The power of Thor

As promised before their battle, Sigrid was indeed bridled, bitted, and chained to the foot of Thor's bed after her defeat and the execution of her friends and love. A collar around her neck connected by chain to cuffs on her wrists in front of her body, both places rubbed raw by the constant grind of metal on flesh. Her ankles were chained as well.

Kept in a constant state of nakedness, her back, ass, and thighs bore bright red, crisscrossing stripes and fading bruises from her many daily beatings. Her lower lip was swollen and split from a backhand earlier that day, her hair a disheveled, tangled mess from lack of tending during the many long weeks since her captivity began.

Thor strode in, drained his horn of mead, and began to disrobe. Quietly, a servant in the hall closed the door. Cowards, all of them, she thought.

He palmed his already stiffening cock, tantalized by the prospect of a new sort of battle. Her eyes darted from his cock to his face, to his cock again, panting around the bit, her nostrils flaring.

Thor knelt, wrapped his hand around her throat, and shook her slightly, not to injure, but to shake some of the fight out of her before tossing her on her stomach.

Flattening one hand underneath and pressing up against her belly, he lifted her hips and continued jerking his cock with the other, his voice disingenuously thoughtful.

"I tire of your cunt, blood-bitch, and I do not believe you feel me stretching your gash as you ought anymore. Your hole has become as loose and slack as a common whore."

She glared at him over her shoulder, huffing. He spread her cheeks, grinned wickedly, and continued, "Fortunately, there is another hole for me to ravage."

She resolved not to panic, but basic self-preservation forced her to desperately try and twist away. His hands went to her hips, and held her firmly in place. A bellow of indignation rose in her throat when she felt the hammer tip of his cock touch her asshole, eliciting a tiny spark. She cursed and raged, all in vain.

He laughed loudly, as though she was the most entertaining thing he'd seen. "Oh, the warrior woman is afraid I'll break her pretty ass." Then his tone lowered to a sinister growl. "Good."

She yelled around the bridle, roaring her frustration, at both her powerlessness and her rising sense of sickening dread. She'd barely been able to take him up the cunt, and he'd left her stretched wide, bruised, and bleeding each time. This would kill her. She was sure of it.

Hefting the base of his cock in one hand, he slapped the swollen head against her pucker, letting her feel that weight and thickness in a new vulnerable spot.

"Don't worry bitch. You won't die. I won't let you. But you will wish you were dead by the time I'm through."

A full body shudder shook her frame. He dug his hands into her cheeks, spread them so wide, she felt she might split up the seam. The tip of his cock kissed her asshole.

Then, with a violent snap of his hips, he entered her all at once with length and girth as thick and long as a grown man's forearm.

Her brain went blank for a moment, so overloaded she couldn't put together a thought, couldn't feel anything.

Thor chuckled and savagely flexed his cock inside her. She sputtered, bit down hard on the bridle, and clawed at the marble floor. 

Thor laughed and wrenched his hips from side to side, tugging her violated asshole wider still.

He drew out slightly, then heaved back in with a grunt, his hips thudding against her butt. She croaked incoherently beneath the bit, her eyes newly bloodshot from the barbarous treatment he was inflicting on her ass.

Looking down, he jiggled and squeezed her cheeks, spread them wide, and ground his hips deeper.

"Think I can fuck all the way to your throat, you fire-crotched cunt?" He smacked her ass with both hands leaving swollen handprints that darkened to purple almost immediately. She screamed, in pain and rage.

His laughter rang through the hallowed halls of Asgard. He drew back, watching his blood smeared wrecker of a cock exit her butchered asshole. Her body shivered involuntarily, wracked with cramps deep inside her bowels. When he pulled back far enough so only the head was inside, he slammed her with the full force of his massive bulk, heavy balls slapping her cunt. She bellowed again as her guts were crammed to capacity and beyond.

He lifted her head by the hair, lips against her cheek, "Do you feel me hilted inside your ass, blood-bitch? How does it feel to be just another sheathe for my sword?"

Throwing her facedown to the ground, he dug his fingers into her hipbones, and began savaging her rectum, his own malevolent bloodlust demanding he tear her sphincters to pieces

The boom of hips impacting flesh echoed as he sadistically annihilated her butt. Then, always ready to inflict more acts of cruelty and depravity, the god of thunder called upon his signature power.

She began to shout at the sound of that first distant rumble, too familiar with what was to come.

He grinned nastily, then sent a bolt of lightning direct from his cock into the depths of her ass. She flailed and spasmed involuntary. He held her firm, pulled partway out, charged up again, and timed his slam forward to the pulse of electricity entering her ass.

Cracks of thunder and flashes of lightning along with incessant screams rang throughout the palace.

Holding himself deep inside her, he shot blast after blast of raw electric power directly into her colon, roaring with laughter at every convulsion until she was barely conscious.

With a nasty grin, he pulled her off of him entirely. Her asshole was raggedly torn open, dripping bright red blood on the floor. It twitched slightly, unable to close, and he smirked at his handiwork. That was a well and truly busted asshole. It was just what the bitch deserved, and yet he wanted more. More violence. More tears. More screams. More blood. He wanted her to know he owned her ass and could destroy it as he pleased, until it was battered beyond repair if he so chose.

She started to stir back to full consciousness, and with his hands curved over her shoulders, he brought her back and slammed forward with all his might at the same time. The choked gurgle that came from deep in her throat at their collision was exactly what he wanted to hear.

A steady drumbeat of "wham wham wham" echoed throughout the palace, making nobility and servants alike wince, but none felt sorry enough for his captive to come to her defense, or even to be seen near her lest Thor decide to give one of them the same treatment.

Meanwhile, she was being driven mad, clawing at the floor with her nails and pounding it with her fists, her screams and shouts becoming increasingly guttural, pained, and twisted until she didn't sound human anymore, just a beaten animal.

Crushing her head to the floor, he brought his feet under him, straddling and crouching over her ass, his cock pointed straight down. Steadying himself with one hand at the small of her back, he lifted his hips and brought them crashing down, hammering his cock into her like a tent spike into soft earth. It was as though he wanted to nail her through the floor by the sheer force of his cock in her anus. His bare ass raised and lowered, ever faster and harder. Hidden behind a curtain, Loki admired the view of his brothers rippling, muscular butt, but the sight of the damage he was inflicting to his prisoner was too much, and he didn't have the stomach to watch for very long.

Finally, he paused to catch his breath from ripping her butt apart and dropped back to his knees. She was slack-jawed beneath him, a puddle of tears and drool beneath her cheek. She was most beautiful like this, he thought, spitted upon his cock like a roast pig.

He rocked his hips slowly, enjoying the sensation of her stretched open sphincters wrapped around his cock and the view of his thickness tugging that outer ring of muscle back and forth, waiting until she was more alert again. He could go for hours but her butt would be a blown out crater if he did…though that was appealing in its own way, the thought of her destroyed backside being nothing but an overstretched, gaping hole. Perhaps he could use her as stand for his hammer, he mused, imagining the handle fully disappeared inside her guts and the head sitting stop her cheeks.

The thought stiffened his cock. Suddenly, he found himself too close to climax and ripped himself out of her ass all at once, eliciting a pained grunt and flinch from his victim. He wanted to last longer. It was too soon to be done with thrashing her ass. That glorious hole had earned more abuse. He strided to the barrel of beer kept in his room, blood-streaked cock bobbing in front of him, and took a long drink.

Gasping and gurgling, he spied her out the corner of his eye, trying to drag herself away. Refilling the horn, he walked over, regarding her with amusement, then poured a dram of it into her ass. "Here, have a drink."

She froze from the shock of liquid and cold, and he patted her rump with a chuckle, then drained the rest of the horn himself. Now he was ready to fuck again. Taking position on his knees behind her, he dug his thumbs into her rubbery asshole, and stretched it apart. His barrel-shaped cock poised at her entrance, he waited for the perfect moment and then rammed home. Elsewhere, palace staff stuffed their ears with cotton.

He fucked her ass until he came twice, splattering her insides with thick wads of cum. When he was done, however, he didn't pull out. Instead he sighed, and sank a little lower. A moment later, with an uncomfortable sensation of fullness, she realized he was pissing inside her!

Thor drank like a fish and pissed like a horse, vast quantities of liquid swirling and sloshing in her intestines. She burped and gagged despite herself, her feet scrabbling against the floor, and his hearty chuckles rang cruelly in her ears. He wrapped her hair in his fist, and kept her back cruelly arched.

The intense pressure was making her sick enough to retch and heave, and still he peed. When he finally stopped, he didn't get up. He gently prodded her stretched hole, patted her rump, and then, impossibly, began to rock his steel-hard cock back and forth. She vomited bile onto the marble floor.

He chuckled, amused. "I think this is my new favorite hole, blood-bride. I like it here. I can come or piss as I please." He slapped her haunches. "You don't have to worry about me fucking your sloppy cunt ever again."

When he came the third and final time, he ripped his cock out of her ass, uncorking it. He watched her fall onto her side, then kicked her in the stomach, a wash of urine, cum, and blood gushing out of her brutalized butt. He did it again. Then again, reminding her of her place. When he was done, she was curled up protectively, her stomach bruised, and the pink lining of her asshole just barely bulging past the ring.

The sight made him want to impale her all over again. But first dinner. Dressing and leaving his bedchamber, he instructed a servant to clean the floor and then to stay near his chambers in the hallway tonight. He'd likely need their services more than once.