Chapter 7: What's Wrong with the Female Leads?
陆承文找到了陈默群.陈默群是陆承文最好的朋友,陈默焕的哥哥,也是陈梦云的弟弟.陈默群没有陆承文那么帅;他是一个标准的胖子.陈家的生意目前由陈梦韵管理,但大股东其实是陈慕群.换句话说,这家伙几乎没有做任何真正的工作.他整天都在开跑车,追外国女孩,从来没有花光过钱.陈默群身边有很多走狗,但他真的没有什么朋友.他唯一的朋友,自称最好的朋友,是陆承文.当陈默群接到陆成文的电话时,瞬间愣住了.但一听说陆成文想找点乐子,就无比兴奋起来,立刻给他发了一个位置.那是一家高端的私人俱乐部,那里的女孩都是"模特".如果你在这里一晚没有花至少十万或二十万,你甚至会觉得不好意思走进去.而那是一般的有钱人.对陈默群来说,如果他一次来不赚一百万左右,那也算是他节俭,给家里省点钱.所以,尽管他很胖,但他在这里享受的待遇绝对是一流的.陆承文心情不好.他并非没有经验.他以前当过六次恶棍,知道有钱人是怎么过的.像这样的地方对他来说并不陌生.他注意到陈默群也无聊得不知所措.他在这里见过太多的美女,几乎已经麻木了.他享受着那里的一切享受,甚至不知道如何自娱自乐了.但陈默群比陆成文活泼得多.他兴奋地说道:"莎莉,雪诺和你...你又叫什么名字?"兄弟,我是甜心!""随便吧,随便吧.你们这儿好好照顾我的大哥哥.他很少来这种地方.如果你今晚能让他感觉像在天堂一样,呵呵,我就给你们每人一个十万个红包,没有上限!女孩们立刻兴奋起来,围在陆承文身边."陆先生,你喜欢什么样的好玩?""陆先生,我们来玩一些游戏吧!我们有很多游戏,会让你感觉自己在天堂!陆承文本来是来这里玩的,却发现自己根本玩不下去."你们能安静一会儿吗?我得跟胖子聊聊.女孩们乖乖地走到一边,关掉音乐,一边拿着饮料悄悄地聊天."怎么了?"陈默群问."不喜欢他们?想换?"没有."陆成文叹了口气."我要和冷清秋订婚了.你知道吗?"是啊."陈墨群哼了一声."那个冷清秋...我都不知道该怎么说她.她有什么?好身材?漂亮的脸蛋?这里的女孩不是都有吗?你知道这三年你浪费了多少美女吗?"就算你喜欢做个傻瓜,为什么是她?冷家还剩下什么?他们不就是靠你陆家维持生计吗?可是她却表现得高高在上,脸上总是带着那种酸涩的表情?光是看到她,我就想吐!Lu Chengwen looked around. "We've been throwing money around in places like this since college, looking for fun. After all these years, aren't you tired of it?""Damn right I am." Chen Moqun said. "But what else can I do? What do I know how to do? I tried working once. I fell asleep three times in one morning. When my subordinates reported their work to me, I couldn't understand a damn thing! I don't know how to do anything else. All I know is how to spend money, have fun, and chase girls."Lu Chengwen looked at him. "What you're doing isn't chasing girls. Chasing means pursuing, not just waving money around and having them come to you.""So I should be like you? Chasing after a woman like Leng Qingqiu, who always has a sour look on her face?""At least she's a decent girl.""Then my sister is a decent girl too!" Chen Moqun retorted. "Why did you break up with my sister? Why did you go simp for Leng Qingqiu instead of my sister? My sister grew up with you, you were childhood sweethearts. If you had saved all that energy from the past three years for my sister, you'd be my brother-in-law by now, and I might even have a nephew!"Lu Chengwen looked at this shameless guy. "Don't you have any shame? Didn't you get me drunk and throw some foreign girls into my bed, only for your sister to catch us in the act?""I was young and stupid back then, we could've explained it! But what did you do? You, with your Lu family background, just dumped her without a second thought! Honestly, did you even get anywhere with my sister? Did you just get tired of her and dump her?"Lu Chengwen almost shouted, "Your sister and I were in high school back then! High school! I didn't know anything! I kissed her on the cheek once and couldn't sleep for three days!""You were together for three years in college, did you forget?""Wasn't it you who told me I needed to practice with other girls first, or else my skills wouldn't be good enough and your sister would look down on me?""Lu Chengwen, let's get this straight. The first time, it was me who said you needed to practice. But the second time, it was you who dragged me along, saying you needed to review the last lesson and consolidate what you'd learned, so you could ace the test with my sister. Right? Wasn't that you?""Damn it! Now it's my fault?" Lu Chengwen exclaimed. "When that bunny girl was dancing around the pole, you were on your knees crying like a baby, saying I was your savior, and that you wanted to live like this every day for the rest of your life. Wasn't that you?""I was young and stupid! You just let me do whatever I wanted? When I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor, a lawyer, an astronaut. But you dragged me into this mess, and now I'm a joke in my own family!""Didn't you become a doctor, a lawyer, and an astronaut?"Lu Chengwen's question caught Chen Moqun off guard. He thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah. I played a gynecologist for troubled girls, a sleazy lawyer for sexy female defendants, and a spaceship captain who hooked up with female astronauts in space..."The two of them stared at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing.Lu Chengwen laughed and said, "You're really something."Chen Moqun agreed. "I should've been an actor."It was at this moment that Lu Chengwen's phone rang.When Lu Chengwen saw Leng Qingqiu's name on the screen, his face immediately changed. He screamed, "Quick, quick, get the girls over here! Turn the music back on, turn it up! Let's get this party started!"Chen Moqun was confused. "Why the sudden party?""Shut up, it's Leng Qingqiu. Leng Qingqiu's calling. I need to make her stay away from me!"As soon as he heard it was Leng Qingqiu, Chen Moqun, who weighed nearly 200 pounds, actually jumped up and shouted through gritted teeth, "Party! Let's party like there's no tomorrow!"And so, the phone call happened.Lu Chengwen thought that after the call, things would be over.But less than thirty minutes later, the club manager came over and whispered to Lu Chengwen, "Mr. Lu, Miss Leng is here. She's already in the elevator. Should we... have the girls step out for now?"The manager was a smooth operator. He knew all about the relationships between these people.Of course he did. The personal lives of the young masters of Snow City's four major families were something every club kept tabs on.They were cash cows, they were VIP clients!Their girlfriends' or wives' phone numbers, license plate numbers, temperaments, social circles... they knew it all.Otherwise, how could they handle it when a bunch of women showed up at the club to catch their men cheating?But right now, Lu Chengwen didn't need them to be smooth. At least not with Leng Qingqiu.So, when Leng Qingqiu walked in, she saw Lu Chengwen with two beauties in his arms, eyes closed, singing at the top of his lungs:"They all say I'm dashing and handsome, the invincible spear, ohhh..."The music screeched to a halt."Huh? Why'd it stop? I was just about to show off my tenor skills!"Lu Chengwen turned his head. "Oh, if it isn't my fiancée, the beautiful Leng Qingqiu! Hahaha, come sit, come sit, pick a song!"Leng Qingqiu looked at him coldly. "You're really living it up, huh?""Yeah, yeah, just having some fun. Did you need something?"The question caught Leng Qingqiu off guard.Yeah, for the past three years, it had always been him chasing after her. When had she ever sought him out?Leng Qingqiu's lips moved. "Come with me. I need to talk to you."This was the tone she always used with Lu Chengwen.In her subconscious, the fact that she was even speaking to him was already a huge favor.He would surely follow her with a silly grin, over the moon, without a second thought.But times had changed.Lu Chengwen smiled. "I'm a man! A man of iron will, a proud and heroic youth! What's wrong with having a few girls around? What's! Wrong! With! That! Are you unhappy? Are you mad? Good, let's call off the engagement!"Everyone was shocked.The manager was ready to step in and mediate, but when he heard this, he realized something was off.Mr. Lu wasn't giving Leng Qingqiu any face today, and it seemed like... he was aiming for a breakup?Hold on.Let's see how this plays out.Lu Chengwen was feeling quite pleased with himself.[Leng Qingqiu, don't say I didn't give you a chance. If you can even tolerate this, then I'll admit defeat.][Oh, look at her, her chest is heaving with anger! She's furious, isn't she? About to lose her temper, right?][There's a glass of beer right in front of you. Grab it and throw it in my face, and we'll go our separate ways.]Leng Qingqiu took a deep breath, then suddenly smiled.She walked over, and one of the girls quickly moved aside. Leng Qingqiu sat down next to Lu Chengwen, pressing close to him. "Oh, why are you so angry? I was just worried about you!"Lu Chengwen was so shocked he felt like he might explode on the spot.Not just Lu Chengwen, even Fatty Chen Moqun was frozen in place. The club manager, who had been ready to "put out the fire," was wide-eyed, unable to believe that this was the same Leng Qingqiu who was known for her icy demeanor!Lu Chengwen was so scared by Leng Qingqiu that he instinctively curled up and tried to move away, but Leng Qingqiu held him tight. He stammered, "You... don't think just because you apologized, I won't scold you..."Leng Qingqiu hugged him. "Let's not play around tonight, okay? I really want to talk to you."Lu Chengwen looked at Leng Qingqiu, feeling like everything had fallen apart.What was going on with the female leads in this book!?Xu Xuejiao's sudden "genetic mutation" was already enough to deal with.[What kind of spell has Leng Qingqiu fallen under today?][What's going on? I just want to quietly be a minor villain, live a peaceful life, and not get involved with you big shots. Why is it so hard?][Can't we just live our own lives? Isn't it better to never interact again? Is it really that hard to just leave each other alone?]Leng Qingqiu listened to Lu Chengwen's inner thoughts, feeling a pang of bitterness.This guy... really just wants me to stay as far away as possible, huh?Lu Chengwen gritted his teeth.He decided to take a risky move!