Troy pushed a freezing hand against the door, glad to hear it creak open. The surrounding houses in the tiny village had all been locked shut to him, and there was a good chance he would freeze to death if someone didn't let him in soon. The owner of the large mansion might not welcome a stranger coming inside and making themselves cozy by their fire, but Troy hoped they'd be understanding once he explained his situation.
He closed the door behind him and threw his back against the wall with a sigh of relief. The feeling was already coming back into his lungs. A quick glance around showed that this mansion was enormous. Just the front foyer was bigger than his house back home, somewhere far away from here. Too far for him to get back with the blizzard going on.
A fireplace crackled nearby, welcoming him in with the warmth of its glow and the laid-back dance it made despite being made of roaring flames.
Troy shuffled over to the fireplace to warm his hands. He rubbed his palms together and sighed, so happy to take a breath of air that wasn't mixed with bitter cold.
Footsteps came racing down from a room Troy couldn't see. The master of the house must have heard him rummaging about and was coming to investigate. Troy could only do a nervous gulp and hoped they wouldn't be too angry to listen to his case.
He glanced up and saw his unwitting host barreling down the stairs with an uncanny speed for a woman her size. She seemed taller than the tallest basketball player, her height accented by a white dress that folded about her in several layers and a matching wide hat that cast a shadow over her face.
"There you are!" She said, leaning over the rails, making Troy blush as the view straight down her top. She looked at him and the smile on her face faded.
"Oh. You're not him. I'm sorry, I was expecting someone ..." She walked down the steps, guiding her hand on the rails. "Who are you?"
Troy cleared his throat. This woman was intimidating and he almost his voice in his presence. Being out in the cold so long probably didn't help either.
"My name's Troy," Troy explained. "I live in another village to the south of here. I came here because I was told someone sold high quality timber for firewood, but all the doors were locked when I got here and a cold snap came in. Yours was the first building I could get into. I'm terribly sorry to have disturbed you, madam, but if you'll just allow me ten, fifteen minutes by your fire, I'll take my leave and trouble you no more."
The woman cupped her chin and regarded him with her striking yellow eye – almost golden. She was thinking about what to do with him, Troy could tell. He hoped she wouldn't decide to toss him back out and let the winter take him.
"Trouble?" She said, her red lips curling into a smile. "No, it's no trouble at all. In fact, I have been rather bored waiting for my special guest to arrive. Why don't I entertain you while I wait to pass the time?"
"You … really don't have to do that," Troy said, flattered she'd be so kind to a stranger. "But I would be happy to accept."
"Good. Good. My daughters and I have been terribly bereft of entertainment. Please, come upstairs and I'll put on a pot of tea."
"That sounds lovely."
What a lucky break. The owner of the house was kind and understanding, and here she was, offering to do far more for him than just let him borrow the fireplace.
"Daughters!" she called upstairs. "We have a guest! Make some of the good tea!"
"You know, I don't think you've told me your name," Troy said as he followed her up the stairs.
"I don't think so, no. I am Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, Lady of the House."
"That's quite a name. It sounds so … old."
Alcina stopped on the steps and turned around at this. "I'm sorry?"
"No, no, I'm sorry," Troy said. "I didn't mean to imply you were old, just that … it's a respectable name. It sounds like it's got a lot of history behind it."
Alcina gave him an assuring smile, letting him know he'd covered his rhetorical blunder and she forgave his transgression. "You have no idea. Come! Let's get that tea."
He followed her into the kitchen, where two younger and shorter woman were already pouring a kettle of fresh steaming tea into cups. They were like an inverse of Alcina, short, smoothed face, with dirty blonde hair, and dressed all in black. As opposed to Alcina, whose dark hair was well kept, and whose face showed wrinkles with every smile but nothing to detract from her beauty, unlike her daughters whose cheeks were covered in grunge like they never been taught how to use a napkin.
"Sit, sit," Alcina directed him with her finger as if they were in a stage play. Troy pulled up a seat and sat down, finding the seat remarkable comfortable. It was higher quality than his bed. Obviously this Alcina was a rich lady, but Troy could do without every little thing serving as a reminder of the class difference between them.
"He's cute," one of the daughters said.
"A little … masculine for my tastes," the other added, pausing for the right word.
Alcina attempted to restore order. "Girls, girls, this man is our guest. His attractiveness is none of our concern. We only need to take care of him until the weather calms down some." She flashed Troy a big motherly smile that stirred mixed feelings in him, feelings he couldn't quite articulate.
"Thank you." He raised his teacup in toast and took a sip. "So is it just you and your daughters?"
"I believe so. Them and … well, you don't need to be concerned about her, but suffice it to say there are others," Alcina said. "We have an active household. But I don't anticipate you'll have to meet anybody other than just my daughters and I."
"I can't imagine any of them would be half as charming," Troy said, then covered his mouth. When he did learn to talk that smooth, verging on flirtatious?
The room echoed with the sound of Alcina's laughter, her belly shaking inside her shirt.
"Troy, my dear, you are a delight to have around!" She leaned against a chair, looking at him with those golden eyes that seemed to glow softly. "It's truly a shame we can't keep you around."
"Well, perhaps I can visit again sometime," Troy answered with a shrug.
"Sometime soon," Alcina added. "Very soon."
Troy took another sip of soothing tea. Its warmth and sweet taste proved to be just the thing he needed after his rough experience out in the cold.
He coughed and excused himself, an odd feeling rising up in his chest. Was the tea disagreeing with him? No, no, it was more like … the steam from the tea was rising back up and tickling his lungs.
"Mother dear, I think our guest is having an issue," one of the daughters said with a smile that did not match the content of her words.
"Perhaps the tea disagrees with him," the other daughter said.
"Nonsense, nonsense," Alcina said. She walked over to Troy and cupped his chin, making him look up at her and really take her in – her beauty, her striking eyes, her girth. This sense of being both an old and experienced woman and a young and active gal. "I'm sure if we give him a minute to digest, our dear guest will feel right as rain."
A shimmering light appeared over the table, right in front of Troy. After a few minutes, it shifted into a solid shape – a limp cock, suspended in air, hanging off a plate like a mounted trophy.
"Uh, does anybody else see that?" Troy asked.
"See what?" Lady Alcina asked, finally taking a seat and looking at Troy with interest. The ladies all looked at him with pretty smiles.
Troy stared again at the hovering cock, trying to figure it out. What was it? How was it here?
Looking at it made his throat dry. He took another sip of tea, glancing at the floor to avoid eye contact with the appendage, but it stood out sorely against the rest of the scene – elegant ladies with fine dresses sipping quality tea in their ancient castle. And here was this dick just flapping about, naked.
Whispers slipped into Troy's ears, as if the nasty thing was talking to him. It became hard before his eyes, veins bulging, the cock picking up and lifting. It could tell Troy secrets of masculinity and vitality, of how to be a real man, like he always wanted, if he would just suffer the indignity of its cum down his throat for a few measly seconds.
He could bear it no more. He desired that knowledge. Troy wanted the secrets. So, with an audience of women all looking straight at him with amused smiles, he leaned forward and wrapped his mouth around the hanging cock.
The sound of his messy slurping should have disgusted a man of his stature and class, but hearing the way his lips popped against the cock only turned him on more. His own cock grew hard inside his pants. He hoped the women wouldn't notice, though their lack of reaction to the floating shaft spoke poorly of their attentiveness.
A strand of drool dripped and dangled from his chin as he continued nursing the shaft. It throbbed and pulsed, tickling the roof of his mouth with its tough veins and hardened flesh. An impulse told Troy to bite down on it with his teeth, and he did, expecting to hear a cry of pain, but his teeth all but bounced right off, the damn thing was so rock hard.
Troy ran his tongue underneath the shaft. It throbbed and pushed against his mouth as if fighting to be free. A light drip fell onto his taste buds, giving him a preview of things to come.
The cock swelled up tight, and Troy gagged, the enormous shaft filling the entirety of his mouth. The explosion that followed, shot after shot of hot, sticky, oozing cum going straight down his throat like a bullseye awakened his senses and he came back to himself. He wanted to pull away and no longer tolerate this insanity, that he was better than having his mouth filled with so much spunk, but his mouth was glued stuck to the thing.
The cock continued pouring its product down his throat, and Troy's resentment at being made to suck gave way to envy of its performance. If it was the other way around, Troy would have run out of cum by now – so why hadn't it?
The shaft finally finished, and Troy pulled his mouth off, drool and cum hanging off his lips in silvery strands.
He wasn't sure what to think at first. But the full effects took a moment to develop, as a moment later it felt as though a fist made of steel had struck his forehead. He went tumbling down, bringing the chair with him. He grew dizzy and the whole room began to spin.
Lady Alcina walked over him with a mischievous smile on her face. Troy's dizziness made the world shake and it seemed like they were three of her.
"Very good," Alcina said. "See, daughters of mine? I told you he'd be right in a few minutes."
Troy blubbered, trying to ask what she meant, but his lips smacked together, numb. He rolled his head back and blacked out.
Troy didn't know how long he'd been out. He did know that where he woke up was not the same place he'd went comatose.
If he had to guess, he'd say he was in a guest room. A pleasant pink curtain draped the room, and he laid down in a comfortable bed with a soft mattress. No one was there attending to him, which seemed like an oversight to Troy; what if his condition worsened while he slept?
Regardless, he pushed himself and got out of the bed, where a few things became more noticeable now that he was out from the covers.
First of which, he now wore a pink frilly skirt. Someone had changed him. Second was that his body hair was gone and his arms looked slimmer. His bulky, lumberjack arms full of muscles and tension, now looked thin and scrawny, as if he'd never ate enough protein as a teenager. Though he'd hoped it was just the lack of body hair making him appear smaller.
Third and most alarmingly, he had lost his body hair. All of it. A quick peek down there revealed his fuzzy and hairy scrotum was scoured clean of body hair. It didn't even appear to be shaved or waxed. It was like it all just stopped existing. The skirt was also clinging to his butt, one size too small to hold his ass comfortable. His thighs felt heavier, too, pulled down in one direction, but he didn't think much of it. Removing the skirt and reacquiring his pants should fix that.
"Lady Alcina?" Troy called, exiting the guest room. "Lady Alcina? Can I talk to you?" That he'd been changed while out disturbed him, as his did all of his body hair falling off. "Lady Alcina!"
No answer came to his calls in the empty hallway, but he did discover one of the many, many doors was slightly ajar, with a bit of light streaming out from the gap.
"Alcina? Danitha?" Troy asked, placing a hand on the door. He meant to open the door, but a scandalous sight rooted him to the spot.
Alcina was in the room, admiring herself in the mirror. The top of her dress pulled down, exposing her pendulous breasts and a lacy bra that gave her breasts support. It was an odd to see her with her tits out, but with her hat still on. Troy had a good hunch that was about to change.
His hunch was right as Alcina took the hat off, revealing her black curls, and placed the hat on a nearby shelf. Then she attacked her bra, undoing its clasps one a time – click, click – and peeled it off, tossing it to the floor.
Troy blushed, a boner growing fast and firm in his pants at getting to see Alcina's naked tits out in the open. They were so large and heavy, pale and enticing, with gray nipples to contrast her alabaster skin. With the location of the mansion so far out, Alcina's obvious high class status, Troy knew to savor this view; it was not something most people ever got the chance to see. He stared hard, trying to burn the image into his memory. He wished he had a camera so he didn't have to rely on just his own brain to store the picture, but that might also expose his presence to the good madam, and he would hate for her opinion of him to be sullied by the discovery that he was a peeping tom.
Lady Alcina quickly dropped her skirt, undoing her belt and the bottom half of her dress falling down. She picked her feet up from the bundle of cloth and sat down, her grayish body naked except for the splash of white from her underwear.
Troy's hard cock pushed up against the edge of the door.
Down by the end of the hallway, Danitha, the eldest daughter entered into the hallway and cast her eyes on Troy. His butt pushed up against his skirt, offering a plumber's crack to entice her over.
"What do we have here?" Danitha asked, moving closer to Troy. She licked her lips.
Alcina let out a sigh and groped herself, digging her fingers into her breasts. She leaned her head back and moaned louder and louder. With a cry of pleasure, white fluid sprayed out between her fingers, spilling onto the floor as her heavy tits squirted out her milk.
"Ara ara," Alcina said, observing the puddle of her spilled milk with a sly smile.
Before he could even register what was happening, Troy's hand snapped and wrapped around his cock, slipping underneath the skirt. That was one benefit to the skirt over his pants – easy access to his shaft in the event he should be so aroused he couldn't stop himself from stroking.
"My, my," Danitha asked, popping up behind Troy. He hadn't heard her approach, didn't notice her footsteps coming down the hallway, too focused on Alcina, and he was still focused on Alcina and her milk-tacular jugs to care about Danitha.
"We've got quite the little pervert here, don't we?" Danitha remarked, peeking in the door and grabbing Troy by the shoulders. "I'm sure mother dearest won't mind if I help myself to your punishment."
He had no response, too enchanted by Alcina. No reaction to Danitha wrapping her arms around his ribs and squeezing his nipples through his shirt, the fabric bunching up.
Danitha lifted up the skirt. Troy's butt shook and jiggled as he stroked himself, leaning against the door and trembling, his ass clapping. It made the woman's mouth water.
"What a juicy ass you've got there!" Danitha remarked. "I'm not sure I could help myself even if you weren't being such a naughty boy! I'm sorry, but I've got to know what your tight ass feels like!"
Troy gasped, feeling Danitha's cock punch into his ass but not stopping his stroking and admiration of Alcina. He and Danitha both rumbled against the door as she pumped his cock into him, with him totally clueless about what was happening other than a vague feeling of erotic warmth seeming into the back of his thighs.
"Mm, so tight!" Danitha moaned, lolling her tongue out as she pumped into him, humping like a wild animal. "Your ass is so firm and cute, Troy! But I think we can make it a little better, don't you?"
He had no opinion on the issue. His mind was fully preoccupied with Alcina and stroking for her. His cock was so strong and hard … he felt totally full of cum, frustrated when he was unable to orgasm. It was like there was a chastity cage on the inside of him, denying him climax while ensuring his shaft filled up and up with his hot seed so that he would make a mess whenever he did finally get his pleasure.
He moaned, feeling so warm, and so wet. He felt flushed with arousal, heat in every bit of him.
"Yes!" Danitha cried, turned on by the sound of his voice. "That's it, fucktoy – moan for me! Moan for me while I cum inside your fat juicy ass!"
Troy obeyed. Danitha's cock swelled upside and blasted up through his ass with its cum, filling his body with a sticky warmth. He tumbled over, the door swinging open and fell to the ground, cumming himself, his cock spurting its juices all over the floor while Dana's cum dripped out down his thighs and her shaft hung above him, dripping more of its seed onto his exposed back. His own shaft rubbed uncomfortably against the floor, sitting in a puddle of his own man-juices.
He felt a weight formed on his bottom, pushing him down, like Danita's cum was spreading inside his butt cheeks, making them grow. Like balloons stuffed full of hot air, made to expand as the empty space was filled up. His plump butt wiggled and jiggled like a platter of jello, making the rest of his body shift on the floor.
Alcina cocked her head over, offering Troy a brief smile before his vision faded to black again, so overwhelmed by the totality of the pleasure around him.
"Well!" Alcina's voice pierced Troy's ears as he faded out again. "What a mess you've made. We'll have to find some way to clean that up, won't we?"
Troy awoke again. He was beginning to get really tired of fading in and out of consciousness, but there was little he could do about when he found sexual pleasure so overwhelming and there was an excess of it to be had here in this haunted mansion.
The setting to greet him upon awake was another bed, this one larger and by some miracle softer than the one he last woke up on.
Laying right before his eyes, ripe for the taking, was an erect cock lying on the side of the pillow as if it had been set out for him. The owner of the shaft didn't move, thighs content to be immobile on the bed.
Troy felt the craving, the urge overtake him again. It had been so, so lovely when he all of that hot seed gush down his slutty throat before, and he was ready to experience that pleasure again.
As his lips parted and his head move forward to take the cock into his mouth, Troy did wonder how it was possible for him to be so horny still. He'd just one hot load blasted into his mouth, then another into his ass; how could he still be seeking sexual stimulation? But seek it he did.
His lips smacked onto the cock and he grunted as it felt like they snapped together and glued themselves to the throbbing shaft. He only noticed how numb the rest of his body had been by its sudden disappearance and the return of feeling into his thighs – feelings that came with the sensation of two strong hard cock pumping in and out of him, one thrusting inside between his thighs and the other mounting him on the ass again, his developing bubble shaking and clapping as the daughters pumped and used him as a sex doll.
"Ara ara," Danita said, the owner of the cock in Troy's mouth. His eyes spun as if he'd been knocked down hard on the head, the trigger phrase inspiring a surge of sexual pleasure throughout his mind and body.
"Aren't you eager," Danitha brushed her fingers against Troy's forehead and Troy instinctively sucked on her cock some, just a little, as if he was a toy and she accidentally pushed a button to command him. "Normally, sucking my cock without asking would be punished … but you're new here, so I think we can let it slide this time," Danitha said. "Besides, I wouldn't want to discourage my new favorite fuck toy."
Troy muttered something in vain protest that was muffled by her cock in his mouth. She made a slight lean forward, rubbing the underside of her cock against his tongue. He moaned, his brief spark of resistance easily snuffed out by the promise of sexual rewards.
"Well? Go on. Suck. Suck it like the mindless animal you are," Danitha said. "I haven't got all day to play with you, you know."
She thrust, giving him some incentive. Troy moaned and did as he was told, sucking and nursing on Danitha's too, feeling it respond and grow larger, filling his mouth with its girth.
"That's it. Good boy," Danitha said.
"Don't you just love being fucked silly by our enormous cocks, you dirty little slut?" the other daughter said, the one fucking him in the front.
"We know you do," the one plowing his ass whispered. "Don't even bother trying to deny it. Look at how easy it is for me to get my fat cock inside your fatter ass!"
Troy grunted as she thrust and made his ass cheeks clap together, a soft squishy sound that was music to his ears, reminding him of the high quality of his large ass.
Why shouldn't he be proud? It was a fantastic ass, extremely fuckable. Soft yet firm, with a good heft and made such a satisfying smack when his cheeks clapped together. Some women would pay thousands' worth of good money to have a quality posterior like his.
He let out another grunt as Danitha's cock throbbed in his mouth. He moaned as a bit of precum dripped from the head and onto his tongue, filling him with ecstasy and promising the reward of more pleasure if he just obeyed.
"What a big strong man you are, sucking my cock like that! You are strong, aren't you?" Danitha gave a sharp and cruel laugh. "No. No, you're not. You're weak. Useless, good only for one thing. But that's okay, because we like that one thing you're good at. What is it? What is he good at, girls?"
"Being a fuck toy!" the other girls answered in unison.
"You hear that, Troy?" Danitha emphasized her words with a thrust into his mouth. "You're good at being a slut. You're not even a man anymore. I mean, just look at you. No muscles to speak off, no body hair. But you can't be a woman, because you don't have the tits for it! So what does that make you?"
She leaned in real close and whispered into his ears.
"A fuck animal, that's all. No mind, no will to speak of – just the irresistible and undeniable urge to fuck often and as a hard you can until someone's unloaded all of their gooey spunk inside you."
Troy might have thought to object to this description, if not for the daughter fucking his ass to blow her load and fill his butt hole up with steaming hot fresh jizz, making his ass cheeks give another thunderous clap and causing him to moan as he felt his butt cheeks swell up, expanding again like hot air in a balloon.
The daughter shouted as his expanding bum pushed off her the bed onto the floor. She got to her feet and chuckled, unbothered by her rude dismissal from the bed.
"Now that's a quality ass right there!" she cheered before spanking Troy, inducing more claps, more jiggling and more moans.
"That's it, slut," Danitha said. "Don't resist. Don't even think. Just relax and take it."
As if by the command of her will alone and nothing to do with Troy's oral expertise, Danitha's cock blew and blew hard, blasting off such an enormous wad of cum that it splashed out of Troy's mouth and onto the pillows and onto Danitha's thighs.
Troy swallowed as though commanded, the only thought in his head being that he needed to ingest as much cum as possible. Why? Because that was his purpose in life. To be a fuck animal always in need of more and more cum to drink, never satisfied, only hornier with every passing hour of each passing day.
Danitha, however, was easier to sate than he, and she pulled her cock out of his mouth, triumphant. Her still-hard shaft twitched and throbbed before letting off a drip of cum that splashed right onto Troy's forehead, serving as another reminder of his place in the hierarchy.
Troy gasped and moaned, feeling the warm cum slide down the bridge of his nose. He blinked, and Danitha seemed to disappear. But that didn't explain the second load of thick cum that spurted into his mouth, which he swallowed down, snapping up the gulp like a crocodile.
He blinked a few more times. He rose from the bed, left alone and irritated to realize he must have blacked out again. How many times was he going to pass out today?
Wait. Was it even still today? There was so much time unaccounted for, it could have easily rolled over into the next morning after he first arrived at Dimitrescu's doorstep.
Dimitrescu... just thinking her name caused a shiver of pleasure and fear to run through his spine.
He rubbed at his forehead and noticed a lack of any sticky substances. A quick glance showed that he'd been cleaned up and wiped down of any stray cum during his last nap.
With a sigh, Troy left the room. He lost his balance leaving the door, stumbling as he struggled to carry the weight of his enormous swollen ass. The cheeks bounced and jiggled and clapped together as he moved.
It's so huge now, Troy thought. How am I even standing upright?
Eventually he regained his balance. He made his way down the hallway, his butt seeming to defy gravity as it swayed and jiggled behind him, yet never pulled him down.
"How do I get out of here?" Troy asked, rubbing a nervous sweat from his forehead. Then again, was he sure he wanted to?
Of course he was. That was a ridiculous question. He'd had come here for warmth and to stave off the cold, not to be made into a fat-assed slut doll. Made to constantly drink all of that... delicious cum from the strong, cocks of his hosts.
He smacked his lips, mouth watering at the thought of their heavy cocks and excitement building at the idea of them penetrating his flesh again. Strong, heavy, hard as rock shafts pumping in and out of his tight yet soft ass.
Troy shook his head to clear it. He needed to focus. He couldn't give in.
He stumbled his way through another part of the hallway, passing by an open door that distracted him with the reflection of light. He entered the room, hoping that the light would be from a window so he could gauge how far up in the mansion he was. Perhaps even jump off from it, if he was that desperate.
His hopes were dashed by the discovery of a series of mirrors in the room, all of different shapes and sizes, made of polished glass and framed by gleaming golden arches. He cursed his luck and tried to move on, but something kept his focus in this room.
Despite knowing it was a probably a bad idea, Troy went inside the room. Walking in greeted him with the appearance of his various selves, a hundred reflections all staring back at him, each showing his new androgynous appearance, robbed of all the masculine traits he had entered the castle with. His muscles, his body hair, his beard... all gone. In its place was only this giant bee-stinger of an ass, fat, full and jiggly.
He turned around with the thought of leaving firmly in his head, but the motion caused his ass cheeks to clap together. Like a dog trained to a dinner bell, hearing his ass smack itself brought a fresh wave of arousal through his loins.
"I guess it would be okay if I stayed here and... admired myself," Troy said, ending his sentence with an airy, feminine giggle.
He turned around and looked over his shoulder, admiring his bee-stinger ass and his curvy, flat chest, smoothed out like someone had taken a trowel to him.
While he was initially not too keen on his body being changed, he had to admit that whoever the sculptor was, they had known what they were doing in restructuring his body towards one specific purpose.
Troy was stripped of almost any identifying markers that would indicate he preferred one gender or the other, androgynous though with a slight bend towards the feminine with his smooth shaven face and hairless chest.
He reached down to his bum and gave himself a smack, moaning as his felt butt cheek ripple and jiggle like pond wherein a stone had been skipped.
"Oh, that feels so good," Troy murmured to himself, enjoying how boneless his ass felt. "Oh? What's this?"
Standing in between the mirrors was a mobile clothes rack, the kind used in hotels to ferry clothes between floors. Hanging from the rod was a swimsuit, a one-piece leotard with cuts in the sides, transparent see-through sections around the top and the thighs.
Curious, Troy approached the rack and ran his hand over the suit. The material it was made of felt so smooth and easy to breath in. He wondered how it felt to actually wear.
He looked around to make sure no one was around to see him, then snatched the dress from off its resting place.
"Nobody will mind if I just give this a try, right?" Troy asked himself. He discarded his current clothes and set about pulling the leotard over himself. It slipped over onto his chest as though made to custom-fit, but predictably, it struggled to wrap around his giant truckload ass
"Come on." Troy tugged at the fabric which formed a wedgie and chafed against his bum. The fabric snapped against him, delivering a sting to his skin, but he heard a sound like a sewing machine at work and the swimsuit stretched over and bounded around his butt, the fabric resizing itself to fit its host.
"That's better," Troy said. He looked at himself in the mirror, embarrassed to find himself attracted to the view that greeted him. The swimsuit might have been some trouble to get on, but now that he wore it, he enjoyed how it accented his assets. His butt bounced and jiggled as he moved, and he could just imagine himself on a warm beach, passing by a pair of studly guys who would be unable to resist giving his butt a good hard smack as he walked by.
Feeling flirty, he blew a kiss at his reflection.
"Ugh, what is wrong with me?" Troy rubbed at his temple, trying in vain to come back to his old self. "I sound like such a bimbo."
He gasped and reeled back when he thought he saw Lady Alcina in the room with him. The idea that she'd been there the whole time and had seen the way he admired himself was mortifying. It was distressing enough he was giving into these desires when he thought he was alone, but to know there was an audience... horrifying.
Only Lady Alcina wasn't actually in the room with him. At least, he didn't think so. It was just a reflection in the mirror. Where she actually was remained unclear; at the entryway, or hiding somewhere in the room among all the other mirrors?
Ultimately, it didn't matter, as the mere reflection of her was captivating enough to Troy. One moment she was wearing her white dress, the next she stood half-naked, with a gray bra to hold in her tits and matching gray stockings and garters.
Notably, she did not wear underwear, and Troy gasped and drooled at the sight of what lay between her legs.
A firm cock, standing half-erect, of the same ashen color as the rest of her, but still sexy – just like the rest of her near colorless body.
"Oh my," Troy muttered, smacking his lips as he moved towards Alcina's reflection. He got down on his knees and went to cup the cock, not even thinking about this was a mirror when he felt the firm cock against his fingers. So hard and tough, reminding Troy of all the masculinity that had been drained from him since he entered the place. Almost like it'd been sapped from him and given to Alcina.
Her cock looked so tasty, so tantalizing. He thought about the hanging cock he had sucked off at the tea table. This one looked even better.
"Can I... can I suck?" Troy asked, minding his manners but still reaching out to take a hold of the shaft.
Alcina offered him a ruby-red smile and an assenting nod.
Troy leaned forward and wrapped his lips around the cock, moaning as its girth filled his mouth. He shuddered and gasped as it went from half-erect to full-erect thanks to his stimulation, increasing in length and width, bulging inside against his the inside of his cheeks with a steady rhythm, almost in Morse code. Like it was talking to him. It didn't say anything of note, mostly just the same encouragement to suck and swallow and swallow and suck that had been running softly through his head ever since he had the tea. Still, it was hard to resist a command given with such authority and audacity, so he obeyed. Even though he was going to do that anyway.
He ran his tongue over the underside and sucked on the tip, leaning his head forward and making the foolish attempt to try and deep-throat it. Obviously that would never work with its tremendous size compared to his tiny mouth, but Alcina's reflection was pleased to see him try.
The throbbing cock pulsed and pounded against his mouth, giving him a wallop. It blew its load with surprising ease, stuffing Troy's lips full of its thick and manly cum. Lumps formed in his throat as he swallowed it all down.
He felt the hot ooze seep through his body. Felt it travel down his throat and into his stomach and bounce into his ass. His butt cheeks jiggled and bounced and smacked against his back, refusing. It was like Alcina's cum was trying to make his ass grow even more, but his butt had reached its capacity and said no more.
A minor thing to note, really, as what mattered now was sucking Alcina's reflection off and downing as much cum as he could. As much as she could offer him – and if her cock was anything like the rest of her thick and curvy body, that was a lot.
He gasped and groaned as the cock spurted again, sprays of sticky white splashing out from his mouth and dripping onto the floor, leaving a mess there that filled the air with its dank and musty scent of sex and sin.
Troy reached up a hand to grab at the cock, almost overwhelmed. He was so hot, so full already that he thought his body might finally give it all up and burst into pieces. He squeezed, thinking in his fugue that if he pinched the rod tight enough, it would restrict the flow of blood and prevent her from cumming again. Of course, all that actually accomplished was pleasing the pleasure rod with a firm squeeze, making it launch another bullet of seed into him.
"Oh, please," Troy begged, breaking content, stands of cum hanging from his lips and the cock. "Please, let's take a break. I can't take anymore. It's too much. It's so thick... so good."
Alcina's reflection only gave him a mocking smile.
"Too much for you on the inside, you mean," the mirror said.
"The inside?" Troy asked, not having the faintest idea what that would mean.
She soon explained it though, by way of aiming with her cock and jizzing right onto his face, cum sliding down his nose and cheeks. He moaned, filled with love and adoration for his mistress who would treat him this way – who would give him the glorious gift that was to be filled and covered with her thick and viscous seed.
Troy blinked and tried to wipe the cum from his eyes, but his arm wouldn't move. It felt constricted and bound – his body refused. It would not reject his mistress's gift, nor allow him the dishonor to reject it so easily.
His mistress was merciful and kind, though, and she gave her implicit permission for him to clean up by wiping his eyes for him with a wet napkin.
"Rise and shine, dear," Lady Alcina said, tossing the napkin into a nearby garbage bin. She was no longer a reflection, but the flesh and blood of the lady of the house.
They had moved out of the mirror room and into a bedroom. Her bedroom, if Troy had to guess, based on the size of the bed and the space in the room.
"What do you want from me now?" Troy asked.
"I'll admit, I was surprised when you took to the change so easily," Alcina said, as if she hadn't heard his actual question. "The last male who wandered into our midst gave us quite a bit more of a fight."
"Sure, sure," Troy said.
"You have no idea how much trouble it was him to get him to suck me off," Alcina took a seat on the bed, kicking off her shoes. "But I suppose that made it all the more satisfying when I finally got a load into him."
"Of course," Troy said, getting to his feet. He felt his butt wiggle and jiggle behind them, feeling as floaty and weightless as before, as if for all the mass he was lugging around, he only carried a tiny bit of it.
"Enough about all that." Alcina pulled her dress down, and Troy became extra hard right away at the sight of her enormous tits, once again braless.
She laid back on the bed, her boobs jiggling subtly as she did and offered him a playful smile.
"You've been such a good boy," Alcina said. "Sure, you had some trouble... adjusting, like my boys do, but you've settled down quite nicely, and for that, I think you deserve a reward." She smacked one tit and sent it flying into the other, making both jiggle enticingly. "Come. My tits are yours to play with."
"Really?" Troy asked, not daring to believe he could get such a thing.
"Of course. Anything for my good boy," Alcina said. "Oh, but do mind that this is an asymmetrical relationship. You have my permission to play with my chest. For now. But I get to play with you whenever I please. Any of you."
"Understood, mistress," Troy replied before the thought had even finished in his head.
"Now, I'm feeling quite heavy, so please, Troy, darling... pet. Slave. Come get your milk. Ara ara."
The shudder at those words that went through Troy's eager cock spread through his body. He jumped forward onto the bed, not caring about his butt's size at all, and buried his face into her soft and gorgeous knockers, rubbing his cheeks against them as he plunged his head into her cleavage.
He reached his hands around and grabbed the sides of her breasts, groping and squeezing her titan-size mammaries. They were so big, yet soft despite how thick they were. It was like squishing bricks made out of sponges.
Troy made his fingers around, groping in her different spots, trying to find hints of plastic or silicone – something, anything to indicate that her milf-tastic tits were anything other than completely natural. But no, they were soft all the way through. If they were an implant of any kind, it was impossible to find.
Another chill, more unpleasant than before, ran through his shoulders, and he understood the cold was punishment for his blasphemy for even daring to think that his mistress was ever anything but a perfect natural specimen.
Alcina laid her fingers on top of his and guided his palms up towards her nipples.
"I told you, I was heavy," Alcina said. "Do something about that, pet."
"Yes, Mistress."
Understanding perfectly what she meant, Troy squeezed her nipples. He moan and nearly came as milk high pressure jets of milk shot out and splashed all over his face and chest, covering him in a curtain of milk. He gasped for breath, milk all over his face and a string of pre-cum dangling from his budding shaft.
He tried to blink the milk out of his eyes.
Alcina chuckled and kissed him on the forehead, and he moaned again as the touch of her soft lips was orgasmic. His cock flexed and twitched, almost but not quite cumming, and Troy inferred she had something to do with that – using her vast and limitless power to throttle his orgasms back. To tease him. Edge him, and make it so that when he did finally get to cum again, it would be fantastic.
Wet smacks filled the room as Alcina licked Troy's face, cleaning up the milk there by hand with her overly long tongue. It was like a snake, long and prehensile and able to bend in any way Alcina pleased. It swiped back and forth across Troy's face, all but smacking him and cleaning up his face so that it was just his chest that was still soaked with milk.
"Ara ara," Alcina said, licking her lips, and Troy buckled under the weight and pressure of an another aborted near-orgasm.
Troy blushed when she clapped both his shoulders, then lifted him up and turned him around.
"Mistress?" Troy asked.
"I'm still heavy, pet," Alcina said. "I am so full and overburdened and overweight with so much inside. So much love. And milk ..."
She leaned in close to his ear to whisper. "And cum."
Alcina wrapped her arms around his waist.
"There's where you come in, Troy! That's what you're here for – to help ease my load and let me unburden myself. Because your ginormous ..."
Troy huffed as he felt the tip of her monster cock penetrate his ass. It went further in, squeezing itself inside and verging just on the edge of painful, but never tipping over. As it went further and further in, lodging itself like a battering ram, Alcina emphasized the pounding with each word.
"Fat... fucking... ass is the perfect place for me to dump all of my cum," Alcina said.
Troy panted as her cock swelled up. It felt so huge – huge to penetrate the entirety of his enormous ass, as impossible a task as that may have sounded. But if anyone could do, Lady Alcina Dimitrescu could.
Every inch of the inside of Troy's ass was covered and rubbed in thick, unforgiving cock, like he'd been impaled on a pike. He felt the cock swell up and beat against his ass cheeks and only had a moment to brace himself for the impact.
Lady Alcina gave a relaxed content sigh as she unleashed her load, the kind of easy-going sigh a person gives her having a satisfying drink, or clipping a stubborn hangnail. Not the kind of sigh that should accompany shooting out a truck load of cum to go with a truck load ass.
Troy yelped as the blast of cum was so forceful it sent him flying into the air and hurtling onto the floor. The rope that hadn't gone inside his ass fell onto the ground with a loud splish, and Troy staggered to his feet, feeling the cum drip and drain out of his asshole like the world's smallest yet perverted waterfall.
He turned around and saw the practically river of cum Alcina had made and was filled with remorse and guilt. That was Lady Alcina's spunk. His mistress's precious cum, and he had let it spill all over the floor like some kind of ungrateful mongrel. He had failed. He was unworthy. The fact that no one, not even someone who had been reshaped to be tailor-made for that exact purpose (which he had been) could withstand the might that was Lady Alcina never entered into his thoughts.
"My mistress," Troy got down on his knees and bowed. "I... I have failed you. I am unworthy of your love to have let your precious fluids be wasted so. Whatever punishment you deem fit, I have no choice but to accept."
He looked up at her, expecting frowns, disapproval, growls, expression of punishment. He didn't get any of that.
Instead, Alcina was smiling happily, running a gloved hand over her shaft. Which, while still erect and large, looked a normal, if slightly bigger than average cock – certainly not the foot-long demon cock it had felt like while it plowed Troy's ass.
"I accept your faults and forgive your failure, slave," Alcina said, stroking her cock. It had her attention more than he did, and it twitched, cum leaking out of its tip and dripping down Alcina's shaft.
Troy licked his lips, distracted by the glint of shiny fresh cum on her shaft. All thoughts of failure were forgotten as he imagined how he might make it up to her by sucking her cock again – by cleaning up every last dreg and drop of spunk that she produced.
"I have another task for you," Alcina said. "Though, given how enraptured you seem to be with my shaft here, I imagine I don't even have to ask you to do it."
Alcina stood up from the bed and jerked her cock a little. It reared up and squirted, shooting a tiny load onto the floor in addition to the big one that was still there. Troy moaned, feeling so attuned to his mistress that her pleasure was his pleasure.
"You're going to be my slave now," Alcina said. "And I need loyal slaves."
"I'm loyal, mistress!"
"Good, good. Then you won't mind proving as much to me? To wipe out every single last remaining trace of your old life so thoroughly that it will never come back, and you would never, ever, even think about trying to leave here?"
"Of course," Troy nodded, though he hoped she didn't mean he would have to, like, go back to his home town and kill everyone there. That idea sound distasteful, yet... there was a certain appeal to smothering an unsuspecting victim to death with his ass on their face.
Alcina could hear his thoughts, as she gave a warm and hearty laugh.
"No, no, nothing like that, though I could arrange something if you insist at a later date," Alcina said. "No, all you need to do is make yourself cum."
"Make myself cum?" Troy asked. "But Mistress, your magic is... preventing me. I've been trying the whole time we were in here, but I'm... stopped up."
Alcina only raised a finger and pointed.
Troy turned around and scrambled back in surprise, though this had the unfortunate effect of rubbing his ass against some of the cum on the ground.
Standing in the doorway was Troy. Not Troy as he was now, but Troy as he was before he entered the mansion. Before he drank the drugged tea, and the drugged cum, and the drugged milk and grew addicted to at least two of those things and eager to be plugged up with semen. The lumberjack Troy.
The clone of Troy walked into the room, naked. His cock rested half-erect between his thighs, teasing the femboy Troy with its dangling balls.
"Mistress?" Troy asked. "I'm confused."
"It's simple, Troy!" Alcina said, sounding amused at his confusion. "Go make yourself cum. What is so hard to understand about that?"
What was hard to understand was the idea that he had to suck his own cock. Well, technically the cock of his clone, or his reflection, or shadow, or whatever it was. Still, he was having sex with himself, and no matter how he looked at it, that seemed a bit too weird – even for everything that gone on inside the mansion since he stepped inside.
Troy-2 leaned forward and pressed his cock to Troy's cheek. Troy sighed, enticed by the musk he could already smell coming off his doppleganger's shaft. Even if it was from him, or a version of him, cum was still cum, and he was a cum-addicted slut who couldn't say no.
He opened his mouth wide and took Troy-2's cock inside, slurping on it like a popsicle.
Troy-2 leaned forward, sliding his cock along counterpart's tongue, moving in and out with a gentle steady rhythm that Troy found a welcoming and relaxing break from the rough sex of Danitha and her cohorts. Even the good Lady Alcina, sweet as she was, still felt rough and tough, especially when it came to her large shaft. Troy-2 was much more easygoing and chill, giving Troy room to take his time.
There was a splash and a gagging noise from Troy's mouth, and he pulled away, leaving strands of saliva hanging off Troy-2's cock as Troy's tongue dropped like a curtain to his neck, having stretched and grown to a long, serpentine tongue similar to Alcina's. All the better for sucking and slurping with, but Troy was having a hard time figuring out how to control it.
He flicked the tongue back and forth like a pendulum, trying to get adjusted to the new muscle. Gradually, he pulled the tongue up and got it to wave around the way Alcina did. Growing more confident with it, Troy threw his new tongue around and lassoed it around Troy-2's cock, licking the shaft despite there being at least six inches between Troy-2's crotch and Troy's face.
Curious if he could, Troy attempted a squeeze. Troy-2 moaned as the tongue constricted on his shaft, making the flesh bulge between segments of tongue-wrap.
Troy continued to squeeze, pressing his tongue coils harder. Troy-2 moaned with heavy breaths, and Troy smirked. It was nice to feel like the one in control for a change.
Troy-2's gave off a warning shot, squirting out a tiny bit of clear pre-cum. Despite his brief experience of having a small amount of power, Troy was still addicted, and he closed the gap between them and pressed Troy-2's cock into his throat once more.
With another squeeze of the tongue, Troy made the double cum, shooting out a wide load down his throat. Troy's eyes rolled into the back of his head as the cum burned not just at his throat, but at his mind. Wiping his mind clean all over again. Erasing the last traces of his old self once more. He wasn't just sucking off his past self; he was vanquishing it. Before, he might have remembered bits and pieces of his old life, even if he accepted his new one. Now he would never ever recall that he existed as anything but Alcina's big-assed, long-tongued, cum addicted slut pet and sex doll. It was the moment Alcina had been waiting for, as she lifted whatever hold she placed on Troy and he finally got to cum again, shooting out a brief but thick wad of his spunk onto the floor, the room filling up with the intermingled scent of his and Alcina's spunk.
Troy lifted a curious hand up to his doppelganger as it faded away from existence, crumbling into sand that fell through Troy's fingers and slipped onto the ground. By the time the pile of sand had finished forming on the floor, Troy had forgotten what had created it, instead wondering why this random pile of sand happened to be mucking up his mistress's quarters.
"Very good, Troy," Alcina said, walking over to him and giving him a pat on the head. She kicked the pile of sand and it not only dispersed, but blinked out, disappearing into nothingness once it was made to spread into the air.
Danitha opened the door, which was a tad rude as she hadn't knocked first. She gasped when she saw Alcina and Troy and peeled back, not quite shutting the door.
"What is it?" Alcina asked, a little annoyed but still calm, at least for now.
"I was just wondering if I could borrow the sex doll," Danitha said. "I'm feeling backed up again."
"Hey," Troy said. "I have a name." But his words were without passion, his voice emotionless – like a trained muscle memory, not something he actually cared about.
"Do you?" Alcina said. "Do you really?"
"No." Troy shook his head. "Only whatever name you see fit to give me. Apologies, Mistress. I don't know what came over me."
"Good pet." Alcina gave him another affectionate pat on the head. "Let Danitha have her relief, won't you?"
Troy opened his mouth like a trash can lid, and Danitha came over and blew a load into his waiting jaws. There was almost no passion, no love in the motion, but Troy gulped the load down all the same, giggling and murmuring to himself like a drank man.
"Oh, dear," Danitha said, pretending to be concerned. "Do you think maybe we put too much in him?"
At this, both she and Alcina gave hearty laughs.
One of the other daughters entered into the doorway, and Alcina grew annoyed at the lack of manners her daughters were showing.
"What is it now?" Alcina asked.
The daughter gave a belated knock on the open door. "Apologies, Lady Dimitrescu. We've received word that Ethan Winters is approaching the premises."
"E... who? What?" Troy tried to ask, but the name left his mind the minute it was spoken. In one ear and out the other. It wasn't something that immediately had to do with Alcina's tits, cock, milk, or his ass and cock, so his mind just... didn't have room for it anymore.
"Finally!" Alcina said, pleased at this news. "I was beginning to think he would never show! Not that I wasn't having fun with this one." She pet Troy's head again.
"Is he here?" Danitha asked.
"No, just on his way," the other daughter said. "Why? What do you want me to do?"
"I was wondering if we had a minute to get a photo." Danitha looked at Troy with a smile. "You know. Something to include the newest member of the family."
Ethan Winters stumbled his way through the Dimtrescu, holding up a flashlight to guide his way through the corridors, which were somehow still too dim for his eyes despite the presences of candles everywhere.
He was ragged, and cold, and let loose muttered curses under his breath. He might have lived through the Baker Mansion, but he was a survivor, not a badass. Storming into this ancient castle and confronting the vampires or whatever that lived there was something more in Chris or even Mia's area of expertise, not his own. What he wouldn't give just to be back at home, sitting by the fireplace, eating something that wasn't salvaged carrion or scavenged medical herbs.
The reluctant adventurer came upon a table filled of photographs. The Baker Mansion incident had taught him the value of looking through a family's photos, if only so he could recognize the faces of his enemies when he spotted them. Or they spotted him.
He rifled through the framed photos, picking them out and reading the names of the person listed. There were several of Lady Dimtrescu with her daughters in all manner of positions, although there were more of Dimitrescu than the other daughters. Either she had a high opinion of herself, or the photographer did. As might be suggested by the large painting hanging overhead.
Ethan was about to move on when he found a curiosity – a photo that was unique. He lifted it up and inspected, not sure what he was supposed to be looking at it.
There was a girl in the image, the only photograph to show her. She wasn't in any of the other photographs, and Ethan felt himself disturbed by the image. Maybe it was just his exaggerated giant ass that looked even more unrealistic than Alcina's impressive cleavage. Maybe it was the way her lithe and slim form seemed to straddle genders, as if she was on the verge of being male any minute now if something just tipped her over. But most disturbing was the way she sat on Dimitrescu's lap, like... like there was something Dimitrescu was using to keep her suspended, impaled on a pike of some kind.
Ethan shook his head and placed the photo down. He had learned all he could here. It was time to get a move on. If he went off what he learned at the Bakers (and that was his only experience to draw off), than this poor girl was probably someone Dimitrescu had captured and played with before killing sometime before he got here.
He was half-right. It was someone Dimitrescu had captured and played with before Ethan arrived, but she hadn't killed him.
In fact, Troy was watching Ethan from the shadows, eyes glimmering in a dark corner Ethan hadn't thought to check, eager to ambush Ethan Winters and smash his giant ass into Ethan's face. If he survived the experience, it would be an encounter Ethan would never forget. Troy would make sure of that.