Axel quickly snapped his fingers and landing into a trash can, he changed back to his normal self. He knew the police man or police 'men' that had fired the bullet would look out the window now and so he tried as hard as possible to conceal himself inside the trash can.
The place was dark and reeked badly but he ignored the unpleasant smell and held his breath.
"I think the villain flew away." He heard a policeman say.
"Damn, my bullet didn't go into-"
"It's okay, why kill him or her by the way? The government needs information. I heard the portals gave some people powers. The government wants all of them. Even heroes or villains. I don't know but I think they will be killed."
Axel heard footsteps now and the stretching of a neck through the window.
"We better get going." He heard a policeman say. "I think we have a boy who was beaten by the villain, we could ask him questions."
And so he heard them leave.
He waited for some seconds before he got out of the trashcan. Fresh air felt piquant to his nostrils and he was happy he would finally leave the stuffy, bad smell ridden trash can.
He quickly started forward, the movements of his legs brisk if one didn't look at it well, one would think he was scurrying. He turned to a corner and with that, a smile was on his face.
The smile soon disappeared when he saw, with quite the squinting of his eyes, a monster heading his way.
"Shit!" He exclaimed.
He had actually forgotten. He had completely forgotten actually, that the apocalypse stuff was still occuring now. It seemed to have been lesser though than a few hours ago before he ran into the portal and reawakened his powers.
Axel was about to trace his steps backwards and break into a run when he saw about three men in armed clothings, after the monster.
Axel was stunned temporarily and at the same time elated. At least the government is taking full measures to end this apocalypse. Axel wished he could tell them it was beyond that, that this was beyond natural and that he had been chosen to stop it.
He couldn't tell them though because as he learnt from the policeman, if he did, he would be killed. That was where he seemed to hate the government, why become so cruel.
He was getting off his street now and to the heart of the city. He was heading to his uncle's place now, at least temporarily, until he discovers his other duties as the inferno hero which he knew won't be long. He was having a gut feeling that soon he would be on an inter-dimensional journey to stop the force Patrick (Corusca) had said had beaten him.
The street was almost deserted, just a few motorcycles on the road and a few taxis, if not it almost looked like khaos realm.
Axel crossed to the other side, not even bothering to run like he had always done since he came to this city. He just walked normally, even carrying some steeze with him.
A bus was stopping now and from what he guessed it was heading upcity, and that was where his uncle lived. He waved to the bus driver, a grumpy looking old man with a moustache. The bus driver stopped the bus and he entered, bowing slightly in greeting even though he got no response.
He sat by the window, at the third row of seats. No one was beside him and he was happy because he reeked badly and he wouldn't want to bother anyone with his smell.
Axel looked out the window, seeing monsters run around the city, soldiers after them. He sighed. This felt like the end of the world.
He sighed again and held his jaw with his hands, looking bored. Soon, he felt sleepy and as he was about to fall into a little slumber, he heard a loud noise.
It sounded like the crashing of a car.
In the bus he was, there were actually seven and that was including him and the bus driver.
Well, with the sound they all veered their heads to the direction and saw that it was a car being attacked by a large, big looking monster.
Axel felt alarmed.
Just then, an emergency news rang out from the bus driver's radio.
It was:
"This is a message from the governor. Everyone should stay inside. Cars, buses . You have been warned, we don't want any vehicles on the roads, even motorcycles. So we advise everyone to clear the road, we want not a single human on the road!
In short, the governor is officially issuing a lockdown!"
The voice went off and Axel and the bus driver exchanged glances. The bus driver's glance was quite terrified while Axel's glance was an indifferent one.
The voice tore through the air and now Axel had to scream at the bus driver:
"I'll stop here!"
The driver, surprised because they hadn't arrived at upcity yet, stopped and Axel came out, hurrying out of the bus which quickly sped away, the passengers looking at Axel in astonishment.
Axel felt nostalgic, the scream of NO! was actually familiar in a pungent way. He turned his head sideways now and looked at the scene of the large monster. To him it seemed like a monster villain.
It was enormous, with shadow eyes, a white cloud-ish figure and gigantic hands that could smash through anything.
Axel stared at it and shook his head sideways in the negative, this was certainly a hell of a monster.
He heard a shout of help again. Actually many people were shouting for help but this seemed to be directed mainly at him.
He walked nearer to the scene and now he saw the monster tearing the car apart, it was a taxi. And then with the corner of his eyes, he saw a man, his face covered in blood, stretching his hands forward at him, calling for help.
Axel gasped. The man had slumped out of the window of the car, his body with wounds, his face familiar.
Axel's eyes almost exploded when reality sinked in. That was his uncle, the one he had entered the bus to go and meet.