Her heart was pounding violently in her chest as if it wanted to leap out.
She clutched tightly to Abby's side and said, "Try to put your seatbelt on." The chaos surrounding them made her panic rise even higher. She couldn't think clearly about how the driver was handling the situation, but they absolutely had to get away from there.
Memories of Lucas flashed in her mind, and she desperately wanted to turn back and find him, but she knew she couldn't. All around her was pure turmoil; everywhere she looked, there was evidence of death and destruction.
Silent tears streamed down her cheeks in a steady flow as the fear consumed her. She felt a terrifying mixture of dread and a numbing shock that left her paralyzed.
Cars were screeching past them on either side, and just a short distance ahead, the highway was jammed with stationary vehicles. In a sudden moment of panic, Ava slammed on the brakes, narrowly missing hitting her own head on the steering wheel.
She quickly turned to Abby, needing to check that her friend was alright. Relief washed over her when she saw that Abby had managed to fasten her seatbelt.
"Abby, are you okay?" Ava asked, her voice tense with concern. Abby nodded her head but her eyes were wide with fear, reflecting the same sense of panic that Ava felt.
Turning her attention back to the road ahead, Ava observed a long line of cars desperately trying to escape the city, all stuck in stagnant traffic and filled with panic-stricken people.
They were truly trapped, and chaos reigned all around as people scrambled to find a way out of the city.
Ava quickly turned back to Abby and said, "It looks like this is happening everywhere." She twisted around to peer out the back window of the truck, noticing the long line of vehicles that trailed behind them, indicating that they were not the only ones in distress.
Her heart raced even faster as uncertainty washed over her; she had no idea what their next move should be. In a moment of desperation, she reached for her phone, which was tucked away in her jacket pocket. Maybe, just maybe, she could call Lucas or someone who could help them.
Her hands trembled violently as she retrieved her phone, and after a few frantic moments of scrolling through her contacts, she decided to call her mother first. The phone rang patiently on the other end, and she clutched Abby tighter, who was looking at her with fear etched across her small face.
After what felt like an eternity, the call went unanswered. Frustration coursed through her veins as she quickly thought of Lucas again. She dialed his number, heart pounding, but all she received was his voicemail. Each unsuccessful attempt made her heart sink lower, and she felt her spirits shatter with each returned voicemail she heard.
Her hands shook so badly now that she almost dropped the phone onto her lap. "No one is picking up," she muttered under her breath, the weight of despair heavy on her chest.
"What about my mommy? I know her number," Abby piped up, her voice hopeful amidst the chaos.
Ava turned to her, surprised and relieved at the suggestion. "Do you really know her number?" she asked, trying to wipe the tears from her cheeks with one hand while still keeping her eyes on the road as best as she could.
Abby nodded vigorously, a spark of determination in her wide eyes.
"Okay, do you know how a phone works?" Ava asked, considering the possibility that this young girl, like many others her age, maybe knows their way with technology.
Abby nodded her head again, this time with even more confidence. It was the year when every child seemed to know how to use a phone, so Ava felt a surge of hope.
She handed the phone to Abby, who stared at it thoughtfully for a moment before deftly dialing the numbers. After pressing the green button, she brought the phone to her ear.
Ava's heart raced as she watched Abby wait for an answer. The line they were in stood still, prompting Ava to turn off the truck engine. After a few rings, someone picked up. Abby's face lit up with joy when she heard one of her parents answer.
"Mommy," she called out, "can you hear me?"
Ava's heart nearly stopped as she looked at Abby, hoping her parents were okay.
"It's me, Abby. Mommy, where are you?" Abby asked.
Excitement filled Abby's eyes, and tears of joy streamed down her cheeks when Ava heard her mother say she was at the hospital.
Ava recalled her father's warning not to go to the hospital at any cost. Without realizing it, her hand moved to her lower abdomen, and she thought about how she would never get the chance to tell Lucas or her parents that she was pregnant. She didn't even know if Lucas or her friends were still alive. What if the creatures had killed them like they had everyone else?
Suddenly, panic engulfed Ava, making it hard to breathe.
Gasping for air, she stepped out of the truck and walked toward the open field next to the highway. Her chest tightened as sobs wracked her body. She feared she might never see her parents again, and the man she loved could be gone forever before she could tell him they were going to be parents.
Ava held her hand over her mouth, trying to breathe through her sobs as she walked into the field, brushing her hair back with her hand.
Cars lined the highway, with some people shouting and others honking their horns.
What had the world come to?
In just a few hours, everything had changed, and her life had turned upside down. How would she survive without her parents and Lucas?
She was just a normal skateboard girl attending a regular high school.
Tears filled her eyes when she noticed Abby standing behind her, holding her phone. "My mommy said she would try to wait for me at the house," Abby said.
Ava tried to catch her breath and wipe her tears. She walked over to Abby and felt how her heart broke into a million pieces. "I don't know if I can take you, Abby," she said through her sobs. "I've lost my parents and Lucas, and I'm about to be a mommy myself .... but I don't know… I cannot do this any more... I " Ava couldn't finish her sentence.
Overwhelmed, she turned and walked deeper into the field, where she found a rock and sat down. As soon as she did, she buried her head in her hands and began to cry. She felt terrified and lost.
Abby soon joined her and sat next to her on the rocks. She felt Abby's small hand on her shoulder.
"It's okay," said Abby.
Ava never imagined her life would end up like this, finding comfort in a little girl she barely knew. Her body shook as she looked at Abby with blurred vision. Words failed her as Abby tried to wipe her tears away. They locked eyes.
"I'm scared too," Abby said. "But you're my only friend who saved me back then, and I need you to come with me to my home."
Ava nodded and tried to wipe her tears, taking a deep breath to calm herself. She was supposed to be the strong one but that moment was Abby who was only six the strongest of them all.
"You know it's dangerous to go back there." Say Ava after a while. Going back to the city now it is risk since all the zombies and the creators were there. They just came from there and now to go back is going to take a big risk.
Abby met her gaze and nodded. "I know, but my daddy could help us. He works with the president."
Ava's eyes widened; she hadn't realized Abby's parents had connections with the president. "Maybe your father knows what's going on," Ava said.
Abby stood up and extended her tiny hand to Ava.
Ava took her hand and rose from the rock. "By the way, my name is Ava," she said, managing a small smile despite her red, puffy eyes.
"I like your name." Said Abby.
Ava smiled and wiped the last of her tears. She just hoped deep in her heart that her parents were okay and that Lucas was still alive. She could not imagine her life without him or getting this baby without him.
It was ha ard choice to go back but if there was hope for Abby that she could be with her parents was it little hope that was still left.
The two of them decided to walk back to the city where Abby's house was located. Since they couldn't retrieve the truck and the highway was gridlocked, they set off on foot.