花市.我带你去那里.我真的很抱歉伤害了你的花.老太太再次真诚地道歉.她的脸很老,但眼神却很亮,让人觉得有些怪异."你说这是一朵倒霉的花,为什么愿意带我去找个花农呢?"老妇人微笑着,她的眼睛闪耀着连年轻人都未必有的光芒."就像你说的,只有运气好的人才能判断某件事是否吉利.这是一种杜鹃,一种让鸟儿哭泣直到眼睛流血的花.它很美,但没有好结局,所以它是一朵不仁慈的花."你是风水师吗?"T的眼睛亮了起来."是的,我是."老妇人点点头,神情十分诚恳."如果我有钱,我也想请你算一算,但我现在没钱,我也不想听到未来的事情,"t 轻轻叹了口气,"这个世界上没有什么是容易的.老妇人道:"风水转身."这句话已经被科学家证明是错误的.""不,这是真的.这就是风水.有规则和现象.这些都远远超出了科学的范围,"老妇人脸上露出不屑的表情,"现在的科学要解释风水还为时过早了几百年.紧急制动后,地铁停在轨道上,没有再次启动.车上的乘客很着急,但不敢催促,因为地铁里的工作人员有权把每一位乘客都开除,只要他想开除就开除."你怎么还没开始呢?"他看着手中的杜鹃花.花瓣微微卷曲,看起来快要死了."别担心,抢劫的是难民.这列火车的售票员是个心地善良的人.他不想伤害这个难民...就碾过他.现在他把工作餐给难民了,"老妇人的眼神微微一变,"这是一个不满意的人.他会杀了那个售票员."没想到今天的变化来得这么快."T 叹了口气."把花给我,"老婆婆说,"记得遮住你可爱的小脸,宝贝."你太可怕了.你实际上可以读心术.T 从口袋里掏出一块黑色手帕."这只是一个预言."老妇人会意地笑了笑.T 和老太太来到了泥巷.他有点累了.他刚刚花了些力气抓住了那些捣蛋鬼,把他们送到了地铁安检中心.然而,里面值班的人被动懒惰,让他等了很久.老太太带他去了小巷门口的商店.商店橱窗的挡板上堆满了一束束干花和香草,芬芳无比.然后他意识到,花卉市场在当今社会已不复存在.也许五年前,也许十年前,人们开始使用电子成像制作各种鲜花供观赏和送礼.花卉行业破产并枯萎.花卉市场与卖草药的地方合并了.如果你想买一些鲜花,你至少可以在这样的商店买到干花.草药店的老板是一位金发碧眼的女人.她看起来不是混血儿,但似乎是纯白人.老太太用通用语言三和她交流了几句话,t能听懂一点.白人女人接过花说:"用植物再生胶把它连接起来."细胞会发生变化."老妇人说."复制细胞和制作再生胶的成本更高.""我可以讨价还价."老妇人用她的母语说了这句话."晚上偷偷给我带蜜饯来."白人女子笑了笑,看起来可爱又可爱."细胞会发生变化."老妇人说."复制细胞和制作再生胶的成本更高.""我可以讨价还价."老妇人用她的母语说了这句话."晚上偷偷给我蜜饯栗子."白人女子笑了笑,看起来可爱又可爱."你不能把花带走,直到晚上,"老婆婆对 t 说,"如果你不介意,你可以在我的房间里休息.你看起来有点苍白.T 摸了摸他的脸,脸有点僵硬.他知道自己不该轻易听从陌生人的劝告,但他确实感到不舒服.可能是发情期的后遗症,他还是发着低烧.再说了,这老妇人是风水高手,他有一种莫名的信任感.他点点头,"好,那我就打扰你了.老太太的房间很暖和,火堆熊熊燃烧.这个时代已经不需要这种落后的加热方法了.只要是公寓,就声称配备了恒温系统.Extreme development and extreme backwardness coexist in this world, which is also the characteristic of this era.T originally just wanted to sit down and rest for a while, but he fell asleep unconsciously.When he woke up again, he was lying on the bed, covered with a linen quilt, and there were some dried flowers beside the pillow. He took it and sniffed it, and it smelled like ginger flowers.

He rubbed his tired eyes and decided to get up and go out to find the Feng Shui master and his azalea.

He shuttled in the darkness for a long time. The originally lively dirt alley seemed to fall into a deep sleep without a sound. He felt that the scenes around him kept repeating, but he could never reach the entrance of the alley.His tired brain made it difficult for him to tell where he was for a while. He suddenly remembered that he had a flashlight in his pocket. He reached into his pocket and found that the small flashlight was lying quietly inside.The beam of the flashlight could reach 200 meters away. He walked to the wall and projected the light forward.He followed the straight light and walked about 150 meters away. He saw a slight reflection passing by his eyes at a very fast speed.What was it? Was it the reflection of dust in the air?He closed his eyes and thought carefully.

"Hurry, let him sleep."

People in the laboratory were originally standing there staring at the boy on the screen, but now they were busy, operating a remote invisible drone to inject a drug that deprived the boy of consciousness, and the boy instantly lost consciousness and fainted on the spot.The image of the brain wave monitoring also slowly fell back and turned into a stable curve."Teacher, is he the person you are looking for?" A man wearing glasses touched his beard and asked in surprise.At this time, the old woman who claimed to be a Feng Shui master stood in front of a group of experimenters and was called "Teacher".

Her eyes were still bright and gentle, but her demeanor was completely different from before. The old woman shook her head, "He is not, but maybe he is. This is an agreement between her and me. I don't know if she has told her children, or if she is willing to tell them."

"Teacher," the man seemed helpless about the old woman's vague words, "If he is just keeping the azalea for someone else, is it really necessary to do such a cumbersome experiment? Just the physical simulation just now will cost millions of funds...""Let him go back." The old woman waved her hand."What's the point of doing this?" the man asked puzzledly."Even if it is meaningless, are you going to refuse me?" The old woman smiled.The man moved his lips awkwardly, "Of course not, teacher."


tWhen he woke up, it was already bright. The pot of bright red azalea was placed next to the bed. I don't know when it was returned by the old woman. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, feeling a little headache.

He remembered that he had been trudging through endless alleys in his dream until he saw a mysterious flash of light... Was this really a dream?

He touched his clothes, which were warm and dry, without the slight dampness of the night dew. He reached into his pocket and found the flashlight still lying there quietly.But at this moment, he instantly knew that it was not a dream last night.Because the direction of the flashlight in his pocket was turned, he still clearly remembered the direction of the flashlight before he fell asleep - so last night was a dream designed by humans.T turned the flashlight in his hand and fell into thought."Are you awake, baby?" The old woman's voice came from outside the door."Well, good morning," T smiled, he jumped out of bed, picked up the azalea, and opened the door for the old woman, "I'm sorry that you have no place to sleep at night.""It's okay, look, you've rested, and your complexion is much better." The old woman still had a kind face and bright eyes.She neatly tied up the door curtain to let in the thin morning sunlight.T held the azalea in his arms and looked at it carefully. It looked much more energetic than the withered appearance yesterday, but the dried flowers and leaves could not be revived. He took out some coins and card money from his pocket and put them beside the bed, saying, "I have heard about the price of cell regeneration glue. These are definitely not enough. I will remember your address and send money another day. What do you think?"The old woman's face changed slightly. She realized that every word of the boy in front of her was hinting at some information. This boy was really a terrible boy.She waved her hand and said, "No, I hurt the flower in the first place, and I should be responsible. The weather is good today, and you are lucky today, baby.""Thanks to you, I have to go to work. See you again." T said with a smile."Goodbye." The old woman sent him to the entrance of the alley and watched him take public transportation.The boy held a bright red azalea, and the petals, red as blood, made his pale lips look red.The scenery that passed by quickly flowed in his irises, and all the hustle and bustle of the world was projected into the boy's eyes. Countless information was collected, selected, and stored in his brain... The brain that had undergone high-intensity memory training could allow him to remember a large amount of information quickly and accurately, with a capacity close to that of a medium-sized computing machine.


t returned to the rented apartment, which was a slum in the 14th district, with a very ironic name called "Xiangrong Lane".The apartment building he lived in was a slender building with 40 floors, and nearly a thousand families were squeezed in it - what did such a life have to do with the word "Xiangrong"?t rented on the fifth floor. When he first saw this dangerous building, he felt that the elevator in the building would not last long. It came true very quickly. In the second year of his renting, the elevator crashed and killed 21 tenants. As a result, the rent of this building dropped to the lowest in this neighborhood.

After placing Dujuan on the windowsill, T cooked a handful of dried noodles and added some dehydrated carrots and cabbage. He had very little water at his disposal, and with a shallow pot, he always cooked the food beyond recognition. He always ate like this, as long as there was seasoning powder, he could eat anything.

Nowadays, fresh fruits and vegetables are only enough to supply the upper class. All orchards disappeared two hundred years ago, and there are few farmlands left. The vast fruit and vegetable planting bases have only been recorded in history textbooks. Now all fruits and vegetables are planted in hydroponic nutrient solution, and the yield is very small.In this war-torn era, no one is in the mood to grow vegetables. However, the poor do not need to eat vegetables. Just take a comprehensive nutritional pill every day, and it is not a problem to live to 150 years old - that's what the advertisement says.But T does not take any pills. He would rather lack some so-called nutrition than take the poison produced by these pharmaceutical companies.

After eating, t wiped the wound on the back of his neck with disinfectant wipes. A lot of pus and blood stained his collar. He sighed, took off his clothes, sprayed them with cleaning spray, and then waited for them to slowly clean themselves.

After doing all this, he was a little tired. He habitually checked the door and window locks, climbed into bed, rolled up the blanket and fell asleep.Suddenly, he was awakened by the sound of knocking on the window. Anyone who heard the sound of knocking on the window at night would feel a sense of crisis.T touched the iron sheet for self-defense from under the pillow - civilians were prohibited from owning weapons, and even kitchen knives were not allowed to appear in the home. He took this piece of iron from the old furniture in the flea market.He opened the curtain a little and looked out. He was stunned. The iron sheet in his hand fell to the ground with a "clang".