Xin Qiji stood up and responded to Wanyan Tiexiong with a righteous spirit. He was tit-for-tat and did not lose the upper hand at all. Every word was loud and clear. He said: "Let alone once, I dare to say it ten times or a hundred times. The court is cowardly and the officials are afraid of death. The Jin Gou is bullying us, the Song Dynasty. It's a pity that I don't have the talent of Yue Wumu, otherwise I will let them come and go. Did you hear it, Jin Gou? If you didn't hear it, I will say it again to you." Wanyan Tiexiong was obviously used to being domineering in the Song Dynasty. How could he bear it when someone called him Jin Gou? He drew the curved knife from his waist and chopped Xin Qiji's head, shouting: "Song pig, you are looking for death." Haozhen had just arrived in the Song Dynasty. He didn't expect the Jin people to be so arrogant. He dared to draw his sword against each other in the territory of the Song Dynasty without a word, and he was merciless. It was obvious that he wanted to kill Xin Qiji. But Wanyan Tiexiong was a brave warrior who had survived hundreds of battles, and there was no sign before he attacked. He was just a weak man from the future world, and it was almost determined that his body was sub-healthy. He had no time to stop it. Xin Qiji was about to die under Wanyan Tiexiong's scimitar.
He closed his eyes tightly and said in his heart: "No, history does not record it like this. Xin Qiji did not die a violent death." Although history clearly records that Xin Qiji died in 1207, he was still worried about Xin Qiji's life and death.
Five seconds passed, and Haozhen did not hear Xin Qiji's screams or groans, but heard the sound of Wanyan Tiexiong's teeth grinding. He slowly opened his eyes and found that the scimitar stopped two inches away from Xin Qiji's forehead. The thumb and index finger of Liu Yixian, who seemed to be as thin as a stick, pinched the back of Wanyan Tiexiong's scimitar. Wanyan Tiexiong had changed to holding the knife with both hands at this time. His face was purplish. His arms were straining and his muscles were bulging. It was obvious that he had tried his best. Liu Yixian seemed to be drowsy and yawned listlessly. It was as if he was holding a heavy weight with ease, as if what he was holding between his two fingers was not the curved knife chopped down by the powerful Jin people, but a straw rope gently holding pork.
After a few seconds of stalemate, Han Tuozhou finally came to his senses. He was so scared that he rushed to dissuade him. He smiled flatteringly and said to Wanyan Tiexiong: "Master Wanyan, you are joking too much. You scared me to death. I really thought you were going to kill someone. How could a kind-hearted person like you draw your sword and wield a gun at any time? Come, come, let me introduce you. This is the famous poet of our dynasty, Xin Qiji, the hermit of Jiaxuan." He pointed at Xin Qiji and said Xin Qiji's name in a heavy tone. Perhaps Han Tuozhou wanted to tell Wanyan Tiexiong that the man in front of him was Xin Qiji, who was determined to resist the Jin army and had high prestige and appeal in the anti-Jin army. If his knife just now caused Xin Qiji to make a mistake, the anti-Jin army in the lost land of the Song Dynasty north of the Huai River and the Southern Song border soldiers from the Huai River in the east to Dasan Pass in the west would rise up to attack him to avenge Xin Qiji, and the lost land of the Song Dynasty would not be at peace for a long time.
Once, someone calculated that Long Yi had to make a living by writing, so Long Yi's current job is the director of a small county-level TV station in northern Jiangsu. There are currently ten special manuscripts to write, and there may be fewer updates recently. I hope you can forgive me. After the nap at noon, I will update a little less, as a snack for afternoon tea, hey