Commander Li-Chen entered the room, her expression somber. She bowed low, her eyes fixed on the king.
"Your Majesty, I hate to be a bearer of bad tidings but I bring grave news" She said, her voice laced with remorse "I'm afraid, there are rumors circulating about the queen's..... loyalty"
The king's eyes narrowed, his expression darkening "What are you talking about, Commander?"
Commander Li-Chen hesitated, her eyes darting to Mei-Ling before focusing on the king again "There have been unconfirmed rumors circulating that the queen is a spy sent by her kingdom to spy on ours and also whispers of her sending encrypted messages to unknown parties"
Mei-Ling's heart sank, her mind racing with the implications. She knew she had done nothing wrong but she also knew how easily rumors could easily spread and take hold.
The king's face turned red with anger, his eyes blazing with fury "Who dares to slander the queen?" He thundered.
Commander Li-Chen bowed again, her expression still somber "I'm afraid, it's not just one person, Your Majesty. The rumors are widespread and although we are doing everything to curb them, many people are beginning to doubt the queen's loyalty"
Mei-Ling felt a cold dread creeping up her spine. She had to defend herself or else she'll be charged falsely for treason and put to death.
The king's anger was palpable and with blazing eyes, he turned to Mei-Ling, his voice low and menacing "Is this true, my queen?" He asked with skepticism dripping in his voice. "Were you sent to spy on my kingdom for your father, the Emperor?"
Mei-Ling stood tall with her heart pounding in her chest "I swear on my honor as well as on my father's honor, my king, that I am not a spy and my father didn't send me here as a spy" Mei-Ling said, her voice firm and resolute "I do not know who is spreading these rumors but I assure you, my king, I'm innocent of all accusations"
As he listened to her speech, his expression became unreadable and his eyes searched Mei-Ling's face for any sign of deception. Commander Li-Chen watched the exchange with deep interest .
"Commander, I want an investigation" The king finally said, his voice firm "I want to know who is behind these rumors and why"
Mei-Ling felt slight relief, knowing that the king was willing to listen to her but she also knew that the investigation would be a test of her loyalty and that the consequences would be severe.
The king turned to Commander Li-Chen "I want you to lead the investigation, commander. Find out who are behind these rumors and bring them to justice"
Commander Li-Chen bowed, her expression serious "Yes, Your Majesty. I will leave immediately to begin the investigation"
Mei-Ling watched as the commander turned and left the room, a sense of unease settling in her stomach. Her female instincts made her realize that Commander Li-Chen wasn't her friend, couldn't be trusted and the investigation could be biased.
The king turned to Mei-Ling, his expression softening "I'm sorry you have to be going through all of this, my queen, but I must get to the bottom of these rumors" He said.
Mei-Ling nodded, her heart heavy with emotion "I understand, my king. I just hope that the truth will be revealed"
The king nodded while staring intently at Mei-Ling's face "I will do everything in my power to ensure justice is served"
As the king turned to leave, Mei-Ling called to him "My king, may I ask something?
The king turned back, his expression curious, "Of course, my queen. What is it?"
Mei-Ling took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest "May I be present during the investigation? I wish to ensure that the truth comes out"
The king's expression was unreadable but after a moment of contemplation, he nodded "Very well, my queen. You may be present during the investigation but you must promise to let Commander Li-Chen do her job"
Mei-Ling nodded "I promise, my king. I shall do everything possible to uncover the truth and clear mine and my father's name"
As the king turned to leave once more, Mei-Ling felt a sense of hope rising in her chest. She knew that the investigation would be difficult but she had to do all she could to uncover the truth.
Commander Li-Chen later returned to the throne room after some hours, a solemn expression on her face "Your Majesty, I have some information regarding the investigation"
The king nodded "Proceed, commander"
Commander Li-Chen hesitated, glancing at Mei-Ling before focusing on the king again "It appears that one of the queen's lady-in-waiting, Lady Jade has been acting suspiciously"
Mei-Ling's eyes widened in surprise "Lady Jade? How can that be? She has been with me for years!"
Commander Li-Chen's expression was neutral "I understand that, Your Majesty. However we have reason to believe that Lady Jade may be involved in the rumors spreading about you"
The king's eyes narrowed "Bring Lady Jade to me. I want to question her myself"
Mei-Ling felt a surge of anxiety. She knew that Lady Jade was innocent but she also knew that the king's anger and pride might cloud his judgement.
As Commander Li-Chen turned to leave, Mei-Ling called out to her "Commander, may I speak with Lady Jade before the king questions her?"
Commander Li-Chen hesitated and then nodded, "Very well, Your Majesty but be warned: if Lady Jade is found to be guilty, she will face severe punishment"
Mei-Ling nodded, her heart anxious and heavy with worry. Jade had grown up together with her from a young age and she regarded her more as a sister than a servant.
She was the one who chose Jade to accompany her to Akakawa, her husband's kingdom even when it wasn't compulsory for Jade to follow her. She couldn't just leave Jade to suffer for a crime she didn't commit. She would just have to try and clear her handmaid's name.