
Chapter 5: Bad Memories

Most members of the world population believed that the "special" islands where the [espers] and [mages] were "confined" were created for their safety.

How wrong they were.

The islands, scattered around the world, were concentration camps where non-normal people were confined.

Many world leaders all agreed that [mages] and [espers] should be kept under control, one way or another.

It was difficult for the most dangerous ones to leave the artificial islands without the right connections.

[Fumetsu] was located off the coast of Japan, but despite this, the country prohibited mass movements of people, and that was why several warships and submarines were always positioned to surround the island in a maritime blockade.

Ironically, however, despite the limitations, world governments did not interfere with the internal affairs of those governing these places. Their policy was: "As long as they kill each other, we don't care."

At least that's what was said. Reality often did not reflect the words of the powerful.

"Because of this policy, international crimes are not punished in [Fumetsu], simply because the world does not care. Except when they become public knowledge." (Kohaku)

Hajime remained silent, hearing the first part of Kohaku's explanation; honestly, he had never thought about these things, like the majority of his compatriots.

"I don't understand why you are telling me this." (Hajime)

"You need a clear context to understand our story, Kamijo-san. Anyway, as I was saying, our home—in a way—abandoned to itself, what do you think prevents those in power from committing 'certain actions'?" (Kohaku)

"What do you mean by 'certain actions'?"

"Illegal human experiments."

Hajime flinched slightly; Kohaku's face was so unreadable that the silver-haired teenager could not understand what she was feeling as she said those words.

The same could not be said for Cloe and Kuro; the two, despite the silence they continued to maintain, had physical reactions that were all too clear.

The girl was trembling like a leaf, while the boy was biting his lip so hard that it was bleeding. It was all too clear that the two of them had been victims.

"The central goal of the experiments is to achieve monetary gain that fills the pockets of those who finance them. For example, see Kuro and Cloe? The two of them are half-brothers from their father. Their parent was a great [mage] who died a few decades ago; his genetic code was used to fertilize two different women, in order to give birth to them: [mages] much stronger than average, who would be raised as soldiers or assassins, perfect weapons of war to be used by some country that was ready to pay enough..." (Kohaku)

"Enough! I'm leaving! Cloe, come with me!" (Kuro)

The two kids stood up and left. Neither of them was really ready to face their past; there were things they had seen and endured that they would never truly overcome.

Hajime felt a bit guilty about this, while Kohaku maintained a neutral expression.

"Apologize to them. Sometimes hearing the truth hurts."

"I-I guess..."

"Anyway, let's continue. Cloe and Kuro are two of the many children born from these experiments. As you can imagine, both want revenge for what happened to them. Your stepfather, Mokuro Goto, is one of the first on their list. After all, it was and is impossible that the head of the special police on this island does not know about these dirty secrets; after all, he is the one who truly governs. His word is law for everyone."

"....... And what about you? You've talked a lot about the others but not about yourself."

"You're right, Kamijo-san. I haven't talked about myself. Tell me, does the name Nara mean anything to you?"

The "Nara" who didn't know them?

They were two Japanese scientists who enjoyed worldwide fame. The couple were the leading experts in genetics (husband) and technology (wife).

The couple had a hundred, perhaps even more, researches completed over the course of 20 years, which earned them fame and recognition. They were absolute geniuses.

"If I'm not mistaken, a few years ago it came out that they were involved in illegal research. After losing their prestigious reputation, they committed suicide by driving their car off a cliff, along with their daughter. Or so they say."

"Yeah… you're right, Kamijo-san. That's what they say about the Nara family. But the truth is different."

Hajime saw it coming. Kohaku wouldn't have brought up that name if it weren't to explain something.

"The two spouses, during a trip to our island, had learned about the illegal laboratories I told you about before. They were ready to tell the truth to the authorities, but before they could, they were stopped. With their credibility cast into doubt, no one would have listened to their words… despite that, it was a debt too dangerous to forget."

"They killed them?!"

"Yes, but it was also a suicide in a way. They both knew too well that the moment they got into the car, they wouldn't come out alive, but they did it anyway. And do you want to know why? To save their daughter."

"Impossible!? Wasn't she dead with them?!"

"You're really rude, Kamijo-san. Do I seem like a undeath ?"

It took several seconds of silence before Goto's stepson connected the dots. His breath caught as his eyes widened.

"My parents were geniuses, and they had a lot of money and some extremely loyal friends; it wasn't impossible for them to procure a fake body and pass it off as me..."

"So this is what you all want: revenge!?"

A sharp murderous instinct began to emerge from Kohaku's body; her eyes had turned amber, but her face remained neutral.

A shiver of fear ran down Hajime's spine; he had truly been mistaken: among Cloe, Kuro, and Kohaku, the most dangerous was the latter.

"I want them all dead!!!!! I want to see what they worked so hard for destroyed at their feet!!!!! I want them to suffer like the rabid dogs they are!!!!! So yes, Kamijo-san, I want revenge!!!!!! Cloe wants revenge!!!!!! And Kuro wants revenge too!!!"


"The same goes for you! The only difference is that we want to bring down all the [Black Corps] and many others, while you only want Goto!"

Hajime remained silent, unable to speak or think clearly; he wanted answers, but frankly, he was not ready for these truths.

"I want to crush your doubts about certain topics. Come with me."

Like a zombie, the silver-haired teenager followed the hacker to the room where her hacking station was located. A button press was enough to bring various images, files, and reports onto the screens.

"What are these......!?"

"Proof collected by me and some 'friends.'"

"If you have them, why not just..."

"Spread them? Before building a house, Kamijo-san, you need a solid foundation. And it will take years, perhaps more, before ours are ready."

Hajime fell silent once again; now he knew the dark side of his home, and he was disgusted and also a bit frightened.

How many other things didn't he know? How many things had Goto done? And how many [Black Corps]? The island was ruled by monsters, and very few were aware of it.

"Kamijo-san, I am still under the effects of the truth serum, so I can't help but be sincere. You have a very important position; you are Goto's stepson, and even though your relationship is what it is, you can do things that no one else ever could."

"You........haven't told me a lot of things...... you haven't talked to me about your so-called 'friends' who gathered the evidence. You haven't told me where we are and many other things........but one thing is clear to me: you want to topple the government."

"Those are inappropriate words for what we want to do; we want to change the system, to carry out a revolution, so that what we endured is not inflicted again...... you will learn the details when the time comes. Now tell me, Kamijo-san, will you help us?"

Hajime immersed himself in his thoughts; what should he do? 

If he continued alone, he would never beat Goto; he, Kaori, and his mother would never be free.

But if he accepted, what would he be getting into? Everything seemed so shady and dangerous; Kohaku had talked about revolution and revenge, but perhaps a better way to describe what would happen in the future on this island was civil war?

"I-I...... Give me time to think."

"Alright, I want an answer in a week. Sorry for the short deadline, but there are things for which it's not worth waiting. Kuro, it's up to you to take him home."

"Wait, what!?"

The silver-haired boy received yet another blow to the head, sending him into dreamland.

"You've said too much! We should kill him!" (Kuro)

"Hmmm, I wonder how long you'll keep this attitude. It's starting to get annoying."

"You're the one who's annoying! Damn! This is the last time I take this idiot home!"

In the end, Hajime, for the umpteenth time, woke up on a bench near home, with a severe headache.

He knew exactly whom to thank.


The boy reflected on everything that had happened and couldn't help but feel lost.

He didn't know what to do; something inside him was pushing him to accept helping Kuro and his group, not only for revenge against Goto but also to appease himself.

The boy didn't know it yet, but the [Grimoire] within him was guiding him toward the fight.

Whether he wanted it or not, Hajime would find himself, much sooner than anyone could ever imagine, in the midst of a war.