Chapter 4: The Stag, The Lioness and The Imp

Chapter 4: The Stag, The Lionesand, And The Imp 2

…Chapter Start





King's Landing (297 AC)

The rays of dawn would find their way through the window of Daemon's room causing his eyes to tighten with him making muffles under his breath.

A hand would have been raised to cover his face from the rays as he begrudgingly got up from his bed wearing only his trousers and a plain white shirt. A new day was upon him and he should make the most of it.

Quickly going through the motions of cleaning himself and putting on his black with black lion sigil over the heart made his way towards the kitchen to break his fast.

On his way to the kitchen keep, however, he would have run into his father, his long golden hair seemingly ruffled, unlike its usual straightened length. Daemon looked at his father who had a look of worry and tiredness.

Perhaps he had some duties that were worrying or was it just plain tiredness? The thought ran across his mind but he didn't think too much of it—before going up to his father.

"You look tired father," Daemon commented. "Ohh, it's nothing, Daemon—where did you run off to yesterday?" Jamie responded as they continued their walk to the kitchen.

"To the stables to take care of your horse, I am your squire still father." He replied his usual playfulness watered down because he wasn't a morning person. "What did the queen want with you yesterday?" He asked.

"...Nothing much—she only wanted to chat…we are Siblings after all." He responded. "Y'know, she did speak about you, Daemon," Jamie said before slowing down.

The door was a couple of paces before them, but for some reason, Jamie slowed down in his steps—which Daemon sighed because he knew what was coming.

"And?" He asked. "She heard about you were around Tommen and Myrcella, Then asked me why I didn't send you away-" He was then cut off by Daemon, "I always wondered what I did to earn the ire of Her Grace—well, it was to be expected because of that incident." He said but continued.

"But sometimes…I feel like it's something else, Father." He said quietly.

For as long as he could remember, the queen always…had contempt for him when he was younger, albeit not to the point like the hate she has for Tyrion but after the incident with Joffrey…he kind of wished she kept that way.

Jamie looked at him before outright stopping, putting a hand on his shoulder, and turning him to face him before speaking.

"I won't lie, Daemon. The Queen…is a spiteful lady, a shame as she is my sister and your aunt, but she still cares for you as a family even though it may not look like it, but trust me, she does." Jamie said.

"Aye, father…whatever you say." Daemon, not wanting to argue early in the morning, would just agree, causing Jamie to smile sadly at him before patting his shoulder and gesturing for them to walk.

Pushing open the door to the hall, they would be met with the servants moving along, setting food in various areas, and shuffling about.

"BRING ME MORE WINE WILL YA!!" A boisterous sound bellowed throughout the hall as a golden hair squire moved with haste.

"His grace seems to be drinking this early," Daemon commented. "Aye, not one hour goes and he doesn't drink," Jamie replied quietly.

Daemon looked at the visage of the king—black hair reminiscent of his own, chubby face that had a beard making him intimating, which goes in hand with his height, even when sitting at the height of the king was visible, that and his…figure.

'And they say he was muscular when he was younger? He really let himself go.' Naturally, Daemon wouldn't say this aloud, or else he would lose his head.

Beside him seated the Queen—Cersei Lannister, a strikingly beautiful woman who had golden blonde hair, a trait shared amongst most Lannisters, along with green eyes. The Queen was tall and slender with her curves being visible even while wearing her dress while seated.

Her eyes seemed to have met Jamie's and then…switched on him and Daemon swore he saw them darkened before switching them back on his Father.

'Let's just get some food, it's probably nothing.' He said before moving over to the various dishes that were placed on a table.

Jamie's Pov

'There he goes.' He said internally watching Daemon leave his side.

Seeing him leave, he would go up to his sister, who was gesturing for him with a nod, sighing internally, preparing for the announcement of his god-forsaken title—'Kingslayer' from the King's mouth.

"Ahh—Kingslayer! Fare tell what business you have?" Robert asked, his voice heavy with power. "Nothing Your Grace, just greeting my sister, the queen," Jamie replied curtly.

"Is that so, eh? Why don't we all have a family dinner? Then we are bound by blood, aren't we, Kingslayer?" Robert said before drinking the wine in his cup, and then Cersei interjected, "That is a good idea, dear husband." Jamie inhaled quietly.

"Speaking of family—where is your boy, Kingslayer? I was always fond of his skills. He should join-" He was then cut off by a sharp reply from the queen at his side. "No, I will not allow the bastard to sit and dine with us-" but she was cut off by Robert.

"I AM THE KING! IF I SAY HE IS TO HE SHALL!" His hand slammed on the table causing the dishes and cups to jump even though momentarily. This caused Cersei to quiet down and stare at Robert angrily.

Jamie even found himself glaring at Cersei for a second before returning to a blank expression. The room seemed to have eyes staring at the Royal Family and Jamie Lannister before returning to their plates.

"Now, where is your boy, Kingslayer? Fetch him and bring-" he was then cut off by the sound of a glass breaking and a crowd being formed. "Now what the hell-" He said.

Daemon's Pov

Leaving his father's side and reaching the table, he quickly grabbed a plate before going over his choices, grabbing some eggs, bread, and sausages, and sitting down at an empty table.

Unaware of what was happening with his father and the king, he was seated at a table far away from the king and his family, something that was made sure to be inserted in his head by the queen.

Daemon started to break his fast but heard the voice of his uncle who had entered with a plate of eggs and bread and was about to break his fast but seemed to have red eyes.

"Hangover?" Daemon asked. "Hangover," Tyrion answered, causing him to laugh, "That happens when you spend a day in a whore house, uncle," Daemon replied. 

"Ahh yes, laugh at my dispense," Tyrion said before taking a bite of his bread. "So where is your father?" He asked. "At the Queen's table most likely," Daemon replied.

"Mhm, and you sit here by yourself?" He asked, causing Daemon to nod and reply, "The Queen doesn't want me in her sight I believe." Tyrion then nods in understanding before continuing to eat.

"You know-" Tyrion was cut off by a golden-haired Lannister walking up to them—Tyrion's and Daemon's cousin—Lancel.

"Imp, Bastard," Lancel said, causing Tyrion to roll his eyes while Daemon closed his eyes and inhaled before replying.

"Fuck off, Lancel, go serve the king his wine. I'm not in the mood." Daemon said, looking up at Lancel, who responded, "Don't tell me what to do, bastard." He said now taunting Daemon.

"Don't," Tyrion said which Daemon would heed to taking a bite of the sausage.

"You know, I always wondered how come all Lannisters have golden hair, and you black—it makes the question, are you really Ser Jamie's son? The common trait lost on you; I wonder why he never questioned it that you were another man's child. Your mother was a whore after all." Lancel said which…ticked off Daemon.

Throwing his plate away, causing it to break on the floor, and standing up with a swiftness, causing Lancel to step back in fright.

"Speak about my mother again and lose your tongue, don't think because your lord Kevan's son will save you from what I will do to you." He said now with eyes on them. Lancel seemed to gain a backbone, not eager to lose face.

"Sharp tongue bastard, guess that's something you have in common with your whore of a mother, though both of you use them differently-" and after saying this, Daemon lashed out angrily and punched Lancel in the face.

Lancel fell onto the table, breaking a couple of glasses and plates with his lip bleeding. "Bastard you hit me! I'll have your hand for this!" He shouted before attempting to move towards Daemon.

"Stop this in the name of your king!" A heavy voice fell upon them.





…Chapter Ends