About a Princess

In a lush and vibrant Asian kingdom known as Linhai, lived a beautiful young girl named Mei-Ling. She was a princess from the royal family in Linhai kingdom in ancient Asia.

She was the eldest of three siblings, a bright and curious child with a mischievous spark in her dark almond-shaped eyes and a youthful sprint in her steps.

She spent her days studying the classics, practicing the delicate art of calligraphy and learning the intricacies of court etiquette alongside her younger sister while her brother, the crown prince, underwent military and strategic warfare training.

Her father, the wise and just Emperor Wu, ruled Linhai with kindness and strength, beloved by his people. Her mother, the elegant Empress Lian was a paragon of virtue and beauty renowned for her exquisite taste in art and culture despite her royal upbringing.

As Mei-Ling approached her 18th name-day, her parents began to discuss her future and the topic of marriage became increasingly frequent and prominent. 

And by the order of the Empress, Mei-Ling was made to undergo a new training in Kama Sutra: the art of pleasuring her husband sexually; something she learned with much reluctance.

She was taught how to act coy and shy while displaying her expertise on the subject matter at the same time. The Empress believed that this knowledge would help her daughter consolidate her position in the marriage as she too had also undergone such a training as a young girl in her father's kingdom.

Anytime Mei-Ling went for her Kama Sutra lessons, she always carried Jade along and though Jade wasn't allowed to join the princess in the lessons, she quietly watched and memorized everything and then in the privacy of her room, she would rehearse.

It was customary for royal families to forge alliances through strategic marriages and several marriage proposals had already been received by Mei-Ling's parents for Mei-Ling from neighboring kingdoms.

One proposal in particular caught their attention: an offer from the powerful King Ryujin of the distant kingdom of Akakawa. 

King Ryujin was well known for his ambition and military prowess.

Through strategic alliances, he sought to expand his dominion and he believed that a marriage with the Linhai princess would secure a vital trade route and strengthen his claim to the region. 

Mei-Ling's parents although hesitant at the beginning, eventually agreed to the proposal believing the union would bring prosperity and security to their kingdom. 

Mei-Ling however felt a pang of disappointment and unease. Although while growing up, she was taught about the importance of political marriages in royal families; her heart had always yearned for adventure and freedom.

She had always dreamed of marrying for love not politics and the thought of leaving her family and homeland to marry a total stranger was one which filled her with trepidation and anxiety.

As the betrothal ceremony drew close, Mei-Ling struggled to come to terms with her fate. Even her younger siblings, the crown prince Gi-Hun and princess Mi-Yeong weren't able to offer her much solace because they knew that they too would be offered up as political offerings for the benefit of the kingdom.

Hence Mei-Ling ended up confiding in her closest friend and confidant, her loyal handmaid, Jade, telling her of her fears and anxiety.

Jade had always been Mei-Ling's handmaid from a young age. They had virtually grown up together and Mei-Ling had learnt to put her trust in her over the years.

And although Jade offered up words of comfort and reassurance, Mei-Ling couldn't quite shake off the feeling that her life was about to take a dramatic and irreversible turn. 

On the day of the betrothal ceremony, Mei-Ling stood before the entire court including her parents and King Ryujin's ambassador with a heart filled with heaviness.

As she accepted the betrothal gift: a delicate phoenix, symbolizing her union with King Ryujin, Mei-Ling felt a sense of resignation wash over her. Her fate was sealed; she would soon depart for Akakawa, leaving behind everything she knew and loved. 

As the ceremony ended, Mei-Ling's thoughts turned to the uncertain future ahead and the stranger who would soon become her husband. 

She hardly knew anything about him. Would he be as kind as her father, indifferent or wicked?

This and many other thoughts kept running through her mind as she bid her family a final farewell before stepping into the royal carriage that would take her to her new home.

She was allowed to take a few servants along with her; the only consolation bestowed on her and of course It was a given that she would chose her trusted handmaid Jade to accompany her.

She couldn't imagine going to Akakawa without someone she knew and trusted.

Little did she know that her journey will be fraught with danger, deception and heart break testing her courage, wit and spirit in ways she never imagined.