Chapter Four - Wishes and Consequences



(Warning: Body horror/torture in chapter)

(Warning MC changes gender in chapter)

(Warning: Lore Dump In Chapter)

(Mysterious Goddess POV)

Location: Celestial Symposium

*During the time while Julius is building his body*​

I let my eyes travel and look around at the scenery while I traveled up the endless stairs ahead of me. The stairs were surrounded on both sides by clouds that slowly leaked on the edges of the stairs from in between intricately carved bronze-hued pillars that shot into the sky. Each pillar showed a story of how a different universe was created depending on which prominent Pantheon ruled and how they let the history of what really happened be told.

She could feel a soft giggle escape her lips as she looked to her right and spied a depiction of a cow reaching out with its tongue that could be seen wrapping around the pillar to reach the edges of a frost plane that seemed to travel with the pillar that rose up, At the point where the tongue reached the frost plane it seemed to move back and forth as almost licking the salt covered stones.

When I saw the cow, I couldn't help but stop and turn to completely face it. At that point, I slowly lifted both my arms and slowly twisted them counterclockwise as vines grew out of my arms and reached toward the cow.

When it looked like they touched the cow it seemed to shimmer slightly and move its head as if to lean into the vines.

I shifted my fingers to manipulate my vines to pet along the back of the cow's head. "who's a good little Auðumbla. You are!".

I then moved the fingers so that my middle and pointer finger along with my thumb touched both my hands which caused the vines to softly squish the cheeks of the cow and then whispered to the pillar. "who's a good boy, who deserves all the treats in the world?"

Before this truly important question could be answered an old man's voice echoed out loudly through the entire staircase section of the Symposium. "Yggdrasil get up here now! You are the one that called for this meeting to be sped up to now the least you can do is be on time and explain to us why we are all here."

I insistently roll my eyes and scoff before taking a step and teleporting into the center of a dais where the steps end and look around the room.

As I look around the room, I can't help but stare at the hall and see what it shows. The floor shimmers like a mirror of still water and each step an attendee takes sends a ripple out until it eventually disappears. These ripples distort the reflection of a ceiling that shows a clear view of a sky filled with constellations. Pillars of bronze come out from the bottom of the Symposium and as they rise, they start to each separately change into pillars made out of marble obsidian or gold each inscribed with different symbols from various mythologies.

I could feel a shiver travel my body and looked upwards as I could feel the air buzzing with electric energy, and the scent of ambrosia, and burning incense could already be smelt around the room. As I looked up the Attendees came into view, Divine figure both large and small, Gods sat on stylized thrones while lower deities sat around them and in their own little cliques each radiating their unique presence. All along while this happens mortals in all shapes and colors along with mortals from different species ranging from dogmen to angels, demons, kobolds and more can be seen walking in-between each god and disappearing and reappearing from the fog that surrounds the edges of the Symposium as they take care of the needs of everyone while trying to stay invisible.

There were many gods visible throughout the room, to name a few Odin sat prominently on a pure white throne one eye visible glinting and glaring at me with lighting flashing occasionally across his pupil. I couldn't help but frown as I glared right back at him 'Smug bastard always wants to create problems for no reason when I'm involved. Just because he thinks he is more powerful.'

Seated on his left was a man whose skin was the same color as bronze and hair changing like tumultuous clouds. A thunderbolt resting softly across his legs symbolized him as Zeus. Across from them rested a serpent who was curled around a pole that rose vertically and was seen resting its head on a small platform that jutted out. Its feathers shimmered with emerald and gold scales that were surrounded by feathers trailing and creating design on his body, a small Plack simply stated 'Quetzalcoatl'. Beneath Quetzalcoatl's platform and to the right was a deer bedding down on its own platform. The deer had the appearance of sleek white fur with black accents that trailed behind its head and across its chest, a golden wheel-like structure surrounded its midsection with spokes coming out and mirroring each other resembling a cosmic halo. Its eyes were a piercing green while golden features appeared to come up from its hooves giving it a celestial appearance. Many more gods both man and animal could be seen surrounding the center Dias on multiple layers some further back into the clouds and obscured while some were closer towards the orb in the sky.

I lifted my head straight back to look at the orb that floated in the sky. In the center of the vast ceiling of clouds hunh a black orb, a void within a void suspended in the air. Its surface was smooth and as calm as the ocean with its color the depths as if you traveled straight down until no more light shined in the water. Suddenly, a flash of lightning tore through the air, a jagged line of light that cracked across the orb's surface, where the bolt struck waves roared around the orb until they collided with each other on the opposite side.

I raised my voice and spoke after the lighting flashed, taking control of the orb to display a scene of the discussion that happened earlier between Tony and Julius but on mute. "This mortal here is the reason for the meeting to be called up. He naturally called out to Tony and they managed to strike a deal."

After I finished speaking outraged voices of gods immediately rang out.


"We need to stop them before anything bad can happen"

"why does it matter"

"Hissssss his hiss hisssssessss" (Translated: It's been long enough I believe he has served his punishment and can be allowed to answer prayers again).

" He isn't the worst looking boy around"

"My animals can beat his ass any day he does not look strong at all"

More voices continued to ring out until a loud bang suddenly rang out before the air seemed to move ripple side to side and shoot down from the roof and slamming down into the pillars with a bang.

"As I was saying the deal is being struck right now, the main wish of the boy was to have a chance to attend the meeting here and make a plea to all of you. This plea will be slightly time-sensitive, but the goal is more long term and if you deny now you can still have a chance to join in later again, you will just not have as good a payout. So just hold your horses for a few more moments and you will have all the answers you need."

"Nehh!" A sharp horse's neigh could be heard ringing out once in the silence that followed my statement.

I laugh and hold up my hands "Sorry sorry the pun was unintentional"

(Julius POV)

Location: Unknown

*Several Hours Later*

​"Ok, it seems like that's the finishing touches on how I'm going to look from now on."

On the pedestal a towering figure could be seen slowly rotating atop it, her features both imposing and delicate as her face sat in a neutral expression.

The woman was clearly Fae, her 10 foot tall lithe frame excluding an otherworldly grace. Her skin produced a subtle sheen, catching the soft light that came from nowhere if you looked hard enough. The wings on the body were beautiful fractal masterpieces that constantly shifted and changed into themselves but it still produced an empty feeling when looked at for too long producing a dissonance when compared to the rest of the body. The hair on the woman's body was swept up into a messy bun, stray strands framing her angular face and curving just in front of her elongated, pointed ears. The base of her hair was charcoal gray which was blended seamlessly into streaks of soft glowing lavender which when the hair was moved gave the impression of twilight captured.

As she turned so her face was in the light I could see intense colors where her eyes were making me smile.

At their centers, a bright light red gleamed softening into a vibrant green as the color spread outward blended together like petals of a blooming flower while dark eyebrows that narrowed towards the end framed her face.

Leaning back slightly I look over the body of the figure before nodding. "Yep this will do perfectly, definitely a better character design than some of the games I've played before."

I then press the green checkmark button on the bottom of hologram screen before a new screen automatically pops up.

'Please enter your new name then select the checkmark again to end the process.'

'New Name Selected: Ivory'

Once I pressed the checkmark the black dome dropped immediately and starlight flashed in making me cover my eyes with my arm. As my eyes were covered I could begin to feel my tendons and muscles start to shift and squirm underneath my skin, as they squirmed like worms hidden in the dirt water started to pour off me as my body slowly heated up higher and higher like never before to try and handle the changes that were happening.

My head twisted as I brought down my arms staring at them in horror as they still moved before turning and staring at Tony. The moment I turned to stare at him my eyes started to itch and feel like there were microscopic ants crawling across them. " Tony what the hell is- AHHHH!"


Before I could finish my sentence two loud cracks rang out causing me to scream and fall to the ground. My eyes locked onto my legs as I continued to scream my lungs apart as in 3 different places on each leg were seen shattered before reforming slowly to each other causing the legs to slowly shrink on themselves slightly.

Tony's voice is barely heard as I try to regain my focus through the blinding pain. " what I assume you were going to ask is, what is happening to your body and why?"

"To answer the first part, what other way did you expect to transfer into a whole new body? You're a soul. There is a cost to every gain and detriment to every positive. Answer the second part it would have happened anyway as this is a completely new physiology compared to a human your muscles are gonna move, but more importantly you are changing back into"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh my legs!!"

" Uhuh as I was saying you're changing back to when you unconsciously remember to be your happiest which seems to be around 18-19 years old. That requires a bit of shrinking, don't worry though you will eventually gain a skill to change your height and grow to the 10 feet you hoped for so you have to suffer for a few moments".

*5 minutes later*

Tony's voice held a tinge of amusement as I held my eyes closed to block the sun that shined into my eyes when I rolled over to get out of the puddle of sweat that formed. "If you didn't spend so long designing your character then the sun wouldn't have the time to circle around this rock once and come back here again. But let's get a move on kid we got people waiting and still have a bit to go, hit me with your next 2 wishes."

I braced my arms on the ground and shakily pushed bringing myself up while marveling over how my new body felt although frowning slightly at how close the ground feels.

"You won't get the full feeling as you still are technically in a soul state right now but better to get used to it now as much as you can."

I nod and brush a few strands of lavender and grey hair that falls In front of my eye back behind my ear "o-ok fair enough. For my second wish I wish for a personal system to have, one that resembles Cyberpunk. And for my third wish, I wish to acquire the perk or ability of polyglot to help with my understanding of the languages I will run across."

Tony slowly stood up from his chair and began to walk towards me, each step he took a fresh drop of golden blood would slide down his face and drip onto the floor creating a trail that followed closely behind him. "For your second wish I will do that no problem, I'll even throw in a small surprise for you. Your third wish is unnecessary so I'll just not do it, you gained something similar over time so there will be no problem In that instance. Try again for your 3rd​ wish."

I raised my hand and rubbed my chin thinking "damn that's a tough one a denial like that wasn't something I was expecting I will need a second but quick question, can you transfer personalities as well?"

"Yes, I can as long as it's something realistic. Oh, and before I forget select one universe in which you will get to see the birth of that universe, the other universe you will see is going to be the one you are going to head to."

"Ok, then I wish for all aspects of Jack Frost's psyche—his personality, memories, feelings, traits, and essence—everything that makes him who he is, to be integrated into my soul while preserving my existing identity and ensuring no harm comes to me. For my selection of the universe I request for it to be The Koprulu Sector."

Tony reaches into the pocket of his pants and pulls out a pair of glasses and a notecard then puts on the glasses while taking a look at the notecard. "Interesting choices but with the ones you did make I am obligated to disclose that any effects or defects you gain from any mutations or attacks once the process starts is not on us. If any other entity takes over your mind the wishes you made will still affect them and they will live the life you were meant to live. If any entities make contact with you during this process from those 2 realities, I will not interfere unless you say to stop, and I feel like it."

He leans forward and rests his arms on his legs "The 2 wishes will happen one after the other in three different steps. Firstly the soul you selected will be integrated and mixed into your soul intertwining them and mixing parts of his species into yours, remember you asked for everything. The next step will be surviving the physical process for about a minute until the knowledge and energies you process reach your soul which brings us to your third and final step. For the final step you and Frost will have to appear in your sea of consciousness and defend it from the corruption and any entities that will wish to take over your body. The second universe was locked in the moment your race was selected as it was one of the few connected to Wylde, but since I'm the one doing all the work I switched it to a universe far more enjoyable to me. With that let's get started and my one and only advice for what you're about to go through, Pray you don't blink first boy."

"Oh almost forgot, you also earned the lady's permission to use one of her seeds, she left it here and since you are still alive so far here you go." He reaches into a back pocket and pulls out a small seed and tosses it so it floats in front of my face.

After saying that Tony takes a few more steps closer to me shrinking drastically as he does so we both are able to maintain direct eye contact. He then spins 180 degrees and raises both of his hands before swiftly bringing them down resulting in two small tears in space. He then pinches both of them slightly and moves them, so they are aligned with my eyes one tear in front of one eye before letting go and taking a step back.

Tony never moved in my view but all of a sudden, a small pale blue orb wreathed in blue flames appeared between the two of us and slowly began to advance closer to me.

As the orb advanced, I lifted up and arm and reached out my fingers to touch it. Waiting for the orb to get closer I realized the orb seemed to become more solid and vibrant the closer it got to me. 'Odd but hopefully not as concerning as it looks.'

The moment I saw the orb touch my fingers it felt like ice was injected into my veins and my hand immediately went to my chest to clench at where my heart would be as I could feel it slowed down each beat coming longer and slower than the one before until reaching a point it seemed happy with. A breath passed by my lips in a fog from the temperature difference.

As the fog from my breath passed my eyes, I saw the two tears that were hovering in front of my face by a few feet suddenly open up showing two windows into the void as if nothing happened for a beat. Before my heart could beat its next, two similar but vastly different sights were seen.

In the leftmost rift, I watched in silence as threads of light spread from the center of the void, each a spark of what would become stars, worlds and eventually the seeds of life. Then they emerged like shadows from underneath the light. The Xel'Naga, their forms massive, leaving no doubt to their purpose as massive tentacles began to move as it seemed from this distance that they interacted with the strands of light, forming stars and material preparing material to seed the universe. The largest Xel'Naga turned to look in the general direction of the tear I used to before wrapping his tendril around one of the strands and pulling it, so the strand began to travel my way, visibly increasing in size as the only indicator it was moving.

A flash of presence made me look into the rightmost rift. From the void came light, an entity beyond definition and never bound by form or purpose. From this distance I could feel as its essence resonated with creation, and without a sign the Big Bang occurred. Before more was visible, a beam from the big bang could be seen turning by an unseen hand and becoming closer at a visible pace already taking up the entirety of what was visible from the tear seeming to almost thin and try to gain more momentum as if racing an opponent.


A sound of ripping paper sounded from the left portal and the moment I heard it the beam of light the Xel'naga diverged towards my direction and slammed into my left eye, a suction force gathered around me back into the portal. As the light seemingly reversed going back into the portal and dragging me with it time seemed to reverse. Threads of light slowly drew back together in the center of the universe before only darkness remained.

The void stretched around me, a vast expanse of nothingness hung around me absent of any light or movement, yet at the center of the emptiness movement began to stir-subtle at first, not noticed with my eyes but some understanding granted during this moment. From nothing emerged the Xel'naga, Colossal creatures appearing elongated and flowing edges as each one had multiple limbs and appendages some winged. Their bodies glowed enough to appear slightly translucent, and the ends of their appendages had glowing tips that seemed to twinkle when they collided with each other. They were not merely beings; they were architects, weavers of existence. Their essence was twofold: purity of form and purity of essence. From their hands, the canvas of creation unfurled.

The first stars ignited their light piercing the void, Planets coalesced from the matter in the light.

From my point of view time slowly sped up as the Xel'naga can be seen separating and a small group separating from the rest can be seen headed towards a secluded nebula. When I looked at them until they disappeared behind the cloud a thought crossed my mind 'Most likely that is Amon and his little posse, seems like his second thoughts are starting about the experiment'

My memories flashed back trying to remember the lore of StarCraft as the universe continued to move forward. 'Amon's betrayal was inevitable. An unease grew within Amon as time passed, a desire to transcend the cycles the Xel'Naga held sacred. He sought perfection, not through balance, but through dominance.'

I saw as shadows slowly corrupted what was once newly built. A great shadow fell—a betrayal. The Fallen One, Amon, twisted the Xel'Naga's vision into a grotesque parody. I saw his hand and his whispers tainted existence itself, a malignant force that festered in the heart of the cosmos.

As this happened Worlds burst into being, vibrant and teeming with life. The Protoss and the Zerg, polar opposites born of the Xel'Naga's experiments, were set on their paths but Amon's corruption reached them too as the Protoss, majestic and proud psychic beings, sought unity but succumbed slowly to division as their independence grew. The Zerg, instead grew more primal and relentless, craving evolution but consumed blindly as a result only focusing on their intent to grow.

The purity he sought became his curse, and the universe bore the scars of his rebellion. The Protoss, shining in their pride and unity, were born of purity of form. The Zerg, teeming and relentless, were shaped from the purity of essence. Both were tools, crafted in Amon's attempt to break the cycle. Yet his creations would not bend to his will.

Eons passed in a blur of fire and shadow. The Protoss and Zerg clashed endlessly, their battles echoing through the cosmos.

And then, a woman—Sarah Kerrigan was born. I felt her emergence like a nova, her path entangled with Amon's schemes. From Terran ghost to the Queen of Blades, her journey was a storm that swept across the galaxy. In her rise and fall, I saw both destruction and the glimmer of something greater.

I followed her through the endless battles, a silent witness to her pain, her fury, her rebirths. I could only watch as the Swarm became her weapon, then her burden, and finally her means of liberation. She ascended, not by Amon's design, but by defying it.

And now, here, in this timeless place where light and shadow intertwined, she stood again. The final confrontation had passed, and Sarah Kerrigan had been remade—not as the Queen of Blades, but as something transcendent. Her wings of light unfolded, radiant and unyielding, a being of pure purpose.

Then came the humans—the Terrans. Their emergence was unlike the Xel'Naga's design, a result of chance and chaos. They were fragile yet unpredictable, their spirit defiant against the vast forces that sought to shape their fate. I watched them struggle to carve meaning from the chaos.

Through it all, one figure loomed: Sarah Kerrigan. Her fate was intertwined with the tapestry of creation, her path marked by tragedy and transformation. Once human, she became the Queen of Blades, the embodiment of the Zerg Swarm's fury. Yet even in her darkest moments, there was something within her—a spark of defiance, of hope.

As the universe turned toward its most crucial moments, I felt the currents shift. The Xel'Naga, long thought dormant, stirred once more. Their eternal cycle demanded renewal. Kerrigan stood at the nexus; her essence poised to reshape the balance of all things.

As Kerrigan's chains of mortality visibly fell the void shuddered as Sarah Kerrigan had been remade—not as the Queen of Blades, but as something more and she turned to face me.

"You've been watching," she said, her voice both a whisper and a thunderclap. There was no malice in her words, only curiosity.

I tried to shrink away, but I had no place to hide. She stepped closer, the void around her shimmering as she used a small percentage of her psychic power to traverse space.

Her expression softened, a faint smile gracing her lips. "Perhaps it doesn't matter, but a watcher deserves a gift here is mine. Its purpose will show soon enough"

She reaches her arm over my shoulder towards the tear and a grinding sound can be heard before she brings her hand back palm up. On the palm, a small black parasite can be seen curling up into a tighter and tighter ball before launching and watching onto my throat.

My hands whip to my throat in panic and try to tear it off "What the fuck is this thing doing get it off!!"

I feel its incisors line up against my neck and tear it open slightly as I grab its tail. Before I can do anything else her voice rings out.


She then raises her foot and a force of a truck hitting my chest forces me back through the tear. The moment I clear through it, my body feels forced to stand in front of both tears as the energy blast from the left pauses for a second as I look around tightening my grip on the bug as everything stops and seems to be waiting for what will occur next.

The parasite tenses and suddenly closes his jaws tearing my windpipe as the world suddenly flashes white from pain, permission seemingly was given as the sounds of several things moved, the ants under my skin resurfaced and the sun decided to be welcoming as the surroundings turned white, my mouth clamping together teeth grinding from the pain.

The moment the midnight black parasite slashed my neck the hand holding it in check let go and dived forward, compressing its body as it squeezed through the cut going into my body and moving deeper as blood flowed from the wound like water.


As this was going on the energy from the second tear finally made its way through before going into Ivory's eye mimicking the other like a mirror as a suction force came and dragged my body into the rightmost tear.

I was nothing more than a small flicker in the void, confined to this one location to witness what was meant to come for now just quietly adrift in the void of eternity.

The force sang into the silence, its presence encompassing all. It was neither light nor darkness but somehow a unity of both concepts, a balance infinite in its complexity. The symphony it played became the seed of the universe, a song pure enough it gave birth to the stars, time, and space themselves.

I watched as the Big Bang occurred in the center of the void, watched as the force ebbed and flowed around it splitting off a small section before sending it towards the tear. From this light The Force breathed and guided as stars formed and ignited, their light casting shadows across space. Worlds emerged some mere hellscapes that were only nudged along the process, but others as time sped up, Life began to take root – small and fragile at first but growing and striving as time went on.

In time the Force was focusing on the heart of the galaxy before forming one planet with more care than any other, the Force Breathed into the center of the world binding it together and creating balance bringing reality to what would come to be known as the Wellspring of Life.

Once this process was complete, I saw the first beings rise, a luminous female form that resonated with the Force itself. Her figure seemed semi-corporeal covered in a flowing, veil like shroud seemingly made out of shadows. As four more figures came to her sides, two on the left and two on the right, pale masks adjourned their faces, each one an expressionless mask that reflected a specific emotion, manifestations of The Force's will and wisdom.

They were not alone for long. The currents of the force swelled and 3 figures, avatars of its most primal aspect appeared. The father radiated a calm and ancient aura as he already appeared old, walking in between the next two figures that appeared his presence immovable and seeking a balance between them. The Daughter Appeared next, radiant with light, embodying the light side of the force releasing an aura of compassion and harmony. Before a word could be said The Son emerged, the embodiment of the dark side. He stopped once outside to bow to the force in thanks before stalking over to his father and sister, releasing an aura of passion and power that seemed to push back the aura of the daughter. These beings did not appear to command the Force; instead, they were its servants and guardians.

Time flowed and I watched as the Father while drawing upon the force bound his children, the Daughter and Son and then created a place to bring them to, a sanctuary beyond the stars a realm outside of reality, a place of equilibrium where they could not tip the scales of existence a world called Mortis.

Once this was complete, I could feel as if The Force turned and noticed me then. It was not a single gaze but more of an infinite awareness vast and ancient but not unkind. The figure emerged from the shimmering air, not stepping forward but simply becoming, as though the Force itself had decided to coalesce into an understandable form. Slowly, it resolved into the outline of a woman, though her features remained elusive, shifting with fluidity as if influenced by thought.

Her body was composed of light and shadow, swirling together in harmony. Streams of luminous white and deep, inky black intertwined across her form, blending and separating as if caught in an eternal dance. The light pulsed softly, like the heartbeat of the universe, the light around her pulsing with a rhythm that felt like a heartbeat—not hers, but the galaxy's while the darkness whispered of infinite depth and potential.

Her face was a blur of suggestion where eyes might have been, twin points of light glimmered, their gaze piercing yet warm, carrying the weight of galaxies and the intimacy of a single star. The only constant in her form was that of a faint smile that lingered on her lips that spoke of mischief. Her hair, if it could be called that, cascaded in waves of pure energy, each strand a thread of the Force itself, stretching out infinitely and dissolving into the air. Within it, stars seemed to sparkle and fade, the remnants of countless lives and stories woven into her being.

When she moved closer to me, it felt as if the galaxy itself shifted with her. Each step left trails of light and shadow that dissolved into nothingness, like the wake of a starship sailing through hyperspace.

One hand, barely distinguishable from the glow that formed her, reached toward me. Her fingers brushed my cheek, and though I felt no physical contact, the sensation was unmistakable. Her gaze or what passed for it held mine. There were no words, but I could feel her presence speaking to me, not in language, but in the purest expression of understanding.


Her touch lingered for a moment longer, an instant that was over too soon yet she drew her hand back before gently pushing my body which begins to pick up more speed as it travels back towards the portal. The moment I clear through it; my body is back to standing in front of both tears as if it never moved.

(Warning worse gore)

(3rd Person POV)

The disturbance from the energy passing the seed caused it to slowly start spinning in place between the two beams, a suction force seemed to grow as its speed increased, reaching a point where small strands started inching closer and closer to the seed. Boxes of black and white started appearing around the seed glitching it in and out of reality as the twin streams of energy arched closer and closer eventually meeting in the middle of the seed. When the beams collided with each other and the seed, the seed started spinning even faster before suddenly it stopped and in its place as 3 small seeds which were perfect copies of each other floated in place, the runoff energy being pulled back to the main streams and continuing to the eyes of the poor mortal in front.



A few minutes passed and out of the blue, a sound of teeth shattering could be heard before Ivory let out a scream opening her mouth. What sloshes out from her mouth is blood and chips and fragments of the remains of teeth that shattered from the pressure of clenched jaws.

A small splotch of blood flew out from Ivory's mouth and splashed onto all three seeds. The blood was absorbed in moments before radicles grew out from the seeds, the radicles then moved frantically back and forth propelling the seeds forward eventually landing across the left arm of the woman.

Ivory's breath started catching screaming even louder as blood began to well up from where they landed, the seeds pulsed drinking the blood as if alive. Soon after roots sprouted from their shells, thin at first but growing thicker and stronger with each passing second. The roots burrowed into her flesh, weaving through her skin, muscle, and bone with unnerving precision heartwood replacing the bone as it slowly advanced. Vines erupted from the location of the three seeds, coiling around her arm like hungry snakes constricting tighter and tighter as it spiraled down her shoulder and crept towards her fingers.

Once the vines encapsulated the arm the vines proceeded to harden, their bark-like texture transforming into a seamless structure that was intricately melded with her body. The arm looked as if it was polished wood with faint grooves and ridges around its structure. There were patches where the texture softened, where the wood seemed to almost breathe with a slight elasticity as if pumping something into the body. Near the joints, the wood changed into a pliable yet almost leathery look as an intricate weave of fibrous tendrils allowing for movement replacing the tendons, cartilage, and more in those locations. Bark-like ridges coiled around the elbow and wrist, the surface rougher, more akin to the texture of worn tree bark, contrasting with the smoother areas along the forearm and hand.

As the transformation of Ivory's arm finished her charcoal gray hair started to glow, accented with light purple streaks. Starting at the roots a silvery hue flowed out like frost spreading across glass, overtaking the grey strands with Brilliance. The light purple highlights seem to glowed brighter for a moment, only fading as the transformation turned the entirety of her hair into pure, snow-white silk. The strands framing her face sparkled faintly as if dusted by starlight.

At that same moment, her wings unfurled in cascading layers, each feather fractal in design, splitting into smaller iterations that seemed to spiral endlessly into themselves. The central feathers were dark and solid, grounding her chaotic form, while the outer layers shimmered with translucent colors, like stained glass fractals lit by the shifting hues of a dying star. When the wings moved, they refracted light into impossible shapes, creating reflections of worlds yet to exist.

The tears in space slowly closed, once they did so the beams of light disappeared leaving in its place a mirror.

As I opened my eyes the first thing, I noticed in the mirror was how different they appeared both eyes being vastly different, the iris of my left eye was changed the iris started as a deep purple that slowly lightened into a forest green darkened and grew more vibrant the closer it became to the pupil, the iris seemed to be almost torn and healed in certain locations as the green seemed to have not formed correctly and resulted in the uneven spread of the color which was reflected in the right eye.

Focusing more on my right eye the difference in color was apparent. The iris was colored an ice blue that seemed to become even paler as it went closer to the pupil before transitioning slowly to a brighter and brighter orange circling the pupil like the sun on an eclipse.

I leaned closer to the mirror as the black Sclera in both of my eyes was hard to miss along with the small ember-like flakes that seemed to float off the iris and disappear into the abyss-like sclera.

She could feel herself gasping the sound caught between wonder and unease, as she felt her teeth regenerating. A gentle crackling sound rang out as the duller, sharp edges of what was left of her teeth gave way to a pristine, radiant white. They shone not with the artificial gleam of polished enamel but with a natural shine as if sculpted from freshly fallen snow under the morning sun. Finally, everything ended with a faint, resonant chime from a bell that rang out on Tony's throne. She exhaled, her breath misting as she raised a hand to touch her hair. The icy strands were soft, impossibly smooth, and cool to the touch. Her reflection in a nearby mirror revealed the full extent of her change: ethereal, and otherworldly, like winter and fun personified. A faint smile played on her lips before catching what happened with her left arm and remembering the pain it caused as it occurred.

Flexing her fingers, she felt the grain of the wood shift and creak like a living thing. The wooden limb wasn't just functional, it was a symbiosis of human and plant with three small sunflowers that seemed to have grown during the end of the transformation.