蝴蝶,一种早已消失的昆虫,但生活在中心城每个居民的心中.因为中心城的形状就像一只蝴蝶.而它拥有巨大而闪亮的核心,密密麻麻的建筑向四面八方延伸,散布出一片翼状的市区.核心是四大能源公司的所在地.灯光日夜亮着,通过一些高档玻璃材料的折射,变得五颜六色.四大能源公司每月向公众开放一次,向客户推出无数高科技新产品.是中心城区最先进的消费场所.四大能源公司隶属于四大家族,控制着难以想象的财富和经济网络.许多人梦想在这里工作,他们夜以继日地工作,成为四大能源公司的员工,然后在不久的将来将梦想变成噩梦.地铁 Z 线的终点是四大能源公司.说在这样一个很棒的地方工作的人会坐地铁,最便宜的交通工具,这很荒谬吗?然而,这就是事实.他们真的坐地铁去上班.每天晚上,无数身着黑色西装,打扮成人类的上班族从能源公司站涌入地下交通工具.他们面无表情,面容憔悴,表情焦虑.他们的胸前都有一个小电子屏幕,上面滚动着公司的口号——"节能环保,节能世界".也许他们真的为了节能而采取这种不安全,不舒服的廉价交通工具.现在是早上 7:30.能源公司的第一批员工已经被运送到公司,开始了忙碌的一天工作.一名夜行者与员工一起到达,停在公司大门旁边的公共停车场.大门仅在开放日开放.它通常非常紧密,甚至无法插入一张纸.两个男人下了车,其中一个在抽烟,看起来很疲惫,另一个看起来更有活力,靠在车门上,啜饮着一杯加冰的薄荷酒.这种白酒是为数不多的早餐白酒之一,令人耳目一新."这是我第一次知道我也兼职做快速送货服务."吸烟者将香烟罐中的香烟熄灭."你想喝一杯吗?"陈立将手中喝了一半的薄荷酒递给了燕强."算了,这个我以前尝过,太辣了.""我们怎么进去?今天不是开放日.陈丽若有所思地看着紧闭的门."他们的员工是怎么进来的?""地下,人脸识别.""他们有前台接待系统吗?我可以按门铃.严强重复道:"按门铃,不要踹门."除了开放日,不接待访客."陈丽指了指门边的电子屏幕,里面正在滚动这句话."这封特快专递是寄给谁的?""Song Zan,1 区高级主管,产品开发经理.""催眠我,你还好吗?""哥,有点草率."陈丽无奈的说道."你的催眠成功率是 98%,我的是 96%,如果成功了,那是我的错."陈立想了想,道:"做个备份.他的 Night Walker 的后备箱里有一台小型 3D 打印机.扫描完这个神秘的物体后,他将墨盒完整地复制了下来,并保存在车里.两人进入地铁站,将产品开发部的一名年轻女子带到了催眠的盲点.过程非常简单.这位年轻女子很快就接受了指示.他们将微型摄像头粘在这位年轻女子衣服的纽扣上.这款相机小如纳米针孔,任何设备都难以检测到."我们只是看起来像两个性犯罪者."斯摩格坐在车内的监控屏幕前咕哝着."你在想什么?这丫头是A,"陈丽一口喝光了薄荷酒.他也被冲伤了,皱起了眉头."性别法规定,只有她才能对我犯罪.""对不起,我对气味不是很敏感."斯摩格摸了摸自己的鼻子."我告诉你少抽烟."在屏幕上,这位年轻女子已经接近了宋赞.宋赞是一位看起来精力充沛的中年妇女.尽管她工作得很早,但她看起来一点也不累.她甚至不需要在桌子上放一杯咖啡.被催眠的年轻女子不会有任何额外的动作或话语.她径直走到宋赞面前,将盒子递给他.宋赞抬头看着女人的脸.她没有问任何问题.她微笑着接过盒子,拍了拍女人的手臂.然后,在监控视频中,她脸上露出了意味深长的笑容."她看过相机吗?"陈力动了动手指,远程销毁了摄像头."是的,她做到了.""老板没有说要匿名."烟枪回想起了他在早上七点左右收到的指示,"帮我把这个送到能源公司,送到宋赞",没有任何其他额外的条件或限制."就把它当作贿赂吧."陈立看了一眼时间,捏了捏眉毛.他非常困倦,困了时很烦."我们回基地休息一会儿吧,"抽烟的人说,"我困了,能看到佛像.我已经等了一整晚了."我们去我的店吧."陈丽也不管烟客答应与否,直接设定了目的地."好的,你的店里有食物吗?""很多致幻剂.""把车停在一边,我去买个煎饼.""再辣点,谢谢."煎饼的价格是 68A,这个价格乘以 5 就可以在贫民窟租到一居室公寓了.A 是世界联盟制定的 A 大陆全境使用的货币单位,但并不意味着大陆各国的货币可以普遍使用.无论是金属硬币,卡片硬币还是较大面额的纸币,A 后面都有一个小的"133"来标记货币的国籍.食品价格存在巨大差距.人们可以买到非常便宜的食物,其中大部分都贴着压缩,脱水和长期储存的标签.还有合成蛋白,类乳蛋白,类肉蛋白和类植物蛋白,非常便宜.像煎饼这样的食物是手工制作的,用新鲜的食材制成,可以以穷人无法想象的天价出售.还有水.瓶装水的价格为 20A 至 40A,具体取决于品牌价格.家里的水没那么贵,但普通人不能随意使用,每周都会通知停水期.近年来,G 一直在宣传清洁喷雾的好处,声称它不仅清洁效果很好,而且价格便宜.但实际上,无论采用何种技术,最基本,最好的清洁剂还是水.这个世界上的水从未消失过,但过度工业化导致水源受到深度污染.为了支持过度工业化带来的物质需求,战争需求和生活需求,水源只能继续受到损害.建成一个类似城市的大型制药厂,雇佣数十万员工,排放数万吨污水,但同时又要治疗数千万病人,养活数百万家庭,需要十年时间...那么这个药厂一定存在.这就是所谓的对过度工业化后城市的支持.人类总是感知得很慢.当他们感受到危机时,危机已经悄悄地踩在他们的脚下.碰巧这仍然是一个战争频发,系统混乱的时代.为了维护一个国家的稳定,必须收紧对资源的需求,让人们习惯价格和贫困.但可笑的是,在这个时代,最赚钱的东西还是那些昂贵的东西.For example, alcohol. The price of bottled water is about 30A, while the price of a bottle of wine is no more than 50% of a bottle of water. Alcohol can also bring happiness and make people forget their worries.G will not prohibit the sale of alcohol. Even if this chronic/poison/drug destroys the health of many people, as long as there is a continuous profit, there will be a continuous flow of alcohol to the market. G does not care about the life and death of these people, nor does it care whether they will commit crimes because of this.Because they are worthless.Human rights movement scholars believe that 350 years ago was the golden age of human rights development, and now is the age of dung. In another ten years, perhaps as General Chen Ming predicted, mankind will enter the age of mayflies.Human rights? Is it still meaningful?Many domestic public channels often hotly discuss a topic: Why not engage in international plunder?It's not that they haven't plundered, they have even been plundering, but G only promotes domestic propaganda and inherits traditional education, and will not participate in any international plunder. In fact, the beginning of every war is a battle for resources. The value of the life of every person who died on the front line may not be as much as a liter of energy."It's getting worse and worse." The smoker finished the last bite, folded the wrapper and stuffed it into the trash can in the car. The wrapper was immediately crushed and returned to the raw material."Do you still remember that we were in A16, there was wheat, and the boss made pancakes for us, wrapped with lamb legs." Chen Li looked at the soft pancake in his hand.
"Remember, I was almost starving at that time. I hadn't eaten for two or three days. The boss was also awesome. The first thing he did after he got the job done was to rob people of their food..." The smoker rubbed his sleepy eyes, "I was so bored on the sea that I wanted to go back to the city. Now I live in the city and always miss the time when I was on the sea."
"Since the boss chose the central city, it must be the best choice.""He is a person who never gives up," the smoker said, "Aren't we the same?"Chen Li looked into his amber eyes, one of which was extremely bright and the other was dull.That was the price they paid for winning the war, and the price they paid for their ambition."I went to meet the little guy in your store yesterday." The smoker said."What's the matter?" Chen Li asked. "He asked me about the underground city. Has he been to the underground city?"Chen Li couldn't help but frowned slightly, "He is interested in the underground city?""And he is also interested in those who use gunpowder/guns.""Is he interested in people or guns?""I feel it's guns.""How is Master Mei doing recently?""How should I know? I'm not his nanny.""A nanny is more capable than you." Chen Li said unhappily.The car stopped in front of the bar street, and the two opened the door and entered the bar.The bar was still so chaotic and messy. When he was not there, the cleaning staff slacked off, retaining the wantonness and sin of last night.The air in the room was filled with the smell of alcohol, fragrance and tobacco. Various cans, bottles, wrapping papers were scattered on the ground, and the sticky liquid on the floor exuded the stench of protein.
Chen Li ignored all these and went straight to the bar to check the accounts. Last night's income was only half of the usual amount. Most likely, the manager embezzled the money. This situation also happened at other times. If he or Yan Qiang were not in the store, the income would be less. However, he did not run this bar to make money.
So checking the accounts was just a side job. He mainly wanted to check the identity information of the employee he had chopped."Have you seen this person when you checked the Hunter Organization?" Chen Li pointed to the employee information and asked Yan Qiang."No." Yan Qiang leaned over and looked, "Isn't he your employee?""I didn't check it carefully, and then I found out that his identity information was forged..." Chen Li frowned, but his thoughts drifted to other things.Since he left his identity as a free mercenary and became a civil servant in G's secret, he has not made any mistakes for a long time, but this time, because of his negligence, sexual crimes, illegal copies and deaths, it was hard for him not to blame himself.What he thought more about was... since he left the anti-revolutionary organization, he had not been taught for a long time.
He used to be impulsive and stubborn. Cigarette smokers are already very thorny, but he is even more troublesome than Cigarette smokers, with a bad temper and no regard for his relatives. Although he is not much better now, at least he has a human appearance and has gradually become calm, or in other words, he is too lazy to talk.
Fang Ge, the boss of RC, is a man who is more legendary than a legend. His abilities are legendary, his experiences are legendary, and his life story is even more legendary, like the reincarnation of a god or demon.But he is a scum in terms of emotions, no one is worse than him.