"Please, we need backup! Two upper-first-class demons are fighting each other! Please approach with caution!"

The sky suddenly turned red. Since it was nighttime, the flames burning could be seen from miles away. The building slowly crumbled as a man, appearing to be in his early thirties, jumped up. His hands had been severed, and he had open wounds all over his body.

"Argh!! Ahhhh!!!" he screamed in pain as he slowly regenerated his arms and closed his wounds before yelling, "Is that all you can do?"

Suddenly, the building completely collapsed, and a teenager jumped out of the remains. He grabbed the middle-aged man and dragged him across the ground, running at an unbelievable speed before throwing him skyward.

The man maneuvered mid-air to maintain his balance. His eyes wandered in their sockets like they were trying to pop out as he searched the area but couldn't find the teenager.

His eyes widened as he felt someone grab him from behind and force him toward the ground, headfirst until he was slammed into the dirt.

The middle-aged man's body slowly melted and turned to ash as the teenager fell onto his back. His once-black hair gradually turned white, and his red eyes became slightly darker. His vision slowly became blurry, and with a mischievous smile on his face, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.


Kakashi stood up from the ground, trembling as he felt pain all over his body. He forced himself to stand as he looked around. The building had collapsed, and he was completely unharmed.

[What exactly happened here?]

Surrounded by the collapsed building, a few flames struggled to stay lit, releasing black toxic smoke into the sky, and providing little lighting. In the distance, red and blue flashes of light barely helped Kakashi view his surroundings.

Suddenly, he felt an irritation in his stomach and started vomiting. He looked down at what he had expelled.

"Blood!?" He immediately regained his memories. "Megumin!"

Kakashi tried to run, but his left leg failed him, and he fell on his face almost immediately. He turned to look at his left leg and noticed it was twisted. Noticing it made him begin to feel the pain.

"Uwahh! Arghhh!!" He cried out and tried to straighten it but couldn't; the pain was just too much for him to bear.

He forced himself to stand up and began walking again, this time much slower, hopping on his right leg while dragging his left behind him. He stopped a few meters away from where he started and began to dig through the debris. After digging for a while, he saw something sticking out of the dirt, so he continued digging, this time faster and more desperately, not minding the injuries it was causing his hands. As he lifted a boulder, he saw a girl lying on the ground.

The girl had long yellow hair and was wearing the same clothes as Kakashi, though her blue trousers were longer, as was her white shirt. Luckily, aside from her hand being crushed by the boulder, she was completely unharmed.

Kakashi struggled as he tried to carry the girl while bearing the pain from his leg. He gently placed his head on her chest.

"Thank goodness, she's still breathing," Kakashi painfully smiled. He looked in the direction of the flashing lights and saw a helicopter hovering a few meters away from him, searchlighting the area.

"Hey!!! We're down here!" Kakashi yelled, waving both arms in the air, trying to get the attention of whoever was flying it.

It was clear they didn't hear him since no one came to his rescue. So, he decided to go to them instead. He carried the girl on his back.

[Just hold on, Megumin. We'll soon be there. I will not let you die.]

Kakashi screamed in his thoughts as he struggled. Something caught his attention, making him miss a step and fall. He had tried to raise his left leg to avoid pain, but it didn't work. He wanted to scream, but what he saw made him forget about his pain.

Kakashi's eyes widened from shock as he stared at Kenji. Kenji was one of his friends from his time in the lab. Kakashi wouldn't have recognized him due to the right side of his body being burnt and the left side covered in blood, but his hair was bright red—a color Kakashi would easily recognize anywhere, as Kenji was the only person in the lab with red hair, at least among the boys.

Kakashi was baffled by the fact that Kenji's body was above ground, even though the building had collapsed, and Kenji had died before that. Seeing his body almost made Kakashi throw up again.

**Moans painfully**

"Kenji!" Kakashi yelled as he kept Megumin and forced himself toward Kenji. Although Kenji's upper body was above ground, his legs were stuck in the rubble, and he was bleeding from his abdomen. "Just hold on, I'm gonna pull you out!"

Kakashi held Kenji's shoulder and tried to pull him out, but his hands slipped on Kenji's bloodied body, and he fell down. He quickly stood up and grabbed Kenji again, pulling harder than before. He had completely forgotten about his injured foot.

Kakashi was able to pull Kenji out of the rubble and fell to the ground with Kenji closely beside him.

"I guess we're even now," Kakashi smiled and held Kenji's hand. "I was able to save you."

"Please, just kill me," Kenji shakily said.

"Do you hate the fact that I saved you that much?" Kakashi laughed as he turned to Kenji. His laughter turned into screams as he pushed Kenji away.

Kenji's lower body was missing. Kenji's blood slowly flowed toward Kakashi as he tried to avoid it by pushing himself backward with his hands. His hand touched something. Kakashi stopped for a moment before tilting his head to look behind him.

"Ahhhh! Wahhh!" Kakashi screamed as he saw an arm. He turned to the other side and saw a head. Looking around again, Kakashi noticed that he was surrounded by dead bodies. He hurriedly stood up and carried the girl before hopping toward the flashing lights. He was hopping slowly, but gradually getting closer to the lights.

"Help!!! We need help!! Anyone, please answer me!!!" He kept screaming as he got closer and closer but slipped on something and fell. His head landed against a rock.

"Look! One of the kids is still alive!"

"Look! There's another one beside her!"

Kakashi's vision was getting blurry as he struggled to stay conscious. He saw two men running toward him. They finally got to where he was, and one of them tried to carry Megumin, but Kakashi held her shirt tightly.

"Please, I don't want her to leave," Kakashi cried, pulling Megumin to himself.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of both of you."

After hearing the man's words, Kakashi finally closed his eyes.