The dawn's fiery blade sliced through the horizon, enchanting a kaleidoscope of colors across the sky.

Regulus slid down the icy hill, his diminutive form crashing into the snowman Polaris had so devotedly constructed.

The snowman exploded in a burst of powdery snow, sending shards of frosty debris flying in all directions.

Polaris's emerald eyes sparkled with tears as she gazed upon the ruins of her snowman, her tiny hands clenched into fists in a gesture of dismay.

"Reggie, you've ruined it!" she exclaimed, her voice a mournful cry that echoed through the frosty breeze.

Regulus popped out of the snow like a daisy bursting forth from the frosty loams, his countenance illuminated

by a mischievous grin.

"Have you any idea how long it took to build this?" Polaris demanded, her voice a gentle breeze that carried the whispers of winter.

"Uhh... twenty minutes?" Regulus ventured, his eyes sparkling with mirth.

Polaris glared at him, her gaze a palpable force that seemed to scorch the kinglet ablaze.

"Fine, I shall help you build a better one," Regulus declared, his voice a gentle balm that soothed Polaris's ruffled feathers.

"The biggest, baddest frost monster in all the realms," the words of Regulus disinfected every inkling of negativity in Polaris, haloing her countenance with a soft, ethereal glow.

As they began to construct their frosty metropolis, the atmosphere was alive with the sweet, melodic songs of winter's birds.

The snowflakes danced in the morning breeze, casting a mesmerizing spell of wonder over the landscape.

Meanwhile, at the far end of the castle's immense courtyard, Rigel, the Prince of Aethoria, found himself thwarted by the intractable Taurus, the "Sky Saunterer" of Seacrest.

Taurus's formidable physique and unwavering resolve seemed an insurmountable bulwark, impervious to Rigel's persuasive entreaties.

"But the Duchess asked to see Regulus," Rigel insisted, his voice tinged with a hint of urgency.

Taurus' countenance remained impassive, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity.

"My instructions are unequivocal, Your Highness," he declared, his voice a deep, resonant tone that vibrated through the air.

"No one shall enter the Willow Garden until the morrow's noon."

The brazen gateway to the Willow Garden, emblazoned with the emblem of Cedarlake - an entangled Kraken, loomed over them, a poignant reminder of the power and majesty of the Lord of the Tempest.

Taurus, the ruler of the archipelagic cities of Seacrest, stood as a relentless sentinel, his frame, an immense wall of intimidation, a testament to his unwavering loyalty to the Crown of the Southern Superpower.

Though Seacrest was an independent coalition of Island City-states, Taurus owed a debt of fealty to the Lord of cerulean waters, a bond forged in the crucible of mutual respect and admiration.

His symmetrical tattoos, etched into his turgid skin like an intricate, arcane script, shimmered with an otherworldly essence.

Like an enigmatically detailed map, the island Cities—the tunnels, the crypts, the waterways, down to the sewers—lay encoded within their sinuous, curved lines.

Taurus' gaze bored into Rigel's very soul, his eyes burning with a ferocious amber specter, his long dreadlocks, blowing against the subtle breeze, his skin dark as mahogany.

Rigel's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with the implications of Taurus' words.

"My apologies, Lord Taurus," Rigel said, his voice a masterful blend of courtesy and calculation.

"But the prince is the son of the Duchess, Vega, mother of Aethoria."

Taurus' gaze never vacillated, his expression unyielding.

"And so are you," he retorted, his voice a blunt instrument that shattered the calmness around them.

Rigel's eyes widened, his face pale with dismay.

"These rules were not propounded by me," Taurus continued, "but Regulus' father.

For there are no secrets in Cedarlake, neither are there any in all the Southern terrains."

Rigel's face darkened, his eyes flashing with rage.

Taurus's gaze challenged Rigel, his eyes burning with furiousness.

"Go ahead, your Telepathic powers have no hold on me," he dared the Prince of Aethoria.

Rigel's scowl was fierce, his jaw clenched in an unrelenting determination.

Yet, he knew that to engage Taurus in a battle of wills would be to invite defeat, to succumb to the crushing weight of the Sky Saunterer's unwavering loyalty.

"I guess now you owe me a favor," Rigel said, his voice a subtle hybrid of amusement and strategy.

Taurus squinted, his gaze, pulsing like a gemstone.

"A bold move, shrewd negotiator you are," he growled, his voice a low, menacing tone.

"What is it you desire?" Taurus demanded, his eyes burning with a ferocious urgency.

"Rumors say you are the best tamer in all nine realms," Rigel said, his tone, a gentle, insidious breeze, weaving a spell of enchantment around the Sky Saunterer.

Taurus's gaze sparkled in a curious amber scowl, his eyes burning with a passion that ignited the air around him.

"My reputation does indeed precede me," he said, his voice, a deep, resonant tone.

"However, I must acknowledge the hyperbole in your statement," Taurus continued, his eyes narrowing in calculation.

... "I've had my share of successes," he paused, "and failures."

Rigel's eyes squinted, his mind racing with the implications of Taurus's words.

He was aware that the Sky Saunterer was a man of great pride and greater loyalty, a man who would stop at nothing to protect those he cared for.

"My dear little brother is in need of tutelage in the art of varmint-taming," Rigel said, his voice, a whisper of elegance and strategy.

"Would you be a gentleman and...?"

Taurus' eyes flared with irritation, his face darkening with a scowl.

"Be his babysitter?" he growled, his voice a deep reverb.

Rigel's smile never dithered, his eyes glinting with amusement.

"I wouldn't put it quite that way, Lord Taurus," he said, sarcastically.

"I have a kingdom to dictate, children to father, tedious paperwork to decipher," Taurus roared.

"Where shall I find such leisure to lecture your unruly brother?"

Rigel's smile deepened, his eyes glinting with a brilliant sapphire specter.

"You could start at brunch?" he suggested, his voice, courteous yet cautious.

Taurus' eyes widened, his face pale with astonishment.

"You dare to mock me, Aethorian?" he thundered, his voice a low, sonorous thunderclap that quaked the foundations of the courtyard.

Rigel's smile never vacillated, his eyes glinting with a frenzy.

"I merely suggest a convenient time for your... tutelage," he said, his tone, mild.

Taurus's gaze glimmered with a furious bronze scowl, his eyes burning with a passion that ignited the atmosphere.

"Very well, so be it," he growled.

"I shall condescend to tutor your... unruly brother."

Rigel's smile deepened, his eyes gleaming genuinely like polished pearls.

"Perfect!" he exclaimed.

But as the Telepath turned to leave, Taurus' voice stopped him.

"Prince of Aethoria," he said, cautiously.

"Do not think that this... favour will go unrepaid. You owe me, Prince Rigel."

Rigel's gaze locked onto Taurus'.

"I am aware of the debt, Lord Taurus," he said, his voice a soothing blend of elegance and wittiness.

"And I shall repay it, in full measure."

As Rigel walked away, Taurus' glare followed him, his eyes burning with suspicion and distrust.

The Prince of Aethoria had just made a powerful enemy, one who would not forget the debt that was owed.

Meanwhile, Regulus and Polaris were hard at work, constructing their frosty metropolis.

The city was taking shape, its delicate spires and towers glinting like a thousand tiny diamonds in the morning light.

As they worked, Regulus's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Polaris, look!" he exclaimed, his voice a gentle howl akin to a wolf cub.

"We're building a castle!"

Polaris's eyes glowered with delight as she gazed upon the frosty edifice.

"It's beautiful, Reggie," she said, her voice a soft, melodious whisper that weaved a spell of enchantment around Regulus.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting a soothing gloss over the frosty landscape.

The air was filled with the sweet, melodic songs of winter's birds, their trilling voices a gentle accompaniment to the soft, whispery rustle of snowflakes dancing in the morning breeze.

As the day wore on, Regulus and Polaris' tireless sculpting was finally complete.

Their laughter and joy echoed through the frosty air, perfecting their frosty masterpiece.

The city was a marvel of icy engineering, a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the two companions.

Rigel emerged at the pinnacle of the hill, his eyes widened in wonder, drinking in the majesty of the metropolis forged from snow.

"By the Sober Sprite," he breathed, his voice tinged with awe. "What sorcery have you two woven?"

Regulus beamed with pride, his countenance aglow with the knowledge that Rigel admired their creation.

"We built a prototype of the city, Big Brother!" he exclaimed, his voice a joyous melody that echoed through the crisp air.

Rigel's gaze roamed over the frosty depiction of Cedarlake, his eyes shining with admiration.

"It's a marvel of crystalline architecture," he declared, his voice filled with reverence.

"You both are master artisans, weaving magic into every delicate spire and tower."

Regulus's face lit up with frenzy, his eyes sparkling like gemstones in the morning light.

"Rigel, can we go to the Willow Gardens now?" he asked, his voice trembling with anticipation, as he spotted the imposing figure of Taurus, guarding the gardens.

Rigel's expression turned solemn, his eyes clouding with concern.

"Not today, Regulus," he said gently,

"Mother is detained at a meeting with the Tempest, and we cannot disturb her."

Regulus's countenance fell, his eyes clouding with disappointment, like a sunrise obscured by a veil of mist.

Rigel's heart went out to his little brother, and he knew he had to conjure a solution to lift his spirits.

"Hey, Regulus," Rigel said, a mischievous glint dancing in his eye, like a sprite playing hide-and-seek among the frosty crystals.

"Why don't we venture to the hot springs of Omensworth instead?

I hear the waters are enchanted, imbuing those who bathe in them with vitality and wonder."

Regulus's face illuminated with excitement, like a lantern lit in the darkness.

"Really? Can we go?" he exclaimed, his voice a joyous fanfare that echoed through the frosty air.

Polaris's eyes sparkled with elation, like gemstones polished by the gentle touch of winter's breeze.

"It's true, I've heard the hot springs are a haven of tranquility," she said, her voice a soft melody that harmonized with the whispers of winter.

Regulus whooped with hysteria, racing towards the stream with Polaris by his side, their horses' hooves leaving deep prints in the snowy hill, like a testament to their joyous abandon.

As they galloped, Rigel watched his little brother with a warm heart, knowing that he would move mountains to see Regulus smile.