Chapter 2. A Fated Prologue


The year was 2544. Human beings now walk the planet with the ability to shape-shift into an animal form. Some people have become so skilled at shifting that they can shift partially. They could choose to only shift their legs, or arms, or other body parts as needed or desired. 

Now many felt this was the next step in human evolution. Having the best traits of the animal kingdom with humanity. But there were many that didn't. There were those that viewed these bioengineered humans as a heresy against god and faith and would do everything they can to destroy any relationship where the two come together. 

Eighteen-year-old Gavin Johnson was stressed out. Exams were kicking his butt this week. His small social circle were all off doing their own studying, trying to make sure they received good scores for their future. Gavin was worried about himself. The school he was looking into was the toughest magical academy to get into. Only the best get in. Unless they have a letter of recommendation. 

"Hey Gavin, how's the studying going?" A soft feminine voice came from behind the door as it opened slowly. 

Gavin turned, a smile on his face. It was Erza, his oldest and best friend. She was three years older than he was. When he just turned eighteen, she was already twenty-one. She also used to be his babysitter growing up, but that ended years ago. She wasn't human, not fully. She was a werecat. She was able to shift to a feline form at will. She was beautiful with her long red hair and warm amber eyes. She stood in the doorway, a dark blue band t-shirt and black jeans on. Her hand was on her hip as she looked at him, hunched over his desk with a mountain of books in front of him. 

"Maaaan, I'm getting hammered this week. Any chance you want to take these tests for me this year?" Gavin asked. He hung his head, wishfully thinking.

A soft melodic laughter filled the room and lightened his heart. "You know I can't, dude. I barely passed my own at the time and it has now been 3 years. "You really think I'd do any better now?" She responded, as she stepped into the room and set a can of cola on the desk for him. "Here is some sugar for your grind," she said as she looked over his current paper work laid out on the desk.

Gavin smiled softly and took a swig before he sat the can down, "Yeah I know. These tests just blow," he said before he turned his chair around to look at the mountain of textbooks and study guides on his desk. "I'm pretty sure that I almost failed the math final yesterday. And I'm sure the science final tomorrow is going to kick my butt." 

Erza leaned over and looked at the study guide he had opened in front of him. She brushed a stray piece of hair back from her eyes and rubbed his back soothingly. "Hey, I'll tell you what, if you pass your final tomorrow, I'll take you out to a movie or dinner to ur favorite restaurant, my treat," she said, as she tried to encourage him to study hard. 

Gavin perked up immediately, "Oh seriously? Bet! It's a date. I'm going to crush these tests. Then we're gonna have the best food ever!" he said energetically, not thinking about his word usage at first. 

"Oh, a date, huh?" Erza asked with a hint of mischief in her voice. "Why, Gavin, I didn't know you felt that way about me," she laughed at the beet-red expression on his face. She knew how he felt about her, but she didn't want to risk their friendship. It meant everything, and he really was like her best friend all these years. Her solid rock. Her safe harbor when life came at her hard and unyielding. 

"That's not what I meant," he stammered, as he quickly turned his back to her. "Leave me alone. I have to study hard," he said as he focused his attention back on his books.

 She smiled widely as she leaned back and walked out of the room. She knew he was going to ace his tests the following day. 

Erza walked down the hallway and said goodbye to Mr and Mrs Johnson. "Oh you're leaving already, dear? " Mrs Johnson, a short, sweet human woman asked.

"Yeah, Mrs Johnson, he's studying hard, and I guess he forgot our plans to hang out after school tonight, so I'm going to let him study in peace", she responded, and waved a hand 

"Don't you want to stay for dinner?" Mr Johnson asked, his deep voice a soft rumble in the kitchen. 

"No, thank you, Aria and Lila need my help for a music video project, so I have to go save the day" she said with a laugh.

"Alright, be safe" Mrs Johnson said as she set the table for the three of them instead of four. 

As the front door shut, Mrs. Johnson looked at her husband and smiled sweetly. "Dear, when will those two finally get together?" She asked him in a hushed voice.

Mr. Johnson laughed good-naturedly. "Darling, I don't know. They've been thick as thieves ever since she first came to babysit for us and have been inseparable ever since," Mr. Johnson took a glass out of the cupboard and poured him some coffee before continuing. "I'd been waiting for it for a long time. But he just can't seem to get the courage to confess he likes her. He'll probably say something once he graduates and finals are done," he said as he took his seat at the table. 

"But those extremists" Mrs Johnson commented worriedly. "What if they find out about them and go after her?" 

"I'm sure things will be fine, dear", Mr Johnson tried to calm his worried wife. "He doesn't know yet. There is still time to tell him" Mr Johnson continued, as he took another sip.

"No. He's far too young to know yet", Mrs Johnson refused to acknowledge their secret that they'd kept hidden all these years from her precious son. "I don't think he'd ever forgive us for not telling him sooner", she whispered mournfully at the thought of his anger over finding out. 

"Let's cross that road when we get to it, dear," Mr Johnson said peacefully as he glanced upstairs to where Gavin was most assuredly studying his backside off. 

"For now, let's let the boy worry about passing his finals," he proclaimed as he set his cup on the table as a breaking news story came on the TV. 

This is just in. In Kuerien city, officials found the disposed bodies of several shifters and their believed partners beaten and hung under a bridge. The perpetrators are still at large and unknown at this time. Anyone with information should call the authorities. A reward is being offered currently for information leading to the arrest and sentencing of people responsible.

As quickly as it came, it left and both the Johnsons felt a twinge of fear settle in their hearts, thinking of the two they wanted to get together. Their son and the girl he longed for.