Ying yue waded through the ankle-deep water at the edge of the lake and watched his sword Xiaodan. A sword with a soul and a personality of its own was rare; it was an object forged by numerous battles, experiences and emotions that was able to detect remnants of spiritual as well as demonic energy. Xiaodan trembled in places and his blade shimmered silver.
»The lake is full of mutant Wanglian,« he said at last, and turned to leave the water just as something wrapped itself around his ankles. His grip on Xiaodan tightened as he lost his footing and was quickly pulled under the surface. He took a deep breath before the water broke over him and suppressed the fear that instinctively welled up in him.
He looked down and saw that it was a wanglian that had mutated from seaweed and was dragging him down. The water was ice-cold and quickly became darker. With one swing of his sword, he cut the seaweed in half and the pressure around his ankle disappeared.
He slowly drifted upwards when he saw more knotted balls of seaweed demons below him. They were moving around wildly and Ying yue could feel the restlessness in the water. He was about to dive deeper and take a closer look at the mutant creatures, which were threateningly showing him their pointed fangs, when suddenly someone grabbed him and pulled him back to the shore. Zhen yan pulled him through the tiny pebbles on the beach.
His hair had opened and stuck messily to him, his eyes glowed and the water pearled from his long eyelashes. The demon's gaze slid over him. Ying yue sat up and straightened his clothes, which had opened, covering his naked chest. He wrung out his robe and stood up a few meters away from Zhen yan. He leaned against a large rock, trying to catch his breath, and regained control.
Immediately, he was on guard again. Zhen yan's gaze had been too intense, scrutinizing him. The demon stood up and his clothes and he himself were clean, neat and dry in no time.
»The Wanglian of the lake have become stronger and more aggressive,« Ying yue said, actually more to herself, but Zhen yan nodded in agreement.
»Of course, the pent-up resentment and anger are enormous,« he agreed. ‚May I give you an expert opinion in the field of demons?' He asked lightly and continued speaking without waiting for Ying yue's answer. His serious face with the evil eye was answer enough.
As if he wanted to have the world explained to him by a demon. »You should try to appease the resentment, not fight and suppress it,« he said. »What do you mean? Appease, I want to kill the Yao so that he doesn't kill any more people,« Ying yue said with her voice trembling with rage.
Zhen yan gave him a look that combined the wisdom of age with disbelief in the face of hot-headed youth, before he leaned against the stone next to Ying yue, crossed his arms, and looked at the smooth surface of the lake. »I see, only a dead demon is a good demon,« he sighed.
»Then let's start with the basics. Yang energy is the energy of the living, of purity and of the good in the world; Yin energy is of the dead, of demons and of unbridled desires. Demons differ essentially only in the way they arise. Demons that once had a soul and spiritual consciousness have absorbed Yang energy throughout their lives. After becoming demons, they release this as corrupt Yin energy into their environment. While demons that are born as such absorb Yin energy and, after their death, release purified Yang energy into their environment. This Yao here was once a living mortal being, who, after her death and the arousal of her resentment, now constantly releases corrupt energy into the lake. As a result, other demons that feed on it mutate and become stronger. So if you kill him ruthlessly, the resentment and the associated corrupt energy will not disappear, but will discharge into the lake and create even more, even stronger demons. Either the Cultivators will make more trips in the coming years, killing you and releasing more and more Yin energy until the Yinhu becomes a corrupt demon swamp, or you will appease the resentment when it dissipates because your anger can no longer hold it, and the recoil of the Yang energy will cleanse the lake. If you don't make a difference wherever you go, you allow the Yin energy to build up and eventually spawn great demons like me. We absorb large amounts of the corrupted energy, thus becoming more and more powerful, and also ensure that the balance between the energies is maintained. The great Daiyu Plain should serve as a cautionary tale. For hundreds of years, the blood of demons, mortals and gods was shed there, until a demon arose that wiped out everything that entered its battlefield,«
Zhen yan explained extravagantly. Bai Ying yue had listened. He was actually familiar with the Daiyu plain. There, under the Black Jade Plateau, lay the entrance to the demon world. For thousands of years, gods and humans had fought side by side against the demon armies that poured out of it, until the great demon Daiyu arose from all the blood and carnage and crushed the entire plain.
Hundreds of thousands, and many more, lost their lives in a short time. Daiyu sealed the demons under him and repelled the gods. From the remains, the cultivators arose, who took the path of immortality and spent their lives trying to decipher the flow of qi.
»You mean, if the grudge is not appeased, it is possible that Lake Yinhu could be the birthplace of a great demon in a few centuries?« Ying yue concluded. He looked at Zhenyan sideways, taking in his imposing height, the way his black hair swayed gently in the wind, and the slight billowing of his black and green robe. He must have been created under similar circumstances.
He was undoubtedly different from the low-level demons. Ying yue himself had only rarely encountered demons that had their own consciousness and soul, and almost every encounter was bloody. As soon as he gained access to one of the libraries of the cultivator clans, he would search for Zhen yan. A demon like him had to be recorded somewhere.
It was already late afternoon when they followed the path back to town and went to the inn. Ying yue sat down on the bed. His straight, imposing appearance was somewhat diminished by the uncomfortable surroundings.
»A demon like that is no challenge for the envoys of great clans. If we don't hurry, the first of them to arrive will simply kill them and keep the bounty.«
»Kill?« Zhenyan repeated, sitting back down at the low table in the dusty room. Yingyue didn't open his eyes as he sat on the bed, breathing calmly and resting.
»Demons are killed when you meet them,« he replied. »Why didn't you kill me?« Zhen yan asked curiously, turning to him, leaning forward a little, and pricking up his ears. Ying yue's breathing became a little more uneven.
»You saved my life and took care of me, I am in your debt. I do not express my gratitude with a bloodied sword,« he said firmly. Zhen yan slid back to the table and his clothes rustled slightly. Ying yue blinked only briefly before slipping deeper into a state of meditation.
No, not really. You are silently thanking me for allowing you to travel with me, Zhenyan thought, annoyed.
After Yingyue had taken a bath, during which Zhenyan had to wait outside the door, they went downstairs and ordered various dishes. Xueling and how meng didn't have to wait long after sunset to discover the unlikely duo, they sat down at the same time. Ying yue sat at the table as always, with her eyebrows drawn together, and seemed annoyed by something the demon had said. Zhen yan moved closer to him when Xueling made a move to sit next to Ying yue and gave the young woman a cold look.
»How did it go?« Wei meng asked, helping himself openly. He didn't turn down an invitation from a cultivator; they had significantly more money than freelance Xia like him. Ying yue put down his chopsticks.
»There is an old woman outside of town who knows something. But she will only give us information if we have official permission. As long as we investigate on our own, everything we find out is null and void, and small farmers like the widow have no chance if someone from the nobility wants to destroy them. We can't avoid visiting Chen Qian fan!« he replied.
With a sidelong glance, he saw that Xueling and Wei meng had done a makeshift job of washing their clothes, but the foul-smelling demon blood had seeped deep into the coarse fabric. Once again, it was Xueling who answered: »We also accompanied boats at various points on the lake. It was the same everywhere. Wanglian as far as the eye can see. Aggressive and in superior numbers. The freezing fog that spread out from the island in the middle seemed to be a demonic sign as well. But I don't think that the Wet Woman is responsible for that!« she reported.
Ying yue nodded. A demon like the Wet Woman drowned her victims; such an accompanying phenomenon was unusual.
»Master, why do we have to find out who the Wet Woman is? Isn't it enough to destroy the demon?« Xueling asked Wei meng. Zhen yan gave Ying yue an annoyed look. He didn't seem to like that all the humans could think about was killing demons. The man stroked his unshaven chin and took a deep breath. »Of course, you could just kill her.
She is extremely greedy and will pounce on anything that strays onto her lake. You could disguise yourself as a fisherman and lure her out that way. But remember that the cultivation world is not about destroying everything. The primary goal should be to save first. This means that you first have to free a corrupt soul from its resentment; if this is not possible, then you should consider killing such a creature.
The wet woman was once a mortal creature, a human being. She was not born a monster. Our primary task is therefore to save her soul,« Wei meng explained.
»The best way to do that is to find out her name and the reason for her anger!« he added. Ying yue nodded in agreement. »There are families who specialize in using magical instruments to reach a deceased soul directly. But we still have to do the tiresome work of groping our way step by step towards the truth.
Besides, there is a possibility that if we cannot appease the wet woman, the Yinhu will eventually become a demon swamp due to the accumulated yin energy,« he added with a sidelong glance at Zhen yan. Wei meng scratched his head.
»I hadn't thought of it that far, young master. But indeed, if resentment remains in the lake, it could attract even more resentment and anger and corrupting beings, which in turn would destroy the entire flourishing landscape in and around the lake, that would destroy all of Shuisheng!« he nodded in agreement.
Xueling had folded her arms and rested her chin on her thumb and index finger, apparently taking in what she had been told. Ying yue couldn't help but smile, as he was reminded of his own time as a student. He had had masters with patience and some with less.
His sword master Yi Rui qin definitely belonged to the latter. He felt his scars on his back start to tingle and pushed the unpleasant thoughts aside.
»We should go to the Yinghua Pavilion!« he said quietly. The others agreed.
On the way through the streets, Ying yue turned around once more.
»You don't have to come in, Xueling Guniang!« he said. It seemed inappropriate to him to take such a young woman into such a place. Xueling looked at him in surprise.
»Bai Gongzi, it is not the first time for me in a brothel either,« she said bluntly, and Ying yue almost tripped over his own feet. Zhen yan supported him. »We Youxia, too, work where we are needed, and we don't have the luxury of high-quality weapons or information. We do what needs to be done, anywhere,« she said, leaving Ying yue standing behind her with her mouth open. Wei meng cleared his throat.
»You are a young gentleman from a respectable family, Xueling was not nearly as lucky as you. Don't try to coddle her, she'll resent you for it,« he whispered to him. Meanwhile, Xueling had reached the door, which was now wide open.
The whole street was illuminated and it smelled of perfume and other scents. From inside, music, singing and a cheerful babble of voices could be heard. When Ying yue entered behind them, a completely different picture than this morning opened up before him. The square was filled with benches, tables, and food.
Servants bustled around, and on a platform in the middle, young, scantily clad women were dancing. On the terraces that stretched around the spacious courtyard, men shouted and threw money at the women's feet. Staircases and hallways were open and the Yinghua Pavilion now resembled more a maze of the senses, where you could literally lose yourself. Immediately, women of all ages and attire gathered around her. They stroked Xueling's hair.
»What a beauty, you could become very famous here. The men would worship you!« they cooed. They even swarmed around Wei meng, although they treated the grumpy man with caution.
»Enough of this,« the disheveled man grumbled and shooed the women away. ‚We're looking for a girl named Yu Yilu. Did she start working here about a month ago?' he snapped.
The women exchanged glances when Wei meng swung his saber from his back and made it clear that he wasn't going to resolve the matter peacefully, and they fled. Others had seen the altercation and had joined them. Ying yue and Zhen yan had kept their distance. It was enough if one of them caused a stir.
»Hey, hey!« one of the tipsy guests tried to placate him, winking mischievously at the ladies. They laughed cheekily and made eyes at him, motivating him to stand up for them. He took a closer look at Xueling, so close that Ying yue was about to intervene. However, the young woman with the black hair and the simple hanfu ignored him.
She only didn't walk on because he blocked her way. The man leaned down to her and playfully tugged at one of her hair strands while smirking.
»When you bring such a beauty to such a place, it's only natural that people show interest!« he purred. His hand moved down. Ying yue stepped forward, but at the moment he was about to draw Xiaodan, the man went down. Xueling was standing over him, holding a dagger in one hand; she had knocked him out with the blunt end of the handle.
Without saying a word, she put the blade away and pushed the man aside with a foot, showing remarkable strength for her slight build. She turned to the girls, who were staring in horror at the twitching body.
»Yu Yilu, you would save us a lot of trouble if you would just answer,« she said calmly and composedly. More men had joined the group. The ones behind them had pushed the ladies and were shouting abuse from afar. The ones who came closer, however, kept a respectful distance from the two blades sticking out of Xueling's belt.
»What's going on here?« shouted an angry male voice, and a tall man in high-quality, colorful clothing came rushing over. Hot on his heels came this morning's overseer. Ying yue stood in his way.
»Chen Qian Fan!« Ying yue greeted him. At first, the man wanted to pass the young swordsman, but when he looked at the tall demon with the open black hair and dark clothes, who was standing wordlessly behind him and merely observing the scene, he stopped. His gaze flickered between the two.
»You...!« he raised a hand and pointed at them. ‚You caused a commotion this morning already,' he shouted angrily. Ying yue sensed Zhen yan's aura condensing behind him. The demon had reached the end of his patience.
»We just have a few questions, it won't take long,« Ying yue appeased him, but didn't let him pass. Qian Fan's gaze flickered hectically back and forth. He didn't want to attract even more attention to his shop, but he also didn't want to talk to them and answer questions.
»Everything in my business is legal!« he hissed. ‚I don't want to know about your business. I have a few questions about Chen Chen,' Ying yue said quietly. Qian Fan froze. He glared at him with bloodshot eyes. He almost shouted at him to piss off, but at that moment one of the corpulent guards went down and another voice screeched, »Yes, yes, Yu Yilu. Here I am. What do you want!« Xueling put away her daggers and Wei meng, who had just felt the giant man's pulse, nodded. Xueling bowed gratefully.
»That's all we wanted to know,« she said, stepping over the men piled on the ground and back out into the street.
»We'll wait for you at the inn, Bai Gongzi,« she said before Wei meng puffed onto his shoulder and also disappeared. Before Cheng Qian fan could lose his composure, Zhen yan leaned over to him from behind Ying yue and said quietly,
»A word!«
Ying yue pushed Zhen yan back behind her, but didn't comment on his behavior; his ability to intimidate others with his mere presence came in handy right now. This way, he avoided a heated discussion and another expulsion. Since Yu Yilu could just as well be ruled out as the possible Yao, the suspicion of the noblewoman from thirty years ago hardened.
Chen Qian fan gave up before more fuss could be made, ordered the bodies of the unconscious men in front of the door and let the evening business continue. Grudgingly, he motioned for Ying yue and Zhen yan to follow him. The supervisor also gave them a disparaging look.
»What a waste,« she grumbled as she let the two pass.
In a separate adjoining room, Chen Qian fan had tea served and sat down at a table. With a hand gesture, he motioned for the two to sit down as well. Ying yue took a quick glance to make sure that Zhen yan had kept his promise to behave and remained at a certain distance. Only his dark green eyes remained fixed on Ying yue, no matter where he looked.
»Why do you want to reopen such an old case? Is it about the demon that was recently sighted in Yinhu?« the man asked wearily. ‚Why would my wife, if she is so angry, wait thirty years?'
»We don't know that yet, which is why it is so important that you give us permission to officially investigate the case. Chen Chen lu is the only person left who could possibly be appeased. If the grudge is older and it is no longer possible to reach the soul, we would have no choice but to destroy the demon. But that would mean that Shuisheng would disappear within the next few decades!«
Ying yue explained. When the man's face didn't show any sign of agreement, he added, »If we don't do this, other cultivators will come, and they won't need permission to contact the corrupted soul directly!«
Chen Qian fan took a deep breath before looking up. He hesitated briefly when he caught Zhenyan's gaze, but then cleared his throat.
»I have nothing to hide, not then and not now,« he waved to a servant and instructed him to bring paper and ink. ‚The death of my wife was a tragic accident, she was moonstruck,' he explained suddenly, eager to provide information. Ying yue carefully observed the man's facial expressions and gestures.
»You know what that means?« he asked when Ying yue made no move to answer him. The young swordsman nodded. ‚Yes, at the time of the full moon, usually a few days before and after, these people tend to wander in their sleep. How did she make it out of the city?' he asked. Qian fan swallowed, took the ink and paper from the servant and began to write a letter of authorization.
»Well, that's a mystery the city guard should have solved, shouldn't it?« he asked in return. »All I remember is that when I woke up in the night, my wife was no longer with me.
The doors were all wide open. I looked for her everywhere, and finally some excited farmers came, knocking on the closed city gates and claiming that someone had drowned in the Yinhu. There was only one missing person, my wife. And only one drowned person, so it could only have been my wife. How she made it out and out of the city remains a mystery to this day.« He handed the letter to Ying yue.
»Suicide?« he followed up abruptly, causing the man's features to slip for a moment. Qian fan laughed nervously. ‚There was no reason for that, she had just given birth to our son. What mother abandons her newborn?' he replied with a trembling voice.
»Where is your son now?« Ying yue asked. Qian fan was tired of this conversation. Ying yue was asking too many questions. ‚He is with maternal relatives,' he replied curtly, and his gaze clearly indicated that Ying yue should leave now. The young swordsman thanked him and left.
Outside, he turned around in a less busy side street to face Zhen yan once more. The demon walked three steps behind him, looking slightly bored. Although Ying yue couldn't sense anything anymore, he couldn't help but notice that Zhen yan's appearance was impressive anyway. Even when he was playing a mortal. His long hair blew lightly in the wind and his robe billowed with every step. His gaze remained fixed on Yingyue.
In his dark eyes, there was no longer any sign of the icy coldness or annoyance that could be seen when he spoke to others. Yingyue took a deep breath. Although his heart was beating faster than was appropriate once again, he reprimanded the demon.
»You are not supposed to talk unless I ask you to!« he admonished sternly. Zhen yan smiled and took three steps at once. With his hands clasped behind his back, he leaned down to Ying yue.
»But it was quicker this way,« he defended himself. Ying yue almost took a step backwards, but she thought better of it and gave Zhen yan a bitter look.
Before Ying yue could turn around, Zhen yan grabbed his hip and held him tight, pressing him close to him, making sure to trap Xiaodan between them so that Ying yue couldn't pull it in a rage.
»I've behaved for long enough,« the demon grumbled and pushed the young swordsman against a dark wall.
»Not even a week!« Ying yue hissed and tried in vain to push Zhen yan away from him. Cold sweat stood on his forehead and his stomach sank as he heard the violent beating of his heart in his ears. Shame and panic welled up in him, and he tried to land a hook to the demon's chin. But the man dodged, grabbed his wrist and pulled Ying yue's arm around his neck. Ying yue gasped.
»And what about the whole month since our wedding in my mansion?« Zhen yan asked back in a mock-offended voice. »I've been so good,« he whispered. His lips were only a few centimeters away from Ying yue's. »At least say thank you,« he said quietly, but also more seriously. Ying yue
squirmed under him. Since he had no room to maneuver, there was nothing he could do but try to pull Zhen yan away from him by his hair, which had no real effect on the demon. Zhen yan snuggled up even closer to him, his lip touching Ying yue's neck.
»Thank you!« he whispered more insistently. The warm, soft lips on his skin plunged Ying yue into a whirlpool of anger, shame and panic. If he could have, he would have cut Zhen yan's head off with his sword. Xiaodan purred and vibrated. The sword grew hotter and hotter until Zhen yan took a step back. For a moment, he looked as if he wanted to grab the sword and break it into a thousand pieces, but Ying yue drew it so fast that he could barely blink, and less than a second later, the blade was already millimeters from his neck.
»Shameless,« Ying yue spat angrily. Zhen yan blinked in surprise. Ying yue was fast and strong. His annoyance quickly subsided and the demon's face broke into a smile.
»I'll give you that,« he said in a good-humored tone.