Saturday may 5.
The snow in the sky falls below an abandoned building Where a group of people was formed as a gang. They're known as "satan's marines". lead by a former boxer and Australian military vet, Maxine ekala. For short: manny
The members looking down at the fire as they think about the next plan.
The other men were drinking, inspecting their firearms, or just simply fall asleep on the cold concrete. One man speak to Manny. "What's the plan, boss?"
But then one drunk man replied to that question in a sluggish way.
"Ar' you loss ya meind~?! Dont ya realise's that HE... The FAT indian still there? Think, lad! Before ya fookin' speak-"
"We'll attack the town centa'."
Manny then speak up, cutting The drunk man as other member of the satan's marines looks at him at every corner. Manny Contineu talking as she stood up from his spot of seat in defiance: "right on time at 1pm. There we detonated the bomb and met the sultan at the same time."
"But whot about that townman, boss? He roum' the block- AND spots of every corner of the town...We cant' just goes straight."
Said one man to manny After his speech of describing the plan.
"Who is this townman I have been hear in' about, eh? Who is he? Who is Heh somebody tells me, who?!"
The whole place then goes silent after manny say's that.
"That's right, a nobody! We dont know him! He dont know us... So whats the concern? He's a policeman? Enforcements of these town? We can just fookin' kills'em! That way thing got' smoothe' than eva!"
"But boss-"
"No buts! No excuse...were done and that's it! End of discussion, Who's with me?"
The men looks at each other, before they nodded and cheering for their boss. As they celebrate the night. A girl wakes up, stripped and naked as the only thing covers her up was just a bandage on her breast. She squirm, struggle to free, but then one of the satan's marines approch her with a malice face and a horny eyes.
"Dont worry, it'll all be ended for you after we sold you as a sex slave for the terrorist leader... you'll be a good girl for him... Oh yes you are~"
he whisper to the girl as she felt disgusted beyond imaginable.
As the Night goes, the sun comes up. Brightening malbuja just abit as overcasted clouds cover up the sky.
Odie was at a convenient store, buying stuff he needs. He then tries a milk from the fridge as he open the box and took a sip. The milk run down to his throat before odie got into realization... The milk was expired.
Odie goes to complain to the manager of the store who also the cashier of his own place. They both meet eyes to eyes as odie look down at the owner with the expired milk as he speaked:
"You know people can get sick by this, right..."
"Its budget... I dont give a shit about new stock and who the hell even are you, huh? Karen?! Who drink the milk and complains about it after? What are you, store inspector?!"
The manager said, lashing out on him for a reason that was his own at fault.
Odie, the one knows its bad to just let an expired milk to be sell For the people who needs...hardened his face slightly before shoving the cardboard of expired milk to the manager's face. The dirtied milk spilled all over his body as he coughing from the impact. Not finish there, odie then pick him up by the collar as he speak towards the manager in intimidating and dangerous way.
"You listen carefully. People come to your store to buy the stuff that was on stock, and if they round out about this filled the fridge then you'll be dead.... Im doing out for you too, not because I care, Just to remind you that people still around in this town.. Living their life."
He then drops the manager like a stack of potato as the manager was frighten beyond his mind. He look up to him as his eyes stare at him in fear and awe for his care of people.
Odie then turns before leaving the store and slam the glass door as its shattered from his force. The manager look in shock at the scene infront of him before he watchest him walks away... This be stucked up in his mind for eternity.
As he walking a harsh nudge was took him abit, but odie decode to ignored it.
But not so much as the One who nudge him who clearly trying to make a scene. The person eyed odie in annoyance as he sees him walking away odie's patience still thick as an iceberg and strong as a tungsten.
The person then calling out on him
"Watch where you go-..."
They cut themself up mid sentence as they realize who it Was.
Odie face show no annoyance, botherence or even infuriated at all, but he instead took the blame as he turn to the hooded man.
"Sorry... Dint mean to nudge..."
But The Person already left Before odie said what he said. His eye observed the way the man's walking away in a suspiciously fast Pace... Like a prey Taking the predator's pity and mercy. Odie then followed the person, his guts always felt something off once he detected this type of person.
The Person muttering.
"Son of a bitch... at least he dint know... hehehe... time to go to the town center."
They said as they walk, but little did he know, odie overheard what they said, behind the person's back and kept following them with such a stealth for man that muscular.
As the satan's marines setting up the bombs. The hostage girl tape on her mouth loosen due to her sweat, Giving her a chance to call out for help as she screams.
"Help! Please, someone!! Help!!"
One of the satan's heared the scream and quickly goes to the van to shut her up again, retaping her mouth. But it was too late. Odie overheard the plead as he appeared infront of them with blood on his hand and the person's head in his hand. as blood dropping from his fist.
The satan's were shocked, panic and confuse at the sight of gore infront of them. One of them then speak, recognizing The head in his hand.
"Is that.... Jerry?"
Odie took a step forward, approaching them as he ready to kill these bastards with hia own hand, but suddenly a gun shot was fire to the air, catching his attention. The shot turns out to be manny, gripping his revolver and a smirk in his face, but odie can see the unease and nervousness in his deamanor and how he's abit shaken.
Manny then speak in his heavy Australian accent, but he stutter out of nervousness as he speak.
"S-s-so... This is townman everyone have been tolkin' a'bout?"
He Then point his revolver at odie's position. He was about to speak again, but Odie, who dint Gives a shits, throws the head at his direction. In reflex manny blows the head off, but then out of nowhere odie pulled out a shorty from under his coat, blasting the trigger to manny's left knee, disabling him. Manny fall down to the ground screaming in agony and throw his revolver who fortunately land on Odie's boots. Odie took the revolver And examine it as Manny's eyes goes wide in panic and so does the marines
One of the satan's slap the girl as she squirm, but then his head was blowned off by odie using Manny's revolver. The man's headless body land ontop of the girl Who's screaming loudly out of fear.
Chaos erupts
"Oh fuck- oh fu-"
One satan's marines said in panic before they fall backward. Their ass landed on a mine that Immedietly exploded, destroying the alley and catching them all off guard. As manny and his gang were backing away. Odie step forward to get the girl out from the van as he then ran with her in his shoulder.
The girl who snapped out from her shock. She turn her attention to odie who carrying her on his shoulder. She felt grateful and nervous of the situation, as she Then speak.
"Thank you. T-thank you so much!"
Odie dint respond and just contineu running with the girl in shoulder, but then a voice yelling behind them as the satan's marines chase him down.
Odie kept on running before he gets tired and hide behind another alley.
One of the satan's marines then get snatched as their mouth were cupped, gripped before getting their neck snapped almost immedietly. Odie then loaded the revolver with a explosive bullet, but he pause as the girl then start talking.
"They want to destroy the town center... and sell me to a terrorist..."
Odie replied.
The girl speak again.
"S-sex slave...".
"No. After that..."
The girl, despite surprise by how nonchalant odie is after knowing she'll be sold to a terrorist leader. He just want her to repeat about the town center... Which kind of offend her.
"They... Gonna blow the town center."
Odie nod, taking that information clearly.
"Then we should get going before its too late..."
Hours later.
They then walk to a local workshop where odie met gus'n: the owner and the only ones work at the place.... Also the only person that can be-bestfriended with the town's most vicious man and a menace.
"Look who it is, the hippo king."
Odie dint respond, but look at him sternly, clearly he did not amuse or even impressed by his constant nicknames he gave him...Gus'n look away as he was out of word due to nervousness, knowing well how serious and stern odie is, but he wont give up on humoring with odie since he deserve to smile more in this dark and harsh world.
"Am just kiddin', man... Its All fine- the bike is already."
Odie nod before catching his bike key after Gus'n toss it to him. They both then do a fistbum like a true brother. Gus'n notice a girl in his shoulder as he offer to taking care of her for a while. Odie's takes the girl off from his shoulder as Gus'n takes her in his hand.
"What the hell happened to her, mann'?"
Odie then look at the girl in Gus'n hand as he move to his motorcycle and mount it. Odie then tella Gus'n
"Im gonna go for while, take care of this girl before i came back..."
Gus'n looks confuse and puzzle, but nodded. reluctantly agree on taking of the girl as Odie goes to cleanse and hunt down the satan's marines.
"Im counting on you"
Odie said to Gus'n before starting the engine and fled to the satan's marines position. Blood in his hand were still there, as he speed up. His face were hardened and is in blood lost...
The satan's marines were frustated. their lose the girl, their bomb were already detonated before it was gonna used to blow up the town center. Everything is ruined. Maxine sat down on the sidewalk, feeling more frustated then his men Who's there beside him.
Manny is furious, he snap and stoodnup from the sidewalk before throwing tantrum. Kicking away empty bottle of booze as it shattered on the road.
One of his men then try to reassure him.
"Come on, boss. There's plenty we can captured." He was then gets a punch to his face, before a kick to his crotch. Not enought, manny bring his hands to the man's neck before choking him to death as the man's face turn from red to purple then eventually blue
before eventually dead by suffication.
The marines looks shocked. They witnessed their leader rage in fear and a respect...But just as everything was silent a chopper bike appear on the road from the south. Before they could think, one of them was then getting whipped so hard using a chain from the rider who passed them... Turns out to be Odie. The whip was so strong, it destroy the man's facial structure. It was brutal as blood bleeds from the man's mouth and eyes
Manny and the satan's marines were shocked and looked in fear, but then Odie drift his bike to then chase them all down as they begin to running away For their life. From the demon in bike that were chasing them. Other was running away for their life, but Manny goes take cover at an alley, pulling another one of his revolver at Odie's direction, desperately trying to fight back. Sees odie dint even try to get him, he ran to the town's center.
He ran towards the cross statue. The scene of him running from his sin and begging for forgiveness from the lord...but the light... It coming towards him, chasing him down as his end was right infront of him. Manny's eyes were teared up, until the bike hits him over his body.
Maxine let out a grunt and gas as his organs were brutally run over by odie's bike. He then change his position to crawl For his life... But Immedietly, the roaming engine From the bike came. There Maxine's head were crushed by odie's wheel, ending his life in the brutal faith, but Odie dint stop just there. He ran over Maxine'e corpse again and again. The corpse let out a barf of blood as Odie ran him over, but after the 10th ran over. Maxine body's were completely demolished from the inside and outside...
The other satan's marines Watch in disgust at how gruesome the scene is and fear of being next victim. odie then turn to their position with his bike before he rides towards their position. They all scramble and ran in every direction, but odie dint let them run away as he pursue them to Death, pulling out manny's 44 magnum revolver Odie hunt them all one by one, even blowing their heads off or disabling them by firing at their spinal core's spot. He hunts the satan's marines like an animal on the run from the predator as they plead, but to no avail at all...
Evening rises as the sun set dawn...
A limo pass by as the passager's seat door's open to reveal: sultan Al jabainah. A famous pakistani, arabic terrorist leader, step out from his car, before witnessing the gruesome scene of inhumanity infront of his eyes. Due to this, he got stroked so hard his henchmen came out from inside the car to Helped him, but Before they could do anything, a molotov was thrown at their direction. It sent the limo on fire as it exploded, killing the leader and his henchmen at the process. Miraculously the leader survived, but only to lose his legs as his robe burning him alive. As he panic and try to yell For help... A shilluete appears infront of him. Standing tall like a giant as the leader's eyes goes blurry... Before the leader could see who it was, a foot stomp his head, crushing his skull Immediet to his death.
The figure was odie, the one who stomp his head and cleanse the satan's marines by himself... As he look down the body he kills and killed without regrets... Without remorse and without satisfaction. Odie watch the scene around him... The town was empty because its Sunday, which means most people wouldn't be around to see this happen because they're too busy with themselves...
Odie spit on the fire that was burning the sultan before leaving to approach his bike.
He Continues to live his life....