It had been several days since Anakin had last seen Obi-Wan, and when they did finally cross paths, she was immediately taken aback by his appearance.
The poor man looked far worse for the wear. His tunic hung loosely on his frame, creased and rumpled, and she could easily see the bags under his eyes and the scruffy overgrowth of his beard.
Her Jedi offered only a fleeting glance, running a hand through his already disheveled hair, before he collapsed confidently onto her bed.
The action again left Anakin to wonder whether Obi-Wan had deliberately arranged his room to resemble hers, or if it was simply a serendipitous coincidence that their layouts were so similar.
He was silent for some time, so long she worried he may have passed out, but then he let a deep sigh and greeted her. "Hello, Anakin, dear."
Though exhaustion weighed heavily on his voice, as soon as her true name slipped from his lips, her heart fluttered. The way it sounded, so lovely and flawless, in that fine accent, and the way it flowed, as smooth as honey — oh, it was truly divine.
There was a sudden, intense ache within her. An insatiable longing. She yearned to hear her name once more, to have him chant it until his voice grew hoarse and her ears became deaf to all else.
Yet, it was necessary to restrain these desires. At least, for the time being.
She collected herself, putting down the datapad she had been reading from. "Rough day?" she ventured, voice mostly even.
"Very. What were you reading?"
"Nothing worth mentioning." Standing up from her chair, she approached the bed, her eyes filled with genuine concern as she observed Obi-Wan. "What happened?"
"Just a scuffle with Cad Bane. Perhaps you've heard of him? Bounty hunter with a pension for hats? Absolute schutta?" he stated, letting out a sharp breath through his nose. His head lolled to the side, his gaze fixed on her. "Would you like to try lying beside me? I wouldn't mind some pleasant company."
Anakin did her best to ignore the eagerness that flooded through her at the suggestion. "Yes, I've heard of him." She took a seat on the edge of the bed, beginning to remove her boots. "How did you cross paths?"
"He infiltrated the Jedi Temple."
"What?" Her boot slipped from her grasp as she stared at him with, hopefully, not comically wide eyes. "How?"
"He had help from a changeling," Obi-Wan responded. "They exploited vulnerabilities in our security systems while Bane broke into the vault."
"What was he after?"
"A holocron."
"A holocron?" Anakin repeated. "That's a strange target for a bounty hunter."
"Yes, and it gets even stranger from there," Obi-Wan droned. "Once he got the holocron, he proceeded to kidnap four Force-sensitive children, ones who were documented within the device. Presumably he did so on behalf of your master."
Every part of Anakin's body grew tense. "No, that…that can't be right."
"I don't know, Anakin. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it," Obi-Wan sighed, pinching at the bridge of his nose. "All I know is that it's over now, and that I am thankful for."
"I'll try to look into it," she said, though, mostly to herself.
Hiring a bounty hunter to steal a holocron from the Jedi and then abduct Force-sensitive children? Why would her master give such an order? And why wouldn't he choose Anakin for the task? She was always entrusted with her master's dirty work. Not that she minded. She enjoyed being useful.
Was her master displeased with her? Did he doubt her competence for such a meager task?
She mechanically undressed, her motions a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within. She discarded her clothing—her other boot, her gloves, her outer tunic — carelessly tossing them to the floor, and fell back onto the bed, seeking relief in its familiar comfort.
Obi-Wan rolled onto his side, propping himself on his elbow. "You seem rather upset about this," he commented. "Why?"
A tight knot formed in Anakin's throat, making it momentarily difficult for her to speak. She swallowed hard, fighting back the anger and disappointment she felt towards herself. "If my master is behind this, then that means he did not deem me worthy of knowing. And that is dangerous."
Obi-Wan exhaled, "Wonderful."
Anakin took a deep breath, eyes fixed on the ceiling. "I'm his hand. I always do his bidding," she muttered, feeling an indignant sulk pulling at her lips. "He must be mad at me for something…but I know I've done nothing wrong."
A sudden unease settled like a heavy weight in Anakin's stomach. She couldn't bear the thought that she may have unknowingly betrayed her master's trust. That he now thought her unworthy of knowing his plans. Even ones as trivial as these.
"Perhaps it's the bond?"
"No." She shook her head. "He isn't concerned with our bond. And besides, I wouldn't have told you I was after the holocron. He knows that."
"Marvelous," Obi-Wan drawled and laid back down, shifting a little closer to Anakin. The energy between the pair thrummed contently as he did. "Well, despite what you believe, dear, he may suspect disloyalty. Or perhaps he knew I would be in Coruscant," he mused, but she was only half-interested in listening to him. "Imagine if you were carrying out this crucial task for him at the Temple. I drop in on you at some very inopportune moment, catching you off guard. Him sending you to a place I am intimately familiar with would be counterproductive."
Anakin continued to glare at the ceiling above her without replying. The fingers of her flesh hand clenched into a fist, her nails digging into her palm.
"Don't pout dear. It's unbecoming of a Sith Lady," Obi-Wan teased with a straight face.
"I'm not pouting."
There was a brief lull, and then Obi-Wan sat up again, his gaze shifting downwards to meet hers. "Anakin, when you say your master isn't concerned about our bond," he spoke slowly, dread filling their connection. "you mean…your master knows about our bond? Our Dyad?"
"Well, yes, of course he does. He's the one that told me about the…" With wide eyes, Anakin stared up at her Jedi, sensing her own panic intertwining with Obi-Wan's mounting dread.
Oh no. That exchange had been entirely between her and her master, one she hadn't shared.
"You said he was mad at me because of our bond!" she blurted. "I assumed you figured it out!"
"I meant I thought he suspected something between us. I didn't actually—" he interrupted himself, rubbing his hand down his face.
"I wasn't supposed to tell you. You…you aren't supposed to know."
"Well, now I know, and this is truly the most upsetting news I've ever received."
Anakin sat up, her bed creaking as she moved closer to Obi-Wan. She reached out and placed a firm hand on each of his shoulders. "I will not use our bond against you. I swear."
Obi-Wan's eyebrows furrowed, his eyes narrowing with skepticism. "And if your master orders you to?" he questioned, caution resonating in his voice and through their connection.
Anakin vigorously shook her head, feeling loose curls sway and brush against her cheeks. "I won't. I can't," she replied, though she could detect her voice wavering, even if slightly.
"You can't make that promise, Anakin," Obi-Wan sighed, his shoulders sagging as he shrugged away her hands.
"I will not hurt you, Obi-Wan," she stated, more firmly this time. "I would rather die than willingly hurt you."
There was a long, pregnant pause as Obi-Wan held her gaze. His eyes searched hers for…something before he conceded, flopping back down onto the bed behind him. "I don't know why, but I trust you," he admitted, sounding both mildly amused and resigned. "I blame the Dyad."
Anakin mirrored his actions and laid back down. "I trust you, too. Now, at least. More than I've ever trusted anyone else before."
"That's not saying much, dear."
"I know."
"…The council wants me to use the bond to get information out of you," he confessed, and she could sense his relief at being able to admit that.
Anakin exhaled slowly. "And my master wants us to 'cultivate' our bond."
Obi-Wan's nose crinkled in distaste. "I do not like how that sounds."
"Neither do I," she agreed, her frown deepening as she rested her hands on her stomach. The texture of the fabric beneath her fingertips was smooth. Comforting. Just what she needed. "Sith are possessive, as you know. And I know my master should not be pleased with me sharing a bond with another. And yet, he seemed to think that this bond could be useful to him in the future."
"So this is beneficial to him in some way," Obi-Wan sighed.
"I believe I just said that."
Obi-Wan scowled at her out of the corner of his eye. "Yes, sorry. I tend to think out loud. I'm not used to having company."
"Yes, I have noticed that," she hummed with a smirk.
"Shut up, Anakin," Obi-Wan huffed, shuffling over so that his head rested on her shoulder.
Anakin tensed at the initial contact, but gradually allowed herself to relax, feeling the heat of the older man's presence seep into her. "I was going to suggest we practice touching each other," she said, her voice a low whisper, "but it seems you've already mastered it on your own."
"Hardly," he stated. "This is not without effort."
"Oh," Anakin murmured. "We should keep up the practice, then?"
"By all means, dear one."
There was another moment of silence. "What should we do?"
"Whatever you're comfortable with, Anakin," he reassured her. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her cheek. It carried a hint of mint and spice, presumably from tea. Obi-Wan liked tea. It was a soothing blend, likely one he turned to help calm him after a demanding day, much like the one he had today, no doubt.
She found it rather impressive that she could smell it all. This Dyad truly was remarkable.
"I'm comfortable with many things, Obi-Wan," she replied, aiming for playful. Given the smile that appeared on Obi-Wan's face, she would say she succeeded.
"Then, by all means," he challenged, "touch me."
Anakin's heart raced in her chest as she deliberated her next move. "Where are you right now? In your room?"
Since he was lying down on what she believed to be a bed, she assumed as much. However, her previous suspicion that he had arranged his room to mirror hers was still just a hunch. She needed his confirmation, to be certain.
He raised an eyebrow, amusement flickering in his eyes. "Yes."
"And no one will walk in on you?"
"Not without knocking first."
Anakin nodded slightly, her fingers grazing against the frayed edge of her tunic. "Please move your head off my shoulder," she requested.
"Alright," he agreed and shuffled over.
There was a brief of hesitation before Anakin slowly moved, her body gliding with a whisper of fabric against fabric as she positioned herself over Obi-Wan. She hovered just above him, her breath intermingling with his. She could feel their combined warmth as she braced herself above him, hands on his chest, thighs on either side of his.
Anakin closed her eyes, shutting out her surroundings and any visual distractions, and let herself concentrate solely on Obi-Wan, on the intensity of the bond between them. She reached out through their Dyad, focusing on physically connecting across the galaxy with the man below her.
Obi-Wan hummed, a soft vibration that reverberated through his chest. "How bold of you, dear," he murmured, his voice tinged with his growing mirth, a subtle arousal present as well.
"You said I could do whatever I was comfortable with," she replied, eyes fluttering open once more.
"Then don't let me stop you." Obi-Wan's voice was a low rumble, one that sent a pleasant tingle coursing through her. "What are you planning to do up there?"
Anakin's mouth curved into a mischievous grin as she lowered herself fully, the smooth fabric of her lounge pants brushing against the rough material of his trousers, until she finally connected with him, their bodies in perfect alignment. "Straddle you, obviously."
He rolled his eyes. "And after that?"
"Kiss you?"
"Well, that should certainly be a challenge for the bond."
She leaned in, the space between their faces narrowing to mere centimeters. "Hardly a challenge," she murmured, and then waited, her breath held for when their lips would finally meet.
She found she didn't have to wait long.
Obi-Wan's lips curled into a slight smile as he closed the distance between them, completing the kiss. It began tender and exploratory, a gentle testing of their connection, but soon ignited with growing heat.
Their tongues intertwined in a playful dance, eagerly seeking more of the other's mouth, more of the other's intoxicating taste, more of the other to claim and take.
Her Jedi's hands found their way to her hips, taking hold and gripping tight. It felt near possessive, so un-Jedi like, eliciting a satisfied hum that resonated from the back of her throat. She pressed her body closer against his, rubbing teasingly against the swelling bulge of his cock — seeking friction, craving pleasure. Only when air became a necessity did they break away from each other's mouths, taking in hungry gasps to fill their lungs.
Anakin leaned in and trailed her lips along his neck, placing kisses and leaving claiming marks wherever she could find exposed skin.
"Ah, getting revenge for our previous intimate encounter," Obi-Wan hummed as he tilted his head back, offering Anakin more pale canvas to work with.
She made a small appreciative sound, greedily biting and sucking at Obi-Wan's pulse point, leaving a satisfying bruise in her wake.
"You possessive child," he huffed, a deep moan escaping as Anakin's teeth grazed along his throat. "How experienced are you with this?"
"With what?" she asked breathlessly, pulling back Obi-Wan's undertunic to allow her room to bite down at the base of his neck.
"Sex," Obi-Wan purred, holding Anakin's hips to keep her firmly in place as he ground up against her.
Anakin let out a low moan, temporarily pausing her assault on Obi-Wan's throat. "Is that where this is heading?" she asked, her golden gaze meeting his gorgeous stormy, dark one.
"It very well could be."
"I've had sex," she said, leaning back in and kissing the spot she had just bitten. "But I've never done something this intimate before. I'm mostly going off instincts for this part."
"Well, you're doing a wonderful job," Obi-Wan praised. "How far did you want to go with our…testing?"
"As far as we can."
"How eager of you," Obi-Wan remarked with a soft chuckle. He lifted a hand, his fingertips delicately weaving through Anakin's curls. His nails gently grazed along her scalp, leaving a tingling trail in their wake before he playfully tugged at the hair.
Another delightful shiver ran down her spine, an involuntary moan escaping her lips. "That's nice. I like that."
A wicked grin danced on Obi-Wan's lips as he continued to tug at her hair, the gesture bringing a rush of arousal with it. "This?"
She bit her bottom lip, pressing herself closer, hoping that would suffice as an answer.
He rutted up against her, the swell of a hardening cock pressing against the thin material of her pants, the front already embarrassingly soaked with her wetness. "Come now, dear, use your words." Obi-Wan teased and once more tugged her hair, but harder this time.
The friction of his movements was just enough to stimulate her clit, a lovely jolt of heat and a spark of pleasure that left her whimpering. "Kriff. Yes, that, Obi-Wan. I like that."
"Good girl, Anakin.," he praised, voice a delicious purr. "Tell me what you want, dear one."
"Everything," she muttered, grinding herself against his cock, hoping to gain more of that friction and wonderful stimulation. He felt so impossibly big and hard, even through the layers of clothing between them, doing little to diminish the rumors of Stewjoni endowments.
Obi-Wan let out a guttural moan, a beautiful, almost animalistic sound. One that Anakin wished to memorize. And to hear repeated over and over again.
Her body moved with increasing speed, and she could feel the hard press of his erection against her cunt as he rutted up against her with equal fervor. With each of their motions, pleasant heat built within her, tension coiling tight. More of Obi-Wan's groans filled the air, a captivating melody that she found so rewarding and only fueled her desire for more.
"What do you want, Anakin?" he asked again, voice breathy and guttural.
"Everything, anything," she breathed out, echoing her previous sentiment.
His grip on her hips tightened, and he attempted to still her movements. She let out a small whine of protest. "You need to be more specific than that, I'm afraid."
"I don't know," she said, confusion seeping into her voice despite her panting. "Whatever you will give me."
Displaying impressive restraint, Obi-Wan stilled himself. He released his grip on her hair and with both hands, he carefully guided her away from his erect cock, placing her higher on his abdomen. He tenderly drew her face near his own, their foreheads almost touching.
"Anakin, dear," he said softly, though a trace of desire lingered in his voice. "I won't do anything without your consent. You must tell me what you want."
His words cut through the intensity of Anakin's lust, grounding her back to reality. "I don't know," she repeated, her voice low. "I've never been given a choice before…"
His frown deepened, his brow creasing with confusion. "What do you mean?"
"My master usually just takes whatever he wants from me," she confessed.
Everything that followed happened in a blur of succession, a whirlwind of emotions she could sense churning within Obi-Wan.
She observed his confusion give way to what could only be understanding, an understanding that was swiftly overshadowed by a flash of horror. The Force resonated powerfully with his energy, a blend of repulsion — not directed towards her, thank the Stars — and righteous fury.
Yet, in the blink of an eye, Obi-Wan regained his composure, channeling his intense passions into genuine empathy.
Empathy for her.
"I see," he said, his gaze softening. "I am truly sorry to hear that. However, I need you to know that you will always have a choice with me, Anakin. If you tell me to stop, I will stop. If you tell me you want to go slow, I will go slow. Just tell me what you want, dear, and I promise to do my best to provide it for you."
Confusion washed over her, her mind grappling with the incomprehensible notion that Obi-Wan understood her situation. The space fell silent. A knot tightened in her gut, a mix of frustration and bewilderment.
It was impossible for him to understand. A Jedi could never comprehend the ways of the Sith. He couldn't fathom the profound depth of the union between her and her master. He could not recognize the potent strength that grew from what he obviously—and wrongly—believed to be 'depravity' in their relationship.
No, he couldn't understand it. Couldn't understand them. Couldn't understand her.
But then Anakin swallowed, her throat suddenly tight and her eyes stung with tears. A grief she could not explain consumed her and the room seemed to close in on her, suffocating her.
She mustered the strength to speak, her voice breaking. "I—I think I want to be done for tonight," she said, her words barely audible, and moved off Obi-Wan.
"Alright," Obi-Wan said as he sat up. He leaned over and kissed her on her temple, lips soft and tender. "We'll go at whatever pace you're comfortable with, dearest."
She nodded, her trembling hand wiping away the wayward tears that spilled down her cheeks. The smell of her own salty anguish filled her nostrils, mingling with the faint scent of sex that still lingered in the air. She felt another surge of frustration, this time towards herself for being so vulnerable, so weak. She had no idea where this abrupt agony was coming from. All she knew what that she needed Obi-Wan to leave. She didn't want to be seen like this.
Instead of leaving, though, Obi-Wan moved closer, his entire presence enveloping her. Through their bond, he pushed calm and peace, the soft hum of tranquility resonating in her mind and very being. His hand moved in gentle circles on her back. His touch was soothing, reminiscent of the tender caresses she hadn't experienced since her mother so many years ago.
"Shh, it's alright, Anakin. It's alright," he whispered, his voice a gentle balm that eased her pain.
And with that, the dam broke, and Anakin couldn't contain the anguish any longer. She let out a loud, broken sob, her body shaking uncontrollably. She pulled her knees tight to her chest and buried her face against her knees as she cried.
She cried, and she cried, and she cried. She cried uncontrollably, her tears flowing endlessly.
She was aware of being pulled tight to Obi-Wan's chest, cradled between his legs, his fingers stroking softly through her hair. The rhythm of his touch matched the rhythm of her sobs, creating a soothing symphony, one of solace. He held her with unwavering strength, his kisses tender, and he whispered nothings like a gentle lullaby, until Anakin's sobs finally subsided, and she was able to find relief in his embrace.
Though her cheeks were marked by wet stains and the taste of salt lingered on her lips, with each shaky breath Anakin steadied herself and she eventually found her voice.
"I'm…I'm sorry, Obi-Wan," she managed to say, her voice raw and broken.
She still couldn't comprehend why she had been affected the way she had, overcome by such unexpected sorrow and pain. However, there was something strangely…nice about being able to let herself break down like that. To let Obi-Wan embrace her, comfort her. To know she could trust him when she was at her most vulnerable.
"It's perfectly fine, dear. You have nothing to apologize for," Obi-Wan assured her. "It happens to us all. One can't be in control all the time. We all need to cry. Besides," he shifted some, getting more comfortable behind her, "letting those emotions out helps us regain our inner peace. I've cried many times during my meditations before. It's quite cathartic."
Her scoff was reflexive, but lacked its usual bite. "Yes, thank you for the lesson in emotional control, Master Kenobi."
"Anytime, my Padawan," he teased, his lips brushing against her cheek in a gentle kiss. "Though you would be my first if you were."
"Your first and last, I assure you," Anakin said before she sniffled and wiped her nose. She made a slight sound of disgust. "I hate crying."
"Yes, you made that clear," he said with an amused huff. "We all do it."
"I'm aware," she sighed, leaning back against her Jedi, reveling in the warmth of his body against hers.
Obi-Wan continued to hold her, his touch gentle as he stroked her hair. Anakin hummed at the soothing rhythm of his fingers against her scalp.
"I think we should get some rest," he suggested.
Anakin nodded her agreement. "I almost forgotten how long of a day you had. I'm sorry." The memories of their earlier conversation about bounty hunters and holocrons seemed so distant, eclipsed by the intensity of the emotions that had overwhelmed her.
"Again, it's fine, dear. Despite the crying, this has been a very pleasant evening," he reassured her.
"One of the most pleasant ones I've ever had," Anakin concurred, turning to face him. "Even with the tears."
Obi-Wan gently pressed his lips to her forehead, leaving a lingering kiss. "I suppose you should go then."
"I suppose so," she sighed, gently pulling herself away from her Jedi. Physically and through their bond, she distanced herself and shifted towards the edge of the bed. However, as her bare feet made contact with the floor, a frown appeared on her face. "Why isn't the stone black?"
"…Anakin." Obi-Wan's words were measured, a sense of urgency surging through their bond. "How are you here?"
She rushed to her feet, heart pounding in her chest as she scanned the unfamiliar room with wide, terror-filled eyes. "This is your room. I'm in the Jedi Temple."
"Evidently so," he replied, voice strained. "How did you —" He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "We need to get you out of here."
"And how do you plan on doing that?" she demanded, her voice trembling. A wave of intense dread washed over her, reminding her of the consequences she would face. Her master would surely punish her for this indiscretion.
Or worse.
She would be at the mercy of the Jedi. The Republic. The thought sent shivers down her spine. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself, desperately trying to hold herself together.
"Anakin," Obi-Wan said, his voice sharp as he rose to his feet. "You need to calm yourself. I can get you out, but you need to stop panicking."
"I am not panicking," she snapped, instantly regretting her tone. "I'm sorry, Master," she quickly apologized, the title slipping out instinctively as she bowed her head. "I will calm myself."
Obi-Wan blinked at her, a surge of intense emotion — desire — passing through their bond before he shook his head, composing himself. "Thank you. Now, it's still early, so we'll have to wait, but as soon as it's safe to do so, I'll sneak you out."
"And then what should I do?"
"Are you familiar with Coruscant?"
Anakin hesitated to respond. She was quite familiar with this area of the planet, as it housed the Senate building. However, she didn't want to reveal that information to the Jedi. "I'll figure it out on my own. Just help me leave the temple, and I'll find a way off the planet."
Obi-Wan nodded. "Alright. Then, please have a seat. I'll make some tea while we wait."
Following his instructions, Anakin walked over and settled down on the couch. She rested her elbows on her knees, cradling her face in her hands.
This was a nightmare. She was surrounded by her enemies, exhausted from crying, humiliated from her breakdown, and still wet from her make-out session with Obi-Wan. And to make matters worse, she would need to seek her master and beg for forgiveness for her fuck up.
Oh, and her feet were cold.
Obi-Wan sat down gently beside her and handed her a delicate porcelain cup, emanating the same aroma of mint and spice that she had detected on his breath earlier.
"You're projecting," Obi-Wan commented casually. "Try to keep calm. The last thing we need is someone pounding on my door, trying to rush in here."
Anakin let out a small huff, sitting up straight and accepting the offered tea. As she cradled the cup between her hands, she could feel the warmth seeping through her fingers, contrasting with the chill in the room. She watched as wisps of steam danced above the rich brown liquid. "Is it really that noticeable?"
"A little, yes," Obi-Wan replied. "You're making the room cold."
Well, that explained why she was freezing.
"I'll try to control it better." She brought the cup to her lips and took a small, tentative sip. She did her best not to pull a face at the revolting flavor.
Silence enveloped them as they sat and drank their tea. Or more so, Obi-Wan drank and Anakin pretended to sip at hers out of politeness.
Her gaze swept across the Jedi Master's modest quarters, taking in the simple yet meaningful possessions that defined Obi-Wan. The neatly arranged holopads on the shelf, and the stack of weathered books in the corner. The knickknacks scattered throughout, likely mementos of missions and gifts from friends. And on the small counter in the kitchen, a beautifully crafted tea set, accompanied by shelves of several tins of exotic teas above.
"You have an impressive collection," Anakin commented, gesturing towards the neatly arranged tins that adorned the shelves.
"Thank you, dear," Obi-Wan replied, a warm smile gracing his face. "I've been told I'm quite the tea snob."
She arched a brow. "Would you consider yourself one?"
"Well, not snob per se…" Obi-Wan hesitated.
"Of course not," she hummed, a soft smile playing on her lips as she looked at the redheaded man.
"Do you enjoy tea, Anakin?" Obi-Wan inquired.
"Not at all."
He barked a laugh. "Of course you don't."
"It's hard to like tea when caf exists," Anakin remarked.
She flashed a sharp smile. "No, Sith. But close enough."
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "If I had to guess, you enjoy that sand brewed caf, also known as tar."
"You mean the only proper way to prepare caf," she replied proudly. That was the way they made it on Tatooine, and in her opinion, the proper way it should be made. The only way it should be made.
"You truly are wicked," he teased, lightly.
"Yes, the evilest being to ever grace this galaxy," she playfully declared.
Obi-Wan chuckled, shaking his head in clear amusement. He turned to her. "Would you like to watch a holo?" he offered.
Anakin's eyes lit up as she nodded. "I would. But you'll have to choose, since I've never really watch holos before."
"Really? Well, I'll pick something entertaining then," he said, grabbing the control pad to browse through the options.
After finally settling on a popular action holodrama, one that had Anakin grumbling at the inaccurate dogfight scenes, they settled in for the next few hours, cuddling together on the worn, plush couch. Anakin gradually felt her muscles untense as she leaned against Obi-Wan, relaxing completely next to her bond-mate, and soon the holo became nothing but background noise, punctuated by the occasional burst of action sequence or intense music.
But all too soon, the holo concluded, and the time came for them to leave.
She was given one of Obi-Wan's spare robes before they exited his room, stepping into the hushed silence of the hallway. Anakin shivered slightly as her bare feet made contact with the smooth stone floor of the grand hall. She kept her gaze lowered but couldn't resist stealing glances, her eyes roving over the grandeur of the Jedi Temple. The intricate architecture, adorned with delicate carvings and ancient icons, was nothing short of breathtaking. Anakin felt overwhelmed with a sense of awe and reverence as she realized that her previous views of the Temple's exterior were just a glimpse of the true majesty that lay within.
After walking for several minutes, maneuvering through back halls and small corridors to evade any guards, they arrived at the vehicle garage. Obi-Wan turned towards her and pointed to one of the speeders. "Take that one and head to the northern docks. You can catch a shuttle off world from there."
Anakin pushed back her hood slightly, meeting Obi-Wan's gaze. "Thank you for your help, Obi-Wan. I really do apologize for the trouble I've caused you tonight."
"It's fine, Anakin. Really," he assured her. "We just need to be more cautious in the future."
"I'm not sure if that will be possible," Anakin admitted.
She knew it would be near impossible for her to resist losing herself in the heat of the moment with Obi-Wan, especially if they were to have sex. She would inevitably end up wherever Obi-Wan was, or, even worse, drag him to her own location.
Despite Anakin's belief that she always maintained control, she understood how easy it would be for her to slip up, especially during an intimate moment with Obi-Wan. Whether it was the passion of sex or the comfort of a hug while she cried, her entire being yearned to be with him. And now that she knew she could simply drag herself through space to be by his side, it would be like playing with fire.
Obi-Wan reached out and brushed his fingers against her cheek. "We'll figure it out, dear. This is just the first of many encounters. We have time to work out the logistics of this…Dyad."
Contentment bloomed in her chest with his words, with the promise of a future with this man. Anakin let herself lean into the touch, savoring the warmth and affection it brought. The comfort was short-lived though, as she forced herself to pull back, moving toward the speeder. "We'll see each other again soon, I'm sure."
"That's the only thing I am certain of lately," he said with a smile. "Stay safe, Anakin."
"Of course. And you should get some rest. Those bags under your eyes are hideous," she teased.
"Ah, those won't be going anywhere soon."
"Then I suppose I'll just have to get used to their ugliness," she lamented.
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "Goodbye, Anakin."
"Goodbye, Obi-Wan," she replied and climbed into the speeder.
Anakin departed from the Jedi Temple and entered the nighttime glow of the city. She contemplated the idea of leaving the planet altogether, but her master was already aware of her presence and likely wanted an explanation.
As much as she dreaded the forthcoming confrontation, she understood the necessity of telling him now rather than facing her master's wrath later. With great reluctance, she made her way to the Senate building, fully aware that her master would still be there despite the late hour. The work of a man spearheading two wars was never done, after all.
Anakin wearily dragged herself to Sidious' office, only to discover the Sith Lord patiently waiting for her, his fingers steepled and hands resting on his desk. As Anakin entered, he observed her closely, his eyes never leaving her as she gracefully kneeled on the floor. There was a brief silence before he spoke. "Lady Vader, how did you manage to arrive here?"
She kept her gaze lowered as she replied, "I was brought here through my bond with Kenobi, Master."
His eyes narrowed. "He brought you here?"
"I…I'm not entirely sure. It could have been me, but if it was, it was an unconscious choice."
"And Kenobi let you walk free?"
"Yes, he…he cares about me, Master."
"How curious. He has an attachment to you," he drawled, something wicked flickering in his eyes, before he continued. "If you could master this cross-space transportation, it could be useful in the future. However, you must ensure that Kenobi doesn't come to you. He cannot be allowed access to any of our locations."
"I understand, Master."
"Good. You were fortunate that fool Kenobi allowed you to go free. If the Jedi capture you, you know what I expect you to do."
An icy wave of fear washed over her at the thought. "Yes, Master."
Sidious nodded in approval. "Return to Mustafar until I have use for you. Ensure that a mistake like this does not happen again. You know how much I detest surprises."
"Yes, Master. It will not happen again. I swear it." Anakin stood up but hesitated to leave, looking down at her bare feet and recalling her earlier conversation with Obi-Wan. "May I ask something of you, my lord?"
Sidious' eyes narrowed further, and he gestured for her to continue.
"Master Kenobi mentioned an attack on the Jedi Temple, one carried out by a bounty hunter named Cad Bane. He said the bounty hunter was after a holocron containing the names of Force-sensitive children. He then attempted to hunt down these children. Did…did you order this?"
Her master's eyes gleamed gold and red, and Anakin could feel his anger simmering through her apprentice bond with the man. "Do you really think you have the right to ask when the situation does not concern you? If I required your assistance, Lady Vader, I would have summoned you," he growled before raising his hand and lightning sparked forward. "You should know better than to question your master's motives."
Anakin kneeled once more, her head low. "No, Master, it's not like that. I swear. I only wish to serve you, to be of use to you. I only desire to please you, my lord. I want to be the one you entrust with such tasks. What can I do to make up for my inadequacies and failures?"
"There is nothing, except await further assignment. But first, your punishment," Sidious declared, beckoning her closer. "Remove that repugnant Jedi robe and kneel before me. Serve your master."
Anakin gave an emphatic nod as she stood, quickly unclasping the robe, letting it fall to her feet as she went to do as commanded.
She dropped to her knees and waited as he adjusted his robes, pulling his member from his pants. The usual anxiety settled in her stomach at the sight of it and she did her best to keep her composure, not wanting him, or Force forbid Obi-Wan, to feel her subtle fear at what was to come.
Part of her would always feel disgusted at being used in such a way — at being reduced to nothing more than a service droid of the flesh. A common schutta.
But another part of her reveled in being a source of pleasure for her master. In being of use to him in such a way. That he wanted her for such an intimate act she knew he shared with no one other than her.
It made her feel special.
And even if this was a punishment. It was a punishment well deserved. She made a mistake. She failed him. And she was his apprentice. She was his to punish.
Sidious stepped closer and Anakin obediently took hold of his cock in her hand, her long fingers wrapping around the pale, veiny length. As usual, it was almost purple in color, and as she licked at the pre cum of the tip, rather than salt, it tasted of the metallic tang of durasteel.
She felt her master's spindly fingers thread through her curls, finding their usual place in her hair. The sharp tips of his well-manicured nails scraped her scalp, his grip tight as she worked the head of his cock with her tongue. She took the full length of him into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat and bobbed her head up and down. Saliva pooled and drool slipped out as the lewd, wet sound of her mouth moving and his guttural groans filled the otherwise silent office.
A few words of slight praise slipped from his mouth, words that always stirred a primal desire within her and made her body respond. She could feel trickles of wetness flowing forth from her cunt, pooling in her panties, and the usual self-disgust started to mix with her need to please him further. Her need to make up for her failure.
And as she did, she felt the usual invisible touch of her master. His force energy caressing her pussy, inside and out, making her even wetter. He had done it for years. Toyed with her when she pleasured him. Sometimes even when she wasn't. Worked her up in ways to make her so hot and bothered that it was maddening. He would leave her unsatisfied as punishment, sometimes leaving her pent up for hours, refusing to let her finish on her own. But if she had been good, he would let her come as a reward. And use the force to do so in ways that made her see stars.
She loved those times. As rare as they were.
She worked him until he was hard enough to fuck, then he was pushing her unceremoniously away. She quickly scrambled to her feet and moved to his desk, bracing herself against it. She felt his hands find her waist, tugging down the hem of her pants and underpants in one go and bringing them down to her knees.
The cool air of the office rushed against her exposed, naked form, making her shudder, and she could feel her master's eyes on her wet cunt. Feel their burning gaze as they took in that most intimate part of her. A part of her that he had claimed as his so long ago.
She flinched as he suddenly pressed the tip of his finger against her clit before dragging it through her slick folds.
He chuckled, sounding far too amused. "You never fail to impress me with your readiness to serve, my dear apprentice."
That was all he said before his hand was on her hip, sharp nails digging into her flesh, and he was pushing into her. He sheathed his thin cock into her fully, balls slapping against her pussy's swollen lips and the head of his cock finding her most inner wall. Anakin sucked in a sharp breath at the sting of him stretching her, feeling the usual well of tears in the corner of her eyes.
He pulled out and pushed back in. Once, twice. Over and over again. Harsh and unrelenting. She kept her eyes closed and listened to his heavy breathing, waiting for the usual command.
"Touch yourself, Vader," he demanded harshly.
She listened without hesitation, shifting her weight to be supported on her mechanical arm as her flesh arm snaked between her thighs. Her delicate fingers sought out her throbbing clit, and immediately she rubbed at it fiercely. She savored the pain with the hot jolts of pleasure, feeling her cunt flutter at the sensation.
Like so many times before, she readied herself to feel the building pleasure that she would bring herself as her master fucked ravenously into her.
She felt him grow tense in the Force, just as she knew she was teetering on her own release. She reluctantly removed her fingers, tears streaming as she did, denying herself her orgasm.
"Very good, apprentice, very good," her master praised, and Anakin took in a shuddered breath, her pussy clenching at that, nearly pushing her over the edge. That action was enough for the man hunched above her. His body stilling as he spilled into her, hot cum squirting deep into her canal.
She waited as he finished, spilling every drop into her before removing himself, hearing the rustle of robes as he tucked himself away once more.
"Leave me, now," he commanded, though it was more dismissive than demanding, and then retook his seat.
Anakin shifted to her feet, the familiar ache settling between her legs, as she quickly pulled her pants back up and rushed to grab the robe from the floor by the door. She slipped it on and left her Master's office behind.
As she walked through the halls of the senate building, her exhaustion, ache for release, and the usual self-hatred crept in. And to make matters worse, she could feel Obi-Wan's concern for her in the back of her head, nudging softy with small waves of comfort.
Anakin was too tired to push the unwanted sympathy away. She made her way back to her speeder, a slight limp to her step, making the journey take longer than she wanted. She was beyond tired and felt filthy, very much aware of the sticky mess still left between her legs, and wanted nothing more than to collapse in her bed and sleep. But any form of relief was hours away, much to her devastation.
The sooner she could sneak on to a shuttle and return to Mustafar, the kriffing better.
Anakin reached the relatively quiet docks, noting a few larger ships in the distance, arriving and departing before spotting a shuttle nearby. As she watched the late-night passengers boarding and plotted her next move, she sensed someone approaching her from behind.
Startled, she turned to see one Coruscant Guard, clad in red painted armor, walking directly towards her. She immediately realized, in her exhaustion, she had forgotten to conceal herself with the Force. A foolish and careless mistake.
"Skywalker, right?" the clone said. "General Kenobi arranged transportation for you."
"He did?" Anakin responded dumbly before shaking her head, quickly correcting herself. "I mean, yes, that's me. Thank you."
The clone nodded. "Follow me."
Anakin, not in a position to be choosy, obediently followed the clone as he guided her to a small, single-pilot ship. "There's vitawater and a few ration bars inside. There's also a pair of boots. The General thought you might need them." He gave her a quick once-over, unseen gaze lingering on her bare feet. "Clearly, he was right."
"Clearly," Anakin muttered, expressing every bit of her gratitude to Obi-Wan through their bond. She thanked the clone again and swiftly boarded the ship.
In a matter of moments, the ship sprang to life, its engines thundering as Anakin felt the soothing vibrations beneath her. The sight beyond the cockpit window shifted from the never-ending cityscape of Coruscant to a breathtaking stretch of darkness adorned with shining stars.
Anakin thrusted the ship towards the closest hyperspace lane, readily bidding farewell to Coruscant as she embarked on the voyage back to her home on Mustafar.