She left without paying a single coin.
Chen Ye watched her retreating figure, regretting not drawing a vial of her blood to test for "iron rooster serum." He sighed—all that effort for nothing.
Night fell.
The man woke groggily, rubbing his eyes. "Weird… How'd I fall asleep so fast? Where's Sister Shen?"
"She's gone," Chen Ye replied, lighting a cigarette. "Oh, and she skipped the bill. You're paying."
"Uh… How much?"
"What?! Did she chew your coffee beans or demolish the shop?!" the man sputtered.
Chen Ye exhaled smoke. "She broke my heart."
The man stared blankly.
"Look, boss, I brought her here because my body's failing… After that night, I—"
"Not interested in sob stories." Chen Ye tossed him an invoice.
Ignoring it, the man pleaded, "I earned every penny through literal blood, sweat, and oysters! I've been downing cordyceps, epimedium, goat weed, centipede powder—even snacking on lycium berries and tremolite! Brother Chen, I came to you first because I trusted you! I tried setting you up with Sister Shen, but… C'mon, cut me some slack?"
Chen Ye raised an eyebrow. He'd joked about the fee, but the man's panic revealed he actually had the money. Time to pivot.
"Pay up or work it off. Your choice."
"Are you nuts? The police station's right across the street! I'll report you for extortion!"
Chen Ye grinned and pulled out a murky, metallic vial. "Relax. Free drink—my treat."
"Better." The man gulped it down—then froze. His skin turned silver, limbs stiffening like lead. With a choked gasp, he collapsed.
Chen Ye stubbed out his cigarette. "Paying now… or working?"
"Good boy."
Days later, Chen Ye updated his files:
Subject 004: Queen Bee
Physical changes: Voluptuous youthfulness, skeletal hands capable of extruding venomous stingers. Secretions contain neurotoxins inducing paralysis, body control, and male-to-female transformation.
Further observations pending.
Subject 005: The Wallfacer
Skin, muscles, and bones mineralize upon contact with metal/stone. Capable of phasing through concrete. Drawback: Full metalization immobilizes limbs unless using soft metals.
Initial test: Silver ring triggered full-body silverization. Formula: Stainless steel + marble + restroom concrete.
With 760,000 yuan "borrowed" from The Wallfacer and free labor secured, Chen Ye dove back into his experiments. Unbeknownst to him, the monsters he'd created were already wreaking havoc beyond his café's walls.
Rain poured as a young man hyperventilated on a crowded street. "It won't come here… Too many people… I'm safe!" He repeated until the crosswalk light turned green—then froze.
Across the road stood a raincoat-clad figure in sunglasses.
"It's… here!" The man yanked a passerby's sleeve. "Help me!"
"Psycho." Shoved to the ground, he whimpered, "No… please…"
A hand gripped his shoulder. "You okay?"
The youth spun to see a plainclothes man. "Save me! Something's trying to kill me!"
"A mermaid! It has scales—it wants me dead!"
The stranger's mouth split into a razor-toothed fish maw. "Like this?"
The youth fainted. The creature reverted to human form, then shifted into a raven.
"Pathetic. Clean up your mess, Subject 002. You owe me tea."
Beiling City Public Security Bureau
Detective Yang Yan rubbed his bloodshot eyes. "The 'Weeping Mermaid,' invisible killers… Since when did our cases turn supernatural?"
A bearded cop shrugged. "The chief's a die-hard materialist. Won't believe it till he sees it."
Yang gritted his teeth. "What about my proposal for a paranormal task force?"
"Denied. Cheer up—let's grab coffee. The shop across the street's legit."