Life had been tough for Marianne after her husband passed away. He had been the big earner in the family, and with him gone it was now all up to her to rake in enough money to get her and her son through the months. Marianne was the young mother of her child Mike, a frail and quiet kid who never managed to make any friends, which was another concern to add up to the pile of worries she had in her life. Sitting down in her living room chair, she sighed. Why was nothing going her way?
Of course, that was a bit of a lie. Genetically, she had won the lottery. She had large, wonderfully shaped breasts that formed a beautiful bump on her chest and were strapped onto her body by a strong bra. Her thin waist was a contrast to the child bearing hips she possessed that transitioned into her thick legs. She always wore full makeup and took particular care to always thickly apply her eyeliner. She was the epitome of a fertile young woman, and had already bore one child with her late husband. She always wanted a cute daughter and was honestly slightly disappointed when her firstborn turned out to be a boy, but her and her husband were eager to try for more – a dream that was cut short. Her son Mike, whom she often called Mickey, got her brown hair, but that was their only similarity. Mickey was a weak kid with snow white skin and hair that reached to his shoulders. He was a crybaby who often hurt himself on accident and possessed no hint of valor. But he was just a child, after all, still in school. But the fact that puberty seemed to do nothing with him worried her. Her husband wasn't the epitome of virility either, but at least he wasn't such a wimp.
Marianne was pulled out of her daydreaming and worrying when Mickey came home from school. He entered the door without uttering a word.
"Welcome back, sweetie!"
"Hi mom."
His tone sounded more melancholic than usual.
"I prepared a sandwich and some milk for you, it's on the table. Dig in!"
She joined him at the kitchen counter. She was wearing a tank top that was evidently too small, making it look like her tits were a second away from overspilling. As she sat down, they bounced cutely.
"Sweetie, is everything okay?" she asked him, as she sensed that something was bothering him.
"Alright then. Just know that mommy is always there for you if you have a problem, okay?"
She winked and kissed his head.
She returned to the living room to finish her cup of coffee and enjoy her day off with a book. Reading was one of the things she'd pass her time with to distract herself from the stress of the life of a single mother. After an hour or two, she was startled by the ring of the doorbell. As she got up and steered towards the door, she noticed that Mickey was gone and figured that he must have gone to his room upstairs.
When she opened the door, she was met with the grin of a tall kid. He must have been around the same age as her son, but he was much more like a real man, being a lot taller and more muscular than Mickey. He was holding something in his hands, but her eyes first scanned the kid's beautifully muscular body before they went back to the books he was holding.
"C-Can I help you, sweetie?"
"Yeah, so, Mr. Anderson ordered me to return these books to your daughter. She must have forgotten them in the classroom."
"Oh, I think you've got the wrong door honey, I don't have a daughter. Maybe it's the house across the street th-"
"Nah nah, those are for your daughter, Mickey. I'm sure she lives here."
Throughout the entire conversation, the stupid grin never left his face.
"I'm Luke, his classmate. Here!" He stretched out his toned arms to present the books to Marianne, and sure enough, they were labeled with Mickey's name.
"Uh, Mickey's a boy, but thank you, I'll give them to him…"
Luke kept standing there after she took the books, noticeably checking out his classmate's mom's hot body. Not knowing what to say, Marianne gulped.
"Well, Luke, it was nice meeting you and thanks for the books, would you like a glass of milk or something before you head back home?" she asked.
"Nah, I'm good, thank you! But would you tell Mickey hi from me?"
"Oh, sure, I'll tell him you were here, I think he's upstairs sleeping right now. Well, bye then."
Luke held out his hand, apparently wanting to shake hands to say goodbye. As their hands met, he grabbed hers and shook them with an extreme grip, to the extent that it hurt her slightly. "Bye, Miss Azalea!"
As she watched him leave, she rubbed her hands in pain. What a strange kid.
Later that evening, she met her son again during dinner. The microwaved canned soup wasn't much, but at least it was a warm meal. Mickey spooned his soup without saying a word.
"Hey, honey, a friend of yours came by earlier. He brought you your books, he said you had lost them. What a nice kid he is, isn't he? He said his name was Luke. You should thank him tomorrow."
Mickey froze and looked his mother in the eyes.
"Mom, he, he…"
He looked like he was about to cry. What a contrast he was to the kid she met earlier today!
"Mom. He stole those books from me, it was him! He's always… such an ass to me! He makes fun of me!"
"Oh honey, what are you saying? Are you sure? He seemed very polite!"
"Yes!! He picks on me, and he calls me a girl, and…"
Well, I guess he must be saying the truth. For some reason, Luke did ask for her daughter.
"Oh baby, don't worry, I'll talk to his parents. This can't go on, you can't let people keep bullying you, that's not okay!"
Marianne spent the rest of her evening consoling her son, eventually putting him to bed and promising him that she'd make everything okay. As she went to bed herself, she devised a plan to go to Luke's house tomorrow and confront his parents about the situation. Mickey was an easy target for bullies, but if he wouldn't man up himself, Marianne would have to step up for him. As she set the timer for her alarm clock on her phone, a notification popped up from an unknown number. Strange, she thought, maybe it's a spam message. But when she clicked the notification to see the full message, it was the last thing she had expected.
She had received a photo of a cock. A big, fat cock. Normally she'd just sigh and block the number, as she regularly received dick pics from random men on the internet. But this one was different. Not only was it such a beautifully formed piece of fat meat, but it was the background that confused her insides the most. The man's penis was laying flat on a book, which was covered in thick white cum. The book displayed some sort of mathematical formulas, which led her to believe it was a school book or something. There was so much cum, and that cock was just so… big…
Before she knew it, she caught herself fondling her nipples. She breathed through her mouth, eyebrows raised, twisting and pinching her pink nipples to this beautiful display of manhood. Then, she flinched. What the fuck? She quickly removed her hands and came back to her senses. She closed her phone and immediately charged towards Mickey's room to confirm her fear. Mickey had already cried himself to sleep, so she quietly entered his room and approached his desk, where he had put the books Luke brought over earlier today. She grabbed them and quickly returned to her own bedroom. She pulled out her phone again, returning to the message – checking out that piece of meat again – before she zoomed in onto the book to make out the page number. She opened the first book and headed to the same page number – nothing. Thank god. But when she did the same with the second book, the suspicious sound of sticky pages already confirmed her fear. Using a little force to pull apart those pages, ripping out a few parts in the process, she arrived at the page. And it was full of dried cum. This is cum, right? She moved the book closer to her face to smell it, flinching when the smell hit her. Yes, this was cum. Right…? Just to confirm, she also opened her mouth to let out her tongue, to have just a quick taste, just for confirmation… Yes, this was cum. Her son's bully came all over her poor, sweet son's math book. That bastard!
She wasn't sure how to feel. Of course, this was awful, she'd have to notify teachers and parents and everything… But deep down, she felt something. For some reason, this was hot. Confused by her own desires, she saved the photo of her son's bully's massive cock onto her phone and admired it for a few more minutes.
Finally, she snapped out of it. What the fuck is wrong with me? She would visit that asshole first thing tomorrow, and humiliate him in front of his parents! She put the book and phone away and finally went to sleep.
The next morning, it was Saturday. She decided not to tell her son about her plan and just informed him that mommy had to go for a quick errand run. As she left the house and said goodbye to her son, he was playing with action figures at the kitchen table. What an innocent sweet boy she had.
She managed to get Luke's address through the school website and arrived there after a five minute drive. She figured she could use the time right after to go for a jog, so she was already clad in her exercise outfit: a tight sports bra and yoga pants were trying their best to contain her curves. As Marianne left her car, she was sure that this would only take a minute or two – tell that brat's parents of what he did, and threatening them that she'd seek legal action if their harassment wouldn't stop.
Marianne rang the bell and stood there in front of the house. The image she saw on her phone last night was still burned onto her mind, but this was about protecting her sweet son and their pride. Then, she heard something approaching the door, and it opened. To her surprise, it wasn't an adult opening the door, but Luke himself was standing there instead.
"Oh, hey, Miss Azalea. Can I help you?" That familiar grin had returned to his face.
"I would like to speak to your parents."
Marianne tried putting on her toughest voice, but what came out of her mouth was still her typical feminine self. Trying to act serious and threatening, her face was clenched and her eyebrows tightened, but she must have momentarily dropped the act as she noticed that Luke greeted her wearing nothing but boxer shorts. How could he be so ripped? He's the same age as her son! As she checked out that asshole's body, she also noticed a very obvious bulge emerging from his light undergarment. Once again, the image flashed before her eyes.
"Sorry, but they're not home.", he said cockily. He put his arm on the doorframe and leaned against it, flexing his muscles. She couldn't believe it.
"Listen here, you little shit. If you ever lay your hand on my son again, if you ever steal his b-"
"Your daughter. You mean your daughter, right?"
She was perplexed. "Huh?"
"I mean, no offense, but you can't possibly call that sissy a man, right? He weighs like half of what all the other boys in our class weigh, and I have never before seen a smaller dick tha-"
"ENOUGH!" She shouted. This was crazy. She couldn't believe what this boy was saying about her son. Yes, he was very thin and yes, he didn't look much like a man, and… BUT! That doesn't matter, it's not right to say these things!
"When are your parents coming home? I will tell them all about this, and the principal too, I'll tell them what you did to my Mickey, and what you did to those books-"
"Did ya like the photo?"
Again, she was silenced by the sheer surprise of what this boy was saying. She didn't know what to say, and before she could find the right words to say, he continued.
"Everybody at school talks about Mickey's mom and how big her tits are, though personally your fat ass is what's doing it for me. Such a slutty mom, and she's cursed with such a sissy of a son. It's why we call Mickey a girl, because her dick is so small! I was looking at pictures of you while I masturbated into your daughter's book, you know. And you're probably such a whore that you ate up the entire book when you noticed it was filled with my special sauce, haha! I'm right, aren't I?"
She felt like fainting. Her legs were trembling, she just couldn't believe it. Why was this happening? All this mockery, calling her sweet Mickey a girl, and this talk about his… penis..? But the question that puzzled her the most: why was she feeling hot inside her stomach?
She was lost for words.
"It must be really disappointing to have such a small dicked son after you saw what I'm packing, right? And your husband's fucking dead too, so you must be starving for some cock! What do you think, wanna have a taste?" As he was mocking her entire family, he started pulling down his boxers ever so slightly, revealing his trimmed pubes and some thick veins that were attached to his presumably large cock.
"You're lying. As if an ass like you could have something like that down there. You just photoshopped it to mock me and Mickey, didn't you? Go ahead, show me! Humiliate yourself! Your penis is probably just another shrimp, and you're just compensating with all that bullying to make yourself feel better! But you wouldn't dare doing that, bec-"
And just like that, his boxers dropped. And there it was. A long, fat, white cock. And it wasn't even erect. She had never seen something like it! It was so beautifully shaped, with carefully trimmed pubes, all white, with two massive balls. Her first thought was that her husband couldn't compare to it in the slightest, and as she tried getting rid of that thought, her son's cock popped into her mind next. She couldn't believe herself.
"It's a prosthetic." She gasped, quickly moving her hand to touch it. But no, it was warm and still soft and thick and meaty and…
"Damn, Miss A, you thirsty or what?" he laughed as the hot milf touched his cock. Her mouth was still open from shock, and her eyes were wide open. Still in a state of shock, she barely noticed Luke pulling her in by the wrist and closing the door. She was still holding the tip of his cock, not knowing what to do. It was true, the last time she had sex was when her husband was still alive, and even then, his tool must have been only a quarter of what she was touching right now…
That "boy" who was actually taller than her then went all in and shoved his tongue down her mouth. The kiss lasted for less than a second before Marianne came back to her senses and shoved Luke back. "Come on. I know you want to get fucked. By a strong man. Loosen up!"
And loosen up she did. She loosened up so much that all rationale had left her mind, all of her good intentions were absent at this moment, and she reached back for his cock, stroking it and feeling the pulse of it as it became harder. Luke couldn't help but laugh.
"Just this once," she said, "I'll let you have this. But you will promise me that you'll never touch my son again, okay?"
"Yeah, sure, whatever, now get on your knees, you fucking whore."
He grabbed her hair and forced her on her knees. It hurt, but in the moment it turned her on. Finally, she had a strong man in her life. The huge cock which was now right in front of her face was almost hypnotizing, and before she knew it, Luke shoved it down her throat.
"Nngghh, h-holy fshi-"
As Luke fucked Marianne's face, only moans and indecipherable attempts at words left her mouth. He grabbed the glasses that were on her face and crushed them in his right hand before throwing them down the corridor, before placing both of his hands in her hair and guiding her head up and down his cock.
I'm… doing this for Mickey…. This guy will definitely stop after I do this for him…
"How does a real cock feel, you fucking bitch? Judging by your daughter's joke of a penis, I bet your dead husband must have had a microdick as well! Yeah, you must be enjoying this, fucking slut!" He ended his insults by spitting in her face, which didn't seem to bother her. She was placing all of her concentration on managing to shove this huge fucking piece of meat down her throat without passing out. She had put her hands to good use as well by fondling Luke's huge warm balls. They were so big! And it was true, her son really did not come close in terms of size…
As she gagged on Luke's massive piece of meat, she felt like she was getting violated, but it did feel good. She had always been submissive in the bedroom, an being put in her place by a stronger man made her feel special. The cock stretched out her throat, even though it wasn't even the entirety of his length that managed to fit inside her.
"You know, we always mock your daughter in the changing rooms. He always tries to hide his little shrimp behind a towel, but we keep ripping it out of his hands and point and laugh at him! He cries every time! Sometimes we even jerk off our dicks in front of him to show him what a real man should look like. It's hilarious! He'd make such a good little girl! And now his mom's choking on the very cock that mocked him yesterday. You must be real proud!"
She hated herself for it, but everything he was saying just kindled the flame within her even more, and the burning sensation in her pussy was just incredible. She was dripping wet.
When Luke suddenly stopped going on about how he had humiliated her son for weeks, she knew he was close. He tensed up, and the grip he had on her head became even stronger. Then, he leaned into her face, shoving his cock down her throat as far as it physically could, and emptied his entire load in that whore of a mother. It was so much! When he was done pumping his sperm into her, Marianne gagged and pulled her head off of Luke's dick, resulting in a wet plop sound and loads of white cum flowing out of her mouth. Her makeup was runny and her hair was messy, and to be honest with herself, she enjoyed being such a slutty mess.
"Fuck, you've got a neat throat, you fucking whore. Did it feel good to choke on the cock of the man who tortures your daughter, hm? Haha! I should tell him all about it!"
"No!" she yelled, regaining her senses. "No, don't do that, please. You promised me you'd leave him alone!"
He was still breathing heavily from his orgasm. "Well, I guess I could leave him alone after I give you a good fucking, and you do look like you could use one." He slapped her face lightly and started jerking his cock again, to ready himself for round two.
"But… mmh, well, fine…"
She couldn't deny it; she wanted him inside her. She wanted him to fuck her.
But then, the sound of an approaching car outside startled Luke.
"Oh shit, my mom's home! Hurry up, you fucking whore, get out, get out! Through the back entrance!" he whispered, grabbing her arm and shoving her towards the other door. As he guided her outside, a heavy SMACK made Marianne's huge, jiggly ass bounce, and as she turned around again, the door was already closed. She quickly pulled out her phone to assess the state of her face, which was messy to say the least, and then hurried towards her car, which she had luckily parked a bit further away.
As she was driving back home, she realized that the thought of actually talking to his mom had slipped her mind. Oh well, let's hope that this method would work too…
When she arrived back at home, Mickey was watching TV. She hurried to the bathroom to quickly wash her face and to remove all of that virile cum that she had failed to swallow. Did I do the right thing? She asked herself, even though the answer was obvious. What she did was terrible, but maybe, just maybe, Luke would keep his word and leave her little Mickey alone.
For the rest of Marianne's day, she could only feel two things: guilt, and arousal. She set out to confront her son's bully, and what she got instead was his full load pumped down her throat. How could she have allowed this to happen? And all this talk about her own Mickey's penis…
And yet she spent most of the day locked in her room, touching herself to the image Luke had sent her the day prior. She still couldn't believe that cock was real! It looked so menacing on that picture, and its power was only confirmed when it was shoved into her face that morning. She remembered Luke's words and how it would take her getting fucked by him to finally stop the madness her son was enduring. I still have to do it… for Mickey! she lied to herself. Sure, maybe that was the initial reason, but as she rubbed her pussy to the memories of getting manhandled by a much stronger boy than her son, lust took over.
Then, her phone beeped. It was Luke! He had sent her another message. When she opened the chat, she was first greeted by that previous message again. Underneath, a new text had appeared.
2night im comin over. gonna fuck you real good lol
Marianne gasped. The audacity of that kid! It felt like her heart had stopped beating as she read the difficult to read statement. It filled her with excitement, but she quickly remembered that she had already promised Mickey to go to the cinema together in the evening.
I can't today. We should do it at your house, when your parents aren't home. And remember: just a quick session, and then you will leave my son alone!
Luke's answer popped up quickly.
haha yea right. see u l8r
She sighed and turned off her phone. Looking at the clock on her bedroom wall, she was reminded of the time – it was already six PM! She must have lost track of time on her bed. With only an hour left to get ready before her and her son would drive to the cinema, she hurried to the bathroom to fix herself up. She took a warm shower, put on a nice top and cute skirt, did her hair, and applied her typical make up. When she was done, she walked over to Mickey's room and knocked on his door.
"Mickey, honey, we must leave soon! Are you ready? Make sure to put on your nice shirt!"
"Yeah, I'm almost done."
"Alright, we're leaving in about ten minutes, I'll be knocking at your door again when it's time to go!"
She walked down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. There she poured herself a glass of wine to help her calm down. She couldn't stop thinking about the insanity surrounding that boy Luke! She sighed deeply.
And then the bell rang.
Oh no. It wouldn't be him, it couldn't.
She remembered that Luke dismissed her rejection for today's meeting, and it filled her with dread. There was no way it'd be him standing outside that door!
She put down her glass of wine and hurried towards the door, carefully opening it.
It was him standing outside that door.
Wearing a white shirt, black shorts and a black cap, it was Luke who had rang the bell.
"Yo, Miss Azalea. Ready to get it?"
Marianne's face was full of disbelief. Sure, she was still incredibly horny from everything that had happened today. But she was about to go watch a movie with her sweet son, and he was still in the house as well!
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" she whispered in an angry tone, looking him in the eyes with a fierce expression. But he didn't answer – he just walked right past her, entering her home.
Luke proudly marched towards the kitchen counter, where he had spotted the half full wine glass. He sat down in one of the chairs, emptied the glass of liquor, and looked straight at Marianne's tits. "You know why I'm here. Now get over here!" he ordered her.
Marianne felt like she was out of options. He was so cocky, so assertive, so dominant… Hmph! Fine, she would ride him for a minute, make him cum quickly and then send him home. That was the agreement, after all! She still had like five or ten minutes left before she would have to leave for the cinema, so maybe this was really the best option.
"Fine then. One orgasm, and then you're LEAVING! Do you hear me?" Marianne had crossed her arms in an attempt to assess dominance over the boy, but the way he was sitting in that chair alone radiated more power than she could ever hope to achieve. He had that smug look on his face, his shirt displaying his athletic and wide build, and his shorts (which were evidently a size or two too small) revealed an already growing bulge.
"Shut up and get over here, you fucking whore. You must already be missing this cock, and trust me, the fact that you had to leave so early this morning left me blue balled as fuck too! Haha!"
Marianne blushed. Those words were so horrible, so humiliating, but it was true! Her panties were already wet and sticky from the sheer anticipation of pleasing that huge cock again. She strolled over to the kitchen chair and was about to undress Luke, when he suddenly got up and quickly put his hand around her neck.
"W-what are you- Ughh!"
He had a firm grip on her throat, slightly choking her and looking her in the face for a second. She really was a beauty – her eyeliner was beautifully applied around her lids, she had a cute little nose and carefully plucked and well taken care of brows. She even applied pink lipstick for the evening! Marianne had gasped and opened her mouth to try and breathe, but that opening was quickly shut when Luke shoved his tongue down her mouth and started French kissing her.
"Mmnnhh, mgghh??!!"
Marianna had raised her hands, one movement away from trying to shove that brute off of her, but after a few seconds of that crazily sloppy make out session, she dropped her hands and just left her arms dangling.
Was this really all it took to pacify her?
Luke kept one hand on her throat, but the other had traveled down to her big milkers, fondling them and recklessly pinching and twisting her sensitive nipples.
She had closed her eyes, moans were escaping her mouth. Her right hand had subconsciously already moved to feel his massive bulge which was pressing against her stomach. My god, it was so big. He was so strong. So much stronger than…
Eventually, he loosened his grip on her throat and pulled out of her mouth. Strings of spit connected their mouths, and Marianne had that primitive look on her face that just screamed of pure submission. Then he grabbed her arm and forcefully pulled her towards the living room, where he quickly threw her on the carpet, right in front of the seat where she would always read her books.
"Go on, suck my cock, you fucking slut. That's the only thing you're good for, after all."
And just like he had ordered her, she ripped down his shorts and watched as that delicious cock dangled in front of her. She immediately grabbed it and started sucking it. She licked the tip, spat on it, took it all down her throat. In intervals, she took it out of her mouth to travel her tongue down his shaft, licking the base of his cock and sucking on his massive balls that were filled with fertile sperm.
She was moaning the entire time, it was just so fucking hot. He was such a strong and dominant man, and she would give everything to please him! But then, a familiar voice momentarily ripped her out of her bliss.
"Mom, shouldn't we be leaving now?"
Her heart skipped a beat and she immediately pulled her head up and away from Luke's massive dick. Luckily, the voice was coming from upstairs.
"Mhh hahh, oh sweetie, yes, we're leaving soon! But, hah, there's, uuh, there's someone from work who just visited, and I need to, Mmnnghh," Luke had grabbed his cock and slapped her soft face with it, producing a loud wet sound, "I just need to discuss some business with them! Stay in your room, sweetie, mommy will get you soon!"
When she moved her face back towards Luke, he was grinning. Once again, he had that stupid grin on his face.
"Holy shit, your daughter's home? You're such a fucking whore! Sucking me off all the while your own daughter is upstairs! I can't believe this!"
"Yes, she is, but let's just quickly get this over with…"
She didn't even realize that she had just called her own son a girl!
She continued gagging on his massive cock, the thought of Mickey waiting on her upstairs filling her with some shame, but the cock in her mouth filling her with much more lust instead. Eventually, Luke pulled his cock out of her greedy face, noticing that Marianne almost looked disappointed as his fat piece of meat left her throat. He gave her face another smack and immediately picked her up with ease, throwing her onto the seat right next to them. Marianne didn't notice it, but Luke rotated the armchair in a way that a person sitting in it would see the stairs to their right. Marianne was now cramped in that seat, her fat jiggly ass leaning over one end of it and her upper body on the other end of it. She was now facing the stairs.
Luke gave her delicious ass some hard SMACKS, which all led to loud moans from Marianne. Then, he grabbed his rock-hard cock, lifted her skirt, pulled her panties aside and just inserted it.
Marianne felt like she was about to pass out. It was so sudden, so brutal, and, most importantly, SO BIG. She was almost screaming from the insertion, partly due to the pain, but mostly because of the heavenly bliss that cock was giving her. Luke picked up the pace and was now fucking this fertile creature in a steady rhythm.
"Hahh, hnnghh… oohhh my gooh.. ish so biig…."
"Just look at you. You're such a fucking despicable whore. Have you already forgotten about your faggot son upstairs? What would he think, seeing you like this?"
"nooo… mmgnnhh…"
"Oh, that's right. You are thinking about him! You are thinking about how laughably tiny his dick is, what a failure of a man he is compared to me. He's such a sissy faggot! Don't you think so too?"
"shtoopp… mnnghh… aghh…"
"Maybe I should just knock you up, get you pregnant, so that you get another chance of actually putting a something worthwhile into this world!"
She couldn't believe what he was saying. It was so terrible, but the dicking he was giving her was so good, and it was all so hot…
As Luke slammed into her fertile pussy, her fat tits bounced around and had already escaped the bra that was imprisoning them. Luke grabbed her hair with one hand and slammed her face down into the armrest of the chair she was in. She didn't really resist.
Luke's brutal words of humiliation slowed down and turned into deep, masculine grunts when she noticed the sounds of fabric being torn apart. He was ripping off her skirt, driving his nails into the piece of clothing and tearing it into shreds! Marianne could barely think straight, so she wasn't bothered by it and instead let out more moans as her face was forcefully pushed more into the soft padding of the armrest.
"I know you're loving this, fucking slut. And you also know how superior I am to your faggot son. So go on, say it. Tell me what you think about your little sissy son! Say it, mommy!"
"M-Mickey is… hahh… mmnghhhmpphhh…. Mickey is a s-sweet b-boy, and…"
"Say it, you fucking whore. Say it as I'm fucking your pussy with my huge manly cock! Tell us what you really think about Mickey!". Us?
This was the breaking point.
"He's… she's… such a disappointment! Her cock is so small it's barely even visible, it's true! Whenever I saw it, I couldn't believe how pathetic it was! She's such a faggot sissy that could never compete against you, master! I should start dressing her in skirts so that she can maybe at least please some other men! She's so fucking worthless!"
Luke's grunts became even louder, and so did the smacking of wet flesh slapping against each other. As Luke was drilling the entirety of his massive white cock into her puffed up soaking pussy, his massive balls followed the momentum and slapped onto her clit, driving her insane. His muscular arm kept her face in place so that she couldn't see anything but the padding of the chair. Her moans had practically turned into screaming as that incredible bliss filled up the entirety of her mind. Without even being prompted by Luke, Marianne then went on.
"I'm… your mommy! I'm your mommy and I will milk your huge fucking cock every day! You are my new, actual son! MMHhahhh!! Please, keep on fucking me! Go on and fuck mommy, my sweetheart! Maybe you should even fuck my daughter, too, so she can know what a real man feels like!"
Luke was laughing. He had completely broken her. But that was not the only reason he was laughing…
"Did you hear all that, you fucking faggot? My mommy thinks you're a complete sissy! And how could she think anything else? Hahaha!!"
Marianne was confused for a second, what was he talking about? But then the dreadful realization and only logical conclusion hit her. Since Luke's grip on her head had loosened and allowed her to move her head again, she looked up, facing the stairs. And there he was. Her sweet, innocent Mickey!
"Oh, Mickey, no, this is not what you think, it's, mmghh… no.. I can exp-"
"Do you think I'm a girl..? Why are you saying this?" Mickey murmured.
"Yep, that's what she's saying! Do you like this, fag? Do you like the sight of your bully fucking your mommy? I told you I'd do it!"
"I- I don't know…" he replied.
"Oh sweetie, no…" moaned Marianne. After all, Luke was still hammering into her with all his might.
"Come here, come closer, Nikki. That's right, that's your new name, Nikki! A total faggot shouldn't have a boy's name, so from now on you'll be called Nikki!"
Nikki followed Luke's orders, slowly approaching the two. His mother was still a moaning mess, her tongue flopping out of her face as the force of each thrust shook her entire body. This entire sight and all the sounds coming from it made Nikki feel weird. Why was this happening?
"Alright, now pull down your pants. Go on, do it you fucking faggot! Show us your little shrimp dick, Nikki!"
Nikki was still scared, but when his eyes travelled to his mother to look for approval, even she said it.
"Hah… mmnghh mphh.. go on sweetie, show mommy…"
And so he lowered his jeans, pulled down his tight underwear, revealing… a huge disappointment. His "penis" was so small, and it even was erect! Despite having a full hard-on, it was still only about four centimeters.
"Hahaha!! What do you think, mommy? What do you think of your fucking faggot of a daughter's cock? Does it compare to mine?"
Marianne's mind was completely broken.
"Mmmmmpphh~~~…. It's so fucking small! It's just like your dad's! It's a miracle he even managed to knock me up… sex with him was so boring! Oh Nikki, your cock is so fucking small, but at least you can now accept your new role in life as a cock-gobbling faggot slut! I can't believe I've raised such a disappointing sissy…"
As Nikki listened to his own mother's comments about her, her fingers moved towards her genitals, and before she knew it, she was using two fingers to rub her erect penis. She didn't know why, but it felt right.
"That's right, sweetie, give in! Give in to the power of a superior man! MMnnnghhh..!!!"
The display of having an entire family fully submit to him and his superiority finally drove Luke to his climax. He drove his hands into the abundance of Marianne's ass-meat, let out an incredibly deep grunt, and dedicated his full concentration to pump this whore full of his cum. He kept pumping for half a minute before his spurts of sperm stopped. Marianne was screaming of pure bliss throughout it all, and Nikki kept jerking herself off as she watched the spectacle unfold before her eyes. It just all made perfect sense! This was her calling, to be a pathetic sissy femboy, to watch her own mother get fucked brutally by the very boy who had bullied her every single day. It felt good to give in, to accept her inferior role and to jerk off her little cock. Her instincts made her pull out her tongue as far as she could, and while one hand kept rubbing her little clit dick, the other went on to twist and pinch her own puffy nipples.
"M-Mommy, ahh, can I… go next..?"
But mommy didn't answer. Her brain was still busy dealing with the otherworldly feelings of pure bliss she was feeling, and just gasped for air as Luke finally pulled out his fat cock out of her pussy, which was now overfilled with fertile cum.
"Oh, you're such a greedy little faggot! I just knocked up your whore of a mother, and you're asking to receive the same?" Luke couldn't help but laugh. He too was gasping for air, and as he looked down at his cock and that deliciously puffed up pussy he had just fertilized, he got an idea. He picked up the broken mess that was Marianne and rotated her in the chair, so that she would lie on her back, her two thick legs dangling over the armrest, facing the wimpy sissy.
"Go on, have a taste."
Nikki was surprised, but she quickly did as she was told!
"Y-Yes master, thank you!"
Nikki had removed all of her clothing by now, and after she received her order from Luke, she hastily took a few steps forward and was standing right in front of her mess of a mother. Placing her two small hands on the hips of her much wider mother, she took a look at the miracle before her eyes and hesitated for a second. But as soon as the overwhelming smell of her mother's pussy juices mixed with the virile cum of her bully struck her nose, she immediately planted her face on her vagina and started licking. She licked the outside, then pushed her tongue inside her warm pussy, sucking up as much cum as she could, moaning in a girly voice.
"I-It's so good! It's so delicious and warm! Mommy, please, I want more!"
"Oh, Nikki, you are such a little slut!" she moaned as Nikki was eating her out.
"Please, mommy, I want our master to fuck my little pussy too! I am such a pathetic sissy faggot, I just want to have his penis inside of me!"
Marianne reached out her hand and put it behind Nikki's head, forcing her deeper into her own pussy.
Since the two broken cocksluts were too busy trying to process the mind-breaking bliss, none of them noticed Luke getting up and repositioning himself. It was only when Nikki felt his warm hands placed on her thin hips that they noticed their master again.
"Well, it's time to make a real girl out of you! Take my fucking dick, you pathetic slut!"
Nikki screamed when Luke inserted his rod into her. It hurt, but it also felt liberating. Finally, Nikki would become a real girl!
"M-Mommy, look! Ahh, ahh, mmghhh, look, Master is fucking my boypussy! Look at me, I'm such a whore! I could've never been able to satisfy any woman in my life, so I went ahead and became one myself! I know mommy hated me for being such a retarded fag sissy all my life, but now we can please this superior cock together, mommy!"
Luke kept pounding Nikki's impossibly tight asshole, grabbing her waist and making sure to put enough power into every thrust so that dig her face would dig deeper into Marianne's pussy.
"You're such a good little slut, Nikki! Finally, you made mommy proud! Mnngghhhh, mmphh, go on, Luke, show this fucking faggot what a real man looks like!" her screaming continued.
"Look at you two, you're so pathetic. I completely broke your minds just by shoving my dick down your holes, haha!
As he continued fucking the femboy's tight asshole, he noticed a framed picture on the coffee table next to them. It was a photograph of Marianne in her younger days, with a man that Luke assumed to be her late husband.
"I'm sure your dead husband must be real proud of you. Imagine if he saw you, slobbering over a superior cock, completely breaking your family apart, hahaha!"
"Mmhh, yeshh!! I'm so happy he's dead, he could never please us the way you could!"
"Oh mommy, you are such a whore! Ahh, hnnggh, I'm glad dad was such a pathetic man too, thanks to him I could become a true slut for big white cock! Please, Luke, keep bullying me and fucking my tight little asshole! Please give me all of your deliciously manly cum! Pleaseee!!"
It was Nikki's pathetic begging that finally made Luke bust another fat nut inside of her tight asshole. While he was still pumping hot cum inside of her, he pulled his cumming cock out of the hole and spurted out some roped all across Nikki's back and onto Marianne's fat milkers.
"Yessshh!!!!" they moaned in unison, greedily licking for their freshly served cum, eventually licking each others lips to exchange the hot liquid, resulting in sloppy kisses.
"Oh, honey, you are such a natural cum dumpster! What took you so long to accept your role as a stupid submissive girl? Finally, I don't feel complete shame when I look at you! You were a fucking disgrace of a son, but your role as a female suits you well, nnghh…" Marianne said, as she wiped some cum off of Nikki's eyebrow and placing the finger in her own mouth to savor the taste.
"M-Mommy, Luke's cum tastes so good! And you are such a stupid slut, too!" His eyes wandered down to her mother's huge tits. "One day, I'll have such fat cow milkers too! And then we can please white cock together!"
When Nikki was done admiring her mother's fertile slut body, she turned around and seemingly lunged towards Luke's cock, which had softened up after his intense orgasm.
"Master, let me clean your balls! Mnnghh, they smell so good! And they are so big!"
Luke couldn't stop laughing. "Alright, alright, calm down you stupid faggot. I gotta go home now, but I'll be paying you daily visits from now on."
The two broken cocksluts were now quiet and looked at Luke with disappointed faces.
"Hey, sissyboy, make sure to come to school in appropriate clothing this Monday. If you show up in a skirt, I'll allow you to milk my cock in between lessons. After all, that's your only purpose in life now!"
"Y-Yes daddy! I'm so lucky to have a strong man in my life like you! Mommy will be so jealous when she finds out how much of your cum I will eat throughout the weekdays!"
They both laughed and resumed licking each other for any remains of their master's cum. Luke felt like a king as he put his clothes back on and left the house without saying anything. Maybe he should start bullying more kids, he thought.