Swapped Percy

Percy's POV:

Today, was a special day, after all, it was me and Annabeth's 5th anniversary, not only that but, 5 years since we finally confessed our feelings to each other, 5 years since the war with Kronos ended, 4 years since the Giant war ended and 4 years since an era of peace had ushered in.

Ever since the war ended, we pursued what we wanted the most, we both went to the university at New Rome, got our degrees and settled down with our friends in New Rome, all the couples settled down, Frank and Hazel became the new praetors after Reyna formally retired and joined the hunt, all in all, everyone got their own sense of peace.

Currently, me and Annabeth were in our apartment, a humble three-bedroom apartment, I was sitting by the kitchen island, snacking on some Doritos while Annabeth was getting, ready, I told her not to dress up to fancy but she insisted because of the place we were going, yes, I get that the restaurant we were going to was one of the fanciest restaurants here in New Rome and the only way we got a reservation was because of our status but that doesn't matter, after all it's the company that matters and in my case it was the best.

"Percy stop eating Nachos! We have to go for dinner in a few! Also get ready you lazy ass!" I heard Annabeth scream at me, she was trying to screw in an earring as she came into the kitchen, and it hit me again, this beauty in front of me was all mine.

"How do I look?" Annabeth said coming to a halt in front of me, she straightened her posture and dress, and I was left speechless, she looked breathtaking, not that she didn't look breathtaking always but right now, just yeah, her golden princess curls fell down in waves and I just know that they must be smelling like her lemon scented shampoo, her angelic face was dusted with light make-up, some lip gloss on her soft pink lips, some blush to make her cheeks rosier, her piercing grey pools of wisdom which were my subject of attraction, looked like they would rip my soul apart, I don't know why, maybe it was because I wasn't ready or because I wasn't responding but I ignored it and went further down, her body looked blessed in the red silk dress, the dress was an off-shoulder, which meant it revealed her tanned shoulders, it followed with a deep plunge neckline, which beautifully highlighted her bountiful breasts, the dress hugged her body in all the right ways, it hugged her flat stomach, and fell down gracefully.

"Seaweed brain you are staring again." Annabeth said with her matter-of-fact tone and a small smile hinting at her lips, "I take it by your reaction that I look good?" Annabeth smiled and made her way over to me, I wrapped my arms around her waist, and stared into her grey orbs, I leaned down to kiss the beauty in my arms, but I felt her calloused fingers against my lips, "no kisses until you are ready kelpy."

"Come on that's not fair wise girl, one kiss, please?" I whined and tried to pull my famous injured seal eyes, but unfortunately my girlfriend was too used to them, "No way Percy, I'm not falling for those eyes, now go get changed." Annabeth said, her face to the side, she nudged me towards our bedroom door, and I complied. Opening my closet door, I tried searching for something that will basically help me not look like a bum, so I searched for something but ended up

with nothing that will help me, unless you consider a hoodie and jeans fancy, but I think even my status as the hero of Olympus won't help me pass wearing a hoodie and jeans.

I was about to tell Annabeth about my hopeless situation, when I heard a bell at the door and ran straight for it, "I'll get it Wise Girl!" I said as I made my way to the door, great, as long as I can prolong the inevitable. I heard an okay from the bedroom and made my way towards the door and anyways I needed a distraction from my doomed wardrobe situation, I pray to the gods that this is a fancy outfit or something like that, so Annabeth doesn't get mad at me, which let's be honest she will easily find a way.

I slowly opened the door, hoping that there was no person there, because you'll be surprised to find out that after you save the world twice you gain like an accursed celebrity status, you don't get any benefits except like special services here and there, but you do get a fan following who will follow you all the to your house, and yes, I speak from experience.

So, I opened the door, and thank the gods there was no person standing at my front door, on our doormat there was a suspicious looking simple pink box. I hesitantly picked the box up, thinking it might be something for Annabeth, hey, not being sexist here, just a small assumption.

"Hey babe? Did you order something?" I tried searching for some note as I brought the box in but couldn't really find anything on the inside.

"No, not that I remember at least, can you open it up and check?" I heard Annabeth's voice from our bedroom, I shrugged and slowly walked over to the dinner table and kept the box down, I opened the lid and purely out of reflex ducked, not because I was scared of something jumping out and killing me, yeah, definitely not that.

I slowly peeked from my hiding- I mean tactical retreat spot and saw it was a bottle of perfume, the perfume bottle itself was extremely intricate and well-designed, the liquid inside was a baby pink with like small glittery gold and contrary to the plain box, the inside was decorated with rose petals and a velvet casing for the bottle, along with that there was a pink note, jeez what's with all the pink?

"Hey Beth! There is a perfume inside the box, and there is a note as well?" I said, hearing no response from her side, I shrugged and picked up the long bottle of perfume, jeez, this shit is as long as my arm, but the actual content of the perfume was less than my palm, well who cares, I read the note, 'for the ladies' following those words there was a small kiss mark, it was written in ancient Greek so it was fairly easy to decipher, well at least it couldn't be more obvious that it wasn't for me.

But there was something that drew me in to take a whiff, I mean it can't hurt to try some right? (A/n I'll make up anything to push the story to the actual plot 😊) so I uncorked the glass bottle, it wasn't a spray bottle, so the actual way of getting a smell would be just holding the bottle close to my nose, well that's the logical thing to do, especially when dealing with potentially mythological stuff, but you know me, so I dabbed it on my wrist and took a whiff, holy fuck this shit was addicting, I took another whiff, oh yeahhh, and another one, I felt like DJ motherfucking Khaled, I just need another one.


"Hey Percy, what was in the- b..b..bo…box…" I heard Annabeth stutter out, what happened, is there something on my face?

"You look like you saw a ghost wise girl? What's wrong?" wait what, that didn't sound right, my voice…it was a lot more…feminine and soft…wait a minute…I stared at my wrist which I had been smelling for the past few minutes or so, it was a lot smaller and daintier than what I was used to seeing. Raising my other hand, I realized that the same had happened here, both my arms were skinny and toned along with that they were hairless.

I looked down to see that there were small lumps in my t-shirt, and I feared the worst, I placed my arms on my chest and felt a squishy softness in my hands, I squeezed them and let out a feminine moan, oh fuck, why were they so sensitive!

"Annabeth, what the fuck happened to me?!" I exclaimed, I fully turned to Annabeth, who not only looked shocked but had a small blush on her cheeks.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know Percy? what the fuck did you do now?" Annabeth said once she was able to school her blush.

"I just applied some of that perfume on my hand and BAM! I have breasts?" I said, pointing to the lumps in my t-shirt, I felt a breeze pass through my legs, wait, how though? I was wearing pants…

Me and I'm guessing Annabeth also, both heard a loud rip sound through the apartment, when I looked past down my breasts, gods that sounded weird, I had fat and muscular thighs, like holy fuck, I flexed my quads and I saw how muscular they were now, holy shit I was quadzilla, but I could also feel just how fat and jiggly they are, yup, I had thunder thighs, I can't let thalia know about this. Soon, I felt a massive burn in my butt, I bent forward from the pain, oh shit, oh fuck, I could feel it growing, yup it was real, how the fuck does smelling a perfume lead to this?

"Oh, my gods, Percy…your butt…is…umm…yeah" I heard Annabeth who sounded a little breathless, I raised my head to see she was holding her stomach and a hand covering her mouth, with a little twinkle in her eyes, great at least one of us was getting a kick out of this.

Soon I felt the pain stop so I returned to a relaxed stance, as I did, I could feel my butt jiggle non-stop, oh great. But I didn't even get a moment to relax as I felt all the breath was sucked out of me, it felt like I was being bear hugged by Tyson. Oh fuck, I went down on my knees and clutched my stomach, shit, why the fuck was I able to hear bones cracking?!?

I looked down to see my little buddy squished between my thick thighs, it would be a pleasure if I wasn't seeing it actively shrink, it was rapidly contracting and getting smaller, I looked in abject horror as my dick kept folding in itself and soon went inside my body, I hesitantly peeked down to see my buddy was gone and instead there was just a shaved mound. Annabeth was, I don't know, she looked confused, turned on and horrified all three at the same time.

"Percy…you…became a…girl" I heard Annabeth stutter out, I just rolled my eyes, thanks for stating the obvious captain obvious.

"No shit sherlock, but how?!?!" I said annoyed, why does the weirdest shit happen to me? First, I became a guinea pig, now a girl, what's next? A fucking megalodon?

"Jeez, why are you getting mad at me for? You turned into a girl on your own, but how? Wait a minute, check the box for clues seaweed brain." Annabeth walked over to me and helped me up, I don't know if Annabeth noticed, or if she simply chose to ignore it, I was far shorter than her by a small margin like 1-2 inches, she was a 5'9 so I was maybe a 5'7 or 5'8 now, half a foot shorter than my original self.

I, along with Annabeth, searched through the box for any clues, we couldn't really find anything other than the fact that it was from someone random. I reread the note, it was still the same, I handed it to Annabeth, who did the same thing, but she did what my dumbass didn't, she flipped the note over.

"Well, Well, Well, what do we have here? It says 'not meant for male consumption. Otherwise, there will be repercussions.' Well at least we saw the repercussions." Annabeth mused, she is just loving this, isn't she?

"Well, what the fuck do I do now? I have no way of knowing when I will turn back or if I will turn back at all. Oh no, this is fucking bad, fuck, fuck, fuck! Ouch what was that for?" I was having a mental breakdown when I heard a sigh and felt a stinging sensation on my new jiggly backside.

"can you chill your tits, Percy? You are acting as if it was the end of the whole fucking world, news flash it's not, you just became a girl which is not as bad as you are making it out to be, you have so many friends who are girls, not to mention me and your mom, are you calling us bad for being girls?" Annabeth said, crossing her arms and cocking her eyebrows, gods she looks so sexy right now.

"No, Beth, you know that's not what I meant, I-, fine, it's not as bad as I'm making it, but come on, it's hard for me, you know? I can't just adjust to being a girl so quickly." I said, a little exasperated, why was I being turned into the bad guy here, I'm the victim! But maybe she is right I might've overreacted a bit.

"Still Percy, you know what, just, forget what just happened, we have to go for a dinner and well you are like this, wait a minute, wait for me here." Annabeth ran off to the bedroom, I waited for her, feeling embarrassed because I was half naked standing in the middle of our dining room.

"alright I got a fix for your clothes for the dinner, now come we need to fix you up in the meantime. Also remove that shirt." Annabeth said and purely out of surprise, not because I was weak, she grabbed me and dragged me back to our bedroom. Once there I removed my now oversized shirt, now I was able to see my small breasts and womanly waist much clearly, well thank god I have a flat stomach, there is nothing wrong with being chubby, but I just prefer it like this. But I was curious, there is no way in hell am I going out like this.

"Hey Annabeth, um, what are you doing? I'm not going like this." I said and started gesturing to myself.

"what do you mean? We are going, whether you like it or not, we got the reservation out of pure luck and I'm not going to waste it because you felt shy. Now here wear my robe, we are going and there will be no ifs and buts." Annabeth handed me her bathrobe. I muttered thanks and slipped the velvet wardrobe on, it felt nice wearing it, the sensations were much different, it was very soft and smooth on my skin. I tied the knot in the front and felt Annabeth push me towards her dressing table. She then proceeded to push me down on the chair and sitting right in front of the mirror, now at least I could get a good look at myself. I touched my cheek not believing it, I had smooth, glowing skin with high cheekbones. My lips were full and slightly parted, revealing a soft pink shade. Along with arched, dark eyebrows that framed my almond-shaped sea green eyes, which were seemingly accentuated by long lashes. My hair were much longer, seemingly darker, and slightly wavy, they were cascading over my shoulders.


"is that…is that… me?" I was shocked, holy fuck, not to sound narcissistic but I was fucking gorgeous.

"yes, seaweed brain that's you, now sit still and look pretty for me." Wait what did she mean by that? I soon understood when I saw makeup equipment enter my vision, so we are doing this huh?

"Okay, let's start, I'm no Piper but I'll try my best to make my 'girlfriend' as pretty as possible." Annabeth said with a smile, gently cleansing my face with a cotton pad soaked in micellar water.

"Annabethhh." I whined at her little joke, come on have some consideration for the poor guy here.

"I'm kidding Percy, now sit still." Annabeth said with a smile and continued her work." Your skin is already so nice, but this will make sure everything goes on smoothly."

I closed my eyes, enjoying the cool sensation as Annabeth worked with precision. Next, she applied a light moisturizer, massaging it into my skin with gentle, circular motions. I shivered a little from the cool cream.

"Now, for the base," Annabeth murmured, selecting a light, sheer foundation. She dotted the foundation onto my face and blended it out with a damp beauty sponge, using light taps to ensure a seamless finish. "We want this to look like skin, not makeup." Ok and? What am I supposed to do with that information?

Once the foundation was perfectly blended, Annabeth reached for a cream-coloured concealer. "Just a little under the eyes," she said, dabbing it gently under my eyes to brighten the area. She also added a touch around the nose and on the chin to even out the complexion.

"Now, time for some warmth," Annabeth continued, I smiled unknowingly as I realized she was doing the same habit of talking to herself as she did when she worked. She continued swirling a fluffy brush in a soft pink blush. She applied it to the apples of my cheeks, using upward strokes toward the temples. "This will give her that fresh, healthy glow." She continued talking to herself.

Annabeth took a step back to assess her work, then nodded in satisfaction. "Let's move on to your eyes." She selected an eyeshadow

palette, choosing a soft beige shade. "Close your eyes," she instructed, I obliged and did so, she gently sweeping the colour across my lids. "We're going for something natural, just to add a bit of depth."

After blending the shadow to perfection, she picked up a black mascara. "Look up," she said softly. Silently following her commands, I did as she did and pretended not to like it as much as her, it was a little fun. With careful strokes, she coated my lashes, giving them length and volume without clumping. "This will make your eyes pop without being too dramatic."

"Now, let's define those brows," Annabeth added, reaching for an eyebrow pencil. She used light, feathery strokes to fill in and shape my eyebrows, following their natural arch. "We want them to look natural but well-defined."

Finally, she selected a nude shade of lipstick with a soft sheen. She carefully applied it to my lips, pressing them together to distribute the colour evenly. "Perfect," she said with a smile, adding a touch of gloss to the center of my lips for a bit of shine.

Taking a step back, Annabeth admired her work, and I did that with her, by staring at myself in the mirror. My face was radiant, my features subtly enhanced by the makeup. The dewy skin, the soft blush, the defined brows, and the gentle sheen on my lips all combined to create a look that was both natural and stunning.

"Voila, what do you think Percy? You look so pretty!" said Annabeth in a very non-Annabeth way but I couldn't help but begrudgingly agree with her, I in fact did look very pretty.

"I, uh, yeah, agree with you, I do look very pretty." I said, a little blush painting my already pink cheeks. We heard a ding at the door and Annabeth's eyes lit up. "And that must be your clothes for the dinner, now wait here while I get them." Annabeth hurried off to the door, leaving me alone. I looked back to see if she was actually gone and decided to well check myself out. I spread my thick thighs apart, giving a curious look to the meaty slit between my legs, I was about to well, touch it or something when Annabeth barged in, which startled me, making me snap my thighs shut.

"Oh, babe, were you exploring! Sorry for the intrusion but here is your dress, you'll find your undergarments inside the cover." Annabeth said with a knowing smirk, I just blushed a dark red and took the garment bag from her.

"Do I have to wear a dress? Why can't I just, you know where a hoodie and jeans or something?" I'm already embarrassed enough about the makeup but a dress?

"Yes, seaweed brain, you have to, you are going to a fancy fucking restraint for god's sake. Now open the bag I'll help you with it." Annabeth said, I sighed but complied, I opened the zip and pulled out the hanger with the dress.

I heard Annabeth whistle, "Now Percy, since this is a two piece, I think going no bra would be best, since even Hazel hasn't sent a bra, it meant even she doesn't, so wear these and I'll help you with the top." Annabeth handed me a black thong from Victoria's Secret, how do I know? Because it was boldly written on the straps with rhinestones. I slipped my legs in and pulled it up, it smoothly went up my long legs, and I pulled it flush against, my um, yeah, you get the idea, it was a high-waisted thong, which I didn't know but Annabeth helped with by so eloquently pulling the straps up, wedging my ass and making me yelp. I shot her an annoyed look and she just smirked.

"Gods you have no idea how sexy you look, especially that ass, but moving on, turn around I'll help you with the top." I did as she said and turned around, she asked me to lift my arms up and I complied, I soon felt the cool fabric slide over my skin. She carefully adjusted the top, the thin spaghetti straps rested lightly on my shoulders making sure it sat perfectly on my chest, but honestly, I felt like she just wanted to fondle my boobs, fuck why are they so sensitive!? I shifted slightly, adjusting to the new sensation of the fabric hugging my body, it was unfamiliar, but not uncomfortable.

Annabeth then helped me get in the skirt, which thank god was long, but The skirt fit like a glove, so when I turned to look in the mirror, you know what I saw? My now massive ass was stretching it to its limits, well that was somewhat expected, Hazel isn't the curviest of the girls. I decided to ignore it, and just started smoothing it over my curves and pulling it higher and as close to my waist.

Annabeth helped adjust the waistband, ensuring it aligned perfectly with the top. Annabeth stepped back, her eyes sparkling with approval as she looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"There," Annabeth said with a grin, "You look incredible."

"Guess we are doing this huh?" I said turning to Annabeth.


"You darn right we are, now let me get you some matching heels, purse and jewellery and we can get going soon." Annabeth said with a happy grin, I smiled, it was nice seeing her just be happy, she had suffered a lot in her life, and that too before she knew she was a demigod, and even if it takes me becoming a girl to make her happy then I don't mind, as long as she is happy, then I'm okay with everything.

"What are you smiling about?" I heard Annabeth, she appeared with a small black purse, a shoe box and her jewellery box.

"Nothing. So, what have you got?" I say and walk closer to her.

"Oh? Are you finally taking interest?" Annabeth said with mock surprise.

"No, just doing this properly. Now show me what you got." I said with a smile and sat down on the bed and pulled her next to me.

"First let's start with jewellery, I noticed that your ears and naval were already pierced so I got you these." Annabeth said while simultaneously picking out a pair of small golden hoop earrings, and a naval ring with a diamond pendant.

"Along with this you need to wear a necklace and a bracelet, they will just help complete the look plus you'll look sexy as hell." Annabeth said without skipping a beat, she opened her box and took out a simple golden chain and bracelet with diamond pendants. I shrugged seemed simple enough, I wore the bracelets while Annabeth helped me with earrings and naval ring, it was a weird feeling, nonetheless, imagine having paper weights constantly hanging from your ears and a cool metal block placed on your naval, once done with these, Annabeth went behind and moved my hair, wrapping the golden chain around my new neckline, I just stared up at her, she had that determined look on her face she gets when she is cooking up a plan.

Annabeth opened the shoe box, it was her black YSL sandals with the gold-plated logo as the heel, which she had bought using her infinite black card, yes, the one from the lotus eaters, I don't know how it was still working but I'm not complaining, she had kept it safe with her, and well, used it to deck herself out with designer, trust me when I say it, Annabeth loves designer products, I still shiver from the time when we went shopping in France, though having Hermes transport all the packages was fun, opening them weren't.

But the problem at hand was these were 5-inch heels easily, and while I have experience being tall, I don't have experience with heels. I turned to Annabeth, I'm sure she easily read what I meant to ask her, she nodded, which meant I had to wear these, all right, I took a deep breath, I have battled Kronos, this should be nothing.

I slipped and strapped the heels on, I put my feet down, feeling the pressure on my sole, I slowly got to my feet with a little wobble, woah finally somewhat close to my normal height but still not there. The 5-inch heels felt like I was doing a balancing act in the circus, as I wobbled slightly, trying to take a small step forward.

"I don't know about these, Annabeth," I said, glancing nervously, these are definitely going to be hard to walk in, "I feel like I'm going to topple over any second."

"don't worry Percy, let me help you." Annabeth smiled reassuringly which helped me calm down a little, and moved closer, her own movements fluid in her own pair of heels. She extended a hand, which I gratefully took, clutching it like a lifeline.

"Okay," Annabeth began, her teacher voice coming forward, "first things first. Stand up straight. Posture is key. Imagine there's a string pulling you up from the top of your head."

I took a deep breath and adjusted my posture, according to what she wanted, I tried to relax my shoulders and straightened my spine.

"Good, now shift your weight slightly onto the balls of your feet, but keep it balanced. You don't want to lean too far forward or backward."

I nodded, focusing on the feeling of my weight distribution. I felt a bit more stable, but the thought of walking still made me a little nervous.

"Now, take a small step with one foot," Annabeth instructed, gently guiding my right foot forward. "Start with your heel, then roll onto the ball of your foot. Let the other foot follow naturally."

I hesitated, but with Annabeth's hand steadying me, I couldn't help but feel safe, so I lifted my foot and took a careful step. The heel touched the floor first, and I felt the rest of my foot follow, rolling forward as she had described.

"Yes, just like that!" Annabeth cheered softly. "Now the other foot. Remember to keep your movements small, can't exactly take big steps like before."

With her aid, I took another step, this time feeling a bit more confident as my foot contacted the floor. She still stayed close, her hand still firmly holding mine, providing both physical and emotional support.

"You're doing great, Percy, keep going, heel to toe, small steps. Don't rush it."

We continued like this, Annabeth constantly being a source of encouragement as I slowly made my way across the room. Every few steps, she would remind me to keep my shoulders back, or to adjust my balance slightly.

After I had reached the end of the room back and forth a few times, I paused and let out a small, relieved laugh. "I actually did it," I said, a mix of surprise and pride, in me, holy fuck that was somehow harder than sword fighting.

"Good, now we can at least head out it's almost time. Here is your purse, it's more of a courtesy, I have stuffed a lip gloss and blush so you can touch up later, also your black card, just because you are a girl right now, doesn't mean you can't be the man, also keep riptide in this, you don't exactly have pockets in a dress." She said with a small smirk, she patted my shoulder and walked out of our bedroom.

I followed her, not really step-to-step but enough to not fall behind. I walked with a steady rhythm, or what I so hoped would be, in my mind I was just repeating 1,2,3, 1,2,3…

Finally, after what seemed like hours we were exiting our house, best part? We still had enough time to make our reservation, I know right? How the fuck we still have time is absurd, Annabeth and I made our way down to the basement, why the basement? Because you see after the giant war and the monsters falling back into Tartarus, we demigods were now able to freely venture out into the mortal world, that involved bringing mortal goods into camp, like, earlier we weren't able to smuggle anything outside of snacks and food because of the monsters being attracted by modern technology but now? well we advanced new Rome a lot, particularly the Hephaestus campers, they, while keeping the roman architecture brought mortal technology into camp, but they are still trying to develop phones and stuff like that, because I don't think the robbery of thousands of iPhones will go unnoticed. So, for now, we only have been able to bring cars, trucks and other such things, by actually purchasing them, under the name of the Amazonians. But anyways, we went to the basement, where I had parked my beauty, yes, mine, while Annabeth was having her own fun in France, I decided to have my own fun, and the beauty in question would make Aphrodite jealous, who is this beauty in question? It was a fucking McLaren speed tail, she had a 4.0-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine paired with an electric motor, combined power of 1,035 horsepower, a top speed of 250 mph (403 km/h for the foreigners), making it the fastest McLaren ever. She hits 0-186 mph (0-300 km/h) in 12.8 seconds, all in all, a beast in the truest of senses.

Annabeth was a bit angry (read very) with me when I told her about my purchase but come on can you blame me? she gets to go on a shopping spree with an infinite money card and I get yelled at for buying a 2.5-million-dollar car!

Anyways, we walked up to my baby, of course I got it in blue, no questions there, with a carbon fibre finish on the inside, and don't forget the blue led lights, I opened the door for Annabeth and helped her inside, just because I'm not a man externally doesn't mean I forget what my mother taught me.

Though sitting myself was very hard to be honest, with the whole high heels and short height, the moment I sat down on the fine leather seats, I felt my ass jiggle as I plopped down, after a few minutes of me just adjusting the seats to match my new stature, I revved up the engine, the smell of the burning gasoline, the sound of a primal beast ripped apart the silence as I started my baby.

I pulled out of the parking lot and made our way onto the roads of the new Rome. Our apartment was in the area meant for residents who are still available to fight in the case of a battle, Annabeth who still had the face like she was planning something, which made the car ride silent, but bearable since it gave me some time to think, I know, shocking right? You must be wondering how can I think?

Well, I just thought about my current predicament, what it means for me, what it means for Annabeth, will our relationship still the same, I don't know, we don't even know for sure if I can go back to being a male, if this transformation is permanent or temporary, we have no clue. Also, if I am a girl now, do I have a womb?


After a few more minutes of driving, we finally pulled up to the restaurant, there were a lot of demigods just walking in and out of the restaurant, there was a valet service which meant I will have to give my baby over to them so they can drive her, which by no means made me comfortable.

The restaurant was like any other, it had the classic roman architecture, with a led sign on the wall for the restaurant. We walked up to the guy managing the reservations by the pedestal.

"Sorry miss, but we are fully reserved for the night." The concierge by the desk said. I was confused as to why he called me a miss, when it clicked me, I forgot for a minute that I was a girl right now.

"We have a reservation, under the name of Percy Jackson for two?" I spoke.

"Let me just check, yes, there is a reservation under his name, but I don't see Mr. Jackson here?" before I could respond back, Annabeth took over for me.

"Ah yes, that's because he is currently unwell and wanted us to go for dinner, this is Percy's sister from the mortal side, who is clear sighted and was visiting us, and as you can see, I'm his girlfriend." Annabeth said, which made much more sense than any mumbo-jumbo I could've come up with.

"I see, well we were excited to host you and Mr. Jackson but there is no problem if he isn't here. Please follow me ladies." The guy got up and took us inside, the lighting was low, which meant the entire restaurant was dimly lit, the entire interior was cozy because of the fire place, there were max to max 9 tables or so I counted which explained the reservations and stuff, there was a band playing classical music in the corner, with waiters going around the whole room, as I walked, I saw from the corner of my eye a waiter putting on a whole show for a table.

Finally, he took us to our corner, it was secluded enough so we could be as romantic as we can but not get suspicious looks from others. The dude after getting us seated he handed us the menus and left us to order. When I opened the menu, I was shocked by the prices, 50$ for a burger?! 130$ for a steak?! (1 denarius is equivalent to 10 dollars)

"So, babe what do you want to order?" I asked, I already had in mind what I was going to order.

"Hmm, I was thinking of getting the smoked salmon chicken Caesar salad, Cacio E Pepe Carbonara and some wine. What about you?" Annabeth said flipping the pages. I just nodded along.

"I was thinking of getting the seared scallops and wagyu New York strip and wine as well." Annabeth nodded, and ushered the waiter, who was of course, bewildered by the two ladies sitting in front of him, or at least that's what I could assume from his blush.

After Annabeth gave our orders to the dude, she reached across the table, her fingers brushing against my hand, sending a shiver of excitement up mine. "This place is incredible," Annabeth said, her voice a gentle whisper. "But not as incredible as you." Didn't know she was so cheesy.

I blushed, I felt the heat rise up my cheeks, from the outside Annabeth could see my cheeks tinged with a light pink that mirrored the roses in the center of the table. She looked down for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts before meeting my eyes again. "I'm so glad you like it. I wanted tonight to be special."

"It already is," she replied, her thumb tracing small circles on the back of my hand. The warmth of her touch was both comforting and electrifying.

The waiter soon approached with their first course, a delicate arrangement of seared scallops with a citrus glaze, artfully presented on fine China. He placed the plates in front of them with a courteous nod and disappeared back into the flow of the evening. The aroma of the dish wafted up, and Annabeth breathed it in, feeling the night's tension melt away as we shared a small, excited smile.

As we began to eat, the conversation flowed effortlessly, a mix of light-hearted banter and meaningful exchanges that seemed to deepen with every passing minute. I found myself lost in her laughter, a sound so joyful and genuine that it made my heart swell with happiness. She in turn, listened intently to the antics me and the boys did, her eyes never leaving mine, as if nothing else in the world mattered more in that moment.

When the main course arrived—a perfectly cooked wagyu New York strip for me and a sumptuous Cacio e Pepe for Annabeth—we poured the finely brewed wine made by the Dionysus and Bacchus campers. We toasted with our wine glasses, the soft clink of glass on glass resonating like a shared secret. "To us," I said, her voice full of emotion.

"To us," Annabeth echoed, her eyes shining. She took a sip, savouring the taste as she held my gaze. The wine was rich and full-bodied, a perfect complement to the depth of feelings. At least I know that our feelings are still the same, regardless of the gender.

As we ate, she reached out again, this time fully intertwining her fingers with mine. "You know," she began softly, "I've always dreamed of a night like this. A night where everything feels…right."

I felt my heart flutter again, the sincerity in her voice made my pulse quicken. "And how does tonight feel?" she smiled, a slow, radiant expression that made my breath catch, fuck even as a girl she has that effect on me. "It feels like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. With you."

The world seemed to shrink until it was just the two of us, the rest of the restaurant fading into the background. The lights outside, the murmured conversations of other diners, even the gentle strains of the piano—they all became secondary to the connection between us.

I leaned in slightly, my voice barely above a whisper. "I feel the same way, Wise girl. You make everything…better. More beautiful. Literally." A small pun which she seemed to understand by the small laugh she let out.

Our eyes locked, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then, slowly, she brought my hand to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. "Here's to many more nights like this," Annabeth said, her voice full of promise. I smiled, my heart was overflowing with love and contentment. "Many more," I agreed. The night was going swimmingly, just ignoring the gender change.

The evening continued, each course more exquisite than the last, but it wasn't the food that made the night unforgettable. It was the loving glances, the shared laughter, and the gentle touches that spoke of a love. By the time dessert arrived, a decadent chocolate soufflé shared between us, we knew this was a unique night we would both cherish forever.

After paying the bill, we prepared to leave, the night air cool against our exposed skin, we walked out of the restaurant, the night sky was beautiful, we both were intoxicated, by love or wine I'm not sure, but one thing is for certain, our bond has definitely grown stronger, I don't think I can spend my life with anyone else other than Annabeth.

After the valet guy brings my car, I tip him a few denarii and we drive back, the drive was silent but not awkward, we both just enjoyed the silence, whenever I could find the chance, I would, intertwine my hand with hers and just enjoy the night. Occasionally, I caught Annabeth staring at my lap, which was interesting to say the least, but hey I'm not complaining about it.

After a few more minutes of driving, and lastly parking the car we made our way back to the apartment, I made my way inside, while Annabeth hid the keys and did all of that. I walked back to our bedroom and collapsed on the bed face first, which was not a good idea considering my breasts were painfully smothered against the bed. My soles were aching from walking on heels for so long and my whole body felt cold and exposed now that the excitement from the night was wearing off.

I looked into the mirror, my makeup was still impeccable, my lips were rosy, and my cheeks were pink from alcohol or from the blush I'm not sure. Anyways, I heard the door to our bedroom close shut, Annabeth walked in, in her hand was a box, I didn't really care about it, and just stared at Annabeth, who held my gaze, as if a switch was flicked, she pounced on me, kicking of her heels, and helping me with mine she fully got on top of me, her hands intertwined with mine as she descended onto me, her soft lips meeting my new full lips.

Altogether It was a whole new feeling to kiss as a girl, the way our soft lips moulded together, her breasts squishing against mine, her knee was against my…pussy…which sent tingles of pleasure running down my spine, we kept kissing till I felt her tongue brush against my mouth, I gladly gave her entrance, her tongue entered my mouth, we fought loosely for control, I gave up pretty soon and let her dominate the kiss, her tongue explored my wet mouth, I could feel her tongue against my teeth, after exploring some more she intertwined her tongue with mine and continued wrestling me.

I didn't remain idle though, using my free hand, I opened the zipper to her dress and pulled it down to reveal her bouncy breasts hidden behind a no-strap bra, removing it I let her DD-cup breasts free. I freed my other hand grabbed both of them and fondled them to my hearts content like I've done many times before. My small hands sunk straight into the soft pillows of fun. I gave them gentle squeezes, I heard Annabeth moan into my mouth as I did so, I felt the panties becoming damp from how aroused I was getting. Soon from the lack of breath we broke the kiss, our tongues were connected by thin strands of saliva as we panted like dogs.

We sat straight, Annabeth removed her dress and urged me to do the same, letting her red dress fall down to her feet, her perfect body was revealed, her boobs hung heavily on her chest, going down she had a toned and fit stomach with visible abs, which flared into her hips, she was wearing a red thong, which was also damp from her arousal.

Annabeth helped me remove the top, which was funny because she was the one who helped me put it on. She removed the top and threw it to the side, letting my, thankfully, small breasts free, Annabeth then sat on the bed and slid the skirt down my long legs, then I felt a funny feeling on my ass, with surprising flexibility I moved my body partially to see what Annabeth was doing, she was kissing my ass, literally, but she would, after planting a few kisses, reapply her lipstick, covering one of my ass cheeks, in lipstick marks, which made me blush and aroused, it felt like Annabeth was marking me. I yelped when I felt her bite down, hard mind you, on my cheek.

"Fuck seaweed brain, your ass is so fat…" she said dreamily and kept kissing, which felt flattering.

As arousing it was, I didn't want to be the only one receiving pleasure, so I fully turned around and faced her and slightly pushed her back, she fell back and was resting her body on her palms, with her chest being pushed outwards, "I can't be the only one having fun, we can't be having that now…" I descended down on her breasts, I cupped one breast, while fondling the other one, I made eye contact while I took one of her aroused nipples in my mouth, I suckled on the nipple, I flicked her nipple with my tongue, while I twisted the other one, I could hear Annabeth's encouraging moans as she pressed her hand against my head, I continued lathering her nipples in my spit and giving her the most pleasure from her boobs. I switched boobs, lathering the other nipple in my spit, while jiggling the other boob in my hand.

Funnily enough I got the same idea as her, grabbing the red lipstick from the side table, I applied it thickly on my lips, I wrapped her boobs around my face and started kissing her between the valley of her breasts, peppering the area in kisses, once I felt it wasn't giving the same colour I would take a break and reapply the lipstick while making hard eye contact, with her, she was panting in arousal, she was whispering fucks and how sexy I looked but I ignored that and kept at it until the valley of her boobs was covered in lipstick marks.

I moved up and kissed her again, this time taking the lead and placing my right hand around her neck while the other one went around her waist. She placed both of her hands behind my neck and pulled me in, I fell on top of her, my cold nipples rubbed against her wet ones, sending pleasurable tingles up my spine. Continuing forward, I brushed my tongue past her lips, asking for entrance, which was very graciously granted to me, I wrapped my tongue around hers and sucked on it a little, moving on I explored her mouth like I've done multiple times, exploring all the small nooks and crannies in her mouth.

Again after a few more minutes, of kissing she unexpectedly, flipped us around, I flopped down on the bed, as she kissed me with fervour, we kept it at, with her hands holding my neck, mine wrapped around her waist.

Soon Annabeth broke off the kiss and went down, kissing along my jawline, her hands were cupping my breasts for the first time, her palms were as big as my breasts, which made it easier for her to grab. On the other hand, as she softly played with my breasts, she kept moving downwards, kissing my neck softly nibbling on a few spots, some were very pleasurable that made my toes curl.

She kissed down my collarbone, leaving hickeys, and finally kissed around my breasts, all while I did was moan, my body was so much more sensitive, and was so much more susceptible to pleasure. She kissed my breasts softly, looking up as she did, she took one of my nipples in her mouth, I felt her hot breath on my nipple, and I shivered both from the pleasure and the breath.

She did what I did for a few moments, that is, coating my nipples in her saliva and jiggling them in her hands, which introduced me to a whole new level of pleasure, I mean Annabeth did play with my nipples as a guy, but this was completely different.

She made her way down, kissing along my stomach, blowing in my naval piercing, and finally came to my panties, she looked up at me, silently asking for permission, I felt we have come too far to not continue, so I nodded, she smiled, and slowly traced a finger straight over my slight, I threw my head back, fuck, why did it have to be so good?? She pulled down the wet panties, my...pussy…was clinging tightly to the thong, at least from what I could see as she pulled it the juices clung tightly, once it was off, she slid them off.

She tried to wrap her arms around my thighs, but I don't know if I should feel proud or not, her arms did not fully loop around my thighs, so she resorted to just grabbing quads, and slowly descended to the area, from what I could see, I was completely shaven there, thank the gods, I mean no problem if someone has hair down there but it's just a personal preference. She kissed and sucked around my pussy, getting me even hornier as she did.

After a few more minutes of making me wetter and teasing me, I let out of whimper of need, which I didn't know where it came from, but it did, and it was loud and clear to Annabeth, she gave a long lick to my pussy first, starting from bottom to the clit, and I let my head fall and moaned, fuck, it felt so different…

She continued with that, leaving long licks on my pussy first, then came the bomb, she made eye contact, and connected her mouth to my pussy, I felt a wet hardness enter my pussy lightly, and it felt weird, but like the good kind of weird, it felt good, then she started licking, and I just let out a long stream of moans, fuck, fuck, fuck.

She continued lapping away at my pussy, soon she removed her hands from my thighs and used one to spread my pussy and the other to gently rub my clit, which by the way, is a very sensitive and pleasure giving muscle which made me let out a guttural moan, lost in pleasure.

I placed my hand on the back of her head, fuck, I don't want her to stop, it felt too fucking good. But soon I felt a tightness in my stomach, which I think even Annabeth realized because she started rubbing my clit at turbo speed and lapped at my pussy faster, suckling on random bundle of nerves as she did.

No sooner than she started doing that I came, hard. I felt my tongue flop out like a dog, my eyes crossed as I orgasmed, Annabeth kept lapping away at my juices, her relentless rubbing of my clit kept me in the throes of that orgasm.

"Fuck, Annabeth that felt so good" I moaned out, partially because she was still continuing with her pussy licking. She smirked and rose again, her other hand still rubbing my clit, "Oh, babe, what you experienced just now was nothing, this was just the start. You have yet to experience the whole thing, and the best part of female orgasms? Is that they only stop if you are de-hydrated." She kissed me and exchanged saliva, which I realized was lathered in my juices, and I had to say it, I tasted awesome.

She descended back, her hand tracing small circles on my clit, this time, instead using her tongue, she slowly brought her hand to her mouth, slipped her index finger inside, she made eye contact as she sucked on her finger, making me horny as fuck. She let the finger out of her mouth with a 'pop' she brought it close to my pussy and slipped it inside the entrance, letting me slowly adjust to her finger, I felt my inner walls expand and contract against her hand, gripping it in and not letting it go.

Slowly I felt her knuckle hit against my pussy when I realized there was a whole finger inside me, I just gave gasps and moans, it was so fucking good. She then started moving it, slowly but surely, ramping the pace, her finger was also moving smoother as she fingered me, of course she hadn't stopped her assault on my clit either, she kept rubbing circles around my clit.

Her pace had eventually hit the point it was jackhammering into me, her finger was slick with her saliva and my juices by this time. I was in this constant throe of pleasure, my body wracked with pleasure, my head was back, my hair sweaty and stuck to my back, my eyes were crossed, and my tongue lolled out, fuckkkkk.

"Annabeth…I…I'm…I'M CUMMINGGGG" I squealed out, when Annabeth curled her finger hitting this really sweet spot, as my core tightened and I came violently on her finger, my eyes rolled back into my head as I collapsed on the bed, my limbs twitching a little from cumming so hard, while I came Annabeth had replaced her finger with her mouth, she lapped at my pussy, her rubbing my clit kept stimulating me.

I couldn't think anymore, the pleasure was mind numbing, holy fuck, I didn't know that female orgasms were so intense and felt so fucking good. I just laid there, staring at nothing, my pussy was wet and sore from cumming so hard. I didn't see Annabeth, so I don't know what she was up to, I was still catching up with the orgasm.

Soon enough I knew, "Hey, Percy, look." I slowly raised my head, and I was shocked, where her pussy was, there was a black belt, with a metal ring, in her hand was a black dildo the size of my dick, which was 8 inches.

"Wha-" I was left agape, what the fuck? She pressed her finger to my mouth.

"Shhh, you are a girl now, and you cannot skip out on the best part, cumming on a dick, but the thing is I don't think either of us would like to ask another guy to fuck you, so I feel like I should be the one to introduce you to it. plus, you already came so far, this is just the last thing, and I made sure to get it the same size as you, so you can understand just how your dick made me feel." She slipped her finger into my mouth, and I involuntarily sucked onto it. she smirked and bound the dildo to her belt, I watched it wobble around just dreading while also anticipating the next part.

I was already in missionary position but I guess it wasn't how Annabeth wanted, because she grabbed a pillow and kept it under me, allowing me to be on a slightly raised platform, letting me see the action, next she grabbed the wobbling dildo and let it flop straight onto me, it went all the way to my naval and a bit further, it made me nervous but surprisingly excited.

I bit my lip, fuck if it goes inside, it will rip me apart, Annabeth smirked at my expression. She grabbed the dildo and slapped it against my wet entrance, it heavily flopped down, hitting my sore clit in the process, making me moan a little.

"Here it comes Percy, get ready." Annabeth with a lot of determination forced the tip into my entrance, and just the entrance of the was enough, fuckkkkk, I'm going to get ripped apart. She slowly eased it in, her dildo was pushing in slowly but steadily, my eyes rolled back from the pleasure, holy shit, holy shit, a dildo is going inside my pussy, a statement which I didn't know I was going to say if you told me that when I was a guy.

She was really gentle though, easing it in centimetre by centimetre, when she hit a roadblock, I guess it meant she finally hit my hymen, she stared at me again, I nodded, we came too far to go back now.

She nodded back and suddenly pulled out with just the tip inside, and with the force of a battering ram, stole my virginity. I squealed and cried, from the pain and the pleasure, Annabeth was on top of me, her entire dildo was now shoved inside me, I could see the bulge in my stomach formed by it.

We stayed like that, no movement, no thrusting, she let me adjust to the size of her dildo first, waiting for me to confirm when to continue. Slowly I felt the pain fading into the background and the pleasure hitting me like a tsunami. I nodded hesitantly, which signalled Annabeth to thrust. She fully pulled out, letting just the tip inside, and slowly shove the whole dildo inside, with slow and long strokes, she thrusted inside me, and I could feel the pleasure, eating me up slowly, I let out moans and squeals whenever she fully hilted inside.

"Fuck, fuck, fuckk, Annabeth, it feels soo good!" as I came again, but this time on her dildo, she smirked, "this is just the first of many babe, let's speed it up now, shall we?" I nodded hesitantly, anticipating the pounding that's about to cum.

She grabbed my legs and raised them up, holding them by the ankles, she pressed the dildo inside again, the tip falling inside easier now. she thrusted again, but this time she slowly sped up her speed, fucking me at a lightning pace, making me moan the whole time, I'm pretty sure my tongue throughout the night had remained less in my mouth and hanging more in the air.

I felt another orgasm approaching and came again squealing on her dick which did not stop thrusting inside me, "remember Percy, when I used to cum you would keep thrusting making me cum harder? I feel you should definitely experience it." she said while holding both my legs in one hand, using the other to slap my boobs, which by the way felt humiliating but awesome.

Once my orgasm slowed down, she pulled out, I felt my pussy gape, fuck, she did not relent that time. "This reminds me of my first time, well sort of, you get the idea. Let's change the position now." she helped me get on my hands and knees, putting me in a doggy style position. She put her hand on my lower back, forcing me to arch my back and jut out my massive ass and thighs into the air.

"Fuck, Percy your ass is so sexy, just look at the size, it's so fat but it's like so muscular and jiggly! I hope you learn how to twerk and give a lap dance, soon." She pressed the tip against my pussy again, while the other ass cheek was covered in lipstick stains and a bite mark, the other was bare, which apparently didn't suit Annabeth because she spanked me, hard.

Leaving a steaming red mark, she thrusted inside me, 8 whole inches of plastic pushed against me, I felt my pussy grip it like it a tentacle. She rose to her pace she was fucking me earlier, I felt her thighs slam against mine in each thrust, the pain and pleasure of her thunderous spanks against my ass, the plastic hard balls slapping against my clit aggressively, I could feel the dildo reach way deeper, all the while I moaned and panted like a bitch in heat. Once Annabeth hit this particularly sweet spot, which made my back arch, eyes cross and form an 'O' with my mouth.

She kept thrusting in me, when I heard her moan as well, looks like it was that type of a strap on which stimulates the wearer as well.

"Fuck Percy, you look so sexy from my POV, you know? The way your ass jiggles and claps along with your thighs, making that clapping sound when I thrust is so arousing, holy fuckkk. When are you going to cum, Percy?" She said, while thrusting into me, she pressed her hand again into my back, making me fall, straight into the pillow in front of me, with my ass up in the air, Annabeth mounted me like a mare, fucking me into the pillow, hitting spots I didn't know could be reached. All I could do was moan and drool as she kept fucking me.

Soon I felt another orgasm, she pulled out this time. I felt my gaping pussy cum, the juices were squirted out with the force of a fire hydrant, I could feel some just flow down my thighs, I bet my throat is going to be sore from all the moaning and shouting, not to mention the soreness and headache.

"I think you should drink some water, then we can continue with round two." Annabeth handed me a glass, in her hand was a video recorder, which made my eyes wide, I took the glass and was shocked, did she record me cumming?!? I was aroused and too fucked out of my mind to actually say anything, so I just drank the water and felt it rejuvenate me, I had more energy now which is good.

"Hey Percy, I feel like you should at least experience this, before we finish for the night." Before I could ask her what she meant by that, she laid down on the bed, the dildo, which was slick with my juices stood straight, I guess she wanted to do reverse cowgirl.

As I got onto the bed with her, I squatted down, I could hear Annabeth mutter, 'fuck that ass', ignoring the blush rising up my cheeks, I grabbed the slippery hard piece of plastic, I was about to put it inside my pussy when Annabeth stopped me, "not there, seaweed brain, I want you take it up the ass." Before I could protest, which I couldn't have because I was incredibly weak from the orgasms, she grabbed the dick and forced the tip inside my tight asshole, I complied with her wish to do anal and spread my cheeks for her, might as well let her pop my anal cherry today itself.

She slowly forced the dildo completely inside my asshole, aided by the pussy juices, she slipped it inside till the time I was sitting in her lap, moaning and giving raspy fucks from the pleasure, there goes my anal virginity. She asked me to move which I nodded, slowly rising and falling on to the dildo. Fucking myself in the ass on her dildo.

By the time I was able to ride at a fast rate, my mind was blank from the pleasure, the feeling of the dildo inside my ass was exhilarating, Annabeth would occasionally spank but did nothing, except moan once when she came again.

"Percy, you are so sexy like thissss, I hope you remain a girl foreverrrr!" She moaned as she came, I was going to ask her what she meant by that, but she grabbed my hands. I felt her boobs push against my back, her face close to my neck, she had looped her hands and wrapped it behind my head, transforming it into a partial nelson position, from here I could see my red pussy, and gaping ass, with some aid I helped her slip the dildo inside my asshole, then she started pistoning into me at a hard and fast rate, I felt my head bounce as my tongue lolled out and my eyes crossed for the umpteenth time this night. She removed the hands from my head and using her index fingers she spread my mouth and well, spat in it. I swallowed which was emasculating but very arousing.

Continuing to spread my mouth, she jackhammered my asshole till it was red. My throat was scratchy from all the moaning and shouting, my hair was sweaty and clumpy, my ass hurt from the spanks and the dildo inside.

"You know Percy, this dildo has a special feature, I'm getting exhausted from all the thrusting and I'm sure you are also feeling it, so I think you should feel the sensation of seeing a dick cum inside you." As soon as said that, she completely hilted into my ass, then I felt it, her dick started cumming, my final orgasm also hit at the same time, my pussy spraying out my juices like a fire hose. I could feel her cumming inside me, soon she pulled out, a few strands of cum, hit my stomach and breasts, but not all, she thrusted it in inside my pussy, filling it up with that hopefully fake cum, I felt so full, I'm pretty sure it's one of those special dildos which can squirt cum but this cum was artificial, the cum was artificial and thick soon she pulled it out letting me fall flat, she sprayed some of the last cum on my ass with some going up my spine.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, why does that feel so good…" I moaned at the feeling, I could feel it sloshing around me. I just collapsed right there, from the pleasure.

Annabeth's POV:

I was finally done fucking Percy, he was exhausted, unsurprisingly, he just came like 7-8 times.

I took a picture as a souvenir, seeing my hot boyfriend, or rather girlfriend pumped full of fake cum, his ass red from the spanks and lip stick marks and of course the cum on his back. I videotaped the whole of his fucking from the doggystyle which would make for the best porn when he is not there, I didn't know he was going to be such a buttslut to be honest, the way he fucked his ass on my dildo was a sight I will remember forever.

I removed the strap on and got in the bed with him, covering him in the sheets, I spooned him, his massive ass at once making me horny. I'm not kidding if this change is permanent, he is going to learn how to twerk this ass. And with that, we went to Morpheus's realm.