Chapter 4: Why Is It You Again

陆成文双手紧紧抓住赵刚的衣领,眼里含着泪水:"我已经死了六次了,这一次我打算低调躺着到最后,我必须低着头到底.赵刚头尾两面都记不清:"陆公子,请你说中文吗?陆成文紧紧地搂住这个傻子的脖子,咬牙切齿:"兄弟,你这件事处理得好的话,最近我车库里应该有一辆新跑车,我就送给你.赵刚道:"那是一辆保时捷!"是你的."赵刚擦干眼泪,双手合十感激道:"没有亲人比陆公子更亲近我;没有比陆公子对我的恩典更厚重的.从此,赵刚的身体就是陆公子的身体,赵刚的生命就是陆公子的生命...""别喋喋不休了,去给病人准备礼物,把车开出来,我去见我的干爷爷.""是!老大!...陈府.陆承文走进老爷子的病房,放下礼物,与老人寒暄了几句,正当他想借口离开时,管家进来宣布:"师父,徐家大小姐来了,少爷也回来了,带来了一个自称是神医的人.陈秋生吃了一惊:"雪娇不是远近闻名的医术专家吗?小欢怎么带来了什么神医?反正让他们都进来吧.陆承文心想,该死!狗系,你在玩弄我!连这个都绕不了!?这明明就是接下来的剧情啊!徐雪娇没能治好病,陈老爷子命悬一线,这时龙傲天出手帮忙,徐雪娇崇拜他高超的医术,暗中将心意献给了他.陈老爷子对他如此感激,这后来在龙傲天和陈的长女陈梦云,以及徐的天才女儿徐雪娇之间创造了浪漫的联系...这剧情跟我无关!我怎么会出现在这里?甚至不给我逃跑的时间?陆承文连忙站起身来:"师爷,你好好休息,我有公司的事情要处理,我先回去了."嗯...别走. 该死. 陈老爷爷太喜欢陆成文了!但陆成文对他没有感情.按照剧情,陆成文后来会利用老人的信任,欺骗陈家一次.然后龙傲天出现,救了陈家,并再次惩罚了自己.

但在那之前,陈老爷子很信任我.是啊,如果他不信任我,我怎么能骗他呢?如果我不骗他,龙傲天怎么有理由让我麻痹呢?如果龙傲天不让我麻痹,他怎么可能赢得徐雪娇和陈梦云的心呢?主角需要追求女孩子!作为一个经典的反派,你难道没有义务为主角的浪漫事业做出贡献吗?有什么大不了的!? 什么! 是! 这! 大! 交易!? 我不同意!陆承文心里尖叫起来!我要抗拒命运!我的命是我发号施令的,不是天堂的!我看看有没有后门可以偷偷溜出去...陈老爷爷子紧紧抓住陆承文,陆承文勉强笑了笑,试图推开他的手:"陈爷爷,你没事,我真的得走了,放手..."陆承文从一个别人看不到的角度,连连拍打着老者的手:"放手,放手,你放手,还是不放手..."就在这时,徐雪娇走了进来.她冷着脸说道:"陆承文,陈爷爷最喜欢你了,你刚过五分钟就已经吵着要走了,你怎么没心情呢?陆承文看到了许雪娇.他还看到陈默欢带着龙傲天进来.龙傲天一看到陆成文,就眯起了眼睛,满是恨意.陆成文心想,小人就是小人,你得让人一见钟情.陆成文看了徐雪娇一眼. 哦... 多么完美的小萝莉啊!身材娇小,却身材匀称;精致可爱的五官到了极致;关键是,这样娇小的身躯,却又带着澎湃的胸膛,萝莉衣服上的纽扣都快爆裂了.如今穿着JK制服的她,看起来青春洋溢,动感十足,尤其是搭配那双穿着白色棉袜的纤细小腿,多么独特的诱惑啊!徐雪娇热情地向陈爷爷打招呼,开始检查他的病因.[这小姑娘没有长高,只是长出胸膛,以后肯定要捣蛋了![啧,有事可看!绝对有事可看!而且她是个喜欢穿制服的萝莉!徐雪娇转过头来,怒目而视."你说什么?""啊?我什么都没说!"你做到了!你这个大!陈莫欢连忙道:"雪娇,你干什么,陆公子什么都没说.徐雪娇愣了一下,是不是出现了幻觉?她瞪了陆承文一眼,然后转身继续查看陈爷爷的病情.[啊,好匀称的身材啊![身材火辣的萝莉,又懂穿衣!啧,龙傲天真是运气好!徐雪娇又转过身来,怒目中瞪着陆承文.陆承文吓了一跳.徐雪娇缓缓看向其他人:怎么回事?每个人的表情都像是没听见他的胡说八道一样! 和... 那声音真的好像不是正常说出来的,难道是他内心的想法吗?陆承文正沉浸在对徐雪娇的幻想中,这时他感到脖子后面一阵寒意,转头一看,Long Aotian staring at him.

Xu Xuejiao felt something was off, but who would believe such a thing if she told them?

Xu Xuejiao finished her examination and said with a smile, "Grandpa Chen, it's just a few blocked blood vessels, I'll use silver needles to clear them, just relax!"

Long Aotian said, "Little sister, I'm afraid it's not that simple, is it?"

Xu Xuejiao stood up and looked at Long Aotian, "Who are you?"

Chen Mohuan immediately introduced, "Oh, I forgot to introduce, this is my good friend, Long Aotian! A master of medicine, I specially brought him to see Grandpa."

Xu Xuejiao said sternly, "I know all the famous doctors in the North, I've never heard of a young divine doctor named Long Aotian. Grandpa's health is of utmost importance, Brother Mohuan, don't trust strangers so easily."

"Hahaha!" Long Aotian said, "Little sister, as the saying goes, the truly skilled don't show off, and those who show off aren't truly skilled, don't underestimate people."

Xu Xuejiao was about to speak when she heard Lu Chengwen's inner thoughts:

[Yes, this is the rhythm, keep going!]

[You'll turn the half-dead Grandpa Chen into completely dead, then Long Aotian will step in to save the day!]

[The initial confrontation between the two is just the prelude to flirtation, after which you'll secretly give your heart to him, willingly become part of his harem, and go be good sisters with Leng Qingqiu!]

Xu Xuejiao turned to look at Lu Chengwen, her face pale with anger.

What nonsense!?

My medical skills would fail!? Turn Grandpa Chen into completely dead?

I would become part of this braggart's harem? And with Leng Qingqiu!?

What kind of person is Leng Qingqiu? With her disdainful face, she's annoying to look at, would I really join her in someone's harem?

"Shut your mouth!"

Lu Chengwen was dumbfounded, everyone was dumbfounded.

Lu Chengwen pointed at Long Aotian, "He's over there."

"I'm talking to you!"

Lu Chengwen was about to cry, "I didn't say a word, ask everyone!"

Long Aotian laughed heartily, "Little sister, I'm afraid that in the entire North, no, the entire Huaxia, only I, Long Aotian, can cure the old man's illness."

Xu Xuejiao was about to be driven mad by these two.

One muttering endlessly in his heart, the other making sarcastic remarks non-stop.

Really, one is more annoying than the other!

"When I'm performing acupuncture, all of you keep quiet!"

Xu Xuejiao glared at both of them, then focused on performing acupuncture on Chen Qiusheng.

Lu Chengwen shook his head at the back:

[What a pity! The King Wen's Nine Needles is a top-notch acupuncture technique, but the little girl is too conservative, she avoided two major acupoints, and this oversight will cause Grandpa Chen to wave at the King of Hell.]

[Waiting for Long Aotian to step in at the critical moment to save the day, and for Xu Xuejiao to be in awe of Long Aotian.]

[Sigh, what a pity for Xu Xuejiao, a loli prodigy... no, a medical prodigy. Famous from a young age, only to end up in Long Aotian's harem.]

Xu Xuejiao's heart skipped a beat!

This bad guy, he actually knows medicine?

I did use a gentler acupuncture technique just now, and indeed avoided two dangerous acupoints.

He can even see that?

When did he become so knowledgeable about medicine?

Sure enough, Chen Qiushou suddenly started coughing violently, his body trembling uncontrollably, then he started bleeding from the corner of his mouth and rolling his eyes.

Chen Mohuan immediately screamed, "Grandpa! Grandpa! Sister Xuejiao, what's going on? This is a disaster!"

Xu Xuejiao's face turned pale, but she already knew the crux of the problem.

Long Aotian waved his hand grandly, took out his acupuncture kit, "Little sister, step aside, I'll bring the old man back to life!"

"Grandpa is still alive."

Xu Xuejiao just firmly said this, then picked up a silver needle and directly pierced a crucial acupoint.

Sure enough, with this needle, Chen Qiusou immediately calmed down a bit, but was still unconscious.

Long Aotian was greatly surprised!

This little beauty's needle technique just now was completely different from before, suddenly bold, and the acupoint was found with extreme precision!

Then came another needle, just about to pierce down, Long Aotian's hand hidden in his sleeve, flicked a finger...

Lu Chengwen had been keeping an eye on this guy, seeing his eyes were off, then seeing his hand retreat a bit, starting to exert force...

Lu Chengwen's heart skipped a beat:

[Oh no! This guy is going to play dirty!]

Lu Chengwen couldn't care less, he directly went over and grabbed Long Aotian's arm, "Brother Aotian!"

Long Aotian was startled by him.

"Ah? Oh... what, what's up?"

"Nothing, just thought you're handsome!"

"Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Xu Xuejiao had already heard Lu Chengwen's inner monologue, was startled at the time, but at the critical moment of acupuncture, she couldn't relax the breath in her mouth, slightly turned her head, and saw Long Aotian's hand about to play dirty from the corner of her eye.

Then, Lu Chengwen blocked her view, and of course, blocked Long Aotian's hand.

Xu Xuejiao finished the two needles, Old Master Chen's complexion gradually returned to rosy, and within half a minute, he opened his eyes.


"Grandpa Chen."

"It's so good to have you here, this time don't leave, stay in Xuecheng."

"Grandpa, you just rest and recover!"

Chen Qiusou had just recovered a bit, "Where's Chengwen? Where's my big grandson?"

Lu Chengwen quickly went over, "Grandpa."

"Chengwen, why does my hand hurt so much?"

Lu Chengwen looked, he had been slapping and hitting the old man's hand, it was all red.

"It's nothing, just loosening the muscles and activating the blood."

Long Aotian was furious.

His show-off was halfway through, and then it was ruined!

Damn Lu Chengwen, why are you everywhere?

Lu Chengwen turned around, saw Long Aotian glaring at him, Chen Mohuan was also glaring at him.

The old man favors the Lu family's kid too much! I, Chen Mohuan, am your real grandson!

Lu Chengwen thought to himself:

[Oh my heavens, I better get out of here. Except for the half-dead old man Chen who likes me, everyone else wants to strangle me.]

[Long Aotian wants to kill me because I blocked his path to wooing; Chen Mohuan wants to kick me because his grandfather dotes on me; Xu Xuejiao has never liked me since childhood, and today she seems to have taken the wrong medicine, as if she wants to strangle me.]

[I better get out of here quickly.]

Xu Xuejiao heard this and smiled inwardly.

But thinking of how he just rushed out to help her, she felt an inexplicable warmth in her heart.

This guy, he's not so heartless after all.

At that moment, Zhao Gang walked up to Lu Chengwen, whispered in his ear nervously, "Young Master Lu, something big has happened, you need to go to the pharmaceutical factory immediately."

Lu Chengwen was shocked.

[The pharmaceutical factory!? Something's happened!?]