Axel felt like he entered into a void.
He was in front of his school. He could see students running to his direction. Seeing him, they shouted and even ran the more.
'I thought the government stopped schools from opening?' he thought.
He flew up now, trying to find where the villain he was going to face was.
The school was an average building. Montre's high wasn't actually a big school but it housed quite a population.
He flew forward now, his eyes lit with flames around, he moved them a bit occasionally, trying to find where corusca was.
"Run! Run! Be afraid of me!" .
Axel heard the voice, it sounded distant but he knew it was near. According to his 'scientific' knowledge, he thought that perhaps because the villain's power was bright light with a mixture of electricity, it would affect his voice when he speaked.
He plunged forward now though, at an amazing speed. To him it felt like he was moving at the speed of light. The things he saw were just blurs. Everything was now blurry in his sight.
He was trying to head to the back of the school's building, he noticed it was that direction that the voice was coming from.
He stopped now, his motion a blazing flame. He was sensing a weird reaction in his body system. He paused and looked around, trying to find anything that would allay his fears. At least assure him that his villain was at sight.
Axel saw nothing. His head was throbbing though, something was about to happen. He knew it and it carried a strange feeling. He occasionally swirled his head around, trying to see something but he saw nothing and then -
Axel jolted backwards, that took a lot of flames out of him but nonetheless he had just dodged an electric light ball.
He turned his head sideways and knew he could behold corusca. He was clothed in what looked like overalls, cooler in appearance though. They were light blue in colour with stripes of white all over.
On his chest was a circle that had two little light bolts on it. He wore what seemed like underwater goggles and Axel, with a nod concluded that he looked like a sophisticated nerd. To crown it all, he even had a red cape flowing at his back and he was flying in the air. The edges of the cape looked tattered and Axel concluded that the villain made it so, to add a more villainous look to him.
"Well, well," Corusca said and grinned. "I see you've got fast reflexes. That comes in handy doesn't it, at least it just saved your back bone and your heart and even your lungs!"
Axel shrugged and smiled. He guessed he was up against some scientific genius.
"What is your motive for causing havoc on the school?" Axel said seriously, his voice very bold he was quite surprised. "You'll get many students killed!"
"Oh, I see you're a hero?" Corusca asked jeeringly.
"I am," Axel said. "I am an Inferno Hero."
"An?, wouldn't it be the, you're 'THE' inferno hero."
"Quit challenging my name, an or the I'm inferno hero and you're going down!" Axel shouted. "So I'll do this the easy way but if you want me to take the hard router I'll do that too. Now, kindly go away and leave the school alone, c'mon!, you'll get the innocent students killed."
Corusca smiled. "Even though you're covered in flames you are no match for me. Finally, I get to breathe some fresh air and tap pure sweet electricity to upgrade my powers after escaping from that tattered place called khaos realm and you come to stop me? no way!"
Axel squinted his eyes, looking into his opponents eyes. What he was actually visualizing was a teenager in a superhero costume with goggles who was quite good in physics and chemistry.
"My duty is to save people and since yours is a contrast, then I guess we don't have any job speaking to ourselves, I'm sincerely sorry but I'll have to stop you."
Corusca burst into a menacing laugh. His face lips seemed to be expanded with the motion and he jolted his head backwards, his head moving backwards.
"It is common superheroes always win but I must say, this time, that boring troupe will come to an end!" Corusca said.
Axel made no comments as he stared at the villain.
He only thought; 'Well, I just started'
Axel raised his hands up in the air and doing that he seemed to pilfer all the electricity from the school into body and now he was aiming it for Axel who had sensed that and was bracing himself to move sideways.
Corusca swiftly shot an electricity ball from his hand and it was about to meet Axel at the throat but he quickly yanked himself backwards and doing that he was on his back, rolling in a somersault.
The students who were running paused now and they watched the scene in surprise.
"A superhero!" A student shouted. "A superhero has come to fight the super villain."
Axel furrowed an eyebrow and quickly threw a glance at the student. He recognized him to be Greg, their time keeper, a brainy kid actually who was very brilliant. Brilliant to the height he can explain almost all theories in physics.
"What's your name, brave hero!" A girl asked.
Axel felt the creeps. His body seemed to shake down to his spine.
He recognized that voice, well, wasn't it the voice of Katie, his crush?
He tried to act brave, even though it was in vain because she wouldn't recognize him.
"I'm the inferno hero!" He said, over faking his voice it came out as too manly.
Katie smiled and blurted in her sweet voice, emitting a beautiful smile; "Thank you inferno hero!"
That was it, the praises went up to his head. He just paused and stared at her, not knowing what to say.
A tiny electric ball entering his mouth seemed to bring him back to life though.